コード例 #1
ファイル: SpawnEntryWindow.cs プロジェクト: proxeeus/Spawn
        private void saveSpawnButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            var saveFileDialog = new SaveFileDialog();

            saveFileDialog.Filter = saveFileDialog.Filter = "Map files (*.map)|*.map";
            var result = saveFileDialog.ShowDialog();

            if (result == DialogResult.OK)
                var writer = new SpawnWriter(Spawns);
コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// The actual file conversion method.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="premiumPath"></param>
        static void ConvertSingleFile(string premiumPath)
            if (File.Exists(premiumPath))
                Console.WriteLine("Now reading from '{0}'...", premiumPath);
                using (var streamReader = new StreamReader(premiumPath))
                    var line        = string.Empty;
                    var mapFileInfo = new FileInfo(premiumPath);

                    var spawnDefs = new List <SpawnDefinition>();

                    while ((line = streamReader.ReadLine()) != null)
                        if (Helpers.IgnoreLine(line))
                        Console.WriteLine("Converting '{0}'", line);
                        var splitData = line.Split('|');
                        if (!Helpers.HasObjectsToSpawn(splitData))
                            Console.WriteLine("WARNING: Line '{0}' has no spawn data, skipping...", line);
                             * Here's the rough format of the various .map files across distros, with a couple of sample entries to better visualize.
                             * Array indexes are above the colum names
                             * 1        2   3  4    5   6   7    8    9    10      11      12       13         14        15      16        17          18          19          20          21
                             *|typename |s1 |s2 |s3 |s4 |s5 | x  | y  | z | map | mindelay maxdelay homerange spawnrange spawnid maxcount | maxcount1 | maxcount2 | maxcount3 | maxcount4 | maxcount5
                             *|Herbalist|   |   |   |   |   |1685|2985|0  |1    |5       |10       |20       |10         |1     |2        |0			 |0			 |0			 |0			 |0
                             *|Ratmanmage|||||			   |5850|219 |-3 |2	   |5	    |10       |20       |10         |1     |1        |0          |0          |0          |0          |0

                            var spawnDef = new SpawnDefinition();

                            Helpers.AddSpawnTypesToDefinition(splitData, spawnDef);
                            if (spawnDef.Mobiles.Count > 6)
                                Console.WriteLine("WARNING: '{0}' currently defines more than 6 mobiles!", line);

                            spawnDef.SpawnerName = mapFileInfo.Name + "_" + splitData[1];
                            spawnDef.X           = splitData[7];
                            spawnDef.Y           = splitData[8];
                            spawnDef.MapId       = splitData[10];
                            spawnDef.MinTime     = splitData[11];
                            spawnDef.MaxTime     = splitData[12];
                            spawnDef.Team        = "0"; // Hardcoded for now, not sure what this does
                            spawnDef.NPCCount    = splitData[16];
                            spawnDef.HomeRange   = splitData[13];
                            spawnDef.BringToHome = false; // This is a field for Spawn.

                    Console.WriteLine("Done parsing '{0}', {1} spawners converted.", mapFileInfo.Name, spawnDefs.Count);
                    var convertedMapFile = "converted_" + mapFileInfo.Name;
                    Console.WriteLine("Now generating '{0}'...", convertedMapFile);

                    var spawnWriter = new SpawnWriter();
                    Helpers.Write(spawnDefs, convertedMapFile);
                    Console.WriteLine("'{0}' created successfully!", convertedMapFile);
                Console.WriteLine("Error: file doesn't exist!");