//public void OnEstimationSubmitted() //{ // var items = _db.EST_Item.Where(x => x.EstRevID == EstRevID && // (x.StatusID == (int)NEstItemStatus.New | x.StatusID == (int)NEstItemStatus.ContentsChanged) && // x.ItemPurposeID == (short)NEstItemPurpose.ForEstimation // ).ToList(); // //Save Existing Item to backup // foreach (var item in items) // { // item.StatusID = (short)NEstItemStatus.Submitted; // item.ItemPurposeID = (short)NEstItemPurpose.ForBackup; // item.Version += 1; // _db.Entry(item).State = EntityState.Modified; // } // _db.SaveChanges(); // //Copy For Estimation // foreach (var item in items) // { // MyEstItemCopy itemCopy = new MyEstItemCopyForEstimation(item.EstItemID); // itemCopy.Copy(); // } // //Version +=1 // var est = _db.Sales_JobMasterList_EstRev.Find(EstRevID); // est.erRev += 1; // _db.Entry(est).State = EntityState.Modified; // _db.SaveChanges(); //} public void OnEstimationSubmitted() { var items = _db.EST_Item.Where(x => x.EstRevID == EstRevID && (x.StatusID == (int)NEstItemStatus.New | x.StatusID == (int)NEstItemStatus.ContentsChanged) && x.ItemPurposeID == (short)NEstItemPurpose.ForEstimation ).ToList(); //Save Existing Item to backup foreach (var item in items) { item.StatusID = (short)NEstItemStatus.Submitted; item.Version += 1; _db.Entry(item).State = EntityState.Modified; } _db.SaveChanges(); //Version +=1 var est = _db.Sales_JobMasterList_EstRev.Find(EstRevID); est.erRev += 1; _db.Entry(est).State = EntityState.Modified; _db.SaveChanges(); var task = _db.Sales_Dispatching.Find(TaskID); task.Importance = est.erRev; _db.Entry(task).State = EntityState.Modified; _db.SaveChanges(); }
//private bool DeleteCategory() //{ // var isRefresh = false; // var cat0s = _db.MaterialCategory0.Where(x => x.CategoryID > 0).OrderBy(x => x.CategoryID).ToList(); // foreach (var cat0 in cat0s) // { // var cat1s = cat0.MaterialCategory1.ToList(); // foreach (var cat1 in cat1s) // { // var cat2s = cat1.MaterialCategory2.ToList(); // foreach (var cat2 in cat2s) // { // var cat3s = cat2.MaterialCategory3.ToList(); // foreach (var cat3 in cat3s) // { // var cat4s = cat3.MaterialCategory4.ToList(); // foreach (var cat4 in cat4s) // { // if (cat4.Materials.Any()) continue; // _db.Entry(cat4).State = EntityState.Deleted; // _db.SaveChanges(); // isRefresh = true; // break; // } // if (isRefresh) break; // if (cat3.Materials.Any()) continue; // _db.Entry(cat3).State = EntityState.Deleted; // _db.SaveChanges(); // isRefresh = true; // break; // } // if (isRefresh) break; // if (cat2.Materials.Any()) continue; // _db.Entry(cat2).State = EntityState.Deleted; // _db.SaveChanges(); // isRefresh = true; // break; // } // if (isRefresh) break; // if (cat1.Materials.Any()) continue; // _db.Entry(cat1).State = EntityState.Deleted; // _db.SaveChanges(); // isRefresh = true; // break; // } // if (isRefresh) break; // if (cat0.Materials.Any()) continue; // _db.Entry(cat0).State = EntityState.Deleted; // _db.SaveChanges(); // isRefresh = true; // break; // } // return isRefresh; //} private void DeleteCategor4() { var cat0s = _db.MaterialCategory0.Where(x => x.CategoryID > 0).OrderBy(x => x.CategoryID).ToList(); foreach (var cat0 in cat0s) { var cat1s = cat0.MaterialCategory1.ToList(); foreach (var cat1 in cat1s) { var cat2s = cat1.MaterialCategory2.ToList(); foreach (var cat2 in cat2s) { var cat3s = cat2.MaterialCategory3.ToList(); foreach (var cat3 in cat3s) { var cat4s = cat3.MaterialCategory4.ToList(); foreach (var cat4 in cat4s) { if (cat4.Materials.Any()) { continue; } _db.Entry(cat4).State = EntityState.Deleted; } _db.SaveChanges(); } } } } }
