コード例 #1
        static void Main(string[] args)
            APIWrapper api = new APIWrapper();

            // Search for devices.
            int[]        devID   = null;
            string[]     devSN   = null;
            string[]     devType = null;
            ReturnStatus rs      = api.DEVICE_Search(ref devID, ref devSN, ref devType);

            // Reset and connect to the first device detected.
            rs = api.DEVICE_Reset(devID[0]);
            rs = api.DEVICE_Connect(devID[0]);

            // The following is an example on how to use the return status of an API function.
            // For simplicity, it will not be used in the rest of the program.
            // This is a fatal error: the device could not be connected.
            if (rs != ReturnStatus.noError)
                Console.WriteLine("\nERROR: " + rs);
                goto end;
            else // print the name of the connected device.
                Console.WriteLine("\nCONNECTED TO: " + devType[0]);

            // Set the center frequency and reference level.
            rs = api.CONFIG_SetCenterFreq(103.3e6);
            rs = api.CONFIG_SetReferenceLevel(-10);

            // Assign a trace to use. In this example, use trace 1 of 3.
            SpectrumTraces        traceID   = SpectrumTraces.SpectrumTrace1;
            double                span      = 40e6;                                           // The span of the trace.
            double                rbw       = 100;                                            // Resolution bandwidth.
            SpectrumWindows       window    = SpectrumWindows.SpectrumWindow_Kaiser;          // Use the default window (Kaiser).
            SpectrumVerticalUnits vertunits = SpectrumVerticalUnits.SpectrumVerticalUnit_dBm; // Use the default vertical units (dBm).
            int    traceLength = 801;                                                         // Use the default trace length of 801 points.
            int    numTraces   = 10;                                                          // This will be the number of traces to acquire.
            string fn          = "TRACE.txt";                                                 // This will be the output filename.

            // Get the limits for the spectrum acquisition control settings.
            Spectrum_Limits salimits = new Spectrum_Limits();

            rs = api.SPECTRUM_GetLimits(ref salimits);
            if (span > salimits.maxSpan)
                span = salimits.maxSpan;

            // Set SA controls to default, and get the control values.
            var setSettings = new Spectrum_Settings();
            var getSettings = new Spectrum_Settings();

            rs = api.SPECTRUM_SetDefault();
            rs = api.SPECTRUM_GetSettings(ref getSettings);

            // Assign user settings to settings struct.
            setSettings.span         = span;
            setSettings.rbw          = rbw;
            setSettings.enableVBW    = true;
            setSettings.vbw          = 100;
            setSettings.traceLength  = traceLength;
            setSettings.window       = window;
            setSettings.verticalUnit = vertunits;

            // Register the settings.
            rs = api.SPECTRUM_SetSettings(setSettings);

            // Retrieve the settings info.
            rs = api.SPECTRUM_GetSettings(ref getSettings);

            //Open a file for text output.
            var spectrumFile = new System.IO.StreamWriter(fn);

            //Allocate memory array for spectrum output vector.
            float[] pTraceData = null;

            // Start the trace capture.
            rs = api.SPECTRUM_SetEnable(true);
            Console.WriteLine("\nTrace capture is starting...");
            bool isActive        = true;
            int  waitTimeoutMsec = 1000; // Maximum allowable wait time for each data acquistion.
            int  numTimeouts     = 3;    // Maximum amount of attempts to acquire data if a timeout occurs.
                                         // Note: the total wait time to acquire data is waitTimeoutMsec x numTimeouts.
            int  timeoutCount   = 0;     // Variable to track the timeouts.
            int  traceCount     = 0;
            bool traceReady     = false;
            int  outTracePoints = 0;

            while (isActive)
                rs = api.SPECTRUM_AcquireTrace();
                // Wait for the trace to be ready.
                rs = api.SPECTRUM_WaitForTraceReady(waitTimeoutMsec, ref traceReady);
                if (traceReady)
                    // Get spectrum trace data.
                    rs = api.SPECTRUM_GetTrace(traceID, traceLength, ref pTraceData, ref outTracePoints);
                    // Get traceInfo struct.
                    var traceInfo = new Spectrum_TraceInfo();
                    rs = api.SPECTRUM_GetTraceInfo(ref traceInfo);
                    // You can use this information to report any non-zero bits in AcqDataStatus word, for example.
                    if (traceInfo.acqDataStatus != 0)
                        Console.WriteLine("\nTrace:" + traceCount + ", AcqDataStatus:" + traceInfo.acqDataStatus);

