コード例 #1
ファイル: RunStatus.cs プロジェクト: floatas/SpeedrunComSharp
        public static RunStatus Parse(SpeedrunComClient client, dynamic statusElement)
            var status = new RunStatus();

            var properties = statusElement.Properties as IDictionary<string, dynamic>;

            status.Type = ParseType(statusElement.status as string);

            if (status.Type == RunStatusType.Rejected
                || status.Type == RunStatusType.Verified)
                status.ExaminerUserID = statusElement.examiner as string;
                status.examiner = new Lazy<User>(() => client.Users.GetUser(status.ExaminerUserID));

                if (status.Type == RunStatusType.Verified)
                    var date = properties["verify-date"] as string;
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(date))
                        status.VerifyDate = DateTime.Parse(date, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, DateTimeStyles.AssumeUniversal);
                status.examiner = new Lazy<User>(() => null);

            if (status.Type == RunStatusType.Rejected)
                status.Reason = statusElement.reason as string;

            return status;
コード例 #2
        public static UserNameStyle Parse(SpeedrunComClient client, dynamic styleElement)
            var style = new UserNameStyle();

            style.IsGradient = styleElement.style == "gradient";

            if (style.IsGradient)
                var properties = styleElement.Properties as IDictionary<string, dynamic>;
                var colorFrom = properties["color-from"];
                var colorTo = properties["color-to"];

                style.LightGradientStartColorCode = colorFrom.light as string;
                style.LightGradientEndColorCode = colorTo.light as string;
                style.DarkGradientStartColorCode = colorFrom.dark as string;
                style.DarkGradientEndColorCode = colorTo.dark as string;
                style.LightSolidColorCode = styleElement.color.light as string;
                style.DarkSolidColorCode = styleElement.color.dark as string;

            return style;
コード例 #3
ファイル: Record.cs プロジェクト: floatas/SpeedrunComSharp
        public static new Record Parse(SpeedrunComClient client, dynamic recordElement)
            var record = new Record();

            record.Rank = recordElement.place;

            //Parse potential embeds

            var properties = recordElement.Properties as IDictionary<string, dynamic>;

            if (properties.ContainsKey("game"))
                recordElement.run.game = recordElement.game;
            if (properties.ContainsKey("category"))
                recordElement.run.category = recordElement.category;
            if (properties.ContainsKey("level"))
                recordElement.run.level = recordElement.level;
            if (properties.ContainsKey("players"))
                recordElement.run.players = recordElement.players;
            if (properties.ContainsKey("region"))
                recordElement.run.region = recordElement.region;
            if (properties.ContainsKey("platform"))
                recordElement.run.platform = recordElement.platform;

            Run.Parse(record, client, recordElement.run);

            return record;
コード例 #4
ファイル: RunSystem.cs プロジェクト: floatas/SpeedrunComSharp
        public static RunSystem Parse(SpeedrunComClient client, dynamic systemElement)
            var system = new RunSystem();

            system.IsEmulated = (bool)systemElement.emulated;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(systemElement.platform as string))
                system.PlatformID = systemElement.platform as string;
                system.platform = new Lazy<Platform>(() => client.Platforms.GetPlatform(system.PlatformID));
                system.platform = new Lazy<Platform>(() => null);

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(systemElement.region as string))
                system.RegionID = systemElement.region as string;
                system.region = new Lazy<Region>(() => client.Regions.GetRegion(system.RegionID));
                system.region = new Lazy<Region>(() => null);

            return system;
コード例 #5
ファイル: Guest.cs プロジェクト: floatas/SpeedrunComSharp
        public static Guest Parse(SpeedrunComClient client, dynamic guestElement)
            var guest = new Guest();

            guest.Name = guestElement.name;
            guest.Runs = client.Runs.GetRuns(guestName: guest.Name);

            return guest;
コード例 #6
ファイル: Players.cs プロジェクト: floatas/SpeedrunComSharp
        public static Players Parse(SpeedrunComClient client, dynamic playersElement)
            var players = new Players();

            players.Value = (int)playersElement.value;
            players.Type = playersElement.type == "exactly" ? PlayersType.Exactly : PlayersType.UpTo;

            return players;
コード例 #7
        public static Notification Parse(SpeedrunComClient client, dynamic notificationElement)
            var notification = new Notification();

