コード例 #1
        public async Task AddedBy(IUser user)
            if (user is null)
                user = Context.User;

            // Get all species belonging to this user.

            List <Species> species_list = new List <Species>();

            using (SQLiteCommand cmd = new SQLiteCommand("SELECT * FROM Species WHERE owner = $owner OR user_id = $user_id;")) {
                cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("$owner", user.Username);
                cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("$user_id", user.Id);

                using (DataTable rows = await Database.GetRowsAsync(cmd)) {
                    foreach (DataRow row in rows.Rows)
                        species_list.Add(await SpeciesUtils.SpeciesFromDataRow(row));

                    species_list.Sort((lhs, rhs) => lhs.ShortName.CompareTo(rhs.ShortName));

            // Display the species belonging to this user.

            await _displaySpeciesAddedBy(user.Username, user.GetAvatarUrl(size: 32), species_list);
コード例 #2
        public async Task GetPeriod(Period period)
            string embed_title = string.Format("📅 {0} ({1}—{2}, {3})", period.GetName(), period.GetStartTimestampString(), period.GetEndTimestampString(), period.GetHowLongAgoString());

            // Get all species that were born during this time period.

            List <Species> born_species = new List <Species>();

            using (SQLiteCommand cmd = new SQLiteCommand("SELECT * FROM Species WHERE timestamp > $start_ts AND timestamp <= $end_ts;")) {
                cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("$start_ts", period.GetStartTimestamp());
                cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("$end_ts", period.GetEndTimestamp());

                using (DataTable table = await Database.GetRowsAsync(cmd))
                    foreach (DataRow row in table.Rows)
                        born_species.Add(await SpeciesUtils.SpeciesFromDataRow(row));

            // Get all species that went extinct during this time period.

            List <Species> died_species = new List <Species>();

            using (SQLiteCommand cmd = new SQLiteCommand("SELECT * FROM Species WHERE id IN (SELECT species_id FROM Extinctions WHERE timestamp > $start_ts AND timestamp <= $end_ts);")) {
                cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("$start_ts", period.GetStartTimestamp());
                cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("$end_ts", period.GetEndTimestamp());

                using (DataTable table = await Database.GetRowsAsync(cmd))
                    foreach (DataRow row in table.Rows)
                        died_species.Add(await SpeciesUtils.SpeciesFromDataRow(row));

            // Create the embed pages.

            List <EmbedBuilder> pages = new List <EmbedBuilder>();

            // Create the first page, showing the period name and description.

            EmbedBuilder page_1 = new EmbedBuilder();

            page_1.AddField("New species", born_species.Count(), inline: true);
            page_1.AddField("Extinctions", died_species.Count(), inline: true);


            // #todo Add additional pages listing species names?

            //CommandUtils.PaginatedMessage message = new CommandUtils.PaginatedMessage();

            //for (int i = 0; i < pages.Count(); ++i)
            //    message.pages.Add(pages[i].Build());

            //await CommandUtils.ReplyAsync_SendPaginatedMessage(Context, message);

            await ReplyAsync("", false, page_1.Build());
コード例 #3
        public async Task <SearchQueryResult> GetResultAsync()
            // Build up a list of conditions to query for.

            List <string> conditions = new List <string>();

            // Create a condition for each basic search term.

            for (int i = 0; i < searchTerms.Count(); ++i)
                conditions.Add(string.Format("(name LIKE {0} OR description LIKE {0} OR common_name LIKE {0})", string.Format("$term{0}", i)));

            // Build the SQL query.
            string sql_command_str;

            if (conditions.Count > 0)
                sql_command_str = string.Format("SELECT * FROM Species WHERE {0};", string.Join(" AND ", conditions));
                sql_command_str = "SELECT * FROM Species;";

            List <Species> matches = new List <Species>();

            using (SQLiteCommand cmd = new SQLiteCommand(sql_command_str)) {
                // Replace all parameters with their respective terms.

                for (int i = 0; i < searchTerms.Count(); ++i)
                    string term = "%" + searchTerms[i].Trim() + "%";
                    cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue(string.Format("$term{0}", i), term);

                // Execute the query, and add all matching species to the list.

                using (DataTable rows = await Database.GetRowsAsync(cmd))
                    foreach (DataRow row in rows.Rows)
                        matches.Add(await SpeciesUtils.SpeciesFromDataRow(row));

            // Apply any post-match modifiers (e.g. groupings), and return the result.
            SearchQueryResult result = await ApplyPostMatchModifiersAsync(matches);

            // Return the result.
コード例 #4
        public async Task Favs()
            // Get all species fav'd by this user.

