internal SparqlResult(object resultObject, SparqlQueryContext sparqlQueryContext) { if (resultObject == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(resultObject)); if (sparqlQueryContext == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(sparqlQueryContext)); SourceSparqlQueryContext = sparqlQueryContext; ResultGraph = resultObject as IGraph; if (ResultGraph == null) { ResultSet = resultObject as SparqlResultSet; if (ResultSet == null) { throw new ArgumentException( $"Result object must be either a {typeof (IGraph).FullName} or a {typeof (SparqlResultSet).FullName} instance. Got a {resultObject.GetType().FullName}"); } ResultFormat = sparqlQueryContext.SparqlResultsFormat ?? SparqlResultsFormat.Xml; } if (resultObject is IGraph) { ResultGraph = resultObject as IGraph; ResultFormat = sparqlQueryContext.GraphResultsFormat ?? RdfFormat.RdfXml; } }
public void Fill(SparqlResultSet results) { foreach (SparqlResult result in results) { this.ProcessResult(result); } }
/// <summary> /// Validates the syntax to see if it is valid SPARQL Results /// </summary> /// <param name="data">Data to validate</param> /// <returns></returns> public ISyntaxValidationResults Validate(string data) { String message; try { SparqlResultSet results = new SparqlResultSet(); StringParser.ParseResultSet(results, data); message = "Valid SPARQL Results - " + results.Count + " Results - Parser: " + this._parser.GetType().Name; return new SyntaxValidationResults(true, message, results); } catch (RdfParseException parseEx) { message = "Invalid SPARQL Results - Parsing Error from Parser: " + this._parser.GetType().Name + " - " + parseEx.Message; return new SyntaxValidationResults(message, parseEx); } catch (RdfException rdfEx) { message = "Invalid SPARQL Results - RDF Error from Parser: " + this._parser.GetType().Name + " - " + rdfEx.Message; return new SyntaxValidationResults(message, rdfEx); } catch (Exception ex) { message = "Invalid SPARQL Results - Error from Parser: " + this._parser.GetType().Name + " - " + ex.Message; return new SyntaxValidationResults(message, ex); } }
/// <summary> /// Makes a SPARQL Query against the Knowledge Base /// </summary> /// <param name="sparqlQuery">SPARQL Query</param> /// <returns></returns> public Object Query(String sparqlQuery) { SparqlRemoteEndpoint endpoint = new SparqlRemoteEndpoint(new Uri(this._sparqlUri)); using (HttpWebResponse response = endpoint.QueryRaw(sparqlQuery)) { try { ISparqlResultsReader sparqlParser = MimeTypesHelper.GetSparqlParser(response.ContentType); SparqlResultSet results = new SparqlResultSet(); sparqlParser.Load(results, new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream())); response.Close(); return results; } catch (RdfParserSelectionException) { IRdfReader parser = MimeTypesHelper.GetParser(response.ContentType); Graph g = new Graph(); parser.Load(g, new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream())); response.Close(); return g; } } }
public void SparqlXmlWriter() { try { Graph g = new Graph(); FileLoader.Load(g, "InferenceTest.ttl"); Object results = g.ExecuteQuery("SELECT * WHERE {?s ?p ?o}"); if (results is SparqlResultSet) { TestTools.ShowResults(results); } StringBuilder output = new StringBuilder(); System.IO.StringWriter writer = new System.IO.StringWriter(output); SparqlXmlWriter sparqlWriter = new SparqlXmlWriter(); sparqlWriter.Save((SparqlResultSet)results, writer); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine(output.ToString()); Console.WriteLine(); SparqlXmlParser parser = new SparqlXmlParser(); SparqlResultSet results2 = new SparqlResultSet(); StringParser.ParseResultSet(results2, output.ToString()); Assert.AreEqual(((SparqlResultSet)results).Count, results2.Count, "Result Sets should have contained same number of Results"); Assert.IsTrue(((SparqlResultSet)results).Equals(results2), "Result Sets should have been equal"); } catch (Exception ex) { TestTools.ReportError("Error", ex, true); } }
public ResultSetWindow(SparqlResultSet results) { InitializeComponent(); this._formatter = new SparqlFormatter(); this._grid = this.gridResults; this.RenderResultSet(results); }
public BrightstarSparqlResultSet(object o) { if (o is SparqlResultSet) { _resultSet = o as SparqlResultSet; ResultType = _resultSet.ResultsType == SparqlResultsType.VariableBindings ? BrightstarSparqlResultsType.VariableBindings : BrightstarSparqlResultsType.Boolean; } else if (o is IGraph) { _graph = o as IGraph; ResultType = BrightstarSparqlResultsType.Graph; } }
/// <summary> /// overload of Execute query /// </summary> /// <param name="input">the query text as string</param> /// <returns></returns> public static SparqlResultSet ExecuteQueryWithString(string input) { //list to hold the results SparqlResultSet resultSet = new SparqlResultSet(); try { //making the query Object result = manager.Query(input); resultSet = (SparqlResultSet)result; } catch { } return resultSet; }
/// <summary> /// Loads a Result Set from an Input Stream /// </summary> /// <param name="results">Result Set to load into</param> /// <param name="input">Input Stream to read from</param> public void Load(SparqlResultSet results, StreamReader input) { if (input == null) throw new RdfParseException("Cannot parse SPARQL Results from a null input stream"); //Check Encoding if (input.CurrentEncoding != Encoding.UTF8) { #if !SILVERLIGHT this.RaiseWarning("Expected Input Stream to be encoded as UTF-8 but got a Stream encoded as " + input.CurrentEncoding.EncodingName + " - Please be aware that parsing errors may occur as a result"); #else this.RaiseWarning("Expected Input Stream to be encoded as UTF-8 but got a Stream encoded as " + input.CurrentEncoding.GetType().Name + " - Please be aware that parsing errors may occur as a result"); #endif } this.Load(results, (TextReader)input); }