            //Parse Attributes

            notification.ID = notificationElement.id as string;
            notification.TimeCreated = DateTime.Parse(notificationElement.created as string, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, DateTimeStyles.AssumeUniversal);
            notification.Status = NotificationStatusHelpers.Parse(notificationElement.status as string);
            notification.Text = notificationElement.text as string;
            notification.Type = NotificationTypeHelpers.Parse(notificationElement.item.rel as string);
            notification.WebLink = new Uri(notificationElement.item.uri as string);

            //Parse Links

            var links = notificationElement.links as IList<dynamic>;

            if (links != null)
                var run = links.FirstOrDefault(x => x.rel == "run");

                if (run != null)
                    var runUri = run.uri as string;
                    notification.RunID = runUri.Substring(runUri.LastIndexOf("/") + 1);

                var game = links.FirstOrDefault(x => x.rel == "game");

                if (game != null)
                    var gameUri = game.uri as string;
                    notification.GameID = gameUri.Substring(gameUri.LastIndexOf("/") + 1);

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(notification.RunID))
                notification.run = new Lazy<Run>(() => client.Runs.GetRun(notification.RunID));
                notification.run = new Lazy<Run>(() => null);

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(notification.GameID))
                notification.game = new Lazy<Game>(() => client.Games.GetGame(notification.GameID));
                notification.game = new Lazy<Game>(() => null);

            return notification;
コード例 #8
ファイル: Country.cs プロジェクト: floatas/SpeedrunComSharp
        public static Country Parse(SpeedrunComClient client, dynamic countryElement)
            var country = new Country();

            country.Code = countryElement.code as string;
            country.Name = countryElement.names.international as string;
            country.JapaneseName = countryElement.names.japanese as string;

            return country;
コード例 #9
        public static CountryRegion Parse(SpeedrunComClient client, dynamic regionElement)
            var region = new CountryRegion();

            region.Code = regionElement.code as string;
            region.Name = regionElement.names.international as string;
            region.JapaneseName = regionElement.names.japanese as string;

            return region;
コード例 #10
        public static GameHeader Parse(SpeedrunComClient client, dynamic gameHeaderElement)
            var gameHeader = new GameHeader();

            gameHeader.ID = gameHeaderElement.id as string;
            gameHeader.Name = gameHeaderElement.names.international as string;
            gameHeader.JapaneseName = gameHeaderElement.names.japanese as string;
            gameHeader.WebLink = new Uri(gameHeaderElement.weblink as string);
            gameHeader.Abbreviation = gameHeaderElement.abbreviation as string;

            return gameHeader;
コード例 #11
ファイル: Moderator.cs プロジェクト: floatas/SpeedrunComSharp
        public static Moderator Parse(SpeedrunComClient client, KeyValuePair<string, dynamic> moderatorElement)
            var moderator = new Moderator();

            moderator.UserID = moderatorElement.Key;
            moderator.Type = moderatorElement.Value as string == "moderator"
                ? ModeratorType.Moderator
                : ModeratorType.SuperModerator;

            moderator.user = new Lazy<User>(() => client.Users.GetUser(moderator.UserID));

            return moderator;
コード例 #12
ファイル: RunVideos.cs プロジェクト: floatas/SpeedrunComSharp
        public static RunVideos Parse(SpeedrunComClient client, dynamic videosElement)
            if (videosElement == null)
                return null;

            var videos = new RunVideos();

            videos.Text = videosElement.text as string;

            videos.Links = client.ParseCollection(videosElement.links, new Func<dynamic, Uri>(parseVideoLink));

            return videos;
コード例 #13
ファイル: Location.cs プロジェクト: floatas/SpeedrunComSharp
        public static Location Parse(SpeedrunComClient client, dynamic locationElement)
            var location = new Location();

            if (locationElement != null)
                location.Country = Country.Parse(client, locationElement.country) as Country;

                if (locationElement.region != null)
                    location.Region = CountryRegion.Parse(client, locationElement.region) as CountryRegion;

            return location;
コード例 #14
        public static ImageAsset Parse(SpeedrunComClient client, dynamic imageElement)
            if (imageElement == null)
                return null;

            var image = new ImageAsset();

            var uri = imageElement.uri as string;
            image.Uri = new Uri(uri);
            image.Width = (int)imageElement.width;
            image.Height = (int)imageElement.height;

            return image;
コード例 #15
        public static VariableValue ParseValueDescriptor(SpeedrunComClient client, KeyValuePair<string, dynamic> valueElement)
            var value = new VariableValue();

            value.VariableID = valueElement.Key;
            value.ID = valueElement.Value as string;