                    // Write data to the open file.
                    for (int n = 0; n < outTracePoints; n++)


                // Stop acquiring traces when the limit is reached or the wait time is exceeded.
                if (numTraces == traceCount || timeoutCount == numTimeouts)
                    isActive = false;

            // Disconnect the device and finish up.
            rs = api.SPECTRUM_SetEnable(false);
            rs = api.DEVICE_Stop();
            rs = api.DEVICE_Disconnect();

            Console.WriteLine("\nSpectrum trace acquisition routine complete.");
            Console.WriteLine("\nPress enter key to exit...");
コード例 #2
ファイル: Program.cs プロジェクト: Developi/Tektronix_RSA306B
        static void Main(string[] args)
            //Initialize class level object variables
            apiWrapper    = new APIWrapper();
            configuration = LoadConfiguration();
            powerArraysByFrequencyDictionary = new SortedDictionary <double, List <double> >();

            //Search for devices.
            int[]        devID        = null;
            string[]     devSN        = null;
            string[]     devType      = null;
            ReturnStatus returnStatus = apiWrapper.DEVICE_Search(ref devID, ref devSN, ref devType);

            if (returnStatus != ReturnStatus.noError)
                Console.WriteLine("DEVICE_Search ERROR: " + returnStatus);

            //Connect to the first device detected.
            returnStatus = apiWrapper.DEVICE_Connect(devID[0]);

            if (returnStatus != ReturnStatus.noError)
                Console.WriteLine("DEVICE_Connect ERROR: " + returnStatus);
            else             // print the name of the connected device.
                Console.WriteLine("\nCONNECTED TO: " + devType[0]);
                Console.WriteLine("\nSerial Number:" + devSN[0]);

            int measurementsCount = configuration.Measurements.Count;

            Console.WriteLine("measurementsCount: " + measurementsCount);

            foreach (Measurement measurement in configuration.Measurements)

                //CONFIG SPECTRUM
                //TODO: Handle when returnStatus != ReturnStatus.noError
                returnStatus = apiWrapper.ALIGN_RunAlignment();
                if (returnStatus != ReturnStatus.noError)
                    Console.WriteLine("ALIGN_RunAlignment ERROR: " + returnStatus);
                returnStatus = apiWrapper.CONFIG_Preset();
                if (returnStatus != ReturnStatus.noError)
                    Console.WriteLine("CONFIG_Preset ERROR: " + returnStatus);
                returnStatus = apiWrapper.SPECTRUM_SetEnable(true);
                if (returnStatus != ReturnStatus.noError)
                    Console.WriteLine("SPECTRUM_SetEnable ERROR: " + returnStatus);
                returnStatus = apiWrapper.CONFIG_SetCenterFreq(centerFreq);
                if (returnStatus != ReturnStatus.noError)
                    Console.WriteLine("CONFIG_SetCenterFreq ERROR: " + returnStatus);
                returnStatus = apiWrapper.CONFIG_SetReferenceLevel(refLevel);
                if (returnStatus != ReturnStatus.noError)
                    Console.WriteLine("CONFIG_SetReferenceLevel ERROR: " + returnStatus);
                returnStatus = apiWrapper.CONFIG_SetExternalRefEnable(enableExtRef);
                if (returnStatus != ReturnStatus.noError)
                    Console.WriteLine("CONFIG_SetExternalRefEnable ERROR: " + returnStatus);
                returnStatus = apiWrapper.SPECTRUM_SetTraceType(spectrumTraceNumber, true, detectorType);
                if (returnStatus != ReturnStatus.noError)
                    Console.WriteLine("SPECTRUM_SetTraceType ERROR: " + returnStatus);