public MyCrEstimationRequisitionItem(int estRevID, long estItemID, int employeeID) { _printingEmployeeID = employeeID; Items = new List <CR_EstimationRequisitionItem>(); if (estItemID > 0) { var estItem = _db.EST_Item.Find(estItemID); Items.AddRange(GetItems(estItem)); estItem.Size = GetSize(estItem.EstItemID, estItem.Product.CategoryID); estItem.ReportDescription = GetReportDescription(estItem); _db.Entry(estItem).State = EntityState.Modified; } else { var estItems = _db.EST_Item.Where(x => x.EstRevID == estRevID).ToList(); foreach (var estItem in estItems) { Items.AddRange(GetItems(estItem)); estItem.Size = GetSize(estItem.EstItemID, estItem.Product.CategoryID); estItem.ReportDescription = GetReportDescription(estItem); _db.Entry(estItem).State = EntityState.Modified; } } _db.SaveChanges(); }
public void Delete() { if (!IsDeletable) { return; } var cat3s = _category2.MaterialCategory3.ToList(); foreach (var cat3 in cat3s) { var cat4s = cat3.MaterialCategory4.ToList(); foreach (var cat4 in cat4s) { _db.Entry(cat4).State = EntityState.Deleted; } _db.SaveChanges(); _db.Entry(cat3).State = EntityState.Deleted; } _db.SaveChanges(); _db.Entry(_category2).State = EntityState.Deleted; _db.SaveChanges(); }
public void UpdateBase() { try { //MyReflection.Copy(Value, newValue ); var item = _db.EST_Item.Find(Value.EstItemID); item.EstItemID = Value.EstItemID; item.IsPreviousEstimationAvailable = Value.IsPreviousEstimationAvailable; item.EstItemNo = Value.EstItemNo; item.EstPart = Value.EstPart; item.ItemOption = Value.ItemOption; item.IsFinalOption = Value.IsFinalOption; item.PositionID = Value.PositionID; item.RequirementID = Value.RequirementID; item.BySubcontractor = Value.BySubcontractor; item.Qty = Value.Qty; // $(" #SpecialMaterialLeadTime, #SpecialMaterial, #IsThereSpecialMaterial").attr('disabled', true); if (MyAuthorization.IsResponseOwner) { item.Description = Value.Description; item.Remark = Value.Remark; item.IsThereSpecialMaterial = Value.IsThereSpecialMaterial; item.SpecialMaterial = Value.SpecialMaterial; item.SpecialMaterialLeadTime = Value.SpecialMaterialLeadTime; } if (MyAuthorization.IsRequestOwner) { item.SalesDescription = Value.SalesDescription; } if (IsBiddingJob) { item.BidSignIdCode = Value.BidSignIdCode; item.BidReferenceDrawing = Value.BidReferenceDrawing; item.BidDescription = Value.BidDescription; item.BidRemark = Value.BidRemark; } item.IsTemplateApplicable = Value.IsTemplateApplicable; item.StatusID = Value.StatusID; _db.Entry(item).State = EntityState.Modified; _db.SaveChanges(); } catch (Exception ex) { var s = ex.Message; throw; } }
public void Insert() { //Insert Categories if not exist var mc0 = new MyMaterialCategory0(); CategoryID0 = mc0.CreateCategoryID(CategoryID0, 0, CategoryName0); var mc1 = new MyMaterialCategory1(); CategoryID1 = mc1.CreateCategoryID(CategoryID1, CategoryID0, CategoryName1); var mc2 = new MyMaterialCategory2(); CategoryID2 = mc2.CreateCategoryID(CategoryID2, CategoryID1, CategoryName2); var mc3 = new MyMaterialCategory3(); CategoryID3 = mc3.CreateCategoryID(CategoryID3, CategoryID2, CategoryName3); var mc4 = new MyMaterialCategory4(); CategoryID4 = mc4.CreateCategoryID(CategoryID4, CategoryID3, CategoryName4); //1. Insert material var material = new SpecDomain.Model.Material(); MyReflection.Copy(this, material); _db.Materials.Add(material); _db.SaveChanges(); //2. Insert Price var price = new MaterialPrice { MaterialID = material.MaterialID, UnitID = UnitID, Price = Price, InvoicePriceUnitID = UnitID, VenderID = 0, Active = true }; _db.MaterialPrices.Add(price); _db.SaveChanges(); //3. Update Price material.PriceID = price.PriceID; material.UnitID = price.UnitID; material.Price = Price; _db.Entry(material).State = EntityState.Modified; _db.SaveChanges(); }