            //Parse Links

            value.variable = new Lazy<Variable>(() => client.Variables.GetVariable(value.VariableID));
            value.value = new Lazy<string>(() => value.Variable.Choices.FirstOrDefault(x => x.ID == value.ID).Value);

            return value;
コード例 #16
ファイル: Level.cs プロジェクト: floatas/SpeedrunComSharp
        public static Level Parse(SpeedrunComClient client, dynamic levelElement)
            if (levelElement is ArrayList)
                return null;

            var level = new Level();

            //Parse Attributes

            level.ID = levelElement.id as string;
            level.Name = levelElement.name as string;
            level.WebLink = new Uri(levelElement.weblink as string);
            level.Rules = levelElement.rules;

            //Parse Links

            var properties = levelElement.Properties as IDictionary<string, dynamic>;
            var links = properties["links"] as IEnumerable<dynamic>;

            var gameUri = links.First(x => x.rel == "game").uri as string;
            level.GameID = gameUri.Substring(gameUri.LastIndexOf('/') + 1);
            level.game = new Lazy<Game>(() => client.Games.GetGame(level.GameID));

            if (properties.ContainsKey("categories"))
                Func<dynamic, Category> categoryParser = x => Category.Parse(client, x) as Category;
                ReadOnlyCollection<Category> categories = client.ParseCollection(levelElement.categories.data, categoryParser);
                level.categories = new Lazy<ReadOnlyCollection<Category>>(() => categories);
                level.categories = new Lazy<ReadOnlyCollection<Category>>(() => client.Levels.GetCategories(level.ID));

            if (properties.ContainsKey("variables"))
                Func<dynamic, Variable> variableParser = x => Variable.Parse(client, x) as Variable;
                ReadOnlyCollection<Variable> variables = client.ParseCollection(levelElement.variables.data, variableParser);
                level.variables = new Lazy<ReadOnlyCollection<Variable>>(() => variables);
                level.variables = new Lazy<ReadOnlyCollection<Variable>>(() => client.Levels.GetVariables(level.ID));

            level.Runs = client.Runs.GetRuns(levelId: level.ID);

            return level;
コード例 #17
        public static VariableValue ParseIDPair(SpeedrunComClient client, Variable variable, KeyValuePair<string, dynamic> valueElement)
            var value = new VariableValue();

            value.VariableID = variable.ID;
            value.ID = valueElement.Key as string;

            //Parse Links

            value.variable = new Lazy<Variable>(() => variable);

            var valueName = valueElement.Value as string;
            value.value = new Lazy<string>(() => valueName);

            return value;
コード例 #18
        public WorldRecordComponent(LiveSplitState state)
            State = state;

            Client = new SpeedrunComClient(userAgent: Updates.UpdateHelper.UserAgent, maxCacheElements: 0);

            RefreshInterval    = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5);
            Cache              = new GraphicsCache();
            TimeFormatter      = new AutomaticPrecisionTimeFormatter();
            LocalTimeFormatter = new RegularTimeFormatter();
            InternalComponent  = new InfoTextComponent("World Record", "-");
            Settings           = new WorldRecordSettings()
                CurrentState = state
コード例 #19
ファイル: Ruleset.cs プロジェクト: floatas/SpeedrunComSharp
        public static Ruleset Parse(SpeedrunComClient client, dynamic rulesetElement)
            var ruleset = new Ruleset();

            var properties = rulesetElement.Properties as IDictionary<string, dynamic>;

            ruleset.ShowMilliseconds = properties["show-milliseconds"];
            ruleset.RequiresVerification = properties["require-verification"];
            ruleset.RequiresVideo = properties["require-video"];