                Spectrum_Limits salimits = new Spectrum_Limits();

                returnStatus = apiWrapper.SPECTRUM_GetLimits(ref salimits);
                if (returnStatus != ReturnStatus.noError)
                    Console.WriteLine("SPECTRUM_GetLimits ERROR: " + returnStatus);

                //Check the limits
                if (span > salimits.maxSpan)
                    span = salimits.maxSpan;

                // Set and get RSA parameter values.
                Spectrum_Settings setSettings = new Spectrum_Settings();
                //Assign user settings to settings struct.
                setSettings.span         = span;
                setSettings.rbw          = RBW;
                setSettings.enableVBW    = enableVBW;
                setSettings.vbw          = VBW;
                setSettings.traceLength  = traceLength;
                setSettings.window       = windowType;
                setSettings.verticalUnit = verticalUnits;

                Spectrum_Settings getSettings = new Spectrum_Settings();

                returnStatus = apiWrapper.SPECTRUM_SetEnable(true);
                if (returnStatus != ReturnStatus.noError)
                    Console.WriteLine("SPECTRUM_SetEnable ERROR: " + returnStatus);
                //returnStatus = apiWrapper.SPECTRUM_SetDefault();
                //if (returnStatus != ReturnStatus.noError) { Console.WriteLine("SPECTRUM_SetDefault ERROR: " + returnStatus); }

                //Register the settings.
                returnStatus = apiWrapper.SPECTRUM_SetSettings(setSettings);
                if (returnStatus != ReturnStatus.noError)
                    Console.WriteLine("SPECTRUM_SetSettings ERROR: " + returnStatus);

                //returnStatus = apiWrapper.SPECTRUM_GetSettings(ref getSettings);
                //if (returnStatus != ReturnStatus.noError) { Console.WriteLine("SPECTRUM_GetSettings ERROR: " + returnStatus); }

                Console.WriteLine("\nSet Settings: " + setSettings);

                //Retrieve the settings info.
                returnStatus = apiWrapper.SPECTRUM_GetSettings(ref getSettings);
                if (returnStatus != ReturnStatus.noError)
                    Console.WriteLine("ERROR: " + returnStatus);
                Console.WriteLine("\nGet Settings: " + getSettings);

                double actualRBW = getSettings.actualRBW;
                Console.WriteLine("actualRBW: " + actualRBW);
                double actualVBW = getSettings.actualVBW;
                Console.WriteLine("actualVBW: " + actualVBW);
                double numIQsamples = getSettings.actualNumIQSamples;
                Console.WriteLine("numIQsamples: " + numIQsamples);
                int actualTraceLength = getSettings.traceLength;
                Console.WriteLine("actualTraceLength: " + actualTraceLength);
                //Set variables used to calculate freqArray items
                double actualStartFreq = getSettings.actualStartFreq;
                Console.WriteLine("actualStartFreq: " + actualStartFreq);
                double actualStopFreq = getSettings.actualStopFreq;
                Console.WriteLine("actualStopFreq: " + actualStopFreq);
                double actualFreqStepSize = getSettings.actualFreqStepSize;
                Console.WriteLine("actualFreqStepSize: " + actualFreqStepSize);

                //New freqArray length of traceLength
                //double[] freqArray = new double[traceLength];
                //Console.WriteLine("freqArray.Length:" + freqArray.Length);

                //Allocate memory array for spectrum output vector.
                float[]  powerArray     = null;
                double[] frequencyArray = new double[traceLength];

                //Use for loop to create dictionary items
                for (int arrayIndex = 0; arrayIndex < traceLength; arrayIndex++)
                    double frequency = (actualFreqStepSize * arrayIndex) + actualStartFreq;
                    frequencyArray[arrayIndex] = frequency;
                    List <double> powerListForThisFrequency = null;

                    if (powerArraysByFrequencyDictionary.TryGetValue(frequency, out powerListForThisFrequency))
                        //TryGetValue() call found pre-existing powerListForThisFrequency in powerArraysByFrequencyDictionary
                        //so no need to add a new item at this frequency
                        //Pre-existing powerListForThisFrequency in powerArraysByFrequencyDictionary not found so create a new one. Then add a new item
                        //to the dictionary with the new item's key being the current frequency value we are at in this iteration of the for loop
                        powerArraysByFrequencyDictionary.Add(frequency, new List <double>());