public void Delete() { try { _db.Entry(Value).State = EntityState.Deleted; _db.SaveChanges(); } catch (DbEntityValidationException dbEx) { DeleteResult = dbEx.Message; throw; } }
public void OnSalesDispatchingTaskDeleted(long salesDispatchingTaskID) { var db = new SpecificationDbEntities(); var reqTitle = db.Sales_Dispatching_DrawingRequisition_Estimation.FirstOrDefault(x => x.SubmitID == salesDispatchingTaskID); if (reqTitle == null) { return; } reqTitle.SubmitID = 0; var ver = reqTitle.Version; if (ver > 1) { ver = ver - 1; reqTitle.Version = ver; } else { reqTitle.Version = 0; } db.Entry(reqTitle).State = EntityState.Modified; db.SaveChanges(); if (reqTitle.Version > 0) { return; } //Reset Item Status to Original var items = db.EST_Item.Where(x => x.EstRevID == reqTitle.EstRevID).ToList(); foreach (var item in items) { if (item.Sales_Dispatching_DrawingRequisition_EstimationItem == null) { continue; } if (!item.Sales_Dispatching_DrawingRequisition_EstimationItem.Any( )) { continue; } foreach (var req in item.Sales_Dispatching_DrawingRequisition_EstimationItem) { req.Status = 0; db.Entry(req).State = EntityState.Modified; } } db.SaveChanges(); }
public void DeActiveExistingPrices() { var mps = _db.MaterialPrices.Where(x => x.MaterialID == Value.MaterialID).ToList(); if (mps.Count <= 0) { return; } foreach (var mp in mps) { mp.Active = false; _db.Entry(mp).State = EntityState.Modified; _db.SaveChanges(); } }
public void EstimatorFinished() { Value.erLocked = false; //ItemStauts=Estimated if purpose=estimation var existingItems = _db.EST_Item.Where(x => x.EstRevID == _estRevID & x.ItemPurposeID == (int)NEstItemPurpose.ForEstimation & x.StatusID != (int)NEstItemStatus.Estimated & x.StatusID != (int)NEstItemStatus.New ).ToList(); // Update Status to Estimated foreach (var item in existingItems) { item.StatusID = (int)NEstItemStatus.Estimated; } _db.Entry(Value).State = EntityState.Modified; _db.SaveChanges(); //Copy to Backup foreach (var item in existingItems) { var estItemCopy = new MyEstItemCopyToBackup(item.EstItemID); estItemCopy.Copy(); } }
private void UpdateEstService(long estServiceID, double?cost, string detail, string name, short qsServiceID, string note) { try { var service = _db.EST_Service.Find(estServiceID); if (service != null) { if (cost != null && cost > 0) { service.qsAmount = "$" + cost.ToString(); service.qsAmountText = "$" + cost.ToString(); } else { service.qsAmount = note; service.qsAmountText = note; } service.qsTitle = name; service.qsDescription = (detail == null ? "" : detail); service.qsServiceID = qsServiceID; _db.Entry(service).State = EntityState.Modified; _db.SaveChanges(); LogMethods.Log.Debug("UpdateEstService:Debug:" + "Done"); } } catch (Exception e) { LogMethods.Log.Error("UpdateEstService:Error:" + e.Message); } }
public void UpdateDefaultValue(int optionID) { if (Value == null) { return; } var option = _db.EST_Item_Specification_Template_Option.Find(optionID); OptionName = option.OptionName; Value.DefaultValue = optionID; Value.DefaultValueString = OptionName; _db.Entry(Value).State = EntityState.Modified; _db.SaveChanges(); }