            Func<dynamic, TimingMethod> timingMethodParser = x => TimingMethodHelpers.FromString(x as string);
            ruleset.TimingMethods = client.ParseCollection(properties["run-times"], timingMethodParser);
            ruleset.DefaultTimingMethod = TimingMethodHelpers.FromString(properties["default-time"]);

            ruleset.EmulatorsAllowed = properties["emulators-allowed"];

            return ruleset;
コード例 #20
ファイル: RunTimes.cs プロジェクト: floatas/SpeedrunComSharp
        public static RunTimes Parse(SpeedrunComClient client, dynamic timesElement)
            var times = new RunTimes();

            if (timesElement.primary != null)
                times.Primary = TimeSpan.FromSeconds((double)timesElement.primary_t);

            if (timesElement.realtime != null)
                times.RealTime = TimeSpan.FromSeconds((double)timesElement.realtime_t);

            if (timesElement.realtime_noloads != null)
                times.RealTimeWithoutLoads = TimeSpan.FromSeconds((double)timesElement.realtime_noloads_t);

            if (timesElement.ingame != null)
                times.GameTime = TimeSpan.FromSeconds((double)timesElement.ingame_t);

            return times;
コード例 #21
        public static VariableScope Parse(SpeedrunComClient client, dynamic scopeElement)
            var scope = new VariableScope();

            scope.Type = parseType(scopeElement.type as string);

            if (scope.Type == VariableScopeType.SingleLevel)
                scope.LevelID = scopeElement.level as string;
                scope.level = new Lazy<Level>(() => client.Levels.GetLevel(scope.LevelID));
                scope.level = new Lazy<Level>(() => null);

            return scope;
コード例 #22
ファイル: Region.cs プロジェクト: floatas/SpeedrunComSharp
        public static Region Parse(SpeedrunComClient client, dynamic regionElement)
            if (regionElement is ArrayList)
                return null;

            var region = new Region();

            //Parse Attributes

            region.ID = regionElement.id as string;
            region.Name = regionElement.name as string;

            //Parse Links

            region.Games = client.Games.GetGames(regionId: region.ID);
            region.Runs = client.Runs.GetRuns(regionId: region.ID);

            return region;
コード例 #23
ファイル: Platform.cs プロジェクト: floatas/SpeedrunComSharp
        public static Platform Parse(SpeedrunComClient client, dynamic platformElement)
            if (platformElement is ArrayList)
                return null;

            var platform = new Platform();

            //Parse Attributes

            platform.ID = platformElement.id as string;
            platform.Name = platformElement.name as string;
            platform.YearOfRelease = (int)platformElement.released;

            //Parse Links

            platform.Games = client.Games.GetGames(platformId: platform.ID);
            platform.Runs = client.Runs.GetRuns(platformId: platform.ID);

            return platform;
コード例 #24
ファイル: Player.cs プロジェクト: floatas/SpeedrunComSharp
        public static Player Parse(SpeedrunComClient client, dynamic playerElement)
            var player = new Player();

            var properties = playerElement.Properties as IDictionary<string, dynamic>;

            if (properties.ContainsKey("uri"))
                if (playerElement.rel as string == "user")
                    player.UserID = playerElement.id as string;
                    player.user = new Lazy<User>(() => client.Users.GetUser(player.UserID));
                    player.guest = new Lazy<Guest>(() => null);
                    player.GuestName = playerElement.name as string;
                    player.guest = new Lazy<Guest>(() => client.Guests.GetGuest(player.GuestName));
                    player.user = new Lazy<User>(() => null);
                if (playerElement.rel as string == "user")
                    var user = User.Parse(client, playerElement) as User;
                    player.user = new Lazy<User>(() => user);
                    player.UserID = user.ID;
                    player.guest = new Lazy<Guest>(() => null);
                    var guest = Guest.Parse(client, playerElement) as Guest;
                    player.guest = new Lazy<Guest>(() => guest);
                    player.GuestName = guest.Name;
                    player.user = new Lazy<User>(() => null);

            return player;
コード例 #25
ファイル: Assets.cs プロジェクト: floatas/SpeedrunComSharp
        public static Assets Parse(SpeedrunComClient client, dynamic assetsElement)
            var assets = new Assets();