            List <string> lines = new List <string>();

            using (SQLiteCommand cmd = new SQLiteCommand("SELECT * FROM Species WHERE id IN (SELECT species_id FROM Favorites WHERE user_id = $user_id);")) {
                cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("$user_id", Context.User.Id);

                using (DataTable rows = await Database.GetRowsAsync(cmd)) {
                    foreach (DataRow row in rows.Rows)
                        Species sp = await SpeciesUtils.SpeciesFromDataRow(row);

                        long fav_count = 0;

                        // Get the number of times this species has been favorited.

                        using (SQLiteCommand cmd2 = new SQLiteCommand("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Favorites WHERE species_id = $species_id;")) {
                            cmd2.Parameters.AddWithValue("$species_id", sp.Id);

                            fav_count = await Database.GetScalar <long>(cmd2);

                        lines.Add(sp.ShortName + (fav_count > 1 ? string.Format(" (+{0})", fav_count) : ""));


            // Display the species list.

            if (lines.Count() <= 0)
                await BotUtils.ReplyAsync_Info(Context, string.Format("**{0}** has not favorited any species.", Context.User.Username));
                Bot.PaginatedMessageBuilder embed = new Bot.PaginatedMessageBuilder(EmbedUtils.LinesToEmbedPages(lines));
                embed.SetTitle(string.Format("⭐ Species favorited by {0} ({1})", Context.User.Username, lines.Count()));
                embed.SetThumbnailUrl(Context.User.GetAvatarUrl(size: 32));

                await Bot.DiscordUtils.SendMessageAsync(Context, embed.Build());
コード例 #5
        public async Task Random()
            // Get a random species from the database.

            using (SQLiteCommand cmd = new SQLiteCommand("SELECT * FROM Species WHERE id NOT IN (SELECT species_id FROM Extinctions) ORDER BY RANDOM() LIMIT 1;")) {
                DataRow row = await Database.GetRowAsync(cmd);

                if (row is null)
                    await BotUtils.ReplyAsync_Info(Context, "There are currently no extant species.");
                    await SpeciesCommands.ShowSpeciesInfoAsync(Context, await SpeciesUtils.SpeciesFromDataRow(row));
コード例 #6
        public async Task Extinct()
            List <Species> sp_list = new List <Species>();

            using (SQLiteCommand cmd = new SQLiteCommand("SELECT * FROM Species WHERE id IN (SELECT species_id FROM Extinctions);"))
                using (DataTable rows = await Database.GetRowsAsync(cmd))
                    foreach (DataRow row in rows.Rows)
                        sp_list.Add(await SpeciesUtils.SpeciesFromDataRow(row));

            sp_list.Sort((lhs, rhs) => lhs.ShortName.CompareTo(rhs.ShortName));

            Bot.PaginatedMessageBuilder embed = new Bot.PaginatedMessageBuilder();
            embed.AddPages(EmbedUtils.SpeciesListToEmbedPages(sp_list, fieldName: string.Format("Extinct species ({0})", sp_list.Count()), flags: EmbedPagesFlag.None));

            await Bot.DiscordUtils.SendMessageAsync(Context, embed.Build(), "There are currently no extinct species.");
コード例 #7
        // Checks for species with no predators (that aren't themselves predators)
        private async Task <string[]> _getNoPredatorIdeasAsync()
            List <string> ideas = new List <string>();

            string query = @"SELECT * FROM Species WHERE 
	            id NOT IN (SELECT species_id FROM Extinctions) AND  
	            id NOT IN (SELECT eats_id FROM Predates) AND 
	            id NOT IN (SELECT species_id FROM Predates)"    ;

            using (SQLiteCommand cmd = new SQLiteCommand(query))
                using (DataTable table = await Database.GetRowsAsync(cmd))
                    foreach (DataRow row in table.Rows)
                        Species species = await SpeciesUtils.SpeciesFromDataRow(row);

                        ideas.Add(string.Format("There are no species that feed on **{0}**. Why not make one?", species.ShortName));

コード例 #8
        public async Task ListSpecies()
            // Get all species.