public void Delete(long drawingID) { var db = new SpecificationDbEntities(); var drw = db.EST_Drawing.Find(drawingID); db.Entry(drw).State = EntityState.Deleted; db.SaveChanges(); }
public void Update() { //Price Table It's self var mp = _db.MaterialPrices.Find(PriceID); MyReflection.Copy(this, mp); _db.Entry(mp).State = EntityState.Modified; //Sync copy of the contens in Table.Material var material = _db.Materials.Find(MaterialID); material.PriceID = PriceID; material.UnitID = UnitID; material.Price = MyCommon.MyConvert.ConvertToDouble(Price); _db.Entry(material).State = EntityState.Modified; _db.SaveChanges(); }
//3. Update Price private void UpdateMaterialPrice() { _myMaterial.PriceID = _myPrice.PriceID; _myMaterial.UnitID = _myPrice.UnitID; _myMaterial.Price = Convert.ToDouble(_myPrice.Price); _db.Entry(_myMaterial).State = EntityState.Modified; _db.SaveChanges(); }
public void Delete() { if (!DeleteValidation.IsValid) { return; } var prices = _material.MaterialPrices.ToList(); foreach (var price in prices) { _db.Entry(price).State = EntityState.Deleted; } _db.SaveChanges(); _db.Entry(_material).State = EntityState.Deleted; _db.SaveChanges(); }
public void Delete() { if (!IsDeletable) { return; } _db.Entry(_category4).State = EntityState.Deleted; _db.SaveChanges(); }
//ID did not change public void Update(int categoryID, int parentID, string categoryName, Int16 statusID) { var cat = _db.MaterialCategory0.Find(categoryID); cat.ParentID = parentID; cat.CategoryName = categoryName; cat.Status = statusID; _db.Entry(cat).State = EntityState.Modified; _db.SaveChanges(); }
public void Authorization(int estRevID) { var employeesEnabledSpecificationTemplateEdit = new int[] { 12, 28, 8, 93 }; var employeesEnabledCostTemplateEdit = new int[] { 12, 28, 8, 93 }; Value.IsAuthorized = false; Value.IsResponseOwner = false; Value.IsRequestOwner = false; Value.IsLocked = false; Value.IsSpecificationTemplateEditEnabled = false; Value.IsCostTemplateEditEnabled = false; var role = new EmployeeRole(Value.EmployeeID); if (role.IsInRoles(FsMembershipAuthorizationArray.PageEstimationEstimatorOnlyControlsEnabled)) { Value.IsAuthorized = true; Value.IsResponseOwner = true; } if (role.IsInRoles(FsMembershipAuthorizationArray.PageEstimationModifyContentsEnabled)) { Value.IsAuthorized = true; Value.IsRequestOwner = true; } // if (!Value.IsRequestOwner) return; Value.EstRevID = estRevID; var est = _db.Sales_JobMasterList_EstRev.Find(estRevID); Value.ProjectID = est.JobID; var job = new SpecProjectDetail(est.JobID); if (Value.EmployeeID != job.Sales && Value.EmployeeID != job.Sa1ID) { Value.IsRequestOwner = false; } if (Value.EmployeeID == 12 || Value.EmployeeID == 28) { Value.IsRequestOwner = true; Value.IsResponseOwner = true; } // Value.IsSpecificationTemplateEditEnabled = employeesEnabledSpecificationTemplateEdit.Contains(Value.EmployeeID); Value.IsCostTemplateEditEnabled = employeesEnabledCostTemplateEdit.Contains(Value.EmployeeID); _db.Entry(Value).State = EntityState.Modified; _db.SaveChanges(); }
public void Initialization() { DrawingRequisitionTitle = _db.Sales_Dispatching_DrawingRequisition_Estimation.FirstOrDefault(x => x.EstRevID == _estRevID); _validation = new DrawingRequisitionFormPreValidation(_projectID, _estRevID); if (DrawingRequisitionTitle == null) { DrawingRequisitionTitle = CreateNewTitle(); } else { if (DrawingRequisitionTitle.InstalltoCustomerID != _validation.InstallToCustomerID | DrawingRequisitionTitle.MallID != _validation.MallID) { DrawingRequisitionTitle.InstalltoCustomerID = _validation.InstallToCustomerID; DrawingRequisitionTitle.MallID = _validation.MallID; _db.Entry(DrawingRequisitionTitle).State = EntityState.Modified; _db.SaveChanges(); } } }