            var properties = assetsElement.Properties as IDictionary<string, dynamic>;

            assets.Logo = ImageAsset.Parse(client, assetsElement.logo) as ImageAsset;
            assets.CoverTiny = ImageAsset.Parse(client, properties["cover-tiny"]) as ImageAsset;
            assets.CoverSmall = ImageAsset.Parse(client, properties["cover-small"]) as ImageAsset;
            assets.CoverMedium = ImageAsset.Parse(client, properties["cover-medium"]) as ImageAsset;
            assets.CoverLarge = ImageAsset.Parse(client, properties["cover-large"]) as ImageAsset;
            assets.Icon = ImageAsset.Parse(client, assetsElement.icon) as ImageAsset;
            assets.TrophyFirstPlace = ImageAsset.Parse(client, properties["trophy-1st"]) as ImageAsset;
            assets.TrophySecondPlace = ImageAsset.Parse(client, properties["trophy-2nd"]) as ImageAsset;
            assets.TrophyThirdPlace = ImageAsset.Parse(client, properties["trophy-3rd"]) as ImageAsset;
            assets.TrophyFourthPlace = ImageAsset.Parse(client, properties["trophy-4th"]) as ImageAsset;
            assets.BackgroundImage = ImageAsset.Parse(client, assetsElement.background) as ImageAsset;
            assets.ForegroundImage = ImageAsset.Parse(client, assetsElement.foreground) as ImageAsset;

            return assets;
コード例 #26
ファイル: SpeedrunCom.cs プロジェクト: Linkviii/LiveSplit
 static SpeedrunCom()
     Client = new SpeedrunComClient("LiveSplit/" + Updates.UpdateHelper.Version, ShareSettings.Default.SpeedrunComAccessToken);
コード例 #27
 public RunsClient(SpeedrunComClient baseClient)
     this.baseClient = baseClient;
コード例 #28
        private string GetWR(string game, bool isCurrent, string category, string level, Dictionary <string, string> subcategories, Dictionary <string, string> variables)
                SetParameters(ref isCurrent, ref category, ref level, ref subcategories, ref variables);

                if (game == "")
                    return("No game provided");

                var srSearch = new SpeedrunComClient();
                var srGame   = srSearch.Games.SearchGame(game);
                if (srGame == null)
                    return("No game was found");
                    //Levels generally have different category, so they need a seperate look up
                    if (level != "")
                        Category srCategory;
                        if (category == "")
                            srCategory = srGame.LevelCategories.ElementAt(0);
                            srCategory = srGame.LevelCategories.FirstOrDefault(cat => cat.Name.ToLower().StartsWith(category.ToLower()));

                        if (srCategory == null)
                            return("No category was found");

                        var srLevel = srGame.Levels.FirstOrDefault(lvl => lvl.Name.ToLower().StartsWith(level.ToLower()));
                        if (srLevel == null)
                            return("No level was found");

                        //Haven't tested this for levels
                        List <VariableValue> lookVariable = GetVariablesForLevel(ref subcategories, ref variables, ref srCategory, ref srLevel);

                        var leaderboard = srSearch.Leaderboards.GetLeaderboardForLevel(srGame.ID, srLevel.ID, srCategory.ID, variableFilters: lookVariable);

                        if (leaderboard.Records.Count > 0)
                            var    record  = leaderboard.Records[0];
                            string runners = "";
                            if (record.Players.Count > 1)
                                for (int i = 0; i < record.Players.Count - 1; i++)
                                    runners += record.Players[i].Name + ", ";
                                runners += record.Players[record.Players.Count - 1].Name;
                                runners = record.Player.Name;

                            return(string.Format("{0} - Level: {1} WR ({2}) is {3} by {4} - {5}",
                                                 srGame.Name, srLevel.Name,
                            return(string.Format("No records were found! - {0}", leaderboard.WebLink));
                    //Full-game run
                        Category srCategory;
                        if (category == "")
                            srCategory = srGame.FullGameCategories.ElementAt(0);
                            srCategory = srGame.FullGameCategories.FirstOrDefault(cat => cat.Name.ToLower().StartsWith(category.ToLower()));

                        if (srCategory == null)
                            return("No category was found");