public string AsString(SparqlResultsFormat format) { var g = new VDS.RDF.Graph(); var results = new List<SparqlResult>(); foreach (var graphUri in Graphs) { var s = new Set(); s.Add(SparqlResultVariableName, g.CreateUriNode(new Uri(graphUri))); results.Add(new SparqlResult(s)); } var rs = new SparqlResultSet(results); var writer = GetWriter(format); var sw = new StringWriter(); writer.Save(rs, sw); sw.Flush(); return sw.ToString(); }
public void ParsingResultSetHandlerImplicitSparqlRdfNTriples() { this.EnsureTestData("test.sparql.nt", new SparqlRdfWriter(new NTriplesWriter())); SparqlRdfParser parser = new SparqlRdfParser(new NTriplesParser()); SparqlResultSet results = new SparqlResultSet(); parser.Load(results, "test.sparql.nt"); NTriplesFormatter formatter = new NTriplesFormatter(); foreach (SparqlResult r in results) { Console.WriteLine(r.ToString(formatter)); } Assert.IsFalse(results.IsEmpty, "Result Set should not be empty"); Assert.AreEqual(SparqlResultsType.VariableBindings, results.ResultsType, "Results Type should be VariableBindings"); }
public static SparqlResultSet RequestWithHTTP(string request) { SparqlResultSet toreturn = new SparqlResultSet(); try { StreamReader sr = new StreamReader("endpointURI.txt"); SparqlRemoteEndpoint endpoint = new SparqlRemoteEndpoint(new Uri(sr.ReadLine())); sr.Close(); endpoint.Timeout = 999999; toreturn = endpoint.QueryWithResultSet(request); } catch (Exception e) { util.log(request + e.Message + "==>" + e.Data); } return toreturn; }
/// <summary> /// Displays the given SPARQL Result Set /// </summary> /// <param name="results">SPARQL Result to display</param> public ResultSetViewerForm(SparqlResultSet results) { InitializeComponent(); if (Constants.WindowIcon != null) { this.Icon = Constants.WindowIcon; } //Load Formatters List<INodeFormatter> formatters = new List<INodeFormatter>(); Type targetType = typeof(INodeFormatter); foreach (Type t in Assembly.GetAssembly(targetType).GetTypes()) { if (t.Namespace == null) continue; if (t.Namespace.Equals("VDS.RDF.Writing.Formatting")) { if (t.GetInterfaces().Contains(targetType)) { try { INodeFormatter formatter = (INodeFormatter)Activator.CreateInstance(t); formatters.Add(formatter); if (formatter.GetType().Equals(this._formatter.GetType())) this._formatter = formatter; } catch { //Ignore this Formatter } } } } formatters.Sort(new ToStringComparer<INodeFormatter>()); this.cboFormat.DataSource = formatters; this.cboFormat.SelectedItem = this._formatter; this.cboFormat.SelectedIndexChanged += new System.EventHandler(this.cboFormat_SelectedIndexChanged); this.dgvResults.CellFormatting += new DataGridViewCellFormattingEventHandler(dgvTriples_CellFormatting); this.dgvResults.CellContentClick += new DataGridViewCellEventHandler(dgvTriples_CellClick); this._results = results; this.Text = this.GetTitle(); }
/// <summary> /// Returns whether the Knowledge Base is consistent /// </summary> public bool IsConsistent() { HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(this.Endpoint.Uri); request.Method = this.Endpoint.HttpMethods.First(); request.ContentType = MimeTypesHelper.HttpSparqlAcceptHeader; #if DEBUG if (Options.HttpDebugging) { Tools.HttpDebugRequest(request); } #endif try { using (HttpWebResponse response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse()) { #if DEBUG if (Options.HttpDebugging) { Tools.HttpDebugResponse(response); } #endif ISparqlResultsReader parser = MimeTypesHelper.GetSparqlParser(response.ContentType); SparqlResultSet results = new SparqlResultSet(); parser.Load(results, new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream())); //Expect a boolean result set return results.Result; } } catch (WebException webEx) { #if DEBUG if (Options.HttpDebugging) { if (webEx.Response != null) Tools.HttpDebugResponse((HttpWebResponse)webEx.Response); } #endif throw new RdfReasoningException("A HTTP error occurred while communicating with the Pellet Server", webEx); } }
/// <summary> /// do a HTTP request using a sparql query from a sparql endpoint stated in a file /// </summary> /// <param name="request">sparql Query to be executed</param> /// <returns>set of results resulted from executing the query</returns> public static SparqlResultSet executeSparqlQuery(string request) { SparqlResultSet toreturn = new SparqlResultSet(); try { string path = HttpRuntime.BinDirectory + "endpointURI.txt"; StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(path); string endpointURI = sr.ReadLine(); SparqlRemoteEndpoint endpoint = new SparqlRemoteEndpoint(new Uri (endpointURI)); sr.Close(); endpoint.Timeout = 999999; toreturn = endpoint.QueryWithResultSet(request); } catch (Exception e) { util.log(request + e.Message + "==>" + e.Data); } return toreturn; }
/// <summary> /// Saves the Result Set to the given Stream in the SPARQL Results JSON Format /// </summary> /// <param name="results">Result Set to save</param> /// <param name="output">Stream to save to</param> public void Save(SparqlResultSet results, TextWriter output) { try { this.GenerateOutput(results, output); output.Close(); } catch { try { output.Close(); } catch { //No Catch Actions } throw; } }
/// <summary> /// Saves the Result Set to the given Stream in the Sparql Results XML Format /// </summary> /// <param name="results"></param> /// <param name="output"></param> public virtual void Save(SparqlResultSet results, TextWriter output) { try { XmlDocument doc = this.GenerateOutput(results); doc.Save(output); output.Close(); } catch { try { output.Close(); } catch { //No Catch Actions } throw; } }