            List <Species> species = new List <Species>();

            using (SQLiteCommand cmd = new SQLiteCommand("SELECT * FROM Species;"))
                using (DataTable table = await Database.GetRowsAsync(cmd))
                    foreach (DataRow row in table.Rows)
                        species.Add(await SpeciesUtils.SpeciesFromDataRow(row));

            // If there are no species, state so.

            if (species.Count <= 0)
                await BotUtils.ReplyAsync_Info(Context, "No species have been added yet.");


            // Create embed pages.

            species.Sort((lhs, rhs) => lhs.ShortName.CompareTo(rhs.ShortName));

            List <EmbedBuilder> pages = EmbedUtils.SpeciesListToEmbedPages(species, fieldName: string.Format("All species ({0}):", species.Count()));

            // Send the result.

            Bot.PaginatedMessage reply = new Bot.PaginatedMessage();

            foreach (EmbedBuilder page in pages)

            await Bot.DiscordUtils.SendMessageAsync(Context, reply);
コード例 #9
        public static async Task <Bot.PaginatedMessageBuilder> BuildRecentEventsEmbedAsync(long startTimestamp, long endTimestamp, TimeUnits timeUnit = 0)
            // Get all species created within the given timespan.

            List <Species> new_species = new List <Species>();
            TimeAmount     time_amount = new TimeAmount(endTimestamp - startTimestamp, TimeUnits.Seconds);

            if (timeUnit != 0)
                time_amount = time_amount.ConvertTo(timeUnit);
                time_amount = time_amount.Reduce();

            using (SQLiteCommand cmd = new SQLiteCommand("SELECT * FROM Species WHERE timestamp >= $start_ts AND timestamp < $end_ts")) {
                cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("$start_ts", startTimestamp);
                cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("$end_ts", endTimestamp);

                using (DataTable table = await Database.GetRowsAsync(cmd))
                    foreach (DataRow row in table.Rows)
                        new_species.Add(await SpeciesUtils.SpeciesFromDataRow(row));


            // Get all extinctions that occurred recently.

            List <Species> extinct_species = new List <Species>();

            using (SQLiteCommand cmd = new SQLiteCommand("SELECT * FROM Extinctions WHERE timestamp >= $start_ts AND timestamp < $end_ts")) {
                cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("$start_ts", startTimestamp);
                cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("$end_ts", endTimestamp);

                using (DataTable table = await Database.GetRowsAsync(cmd))
                    foreach (DataRow row in table.Rows)
                        extinct_species.Add(await BotUtils.GetSpeciesFromDb(row.Field <long>("species_id")));


            // Build embed.

            Bot.PaginatedMessageBuilder embed = new Bot.PaginatedMessageBuilder();
            List <EmbedBuilder>         pages = new List <EmbedBuilder>();
            List <string> field_lines         = new List <string>();

            if (new_species.Count() > 0)
                foreach (Species sp in new_species)

                EmbedUtils.AddLongFieldToEmbedPages(pages, field_lines, fieldName: string.Format("New species ({0})", new_species.Count()));


            if (extinct_species.Count() > 0)
                foreach (Species sp in extinct_species)

                EmbedUtils.AddLongFieldToEmbedPages(pages, field_lines, fieldName: string.Format("Extinctions ({0})", extinct_species.Count()));



            embed.SetTitle(string.Format("Recent events ({0})", time_amount.ToString()));
            embed.SetFooter(string.Empty); // remove page numbers added automatically

            if (embed.FieldCount <= 0)
                embed.SetDescription("No events");

コード例 #10
        // Checks for species with empty lineage
        private async Task <string[]> _getEmptyLineageIdeasAsync()
            List <string> ideas = new List <string>();

            using (SQLiteCommand cmd = new SQLiteCommand("SELECT * FROM Species WHERE id NOT IN (SELECT species_id FROM Ancestors) AND id NOT IN (SELECT ancestor_id FROM Ancestors) AND id NOT IN (SELECT species_id FROM Extinctions);"))
                using (DataTable table = await Database.GetRowsAsync(cmd))
                    foreach (DataRow row in table.Rows)
                        ideas.Add(string.Format("Species **{0}** does not have any descendants. Why not derive one?", (await SpeciesUtils.SpeciesFromDataRow(row)).ShortName));
