/// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ct"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private async Task CustomerSessionProcessAsync(CancellationToken ct)
                // Perform face verfication of the customer in front of the camera. If known customer, the this.User property will be set with the customer profile
                await this.PerformFaceVerificationAsync(ct);

                // If a known customer is present, have the customer do their voice verfication and if successful, continue the business flow
                if (this.User != null && await this.PerformVoiceVerficationAsync(ct))
                    // Customer is authenticated and authorized

                    int  attempts        = 0;
                    bool intentProcessed = false;
                        // Continue looping asking the customer what they want to do and handle their request until one completes or they leave the kiosk


                        // User keeps speaking commands that are not recognized, stop the loop
                        if (attempts > 5)
                            await this.DisplayKioskMessageAsync(ct, "You've reached the maximum number of attempts, please authenticate again.");


                        this.CustomerMessage = null;
                        await this.DisplayKioskMessageAsync(ct, $"{this.User.FirstName}, how can I help you?");

                        // Prompt user to speak a command
                        await _speechToText.GetTextFromSpeechAsync();

                        // Process the spoken command using LUIS
                        await this.DisplayKioskMessageAsync(ct, "Thinking...", false);

                        intentProcessed = await this.ProcessCustomerTextAsync(ct, this.CustomerMessage);

                        this.CustomerMessage = null;
                    }while (intentProcessed == false); // Keep looping until a command is recognized

                    // Final verification check to make sure customer is smiling before leaving the kiosk
                    await this.PerformCustomerHappyVerificationAsync(ct);
            catch (Exception ex)
                this.Log("Error in CustomerSessionProcessAsync(): " + ex.Message, ex);
                // Customer interaction is complete, reset and end the session
                this.CustomerMessage = null;
                await this.DisplayKioskMessageAsync(ct, "Goodbye!");

                await this.EndSessionAsync();