private void OnSubmitted(long taskID) { //Item var items = _db.EST_Item.Where(x => x.EstRevID == EstRevID).ToList(); foreach (var item in items) { if (item.Sales_Dispatching_DrawingRequisition_EstimationItem == null) { continue; } if (!item.Sales_Dispatching_DrawingRequisition_EstimationItem.Any( )) { continue; } foreach (var req in item.Sales_Dispatching_DrawingRequisition_EstimationItem) { if (!req.IsIncludedWhenPrint) { continue; } if (req.Status == 0) { req.Status = 1; _db.Entry(req).State = EntityState.Modified; } } } _db.SaveChanges(); //Update TaskID var title = _db.Sales_Dispatching_DrawingRequisition_Estimation.Find(RequisitionID); title.Version = title.Version + 1; title.SubmitID = taskID; _db.Entry(title).State = EntityState.Modified; _db.SaveChanges(); }
private void DeleteDrawingRequisitionItem() { try { var objDeletes = _db.Sales_Dispatching_DrawingRequisition_EstimationItem.Where(x => x.EstItemID == _estItemID) .ToList(); foreach (var obj in objDeletes) { _db.Entry(obj).State = EntityState.Deleted; } _db.SaveChanges(); } catch (DbEntityValidationException dbEx) { throw; } }
public void Refresh() { var existingItems = _db.CR_CostItem.Where(x => x.PrintingEmployeeID == _printingEmployeeID).ToList(); if (existingItems.Any()) { foreach (var ei in existingItems) { _db.Entry(ei).State = EntityState.Deleted; } _db.SaveChanges(); } foreach (var item in _items) { _db.CR_CostItem.Add(item); } _db.SaveChanges(); }
private void CreateNewSpecialFields() { //Supposed to Have Fields var configuedFields = _db.EST_Item_Specification_Template.Where(x => x.ProductID == _product.ProductID) .OrderBy(x => x.OrderNumber) .ToList(); if (!configuedFields.Any()) { //Disble Template var newValue = _db.EST_Item.Find(_estItemID); newValue.IsTemplateApplicable = false; _db.Entry(newValue).State = EntityState.Modified; _db.SaveChanges(); return; } try { foreach (var field in configuedFields) { var item = new EST_Item_Specification() { EstItemID = _estItemID, OrderNumber = field.OrderNumber, Title = field.Title, OptionGroupID = field.OptionGroupID, Contents = GetDefaultSpecialContents(field.DefaultValue), IsMandatory = field.IsMandatory, }; _db.EST_Item_Specification.Add(item); } _db.SaveChanges(); } catch (DbEntityValidationException dbEx) { var s = dbEx.Message; throw; } }
public MaterialCategoryDelete() { var cat0s = _db.MaterialCategory0.Where(x => x.CategoryID > 0).ToList(); foreach (var cat0 in cat0s) { var cat1s = cat0.MaterialCategory1.ToList(); foreach (var cat1 in cat1s) { var cat2s = cat1.MaterialCategory2.ToList(); foreach (var cat2 in cat2s) { var cat3s = cat2.MaterialCategory3.ToList(); foreach (var cat3 in cat3s) { var b = false; var cat4s = cat3.MaterialCategory4.ToList(); foreach (var cat4 in cat4s) { if (cat4.Materials.Any()) { continue; } //cat4.MaterialCategory3.MaterialCategory2.MaterialCategory1.MaterialCategory0. _db.Entry(cat4).State = EntityState.Deleted; b = true; } if (b) { _db.SaveChanges(); } } } } } }
public void Update() { _db.Entry(Value).State = EntityState.Modified; _db.SaveChanges(); var hello = "World"; }
public void UpdateDescription(string textValue) { _estItem.Description = textValue; _db.Entry(_estItem).State = EntityState.Modified; _db.SaveChanges(); }
public void Update() { _db.Entry(Value).State = EntityState.Modified; _db.SaveChanges(); }