                //Start the trace capture.
                returnStatus = apiWrapper.SPECTRUM_SetEnable(true);
                if (returnStatus != ReturnStatus.noError)
                    Console.WriteLine("ERROR: " + returnStatus);

                Console.WriteLine("Trace capture is starting...");
                bool traceReady      = false;
                bool isActive        = true;
                bool eventOccured    = false;
                int  waitTimeoutMsec = 1000;        //Maximum allowable wait time for each data acquistion.
                int  numTimeouts     = 3;           //Maximum amount of attempts to acquire data if a timeout occurs.
                //Note: the total wait time to acquire data is waitTimeoutMsec x numTimeouts.
                int  timeoutCount   = 0;            //Variable to track the timeouts.
                int  traceCount     = 0;
                int  outTracePoints = 0;
                long eventTimestamp = 0;

                while (isActive)
                    returnStatus = apiWrapper.SPECTRUM_AcquireTrace();
                    //Wait for the trace to be ready.
                    returnStatus = apiWrapper.SPECTRUM_WaitForTraceReady(waitTimeoutMsec, ref traceReady);
                    if (returnStatus != ReturnStatus.noError)
                        Console.WriteLine("ERROR: " + returnStatus);

                    if (traceReady)
                        Console.WriteLine("================INPUT MEASUREMENT PARAMETERS=================");
                        Console.WriteLine("Start Frequency = {0} MHz", actualStartFreq * hertz2MegaHertz);
                        Console.WriteLine("Stop Frequency = {0} MHz", actualStopFreq * hertz2MegaHertz);
                        Console.WriteLine("Center Frequency = {0} MHz", centerFreq * hertz2MegaHertz);
                        Console.WriteLine("Span = {0} MHz", span * hertz2MegaHertz);
                        Console.WriteLine("RBW = {0} kHz", actualRBW * hertz2KiloHertz);
                        Console.WriteLine("VBW = {0} MHz", actualVBW);
                        Console.WriteLine("Detection = {0}", detectorType);
                        Console.WriteLine("Trace Length = {0}", traceLength);
                        Console.WriteLine("Number of Traces = {0}", numTraces);
                        Console.WriteLine("Reference Level = {0} dB", refLevel);

                        ////*********************************************Get spectrum trace data.
                        returnStatus = apiWrapper.SPECTRUM_GetTrace(spectrumTraceNumber, traceLength, ref powerArray, ref outTracePoints);

                        if (returnStatus != ReturnStatus.noError)
                            Console.WriteLine("ERROR: " + returnStatus);
                        Console.WriteLine("outTracePoints: " + outTracePoints);

                        //Get traceInfo struct.
                        Spectrum_TraceInfo traceInfo = new Spectrum_TraceInfo();
                        returnStatus = apiWrapper.SPECTRUM_GetTraceInfo(ref traceInfo);
                        if (returnStatus != ReturnStatus.noError)
                            Console.WriteLine("ERROR: " + returnStatus);

                        //You can use this information to report any non-zero bits in AcqDataStatus word, for example.
                        if (traceInfo.acqDataStatus != 0)
                            Console.WriteLine("Trace:" + traceCount + ", AcqDataStatus:" + traceInfo.acqDataStatus, "Timestamp:" + traceInfo.timestamp);

                        //ADC Overload
                        EventType overloadDetected = EventType.DEVEVENT_OVERRANGE;
                        returnStatus = apiWrapper.DEVICE_GetEventStatus(overloadDetected, ref eventOccured, ref eventTimestamp);
                        if (returnStatus != ReturnStatus.noError)
                            Console.WriteLine("ERROR: " + returnStatus);

                        if (eventOccured)
                            Console.WriteLine("ADC OVERLOAD! Adjust Reference Level?:" + eventTimestamp);
                            float maxPwr = powerArray.Max();
                            Console.WriteLine("Maximum Power Level:" + maxPwr);