                        List <VariableValue> lookVariable = GetVariablesForFullGameCategory(ref subcategories, ref variables, ref srCategory);

                        var leaderboard = srSearch.Leaderboards.GetLeaderboardForFullGameCategory(srGame.ID, srCategory.ID, variableFilters: lookVariable);

                        if (leaderboard.Records.Count > 0)
                            var    record  = leaderboard.Records[0];
                            string runners = "";
                            if (record.Players.Count > 1)
                                for (int i = 0; i < record.Players.Count - 1; i++)
                                    runners += record.Players[i].Name + ", ";
                                runners += record.Players[record.Players.Count - 1].Name;
                                runners = record.Player.Name;

                            return(string.Format("{0} ({1}) record is {2} by {3} - {4}",
                            return("Leaderboard doesn't have any records! " + leaderboard.WebLink);
            catch (Exception e)
                return("Error looking for a game on speedrun.com.");
コード例 #29
        private string GetPB(string game, bool isCurrentGame, string category, string level, Dictionary <string, string> subcategories, Dictionary <string, string> variables)
                SetParameters(ref isCurrentGame, ref category, ref level, ref subcategories, ref variables);

                var srSearch = new SpeedrunComClient();
                var srGame   = srSearch.Games.SearchGame(game);

                if (srGame == null)
                    return("No game was found");
                    //Levels generally have different category, so they need a seperate look up
                    if (level != "")
                        Category srCategory;
                        if (category == "")
                            srCategory = srGame.LevelCategories.ElementAt(0);
                            srCategory = srGame.LevelCategories.FirstOrDefault(cat => cat.Name.ToLower().StartsWith(category.ToLower()));

                        if (srCategory == null)
                            return("No category was found");

                        var srLevel = srGame.Levels.FirstOrDefault(lvl => lvl.Name.ToLower().StartsWith(level.ToLower()));
                        if (srLevel == null)
                            return("No level was found");

                        var pbs = srSearch.Users.GetPersonalBests(Speedrunusername, gameId: srGame.ID);

                        var levelPBs = pbs.Where(x => x.LevelID == srLevel.ID);
                        if (levelPBs.Count() > 0)
                            var SRVariables = GetVariablesForLevel(ref subcategories, ref variables, ref srCategory, ref srLevel);

                            var bestPBsInCategory = levelPBs.Where(x => x.Category.ID == srCategory.ID);
                            if (SRVariables != null)
                                for (int i = 0; i < SRVariables.Count; i++)
                                    bestPBsInCategory = bestPBsInCategory.Where(x => x.VariableValues.Contains(SRVariables[i]));

                            var bestPBInCategory = bestPBsInCategory.FirstOrDefault();

                            if (bestPBInCategory != null)
                                return(string.Format("Streamer\'s PB for {0} ({1}) in level \"{2}\" is {3} - {4}", srGame.Name, srCategory.Name, srLevel.Name, bestPBInCategory.Times.Primary.ToString(), bestPBInCategory.WebLink));
                                return(string.Format("No PB in category {0} for level {1} was found.", srCategory.Name, srLevel.Name));
                            return("No PBs found for this level");
                    else                                         //Full-game run
                        Category srCategory;
                        if (category == "")
                            srCategory = srGame.FullGameCategories.ElementAt(0);
                            srCategory = srGame.FullGameCategories.FirstOrDefault(cat => cat.Name.ToLower().StartsWith(category.ToLower()));

                        if (srCategory == null)
                            return("No category was found");

                        var pbs = srSearch.Users.GetPersonalBests(Speedrunusername, gameId: srGame.ID);

                        if (pbs.Count > 0)
                            var SRVariables = GetVariablesForFullGameCategory(ref subcategories, ref variables, ref srCategory);

                            var bestPBsInCategory = pbs.Where(x => x.Category.ID == srCategory.ID);
                            if (SRVariables != null)
                                for (int i = 0; i < SRVariables.Count; i++)
                                    bestPBsInCategory = bestPBsInCategory.Where(x => x.VariableValues.Contains(SRVariables[i]));

