private void SpawnPlayers() { /* Spawn players in at a random position within a random spawn zone * since the player objects are already created, you only need to move them */ foreach (AgentManager player in m_GameManager.Get_Players()) { SpawnZone Spawner = Get_Random_Spawn_Point(); player.Set_Spawn_Point(Spawner.gameObject); Vector3 new_position = Spawner.Get_Unique_Random_Spawn_Point(); player.Set_Position(new_position); } }
private void Load_Security_AI() { for (int i = 0; i < m_NumberOfSecurityAI; i++) { SpawnZone Spawner = Get_Random_Spawn_Point(); AgentManager newAI = new AgentManager(); newAI.Set_Spawn_Point(Spawner.gameObject); //create players newAI.Set_Instance(Instantiate(m_SecurityAI_Prefab, Spawner.Get_Unique_Random_Spawn_Point(), newAI.Get_Spawn_Point().transform.rotation) as GameObject); newAI.Initialise_Agent(Agent_Type.Security_AI, 0); newAI.Enable(); m_SecurityAI.Add(newAI); m_AllAI.Add(newAI); } }