private void GetEstimationApprovalData(string sfEstimaitonID, int jobId, int estRevID, enterprise.QueryResult result, double?version, int employeeNumber, double?estHour, DateTime?dueDate, DateTime?dueTime, DateTime?issueDateTime) { try { if (version == null || result == null || (result != null && result.size == 0)) { return; } //cast query results IEnumerable <enterprise.ProcessInstance> processInstanceList = result.records.Cast <enterprise.ProcessInstance>(); foreach (var el in processInstanceList) { if (el.Status == "Pending") { var sales_Dispatching = _db.Sales_Dispatching.Where(x => x.JobID == jobId && x.TaskType == 201 && x.Importance == version).FirstOrDefault(); if (sales_Dispatching == null) { SubmitEstimationRequestVm vm = new SubmitEstimationRequestVm(); vm.JobID = jobId; vm.EstRevID = estRevID; vm.SubmitBy = employeeNumber; vm.EstimatorID = 8; //mr Fan if (dueDate != null) { if (dueTime != null) { TimeZone localZone = TimeZone.CurrentTimeZone; DateTime currentUTC = localZone.ToUniversalTime(dueTime.Value); DateTime localTime = new DateTime(dueDate.Value.Year, dueDate.Value.Month, dueDate.Value.Day, currentUTC.Hour, currentUTC.Minute, 00); if (localZone.IsDaylightSavingTime(localTime)) { localTime = localTime.AddHours(-1); } vm.FormatedRequiredTime = localTime.ToString("MMM dd, yyyy hh:mm tt"); } else { vm.FormatedRequiredTime = new DateTime(dueDate.Value.Year, dueDate.Value.Month, dueDate.Value.Day, dueDate.Value.Hour, dueDate.Value.Minute, 00).ToString("MMM dd, yyyy hh:mm tt"); } } else { DateTime dt1 = MyDateTime.GetDateOfAddedBusinessDays(DateTime.Today, 2); DateTime dt2 = DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(2); vm.FormatedRequiredTime = new DateTime(dt1.Year, dt1.Month, dt1.Day, dt2.Hour, dt2.Minute, 00).ToString("MMM dd, yyyy hh:mm tt"); } if (issueDateTime != null) { vm.Create(issueDateTime.Value.ToLocalTime()); } else { vm.Create(); } vm.OnEstimationSubmittedWithoutChangingEstVer(); } } else if (el.Status == "Approved") { var sales_Dispatching = _db.Sales_Dispatching.Where(x => x.JobID == jobId && x.TaskType == 201 && x.Importance == version).FirstOrDefault(); if (sales_Dispatching != null) { if (estHour != null) { sales_Dispatching.WorkedHour = estHour; } sales_Dispatching.Status = 249; if (el.CompletedDate != null) { sales_Dispatching.FinishedDate = el.CompletedDate.Value.ToLocalTime(); } _db.Entry(sales_Dispatching).State = EntityState.Modified; _db.SaveChanges(); } } else if (el.Status == "Removed") { var sales_Dispatching = _db.Sales_Dispatching.Where(x => x.JobID == jobId && x.TaskType == 201 && x.Importance == version + 1).FirstOrDefault(); if (sales_Dispatching != null) { /* delete a row in Sales_Dispatching */ _db.Sales_Dispatching.Remove(sales_Dispatching); _db.SaveChanges(); } } } } catch (Exception e) { LogMethods.Log.Error("GetEstimationApprovalData:Error:" + e.Message); } }
private void GetDrawingApprovalData(int jobId, enterprise.QueryResult result, double?version, int employeeNumber, double?drawHour, DateTime?dueDate, int requisitionId, string drawingType, string sfDrawingID, double?NumofDrawings, DateTime?dueTime, DateTime?issueDateTime) { try { if (version == null || result == null || (result != null && result.size == 0)) { return; } //cast query results IEnumerable <enterprise.ProcessInstance> processInstanceList = result.records.Cast <enterprise.ProcessInstance>(); foreach (var el in processInstanceList) { int taskType = 501; short taskStatus = 