public static IList<CountryDto> GenerateCountriesOfEuropeResponse(SparqlResultSet resultSet) { var result = resultSet.Results; if (result == null) return null; var countries = new List<CountryDto>(); foreach (var value in result) { var country = new CountryDto { Id = value.Value(SparqlResources.Country).ToString(), Name = value.Value(SparqlResources.CountryLabel).ToString() .Replace(SparqlResources.EnLangQualifier, string.Empty) }; if (value.HasValue(SparqlResources.Thumbnail)) { country.Thumbnail = value.Value(SparqlResources.Thumbnail)?.ToString(); } countries.Add(country); } return countries; }
public void Apply(SparqlResultSet results) { switch (this._type) { case SparqlResultsType.Boolean: results.SetResult(this._r); break; case SparqlResultsType.VariableBindings: foreach (String var in this._vars) { results.AddVariable(var); } foreach (SparqlResult res in this._results) { results.AddResult(res); } break; default: throw new RdfParseException("The type property of a serialized SparqlResultSet did not contain a valid value"); } }
public static List<SimpleArtistDto> GetSimpleArtists(SparqlResultSet resultSet) { var result = resultSet.Results; var simpleArtists = new List<SimpleArtistDto>(); foreach (var entity in result) { var simpleArtistDto = new SimpleArtistDto { Id = entity.Value(SparqlResources.Artist).ToString(), Name = entity.Value(SparqlResources.ArtistName) .ToString() .Replace(SparqlResources.EnLangQualifier, string.Empty) }; if (entity.HasValue(SparqlResources.Thumbnail)) { simpleArtistDto.Thumbnail = entity.Value(SparqlResources.Thumbnail)?.ToString(); } simpleArtists.Add(simpleArtistDto); } return simpleArtists; }
public static void UpdateArtistData(ArtistDto artistDto, SparqlResultSet resultSet) { var result = resultSet.Results.FirstOrDefault(); if (result == null) return; artistDto.Id = result.Value(SparqlResources.Artist).ToString(); if (result.HasValue(SparqlResources.Wiki)) { artistDto.Wiki = result.Value(SparqlResources.Wiki)?.ToString(); } if (result.HasValue(SparqlResources.Homepage)) { artistDto.Website = result.Value(SparqlResources.Homepage)?.ToString(); } if (result.HasValue(SparqlResources.Thumbnail)) { artistDto.Thumbnail = result.Value(SparqlResources.Thumbnail)?.ToString(); } if (result.HasValue(SparqlResources.Abstract)) { artistDto.Abstract = result.Value(SparqlResources.Abstract)?.ToString(); } }
public void WritingSparqlXmlWithNulls() { TripleStore store = new TripleStore(); store.Add(new Graph()); Graph g = new Graph(); g.BaseUri = new Uri(""); store.Add(g); Object results = store.ExecuteQuery("SELECT DISTINCT ?g WHERE { GRAPH ?g { ?s ?p ?o } }"); if (results is SparqlResultSet) { SparqlResultSet rset = (SparqlResultSet)results; SparqlXmlWriter writer = new SparqlXmlWriter(); writer.Save(rset, "temp.srx"); SparqlXmlParser parser = new SparqlXmlParser(); SparqlResultSet rset2 = new SparqlResultSet(); parser.Load(rset2, "temp.srx"); rset.Trim(); Console.WriteLine("Original Results"); TestTools.ShowResults(rset); Console.WriteLine(); rset2.Trim(); Console.WriteLine("Serializes and Parsed Results"); TestTools.ShowResults(rset2); Console.WriteLine(); Assert.AreEqual(rset, rset2, "Result Sets should be equal"); } else { Assert.Fail("Query did not return a Result Set as expected"); } }
/// <summary> /// Saves the SPARQL Result Set to the given Stream /// </summary> /// <param name="results">Result Set to save</param> /// <param name="output">Stream to save to</param> public void Save(SparqlResultSet results, TextWriter output) { this._writer.Save(this.GenerateOutput(results), output); }
private void CompareSparqlResults(SparqlResultSet actual, SparqlResultSet expected, bool reduced) { if (expected.ResultsType == SparqlResultsType.Boolean) { Assert.IsTrue(actual.ResultsType == SparqlResultsType.Boolean); Assert.AreEqual(expected.Result, actual.Result); } else if (expected.ResultsType == SparqlResultsType.VariableBindings) { if (reduced) { Assert.IsTrue(actual.Results.Count <= expected.Results.Count, "Too many results returned expected <= {0}, got {1}", expected.Results.Count, actual.Results.Count); } else { Assert.AreEqual(expected.Results.Count, actual.Results.Count, "Unexpected number of rows in results. Expected {0}, got {1}", expected.Results.Count, actual.Results.Count); } foreach (var actualSolution in actual.Results) { Assert.IsTrue(expected.Results.Any(x => CompareSolutions(actualSolution, x)), "Could not find a match for solution {0} in the expected results set", actualSolution); } } else { Assert.Fail("Cannot compare results to result set of type {0}", expected.ResultsType); } }
protected void Button11_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //Bachelor in Communications Technology Program Details TripleStore store = new TripleStore(); Graph g1 = new Graph(); g1.LoadFromFile(Server.MapPath("SVUModeling.rdf")); store.Add(g1); InMemoryDataset ds = new InMemoryDataset(store); //Get the Query processor ISparqlQueryProcessor processor = new LeviathanQueryProcessor(ds); Label1.Text = "Bachelor in Communications Technology Program : BACT Details"; Label1.Visible = true; GridView1.Visible = false; Label2.Text = "Bachelor in Communications Technology Program Informations "; Label2.Visible = true; // to select the Communications Technology program's Director Informations SparqlQueryParser sparqlparser = new SparqlQueryParser(); SparqlQuery query = sparqlparser.ParseFromString(@"prefix rdf: <> prefix rdfs: <> prefix owl: <> prefix foaf: <> SELECT ?BACTDirectorInfo WHERE { ?t owl:TelecommunicationsTechnologyDirectorInfoProperty ?BACTDirectorInfo }"); Object results = processor.ProcessQuery(query); DataTable DT2 = new DataTable(); SparqlResultSet rset = (SparqlResultSet)results; DT2 = FillDataTable(rset); GridView2.DataSource = DT2; GridView2.DataBind(); GridView2.Visible = true; //to retrival the Teachers of Bachelor in Communications Technology