private static void EventSink_Login(LoginEventArgs args) { if (!CentralMemory.Running || !CSS.Running) { return; } Mobile m = args.Mobile; IconsModule im = (IconsModule)CentralMemory.GetModule(m.Serial, typeof(IconsModule)); if (im == null) { return; } IconsModule imRemove = new IconsModule(m.Serial); foreach (KeyValuePair <Type, IconInfo> kvp in im.Icons) { IconInfo ii = kvp.Value; if (ii == null) { imRemove.Add(ii); continue; } if (ii.SpellType == null || ii.School == School.Invalid) { imRemove.Add(ii); continue; } if (SpellRestrictions.UseRestrictions && !SpellRestrictions.CheckRestrictions(m, ii.School)) { imRemove.Add(ii); continue; } m.SendGump(new SpellIconGump(ii)); } if (im.Icons.Count > 0) { CentralMemory.AppendModule(m.Serial, (Module)imRemove, true); } }
public override void OnDoubleClick(Mobile from) { if (from.AccessLevel == AccessLevel.Player) { Container pack = from.Backpack; if (!(Parent == from || (pack != null && Parent == pack))) { from.SendMessage("O livro deve estar na sua mochila para ser aberto. Não pode estar dentro de outro container."); return; } else if (SpellRestrictions.UseRestrictions && !SpellRestrictions.CheckRestrictions(from, this.School)) { return; } } from.CloseGump(typeof(SeminaristaSpellbookGump)); from.SendGump(new SeminaristaSpellbookGump(this)); }
public override void OnDoubleClick(Mobile from) { if (from.AccessLevel == AccessLevel.Player) { Container pack = from.Backpack; if (!(Parent == from || (pack != null && Parent == pack))) { from.SendMessage("The spellbook must be in your backpack [and not in a container within] to open."); return; } else if (SpellRestrictions.UseRestrictions && !SpellRestrictions.CheckRestrictions(from, this.School)) { return; } } from.CloseGump(typeof(RangerSpellbookGump)); from.SendGump(new RangerSpellbookGump(this)); }