                            if (bestPBsInCategory.Count() > 0)
                                return(string.Format("Streamer\'s PB for {0} ({1}) is {2} - {3}",
                                return("Stremer doesn\'t seem to have any PBs in category " + srCategory.Name);
                            return("Streamer doesn\'t have any PBs in this game.");
            catch (Exception e)
                return("Error looking for a game on speedrun.com");
コード例 #30
 public CategoriesClient(SpeedrunComClient baseClient)
     this.baseClient = baseClient;
コード例 #31
ファイル: SpeedrunCom.cs プロジェクト: zoton2/LiveSplit
 static SpeedrunCom()
     Client = new SpeedrunComClient("LiveSplit/" + Updates.UpdateHelper.Version, ShareSettings.Default.SpeedrunComAccessToken);
コード例 #32
 public LevelsClient(SpeedrunComClient baseClient)
     this.baseClient = baseClient;
コード例 #33
 public SeriesClient(SpeedrunComClient baseClient)
     this.baseClient = baseClient;
コード例 #34
 static SpeedrunCom()
     Client = new SpeedrunComClient(Updates.UpdateHelper.UserAgent, WebCredentials.SpeedrunComAccessToken);
コード例 #35
 static SpeedrunCom()
     Client = new SpeedrunComClient(Updates.UpdateHelper.UserAgent, ShareSettings.Default.SpeedrunComAccessToken);
コード例 #36
ファイル: Game.cs プロジェクト: floatas/SpeedrunComSharp
        public static Game Parse(SpeedrunComClient client, dynamic gameElement)
            var game = new Game();

            //Parse Attributes

            game.Header = GameHeader.Parse(client, gameElement);
            game.YearOfRelease = gameElement.released;
            game.Ruleset = Ruleset.Parse(client, gameElement.ruleset);

            game.IsRomHack = gameElement.romhack;

            var created = gameElement.created as string;
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(created))
                game.CreationDate = DateTime.Parse(created, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, DateTimeStyles.AssumeUniversal);

            game.Assets = Assets.Parse(client, gameElement.assets);

            //Parse Embeds

            var properties = gameElement.Properties as IDictionary<string, dynamic>;

            if (gameElement.moderators is DynamicJsonObject && gameElement.moderators.Properties.ContainsKey("data"))
                Func<dynamic, User> userParser = x => User.Parse(client, x) as User;
                ReadOnlyCollection<User> users = client.ParseCollection(gameElement.moderators.data, userParser);
                game.moderatorUsers = new Lazy<ReadOnlyCollection<User>>(() => users);
            else if (gameElement.moderators is DynamicJsonObject)
                var moderatorsProperties = gameElement.moderators.Properties as IDictionary<string, dynamic>;
                game.Moderators = moderatorsProperties.Select(x => Moderator.Parse(client, x)).ToList().AsReadOnly();

                game.moderatorUsers = new Lazy<ReadOnlyCollection<User>>(
                    () =>
                        ReadOnlyCollection<User> users;

                        if (game.Moderators.Count(x => !x.user.IsValueCreated) > 1)
                            users = client.Games.GetGame(game.ID, embeds: new GameEmbeds(embedModerators: true)).ModeratorUsers;

                            foreach (var user in users)
                                var moderator = game.Moderators.FirstOrDefault(x => x.UserID == user.ID);
                                if (moderator != null)
                                    moderator.user = new Lazy<User>(() => user);
                            users = game.Moderators.Select(x => x.User).ToList().AsReadOnly();

                        return users;
                game.Moderators = new ReadOnlyCollection<Moderator>(new Moderator[0]);
                game.moderatorUsers = new Lazy<ReadOnlyCollection<User>>(() => new List<User>().AsReadOnly());

            if (properties["platforms"] is IList)
                game.PlatformIDs = client.ParseCollection<string>(gameElement.platforms);

                if (game.PlatformIDs.Count > 1)
                    game.platforms = new Lazy<ReadOnlyCollection<Platform>>(
                        () => client.Games.GetGame(game.ID, embeds: new GameEmbeds(embedPlatforms: true)).Platforms);
                    game.platforms = new Lazy<ReadOnlyCollection<Platform>>(
                        () => game.PlatformIDs.Select(x => client.Platforms.GetPlatform(x)).ToList().AsReadOnly());
                Func<dynamic, Platform> platformParser = x => Platform.Parse(client, x) as Platform;
                ReadOnlyCollection<Platform> platforms = client.ParseCollection(gameElement.platforms.data, platformParser);
                game.platforms = new Lazy<ReadOnlyCollection<Platform>>(() => platforms);
                game.PlatformIDs = platforms.Select(x => x.ID).ToList().AsReadOnly();