program Label3.Text = "Teachers Of Bachelor in Communications Technology Program"; Label3.Visible = true; SparqlQueryParser sparqlparser3 = new SparqlQueryParser(); SparqlQuery query3 = sparqlparser.ParseFromString(@"prefix rdf: <> prefix rdfs: <> prefix foaf: <> prefix owl: <> SELECT ?BACTTeachers WHERE { ?t owl:TeachersOfTelecommunicationsTechnology ?BACTTeachers }"); Object results3 = processor.ProcessQuery(query3); DataTable DT3 = new DataTable(); SparqlResultSet rset3 = (SparqlResultSet)results3; DT3 = FillDataTable(rset3); GridView3.DataSource = DT3; GridView3.DataBind(); GridView3.Visible = true; //to select Courses Of Bachelor in Communications Technology Label4.Text = "Courses of Bachelor in Communications Technology Program"; Label4.Visible = true; SparqlQueryParser sparqlparser4 = new SparqlQueryParser(); SparqlQuery query4 = sparqlparser.ParseFromString(@"prefix rdf: <> prefix rdfs: <> prefix owl: <> SELECT ?BACTCourses WHERE { ?t owl:CoursesOfTelecommunicationsTechnology ?BACTCourses }"); Object results4 = processor.ProcessQuery(query4); DataTable DT4 = new DataTable(); SparqlResultSet rset4 = (SparqlResultSet)results4; DT4 = FillDataTable(rset4); GridView4.DataSource = DT4; GridView4.DataBind(); GridView4.Visible = true; }
/// <summary> /// Method which generates the RDF Graph of a SPARQL Result Set /// </summary> /// <param name="results">Result Set</param> /// <returns></returns> public IGraph GenerateOutput(SparqlResultSet results) { //Create the Graph for the Output IGraph g = new Graph(); //Add the relevant namespaces g.NamespaceMap.AddNamespace("rs", UriFactory.Create(SparqlSpecsHelper.SparqlRdfResultsNamespace)); //Create relevant Nodes IUriNode rdfType = g.CreateUriNode("rdf:type"); IUriNode resultSetClass = g.CreateUriNode("rs:ResultSet"); IUriNode resultVariable = g.CreateUriNode("rs:resultVariable"); IUriNode solution = g.CreateUriNode("rs:solution"); IUriNode binding = g.CreateUriNode("rs:binding"); IUriNode value = g.CreateUriNode("rs:value"); IUriNode variable = g.CreateUriNode("rs:variable"); IUriNode boolean = g.CreateUriNode("rs:boolean"); //First we declare a Result Set IBlankNode rset = g.CreateBlankNode(); g.Assert(new Triple(rset, rdfType, resultSetClass)); if (results.ResultsType == SparqlResultsType.VariableBindings) { //Assert a Triple for each Result Variable foreach (String v in results.Variables) { g.Assert(new Triple(rset, resultVariable, g.CreateLiteralNode(v))); } //Then we're going to define a solution for each result foreach (SparqlResult r in results) { IBlankNode sln = g.CreateBlankNode(); g.Assert(new Triple(rset, solution, sln)); foreach (String v in results.Variables) { //Only define Bindings if there is a value and it is non-null if (r.HasValue(v) && r[v] != null) { IBlankNode bnd = g.CreateBlankNode(); g.Assert(new Triple(sln, binding, bnd)); g.Assert(new Triple(bnd, variable, g.CreateLiteralNode(v))); switch (r[v].NodeType) { case NodeType.Blank: IBlankNode b = (IBlankNode)r[v]; IBlankNode bMapped; if (b.GraphUri == null) { bMapped = g.CreateBlankNode(b.InternalID + "def"); } else { bMapped = g.CreateBlankNode(b.InternalID + b.GraphUri.GetEnhancedHashCode()); } g.Assert(new Triple(bnd, value, bMapped)); break; case NodeType.GraphLiteral: throw new RdfOutputException(WriterErrorMessages.GraphLiteralsUnserializable("SPARQL Results RDF Serialization")); case NodeType.Literal: case NodeType.Uri: g.Assert(new Triple(bnd, value, r[v].CopyNode(g))); break; default: throw new RdfOutputException(WriterErrorMessages.UnknownNodeTypeUnserializable("SPARQL Results RDF Serialization")); } } } } } else { //A Boolean Result Set g.Assert(new Triple(rset, boolean, g.CreateLiteralNode(results.Result.ToString(), UriFactory.Create(XmlSpecsHelper.XmlSchemaDataTypeBoolean)))); } return(g); }
/// <summary> /// Displays the given SPARQL Result Set and prefixes the Form Title with the given Title /// </summary> /// <param name="results">SPARQL Result Set to display</param> /// <param name="title">Title</param> public ResultSetViewerForm(SparqlResultSet results, String title) : this(results) { this.Text = this.GetTitle(title); }
/// <summary> /// Internal method which generates the HTML Output for the Graph. /// </summary> /// <param name="context">Writer Context.</param> private void GenerateOutput(HtmlWriterContext context) { Object results; // Add the Namespaces we want to use later on context.QNameMapper.AddNamespace("owl", UriFactory.Create(NamespaceMapper.OWL)); context.QNameMapper.AddNamespace("rdf", UriFactory.Create(NamespaceMapper.RDF)); context.QNameMapper.AddNamespace("rdfs", UriFactory.Create(NamespaceMapper.RDFS)); context.QNameMapper.AddNamespace("dc", UriFactory.Create("")); context.QNameMapper.AddNamespace("dct", UriFactory.Create("")); context.QNameMapper.AddNamespace("vann", UriFactory.Create("")); context.QNameMapper.AddNamespace("vs", UriFactory.Create("")); // Find the Node that represents the Schema Ontology // Assumes there is exactly one thing given rdf:type owl:Ontology IUriNode ontology = context.Graph.CreateUriNode(UriFactory.Create(NamespaceMapper.OWL + "Ontology")); IUriNode rdfType = context.Graph.CreateUriNode(UriFactory.Create(RdfSpecsHelper.RdfType)); IUriNode rdfsLabel = context.Graph.CreateUriNode(UriFactory.Create(NamespaceMapper.RDFS + "label")); INode ontoNode = context.Graph.GetTriplesWithPredicateObject(rdfType, ontology).Select(t => t.Subject).FirstOrDefault(); INode ontoLabel = (ontoNode != null) ? context.Graph.GetTriplesWithSubjectPredicate(ontoNode, rdfsLabel).Select(t => t.Object).FirstOrDefault() : null; // Stuff for formatting // We'll use the Turtle Formatter to get nice QNames wherever possible context.NodeFormatter = new TurtleFormatter(context.QNameMapper); context.UriFormatter = (IUriFormatter)context.NodeFormatter; // Page Header context.HtmlWriter.Write("<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD XHTML+RDFa 1.0//EN\" \"\">"); context.HtmlWriter.WriteLine(); context.HtmlWriter.RenderBeginTag(HtmlTextWriterTag.Html); context.HtmlWriter.RenderBeginTag(HtmlTextWriterTag.Head); context.HtmlWriter.RenderBeginTag(HtmlTextWriterTag.Title); context.HtmlWriter.WriteEncodedText("Schema"); if (ontoNode != null && ontoLabel != null) { context.HtmlWriter.WriteEncodedText(" - " + ontoLabel.ToSafeString()); } else if (context.Graph.BaseUri != null) { context.HtmlWriter.WriteEncodedText(" - " + context.Graph.BaseUri.AbsoluteUri); } context.HtmlWriter.RenderEndTag(); if (!Stylesheet.Equals(String.Empty)) { context.HtmlWriter.AddAttribute(HtmlTextWriterAttribute.Href, Stylesheet); context.HtmlWriter.AddAttribute(HtmlTextWriterAttribute.Type, "text/css"); context.HtmlWriter.AddAttribute(HtmlTextWriterAttribute.Rel, "stylesheet"); context.HtmlWriter.RenderBeginTag(HtmlTextWriterTag.Link); context.HtmlWriter.RenderEndTag(); } context.HtmlWriter.RenderEndTag(); context.HtmlWriter.WriteLine(); // Start Body context.HtmlWriter.RenderBeginTag(HtmlTextWriterTag.Body); // Title context.HtmlWriter.RenderBeginTag(HtmlTextWriterTag.H2); context.HtmlWriter.WriteEncodedText("Schema"); if (ontoNode != null && ontoLabel != null) { context.HtmlWriter.WriteEncodedText(" - " + ontoLabel.ToSafeString()); } else if (context.Graph.BaseUri != null) { context.HtmlWriter.WriteEncodedText(" - " + context.Graph.BaseUri.AbsoluteUri); } context.HtmlWriter.RenderEndTag(); context.HtmlWriter.WriteLine(); // Show the Description of the Schema (if any) if (ontoNode != null) { SparqlParameterizedString getOntoDescrip = new SparqlParameterizedString(); getOntoDescrip.Namespaces = context.QNameMapper; getOntoDescrip.CommandText = "SELECT * WHERE { @onto a owl:Ontology . OPTIONAL { @onto rdfs:comment ?description } . OPTIONAL { @onto vann:preferredNamespacePrefix ?nsPrefix ; vann:preferredNamespaceUri ?nsUri } . OPTIONAL { @onto dc:creator ?creator . ?creator (foaf:name | rdfs:label) ?creatorName } }"; getOntoDescrip.SetParameter("onto", ontoNode); try { results = context.Graph.ExecuteQuery(getOntoDescrip); if (results is SparqlResultSet) { if (!((SparqlResultSet)results).IsEmpty) { SparqlResult ontoInfo = ((SparqlResultSet)results)[0]; // Show rdfs:comment on the Ontology if (ontoInfo.HasValue("description")) { INode descrip = ontoInfo["description"]; if (descrip.NodeType == NodeType.Literal) { context.HtmlWriter.RenderBeginTag(HtmlTextWriterTag.P); context.HtmlWriter.Write(((ILiteralNode)descrip).Value); context.HtmlWriter.RenderEndTag(); context.HtmlWriter.WriteLine(); } } // Show Author Information if (ontoInfo.HasValue("creator")) { INode author = ontoInfo["creator"]; INode authorName = ontoInfo["creatorName"]; context.HtmlWriter.RenderBeginTag(HtmlTextWriterTag.P); context.HtmlWriter.RenderBeginTag(HtmlTextWriterTag.Em); context.HtmlWriter.WriteEncodedText("Schema created by "); if (author.NodeType == NodeType.Uri) { context.HtmlWriter.AddAttribute("href", ((IUriNode)author).Uri.AbsoluteUri); context.HtmlWriter.AddAttribute(HtmlTextWriterAttribute.Class, CssClassUri); context.HtmlWriter.RenderBeginTag(HtmlTextWriterTag.A); } switch (authorName.NodeType) { case NodeType.Uri: context.HtmlWriter.WriteEncodedText(((IUriNode)authorName).Uri.AbsoluteUri); break; case NodeType.Literal: context.HtmlWriter.WriteEncodedText(((ILiteralNode)authorName).Value); break; default: context.HtmlWriter.WriteEncodedText(authorName.ToString()); break; } if (author.NodeType == NodeType.Uri) { context.HtmlWriter.RenderEndTag(); } context.HtmlWriter.RenderEndTag(); context.HtmlWriter.RenderEndTag(); context.HtmlWriter.WriteLine(); } // Show the Namespace information for the Schema if (ontoInfo.HasValue("nsPrefix")) { if (ontoInfo["nsPrefix"].NodeType == NodeType.Literal && ontoInfo["nsUri"].NodeType == NodeType.Uri) { // Add this QName to the QName Mapper so we can get nice QNames later on String prefix = ((ILiteralNode)ontoInfo["nsPrefix"]).Value; context.QNameMapper.AddNamespace(prefix, ((IUriNode)ontoInfo["nsUri"]).Uri); context.HtmlWriter.RenderBeginTag(HtmlTextWriterTag.H4); context.HtmlWriter.WriteEncodedText("Preferred Namespace Definition"); context.HtmlWriter.RenderEndTag(); context.HtmlWriter.WriteLine(); // Show human readable description of preferred Namespace Settings context.HtmlWriter.RenderBeginTag(HtmlTextWriterTag.P); context.HtmlWriter.WriteEncodedText("Preferred Namespace Prefix is "); context.HtmlWriter.RenderBeginTag(HtmlTextWriterTag.Strong); context.HtmlWriter.WriteEncodedText(prefix); context.HtmlWriter.RenderEndTag(); context.HtmlWriter.WriteEncodedText(" and preferred Namespace URI is "); context.HtmlWriter.AddAttribute(HtmlTextWriterAttribute.Href, context.QNameMapper.GetNamespaceUri(prefix).AbsoluteUri); context.HtmlWriter.AddAttribute(HtmlTextWriterAttribute.Class, CssClassUri); context.HtmlWriter.RenderBeginTag(HtmlTextWriterTag.A); context.HtmlWriter.WriteEncodedText(context.QNameMapper.GetNamespaceUri(prefix).AbsoluteUri); context.HtmlWriter.RenderEndTag(); context.HtmlWriter.RenderEndTag(); // RDF/XML Syntax context.HtmlWriter.RenderBeginTag(HtmlTextWriterTag.H5); context.HtmlWriter.WriteEncodedText("RDF/XML Syntax"); context.HtmlWriter.RenderEndTag(); context.HtmlWriter.WriteLine(); context.HtmlWriter.AddStyleAttribute(HtmlTextWriterStyle.Width, "90%"); context.HtmlWriter.RenderBeginTag(HtmlTextWriterTag.Pre); int currIndent = context.HtmlWriter.Indent; context.HtmlWriter.Indent = 0; context.HtmlWriter.WriteEncodedText("<?xml version=\"1.0\" charset=\"utf-8\"?