public void writes_contextual_logging_into_results() { theContext.Reporting.ReporterFor <DivReport>().Add("1"); theContext.Reporting.ReporterFor <ListReport>().Add("2"); var results = theContext.FinalizeResults(3); results.Reporting.Count().ShouldBe(2); }
public SpecResults Execute(Specification specification) { var plan = specification.CreatePlan(_library); var timings = new Timings(); timings.Start(specification); IExecutionContext execution = null; using (timings.Subject("Context", "Creation")) { execution = _system.CreateContext(); } var context = new SpecContext(specification, timings, new NulloResultObserver(), StopConditions, execution); context.Reporting.As <Reporting>().StartDebugListening(); var executor = new SynchronousExecutor(context); plan.AcceptVisitor(executor); execution.Dispose(); context.Dispose(); return(context.FinalizeResults(1)); }
private void finish() { _execution.AfterExecution(_context); _request.SpecExecutionFinished(_context.FinalizeResults(1)); _context.SafeDispose(); _execution.SafeDispose(); _reset.Set(); }
//[Fact] public void record_and_save_file() { var data = new ClientData(); var library = TestingContext.Library; var hierarchy = TestingContext.Hierarchy; hierarchy.GetAllSpecs().Each(x => x.path.ShouldNotBeNull()); hierarchy.GetAllSpecs().Each(spec => { data.specs.Add(, spec); using (var execution = theSystem.CreateContext()) { var observer = new RecordingObserver(data.results); using (var context = new SpecContext(spec, null, observer, new StopConditions(), execution) ) { context.Reporting.As <Reporting>().StartDebugListening(); var plan = spec.CreatePlan(library); var gatherer = new LineStepGatherer(context); plan.AcceptVisitor(gatherer); foreach (var line in gatherer.Lines) { line.Execute(context); } observer.SpecExecutionFinished(spec, context.FinalizeResults(1)); } } }); data.specs.Values.Each(x => x.path.ShouldNotBeNull()); data.hierarchy = hierarchy; data.fixtures = library.Models.Where(x => x.implementation.Contains("StoryTeller.Samples")).ToArray(); var json = JsonSerialization.ToIndentedJson(data); var clientPath = TestingContext.FindClientFolder(); new FileSystem().WriteStringToFile(clientPath.AppendPath("all-spec-data.js"), "module.exports = " + json); Debug.WriteLine("Wrote file to all-spec-data.js"); }
public void record_and_save_file() { var data = new ClientData(); var library = TestingContext.Library; var hierarchy = TestingContext.Hierarchy; hierarchy.GetAllSpecs().Each(header => { Debug.WriteLine("Running " +; var spec = XmlReader.ReadFromFile(header.Filename); data.specs.Add(, spec); using (var execution = theSystem.CreateContext()) { var observer = new RecordingObserver(data.results); using (var context = new SpecContext(spec, null, observer, new StopConditions(), execution) ) { context.Reporting.As <Reporting>().StartDebugListening(); var plan = spec.CreatePlan(library); var executor = new SynchronousExecutor(context); plan.AcceptVisitor(executor); observer.SpecExecutionFinished(header, context.FinalizeResults(1)); } } }); data.hierarchy = hierarchy; data.fixtures = library.Models.Where(x => x.implementation.Contains("StoryTeller.Samples")).ToArray(); var json = JsonSerialization.ToIndentedJson(data); var clientPath = ".".ToFullPath().ParentDirectory().ParentDirectory().ParentDirectory().ParentDirectory().AppendPath("client"); new FileSystem().WriteStringToFile(clientPath.AppendPath("all-spec-data.js"), "module.exports = " + json); Debug.WriteLine("Wrote file to all-spec-data.js"); }
private SpecResults buildResults(SpecContext context, Timings timings) { if (Request.IsCancelled) { return(null); } var catastrophic = context?.CatastrophicException; if (catastrophic != null) { throw new StorytellerExecutionException(catastrophic); } Finished = !_timeout.IsCompleted && !Request.IsCancelled; if (_timeout.IsCompleted && !Request.IsCancelled) { var result = timeoutMessage(timings); if (context == null) { var perf = timings.Finish(); return(new SpecResults { Counts = new Counts(0, 0, 1, 0), Duration = timings.Duration, Performance = perf.ToArray(), Attempts = Request.Plan.Attempts, Results = new IResultMessage[] { result }, WasAborted = false }); } context.LogResult(result, null); context.Cancel(); } return(context.FinalizeResults(Request.Plan.Attempts)); }
public static IEnumerable <PerfRecord> RunAll(SpecContext context, SpecificationPlan plan) { var gatherer = new LineStepGatherer(context); plan.AcceptVisitor(gatherer); context.Timings.Start(plan.Specification); foreach (var line in gatherer.Lines) { if (!context.CanContinue()) { break; } line.Execute(context); } return(context.FinalizeResults(1).Performance); }
public SpecResults Execute(Specification specification) { var plan = specification.CreatePlan(_library); var timings = new Timings(); timings.Start(specification); IExecutionContext execution = null; var record = timings.Subject("Context", "Creation", 0); try { execution = _system.CreateContext(); } finally { timings.End(record); } var context = new SpecContext(specification, timings, new NulloResultObserver(), StopConditions, execution); context.Reporting.As <Reporting>().StartDebugListening(); var gatherer = new LineStepGatherer(context); plan.AcceptVisitor(gatherer); foreach (var line in gatherer.Lines) { line.Execute(context); } execution.Dispose(); context.Dispose(); return(context.FinalizeResults(1)); }
private SpecResults buildResults(SpecContext context, Timings timings ) { if (Request.IsCancelled) return null; var catastrophic = context?.CatastrophicException; if (catastrophic != null) { throw new StorytellerExecutionException(catastrophic); } Finished = !_timeout.IsCompleted && !Request.IsCancelled; if (_timeout.IsCompleted && !Request.IsCancelled) { var result = timeoutMessage(timings); if (context == null) { var perf = timings.Finish(); return new SpecResults { Counts = new Counts(0, 0, 1, 0), Duration = timings.Duration, Performance = perf.ToArray(), Attempts = Request.Plan.Attempts, Results = new IResultMessage[] { result }, WasAborted = false }; } context.LogResult(result); context.Cancel(); } return context.FinalizeResults(Request.Plan.Attempts); }
public SpecResults Execute() { _reset = new ManualResetEvent(false); _thread = new Thread(() => { try { execute(); } #if NET46 catch (ThreadAbortException) { // nothing, it's handled below } #endif catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e); } }) { Name = "StoryTeller-Test-Execution" }; _thread.Start(); var timedout = !_reset.WaitOne(_stopConditions.TimeoutInSeconds.Seconds()); _finished = true; if (_wasCancelled) { return(null); } if (_catastrophicException != null) { throw new StorytellerExecutionException(_catastrophicException); } if (_context?.CatastrophicException != null) { throw new StorytellerExecutionException(_context.CatastrophicException); } if (timedout && !_wasCancelled) { var result = timeoutMessage(); if (_context == null) { var perf = _timings.Finish(); return(new SpecResults { Counts = new Counts(0, 0, 1, 0), Duration = _timings.Duration, Performance = perf.ToArray(), Attempts = _request.Plan.Attempts, Results = new IResultMessage[] { result }, WasAborted = false }); } _context.LogResult(result); _context.Cancel(); } return(_context.FinalizeResults(_request.Plan.Attempts));; }