                        //Trigger Detection
                        EventType triggerDetected = EventType.DEVEVENT_TRIGGER;
                        returnStatus = apiWrapper.DEVICE_GetEventStatus(triggerDetected, ref eventOccured, ref eventTimestamp);
                        if (returnStatus != ReturnStatus.noError)
                            Console.WriteLine("ERROR: " + returnStatus);

                        if (eventOccured)
                            Console.WriteLine("Trigger Detected!");

                        //Create a list of power vs frequency values
                        for (int arrayIndex = 0; arrayIndex < powerArray.Length; arrayIndex++)
                            List <double> powerListForThisFrequency = null;

                            double frequency = frequencyArray[arrayIndex];
                            float  power     = powerArray[arrayIndex];

                            if (powerArraysByFrequencyDictionary.TryGetValue(frequency, out powerListForThisFrequency))
                                //TryGetValue() call found pre-existing powerListForThisFrequency in powerArraysByFrequencyDictionary
                                //add the current power value to the powerListForThisFrequency
                                if (powerListForThisFrequency.Count < numTraces)
                                //Pre-existing powerListForThisFrequency in powerArraysByFrequencyDictionary not found so create a new one.
                                //Then add the current power value to the new powerListForThisFrequency, then add a new item to the dictionary
                                //with the new item's key being the current frequency value we are at in this iteration of the for loop
                                powerListForThisFrequency = new List <double>();

                                powerArraysByFrequencyDictionary.Add(frequency, powerListForThisFrequency);


                        Console.WriteLine("Trace Count:" + traceCount);
                        Console.WriteLine("Timeout Count:" + timeoutCount);

                    Console.WriteLine("'numTraces:" + numTraces + "' == " + "'traceCount:" + traceCount + " " + (numTraces == traceCount));
                    //Stop acquiring traces when the limit is reached or the wait time is exceeded.
                    if (numTraces == traceCount || timeoutCount == numTimeouts)
                        isActive = false;
                        Console.WriteLine("Is Active?" + isActive);

            string outputFilePath     = @"..\..\..\Output\" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd_HH.mm.ss") + "_" + "STARTFREQ" + "-" + "STARTFREQ" + @"_survey.csv";
            string statisticsFilePath = @"..\..\..\Output\" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd_HH.mm.ss") + "_" + "STARTFREQ" + "-" + "STARTFREQ" + @"_M4.csv";

            using (StreamWriter streamWriter = new StreamWriter(outputFilePath, true))
                using (StreamWriter statsStreamWriter = new StreamWriter(statisticsFilePath, true))
                    if (numTraces > 1)
                        //Write CSV File Headings: Frequency,Minimum,Maximum,Mean,Median
                    int dictionaryIndex = 0;
                    foreach (KeyValuePair <double, List <double> > keyValuePair in powerArraysByFrequencyDictionary)
                        double        frequency = keyValuePair.Key;
                        List <double> powerList = keyValuePair.Value;
                        if (powerList.Count > 0)
                            if (numTraces > 1 && powerList.Count > 1)
                                double[] powerArrayForStatistics = powerList.ToArray();
                                double   maximumPower            = ArrayStatistics.Maximum(powerArrayForStatistics);
                                double   minimumPower            = ArrayStatistics.Minimum(powerArrayForStatistics);
                                double   meanPower   = (float)ArrayStatistics.Mean(powerArrayForStatistics);
                                double   medianPower = ArrayStatistics.MedianInplace(powerArrayForStatistics);
                                //Write CSV values for this frequency
                                statsStreamWriter.WriteLine("{0},{1},{2},{3},{4}", frequency, minimumPower, maximumPower, meanPower, medianPower);
                            else                                                            //write frequency and power value for single trace when powerList.Count == 1
                                streamWriter.WriteLine("{0},{1}", frequency, powerList[0]); // only one power value in List at index 0
                        if (dictionaryIndex == 800)

            //Disconnect the device and finish up.
            returnStatus = apiWrapper.SPECTRUM_SetEnable(false);
            returnStatus = apiWrapper.DEVICE_Stop();
            returnStatus = apiWrapper.DEVICE_Disconnect();

            Console.WriteLine("\nSpectrum trace acquisition routine complete.");
            Console.WriteLine("\nPress enter key to exit...");