>"); context.HtmlWriter.WriteLine(); context.HtmlWriter.WriteEncodedText("<rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf=\"" + NamespaceMapper.RDF + "\" xmlns:" + prefix + "=\"" + context.UriFormatter.FormatUri(context.QNameMapper.GetNamespaceUri(prefix)) + "\">"); context.HtmlWriter.WriteLine(); context.HtmlWriter.WriteEncodedText(" <!-- Your RDF here... -->"); context.HtmlWriter.WriteLine(); context.HtmlWriter.WriteEncodedText("</rdf:RDF>"); context.HtmlWriter.Indent = currIndent; context.HtmlWriter.RenderEndTag(); context.HtmlWriter.WriteLine(); // Turtle/N3 Syntax context.HtmlWriter.RenderBeginTag(HtmlTextWriterTag.H5); context.HtmlWriter.WriteEncodedText("Turtle/N3 Syntax"); context.HtmlWriter.RenderEndTag(); context.HtmlWriter.WriteLine(); context.HtmlWriter.AddStyleAttribute(HtmlTextWriterStyle.Width, "90%"); context.HtmlWriter.RenderBeginTag(HtmlTextWriterTag.Pre); currIndent = context.HtmlWriter.Indent; context.HtmlWriter.Indent = 0; context.HtmlWriter.WriteEncodedText("@prefix " + prefix + ": <" + context.UriFormatter.FormatUri(context.QNameMapper.GetNamespaceUri(prefix)) + "> ."); context.HtmlWriter.Indent = currIndent; context.HtmlWriter.RenderEndTag(); context.HtmlWriter.WriteLine(); // SPARQL Syntax context.HtmlWriter.RenderBeginTag(HtmlTextWriterTag.H5); context.HtmlWriter.WriteEncodedText("SPARQL Syntax"); context.HtmlWriter.RenderEndTag(); context.HtmlWriter.WriteLine(); context.HtmlWriter.AddStyleAttribute(HtmlTextWriterStyle.Width, "90%"); context.HtmlWriter.RenderBeginTag(HtmlTextWriterTag.Pre); currIndent = context.HtmlWriter.Indent; context.HtmlWriter.Indent = 0; context.HtmlWriter.WriteEncodedText("PREFIX " + prefix + ": <" + context.UriFormatter.FormatUri(context.QNameMapper.GetNamespaceUri(prefix)) + ">"); context.HtmlWriter.Indent = currIndent; context.HtmlWriter.RenderEndTag(); context.HtmlWriter.WriteLine(); } } } } else { throw new RdfOutputException("Tried to make a SPARQL Query to determine Schema Information but an unexpected Query Result was returned"); } } catch (RdfQueryException queryEx) { throw new RdfOutputException("Tried to make a SPARQL Query to determine Schema Information but a Query Error occurred", queryEx); } } SparqlParameterizedString getPropertyRanges = new SparqlParameterizedString(); getPropertyRanges.Namespaces = new NamespaceMapper(); getPropertyRanges.Namespaces.AddNamespace("owl", UriFactory.Create(NamespaceMapper.OWL)); getPropertyRanges.CommandText = "SELECT ?range WHERE { { @property rdfs:range ?range . FILTER(ISURI(?range)) } UNION { @property rdfs:range ?union . ?union owl:unionOf ?ranges . { ?ranges rdf:first ?range } UNION { ?ranges rdf:rest+/rdf:first ?range } } }"; SparqlParameterizedString getPropertyDomains = new SparqlParameterizedString(); getPropertyDomains.Namespaces = getPropertyRanges.Namespaces; getPropertyDomains.CommandText = "SELECT ?domain WHERE { { @property rdfs:domain ?domain . FILTER(ISURI(?domain)) } UNION { @property rdfs:domain ?union . ?union owl:unionOf ?domains . { ?domains rdf:first ?domain } UNION { ?domains rdf:rest+/rdf:first ?domain } } }"; // Show lists of all Classes and Properties in the Schema context.HtmlWriter.RenderBeginTag(HtmlTextWriterTag.H4); context.HtmlWriter.WriteEncodedText("Class and Property Summary"); context.HtmlWriter.RenderEndTag(); context.HtmlWriter.WriteLine(); context.HtmlWriter.RenderBeginTag(HtmlTextWriterTag.P); context.HtmlWriter.WriteEncodedText("This Schema defines the following classes:"); context.HtmlWriter.RenderEndTag(); context.HtmlWriter.WriteLine(); context.HtmlWriter.AddStyleAttribute("width", "90%"); context.HtmlWriter.AddAttribute(HtmlTextWriterAttribute.Class, CssClassBox); context.HtmlWriter.RenderBeginTag(HtmlTextWriterTag.P); // Get the Classes and Display SparqlParameterizedString getClasses = new SparqlParameterizedString(); getClasses.Namespaces = context.QNameMapper; getClasses.CommandText = "SELECT DISTINCT ?class WHERE { { ?class a rdfs:Class } UNION { ?class a owl:Class } FILTER(ISURI(?class)) } ORDER BY ?class"; try { results = context.Graph.ExecuteQuery(getClasses); if (results is SparqlResultSet) { SparqlResultSet rs = (SparqlResultSet)results; for (int i = 0; i < rs.Count; i++) { SparqlResult r = rs[i]; // Get the QName and output a Link to an anchor that we'll generate later to let // users jump to a Class/Property definition String qname = context.NodeFormatter.Format(r["class"]); context.HtmlWriter.AddAttribute("href", "#" + qname); context.HtmlWriter.AddAttribute(HtmlTextWriterAttribute.Class, CssClassUri); context.HtmlWriter.RenderBeginTag(HtmlTextWriterTag.A); context.HtmlWriter.WriteEncodedText(qname); context.HtmlWriter.RenderEndTag(); if (i < rs.Count - 1) { context.HtmlWriter.WriteEncodedText(" , "); } } } else { throw new RdfOutputException("Tried to make a SPARQL Query to find Classes in the Schema but an unexpected Query Result was returned"); } } catch (RdfQueryException queryEx) { throw new RdfOutputException("Tried to make a SPARQL Query to find Classes in the Schema but a Query Error occurred", queryEx); } context.HtmlWriter.RenderEndTag(); context.HtmlWriter.WriteLine(); context.HtmlWriter.RenderBeginTag(HtmlTextWriterTag.P); context.HtmlWriter.WriteEncodedText("This Schema defines the following properties:"); context.HtmlWriter.RenderEndTag(); context.HtmlWriter.WriteLine(); context.HtmlWriter.AddStyleAttribute("width", "90%"); context.HtmlWriter.AddAttribute(HtmlTextWriterAttribute.Class, CssClassBox); context.HtmlWriter.RenderBeginTag(HtmlTextWriterTag.P); // Get the Properties and Display SparqlParameterizedString getProperties = new SparqlParameterizedString(); getProperties.Namespaces = context.QNameMapper; getProperties.CommandText = "SELECT DISTINCT ?property WHERE { { ?property a rdf:Property } UNION { ?property a owl:DatatypeProperty } UNION { ?property