549; if (drawingType.Trim() == "Structure") { taskType = 551; taskStatus = 599; } if (el.Status == "Pending") { int drawingID = CommonMethods.GetMISID(TableName.Sales_Dispatching, sfDrawingID, salesForceProjectID); if (drawingID == 0) { //not exist var vm = new SubmitDrawingRequestVm(requisitionId, employeeNumber); if (dueDate != null) { if (dueTime != null) { TimeZone localZone = TimeZone.CurrentTimeZone; DateTime currentUTC = localZone.ToUniversalTime(dueTime.Value); DateTime localTime = new DateTime(dueDate.Value.Year, dueDate.Value.Month, dueDate.Value.Day, currentUTC.Hour, currentUTC.Minute, 00); if (localZone.IsDaylightSavingTime(localTime)) { localTime = localTime.AddHours(-1); } vm.FormatedRequiredTime = localTime.ToString("MMM dd, yyyy hh:mm tt"); } else { vm.FormatedRequiredTime = new DateTime(dueDate.Value.Year, dueDate.Value.Month, dueDate.Value.Day, dueDate.Value.Hour, dueDate.Value.Minute, 00).ToString("MMM dd, yyyy hh:mm tt"); } } else { DateTime dt1 = MyDateTime.GetDateOfAddedBusinessDays(DateTime.Today, 2); DateTime dt2 = DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(2); vm.FormatedRequiredTime = new DateTime(dt1.Year, dt1.Month, dt1.Day, dt2.Hour, dt2.Minute, 00).ToString("MMM dd, yyyy hh:mm tt"); } long taskID; if (issueDateTime == null) { taskID = vm.Create(); } else { taskID = vm.Create(issueDateTime.Value.ToLocalTime()); } if (taskID > 0) { CommonMethods.InsertToMISSalesForceMapping(TableName.Sales_Dispatching, sfDrawingID, taskID.ToString(), salesForceProjectID); } } /* * var sales_Dispatching = _db.Sales_Dispatching.Where(x => x.JobID == jobId && x.TaskType == taskType && x.Importance == version).FirstOrDefault(); * if (sales_Dispatching == null) * { * var vm = new SubmitDrawingRequestVm(requisitionId, employeeNumber); * if (dueDate != null) * { * vm.FormatedRequiredTime = new DateTime(dueDate.Value.Year, dueDate.Value.Month, dueDate.Value.Day, dueDate.Value.Hour, dueDate.Value.Minute, 00).ToString("MMM dd, yyyy hh:mm tt"); * } * else * { * DateTime dt1 = MyDateTime.GetDateOfAddedBusinessDays(DateTime.Today, 2); * DateTime dt2 = DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(2); * vm.FormatedRequiredTime = * new DateTime(dt1.Year, dt1.Month, dt1.Day, dt2.Hour, dt2.Minute, 00).ToString("MMM dd, yyyy hh:mm tt"); * } * vm.Create(); * } * */ } else if (el.Status == "Approved") { int drawingID = CommonMethods.GetMISID(TableName.Sales_Dispatching, sfDrawingID, salesForceProjectID); if (drawingID > 0) { var sales_Dispatching = _db.Sales_Dispatching.Where(x => x.TaskID == drawingID).FirstOrDefault(); if (sales_Dispatching != null) { if (drawHour != null) { sales_Dispatching.WorkedHour = drawHour; } if (NumofDrawings != null) { sales_Dispatching.NumberOfDrawing = Convert.ToInt32(NumofDrawings); } sales_Dispatching.Status = taskStatus; if (el.CompletedDate != null) { sales_Dispatching.FinishedDate = el.CompletedDate.Value.ToLocalTime(); } _db.Entry(sales_Dispatching).State = EntityState.Modified; _db.SaveChanges(); } } } else if (el.Status == "Removed") { int drawingID = CommonMethods.GetMISID(TableName.Sales_Dispatching, sfDrawingID, salesForceProjectID); if (drawingID > 0) { var sales_Dispatching = _db.Sales_Dispatching.Where(x => x.TaskID == drawingID).FirstOrDefault(); if (sales_Dispatching != null) { /* delete a row in Sales_Dispatching */ _db.Sales_Dispatching.Remove(sales_Dispatching); _db.SaveChanges(); } } } } } catch (Exception e) { LogMethods.Log.Error("GetDrawingApprovalData:Error:" + e.Message); } }