            if (properties["regions"] is IList)
                game.RegionIDs = client.ParseCollection<string>(gameElement.regions);

                if (game.RegionIDs.Count > 1)
                    game.regions = new Lazy<ReadOnlyCollection<Region>>(
                        () => client.Games.GetGame(game.ID, embeds: new GameEmbeds(embedRegions: true)).Regions);
                    game.regions = new Lazy<ReadOnlyCollection<Region>>(
                        () => game.RegionIDs.Select(x => client.Regions.GetRegion(x)).ToList().AsReadOnly());
                Func<dynamic, Region> regionParser = x => Region.Parse(client, x) as Region;
                ReadOnlyCollection<Region> regions = client.ParseCollection(gameElement.regions.data, regionParser);
                game.regions = new Lazy<ReadOnlyCollection<Region>>(() => regions);
                game.RegionIDs = regions.Select(x => x.ID).ToList().AsReadOnly();

            //Parse Links

            game.Runs = client.Runs.GetRuns(gameId: game.ID);

            if (properties.ContainsKey("levels"))
                Func<dynamic, Level> levelParser = x => Level.Parse(client, x) as Level;
                ReadOnlyCollection<Level> levels = client.ParseCollection(gameElement.levels.data, levelParser);
                game.levels = new Lazy<ReadOnlyCollection<Level>>(() => levels);
                game.levels = new Lazy<ReadOnlyCollection<Level>>(() => client.Games.GetLevels(game.ID));

            if (properties.ContainsKey("categories"))
                Func<dynamic, Category> categoryParser = x => Category.Parse(client, x) as Category;
                ReadOnlyCollection<Category> categories = client.ParseCollection(gameElement.categories.data, categoryParser);

                foreach (var category in categories)
                    category.game = new Lazy<Game>(() => game);

                game.categories = new Lazy<ReadOnlyCollection<Category>>(() => categories);
                game.categories = new Lazy<ReadOnlyCollection<Category>>(() =>
                        var categories = client.Games.GetCategories(game.ID);

                        foreach (var category in categories)
                            category.game = new Lazy<Game>(() => game);

                        return categories;

            if (properties.ContainsKey("variables"))
                Func<dynamic, Variable> variableParser = x => Variable.Parse(client, x) as Variable;
                ReadOnlyCollection<Variable> variables = client.ParseCollection(gameElement.variables.data, variableParser);
                game.variables = new Lazy<ReadOnlyCollection<Variable>>(() => variables);
                game.variables = new Lazy<ReadOnlyCollection<Variable>>(() => client.Games.GetVariables(game.ID));

            var links = properties["links"] as IEnumerable<dynamic>;
            var seriesLink = links.FirstOrDefault(x => x.rel == "series");
            if (seriesLink != null)
                var parentUri = seriesLink.uri as string;
                game.SeriesID = parentUri.Substring(parentUri.LastIndexOf('/') + 1);
                game.series = new Lazy<Series>(() => client.Series.GetSingleSeries(game.SeriesID));
                game.series = new Lazy<Series>(() => null);

            var originalGameLink = links.FirstOrDefault(x => x.rel == "game");
            if (originalGameLink != null)
                var originalGameUri = originalGameLink.uri as string;
                game.OriginalGameID = originalGameUri.Substring(originalGameUri.LastIndexOf('/') + 1);
                game.originalGame = new Lazy<Game>(() => client.Games.GetGame(game.OriginalGameID));
                game.originalGame = new Lazy<Game>(() => null);

            game.romHacks = new Lazy<ReadOnlyCollection<Game>>(() =>
                    var romHacks = client.Games.GetRomHacks(game.ID);

                    if (romHacks != null)
                        foreach (var romHack in romHacks)
                            romHack.originalGame = new Lazy<Game>(() => game);

                    return romHacks;

            return game;