コード例 #1
    public void Draw(Game game, float fov)
        if (SkyTexture == -1)
        int size = 1000;

        if (skymodel == null)
            skymodel = game.platform.CreateModel(SphereModelData.GetSphereModelData(size, size, 20, 20));
        game.Set3dProjection(size * 2, fov);
        game.Set3dProjection(game.zfar(), fov);
コード例 #2
    public ModelData GetSphereModelData2(ModelData data,
                                         GamePlatform platform,
                                         float radius, float height, int segments, int rings,
                                         int[] skyPixels_, int[] glowPixels_,
                                         float sunX, float sunY, float sunZ)
        int i = 0;

        if (data == null)
            data      = new ModelData();
            data.xyz  = new float[rings * segments * 3];
            data.uv   = new float[rings * segments * 2];
            data.rgba = new byte[rings * segments * 4];
            data.SetVerticesCount(segments * rings);
            data.SetIndicesCount(segments * rings * 6);
            data.setIndices(SphereModelData.CalculateElements(radius, height, segments, rings));

        // Load data into a vertex buffer or a display list afterwards.

        for (int y = 0; y < rings; y++)
            float yFloat   = y;
            float phiFloat = (yFloat / (rings - 1)) * Game.GetPi();
            for (int x = 0; x < segments; x++)
                float xFloat = x;
                float theta  = (xFloat / (segments - 1)) * 2 * Game.GetPi();
                float vx     = radius * Platform.Sin(phiFloat) * Platform.Cos(theta);
                float vy     = height * Platform.Cos(phiFloat);
                float vz     = radius * Platform.Sin(phiFloat) * Platform.Sin(theta);
                float u      = xFloat / (segments - 1);
                float v      = yFloat / (rings - 1);
                data.xyz[i * 3 + 0] = vx;
                data.xyz[i * 3 + 1] = vy;
                data.xyz[i * 3 + 2] = vz;
                data.uv[i * 2 + 0]  = u;
                data.uv[i * 2 + 1]  = v;

                float vertexLength      = platform.MathSqrt(vx * vx + vy * vy + vz * vz);
                float vertexXNormalized = vx / vertexLength;
                float vertexYNormalized = vy / vertexLength;
                float vertexZNormalized = vz / vertexLength;

                float sunLength = platform.MathSqrt(sunX * sunX + sunY * sunY + sunZ * sunZ);
                if (sunLength == 0)
                    sunLength = 1;
                float sunXNormalized = sunX / sunLength;
                float sunYNormalized = sunY / sunLength;
                float sunZNormalized = sunZ / sunLength;

                // Compute the proximity of this fragment to the sun.

                float dx             = vertexXNormalized - sunXNormalized;
                float dy             = vertexYNormalized - sunYNormalized;
                float dz             = vertexZNormalized - sunZNormalized;
                float proximityToSun = 1 - (platform.MathSqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz) / 2);

                // Look up the sky color and glow colors.
                float one = 1;

                int skyColor = Texture2d(platform, skyPixels_, (sunYNormalized + 2) / 4, 1 - ((vertexYNormalized + 1) / 2));

                float skyColorA = one * Game.ColorA(skyColor) / 255;
                float skyColorR = one * Game.ColorR(skyColor) / 255;
                float skyColorG = one * Game.ColorG(skyColor) / 255;
                float skyColorB = one * Game.ColorB(skyColor) / 255;

                int   glowColor  = Texture2d(platform, glowPixels_, (sunYNormalized + one) / 2, 1 - proximityToSun);
                float glowColorA = one * Game.ColorA(glowColor) / 255;
                float glowColorR = one * Game.ColorR(glowColor) / 255;
                float glowColorG = one * Game.ColorG(glowColor) / 255;
                float glowColorB = one * Game.ColorB(glowColor) / 255;

                // Combine the color and glow giving the pixel value.
                float colorR = skyColorR + glowColorR * glowColorA;
                float colorG = skyColorG + glowColorG * glowColorA;
                float colorB = skyColorB + glowColorB * glowColorA;
                float colorA = skyColorA;

                if (colorR > 1)
                    colorR = 1;
                if (colorG > 1)
                    colorG = 1;
                if (colorB > 1)
                    colorB = 1;
                if (colorA > 1)
                    colorA = 1;

                data.rgba[i * 4 + 0] = Game.IntToByte(platform.FloatToInt(colorR * 255));
                data.rgba[i * 4 + 1] = Game.IntToByte(platform.FloatToInt(colorG * 255));
                data.rgba[i * 4 + 2] = Game.IntToByte(platform.FloatToInt(colorB * 255));
                data.rgba[i * 4 + 3] = Game.IntToByte(platform.FloatToInt(colorA * 255));