a owl:ObjectProperty } FILTER(ISURI(?property)) } ORDER BY ?property"; try { results = context.Graph.ExecuteQuery(getProperties); if (results is SparqlResultSet) { SparqlResultSet rs = (SparqlResultSet)results; for (int i = 0; i < rs.Count; i++) { SparqlResult r = rs[i]; // Get the QName and output a Link to an anchor that we'll generate later to let // users jump to a Class/Property definition String qname = context.NodeFormatter.Format(r["property"]); context.HtmlWriter.AddAttribute("href", "#" + qname); context.HtmlWriter.AddAttribute(HtmlTextWriterAttribute.Class, CssClassUri); context.HtmlWriter.RenderBeginTag(HtmlTextWriterTag.A); context.HtmlWriter.WriteEncodedText(qname); context.HtmlWriter.RenderEndTag(); if (i < rs.Count - 1) { context.HtmlWriter.WriteEncodedText(" , "); } } } else { throw new RdfOutputException("Tried to make a SPARQL Query to find Properties in the Schema but an unexpected Query Result was returned"); } } catch (RdfQueryException queryEx) { throw new RdfOutputException("Tried to make a SPARQL Query to find Properties in the Schema but a Query Error occurred", queryEx); } context.HtmlWriter.RenderEndTag(); context.HtmlWriter.WriteLine(); // Show details for each class context.HtmlWriter.RenderBeginTag(HtmlTextWriterTag.H3); context.HtmlWriter.WriteEncodedText("Classes"); context.HtmlWriter.RenderEndTag(); context.HtmlWriter.WriteLine(); // Now create the URI Nodes we need for the next stage of Output IUriNode rdfsDomain = context.Graph.CreateUriNode(UriFactory.Create(NamespaceMapper.RDFS + "domain")); IUriNode rdfsRange = context.Graph.CreateUriNode(UriFactory.Create(NamespaceMapper.RDFS + "range")); IUriNode rdfsSubClassOf = context.Graph.CreateUriNode(UriFactory.Create(NamespaceMapper.RDFS + "subClassOf")); IUriNode rdfsSubPropertyOf = context.Graph.CreateUriNode(UriFactory.Create(NamespaceMapper.RDFS + "subPropertyOf")); IUriNode owlDisjointClass = context.Graph.CreateUriNode(UriFactory.Create(NamespaceMapper.OWL + "disjointWith")); IUriNode owlEquivalentClass = context.Graph.CreateUriNode(UriFactory.Create(NamespaceMapper.OWL + "equivalentClass")); IUriNode owlEquivalentProperty = context.Graph.CreateUriNode(UriFactory.Create(NamespaceMapper.OWL + "equivalentProperty")); IUriNode owlInverseProperty = context.Graph.CreateUriNode(UriFactory.Create(NamespaceMapper.OWL + "inverseOf")); // Alter our previous getClasses query to get additional details getClasses.CommandText = "SELECT ?class (SAMPLE(?label) AS ?classLabel) (SAMPLE(?description) AS ?classDescription) WHERE { { ?class a rdfs:Class } UNION { ?class a owl:Class } FILTER(ISURI(?class)) OPTIONAL { ?class rdfs:label ?label } OPTIONAL { ?class rdfs:comment ?description } } GROUP BY ?class ORDER BY ?class"; try { results = context.Graph.ExecuteQuery(getClasses); if (results is SparqlResultSet) { foreach (SparqlResult r in (SparqlResultSet)results) { if (!r.HasValue("class")) { continue; } String qname = context.NodeFormatter.Format(r["class"]); // Use a <div> for each Class context.HtmlWriter.AddAttribute(HtmlTextWriterAttribute.Class, CssClassBox); context.HtmlWriter.RenderBeginTag(HtmlTextWriterTag.Div); // Add the Anchor to which earlier Class summary links to context.HtmlWriter.AddAttribute(HtmlTextWriterAttribute.Name, qname); context.HtmlWriter.RenderBeginTag(HtmlTextWriterTag.A); context.HtmlWriter.RenderEndTag(); // Show Basic Class Information context.HtmlWriter.RenderBeginTag(HtmlTextWriterTag.H4); context.HtmlWriter.WriteEncodedText("Class: " + qname); context.HtmlWriter.RenderEndTag(); // Show "Local Name - Label" context.HtmlWriter.RenderBeginTag(HtmlTextWriterTag.Em); if (TurtleSpecsHelper.IsValidQName(qname)) { context.HtmlWriter.WriteEncodedText(qname); } else { Uri temp = new Uri(qname, UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute); if (!temp.Fragment.Equals(String.Empty)) { context.HtmlWriter.WriteEncodedText(temp.Fragment); } else { context.HtmlWriter.WriteEncodedText(temp.Segments.Last()); } } context.HtmlWriter.RenderEndTag(); if (r.HasValue("classLabel")) { if (r["classLabel"] != null && r["classLabel"].NodeType == NodeType.Literal) { context.HtmlWriter.WriteEncodedText(" - "); context.HtmlWriter.WriteEncodedText(((ILiteralNode)r["classLabel"]).Value); } } context.HtmlWriter.WriteLine(); context.HtmlWriter.WriteBreak(); context.HtmlWriter.WriteLine(); // Output further information about the class IEnumerable <Triple> ts; // Output any Subclasses ts = context.Graph.GetTriplesWithSubjectPredicate(rdfsSubClassOf, r["class"]); GenerateCaptionedInformation(context, "Has Sub Classes", ts, t => t.Object); // Output Properties which have this as domain/range ts = context.Graph.GetTriplesWithPredicateObject(rdfsDomain, r["class"]); GenerateCaptionedInformation(context, "Properties Include", ts, t => t.Subject); ts = context.Graph.GetTriplesWithPredicateObject(rdfsRange, r["class"]); GenerateCaptionedInformation(context, "Used With", ts, t => t.Subject); // Output any Equivalent Classes ts = context.Graph.GetTriplesWithSubjectPredicate(r["class"], owlEquivalentClass).Concat(context.Graph.GetTriplesWithPredicateObject(owlEquivalentClass, r["class"])); GenerateCaptionedInformation(context, "Equivalent Classes", ts, t => t.Subject.Equals(r["class"]) ? t.Object : t.Subject); // Output any Disjoint Classes ts = context.Graph.GetTriplesWithSubjectPredicate(r["class"], owlDisjointClass).Concat(context.Graph.GetTriplesWithPredicateObject(owlDisjointClass, r["class"])); GenerateCaptionedInformation(context, "Disjoint Classes", ts, t => t.Subject.Equals(r["class"]) ? t.Object : t.Subject); // Show the Class Description if (r.HasValue("classDescription")) { if (r["classDescription"] != null && r["classDescription"].NodeType == NodeType.Literal) { context.HtmlWriter.RenderBeginTag(HtmlTextWriterTag.P); context.HtmlWriter.Write(((ILiteralNode)r["classDescription"]).Value); context.HtmlWriter.RenderEndTag(); } } // End the </div> for the Class context.HtmlWriter.RenderEndTag(); context.HtmlWriter.WriteLine(); } } else { throw new RdfOutputException("Tried to make a SPARQL Query to get Class Information from the Schema but an unexpected Query Result was returned"); } } catch (RdfQueryException queryEx) { throw new RdfOutputException("Tried to make a SPARQL Query to get Class Information from the Schema but a Query Error occurred", queryEx); } // Show details for each property context.HtmlWriter.RenderBeginTag(HtmlTextWriterTag.H3); context.HtmlWriter.WriteEncodedText("Properties"); context.HtmlWriter.RenderEndTag(); context.HtmlWriter.WriteLine(); // Alter our previous getProperties query to get additional details getProperties.CommandText = "SELECT ?property (SAMPLE(?label) AS ?propertyLabel) (SAMPLE(?description) AS ?propertyDescription) WHERE { { ?property a rdf:Property } UNION { ?property a owl:ObjectProperty } UNION { ?property a owl:DatatypeProperty } FILTER(ISURI(?property)) OPTIONAL { ?property rdfs:label ?label } OPTIONAL { ?property rdfs:comment ?description } } GROUP BY ?property ORDER BY ?property"; try { results = context.Graph.ExecuteQuery(getProperties); if (results is SparqlResultSet) { foreach (SparqlResult r in (SparqlResultSet)results) { if (!r.HasValue("property")) { continue; } String qname = context.NodeFormatter.Format(r["property"]); // Use a <div> for each Property context.HtmlWriter.AddAttribute(HtmlTextWriterAttribute.Class, CssClassBox); context.HtmlWriter.RenderBeginTag(HtmlTextWriterTag.Div); // Add the Anchor to which earlier Property summary links to context.HtmlWriter.AddAttribute(HtmlTextWriterAttribute.Name, qname); context.HtmlWriter.RenderBeginTag(HtmlTextWriterTag.A); context.HtmlWriter.RenderEndTag(); // Show Basic Property Information context.HtmlWriter.RenderBeginTag(HtmlTextWriterTag.H4); context.HtmlWriter.WriteEncodedText("Property: " + qname); context.HtmlWriter.RenderEndTag(); // Show "Local Name - Label" context.HtmlWriter.RenderBeginTag(HtmlTextWriterTag.Em); if (TurtleSpecsHelper.IsValidQName(qname)) { context.HtmlWriter.WriteEncodedText(qname); } else { Uri temp = new Uri(qname, UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute); if (!temp.Fragment.Equals(String.Empty)) { context.HtmlWriter.WriteEncodedText(temp.Fragment); } else { context.HtmlWriter.WriteEncodedText(temp.Segments.Last()); } } context.HtmlWriter.RenderEndTag(); if (r.HasValue("propertyLabel")) { if (r["propertyLabel"] != null && r["propertyLabel"].NodeType == NodeType.Literal) { context.HtmlWriter.WriteEncodedText(" - "); context.HtmlWriter.WriteEncodedText(((ILiteralNode)r["propertyLabel"]).Value); } } context.HtmlWriter.WriteLine(); context.HtmlWriter.WriteBreak(); context.HtmlWriter.WriteLine(); // Output further information about the property IEnumerable <Triple> ts; // Output any Subproperties ts = context.Graph.GetTriplesWithSubjectPredicate(rdfsSubPropertyOf, r["property"]); GenerateCaptionedInformation(context, "Has Sub Properties", ts, t => t.Object); // Output Domain and Range // ts = context.Graph.GetTriplesWithSubjectPredicate(r["property"], rdfsDomain); // this.GenerateCaptionedInformation(context, "Has Domain", ts, t => t.Object); // ts = context.Graph.GetTriplesWithSubjectPredicate(r["property"], rdfsRange); // this.GenerateCaptionedInformation(context, "Has Range", ts, t => t.Object); getPropertyDomains.SetParameter("property", r["property"]); GenerateCaptionedInformation(context, "Has Domain", context.Graph.ExecuteQuery(getPropertyDomains) as SparqlResultSet, "domain"); getPropertyRanges.SetParameter("property", r["property"]); GenerateCaptionedInformation(context, "Has Range", context.Graph.ExecuteQuery(getPropertyRanges) as SparqlResultSet, "range"); // Output any Equivalent Properties ts = context.Graph.GetTriplesWithSubjectPredicate(r["property"], owlEquivalentProperty).Concat(context.Graph.GetTriplesWithPredicateObject(owlEquivalentProperty, r["property"])); GenerateCaptionedInformation(context, "Equivalent Properties", ts, t => t.Subject.Equals(r["property"]) ? t.Object : t.Subject); // Output any Disjoint Classes ts = context.Graph.GetTriplesWithSubjectPredicate(r["property"], owlInverseProperty).Concat(context.Graph.GetTriplesWithPredicateObject(owlInverseProperty, r["property"])); GenerateCaptionedInformation(context, "Inverse Property", ts, t => t.Subject.Equals(r["property"]) ? t.Object : t.Subject); // Show the Property Description if (r.HasValue("propertyDescription")) { if (r["propertyDescription"] != null && r["propertyDescription"].NodeType == NodeType.Literal) { context.HtmlWriter.RenderBeginTag(HtmlTextWriterTag.P); context.HtmlWriter.Write(((ILiteralNode)r["propertyDescription"]).Value); context.HtmlWriter.RenderEndTag(); } } // End the </div> for the Property context.HtmlWriter.RenderEndTag(); context.HtmlWriter.WriteLine(); } } else { throw new RdfOutputException("Tried to make a SPARQL Query to get Property Information from the Schema but an unexpected Query Result was returned"); } } catch (RdfQueryException queryEx) { throw new RdfOutputException("Tried to make a SPARQL Query to get Property Information from the Schema but a Query Error occurred", queryEx); } // End of Page context.HtmlWriter.RenderEndTag(); //End Body context.HtmlWriter.RenderEndTag(); //End Html }
/// <summary> /// Saves the SPARQL Result Set to the given File /// </summary> /// <param name="results">Result Set to save</param> /// <param name="filename">File to save to</param> public void Save(SparqlResultSet results, string filename) { this._writer.Save(this.GenerateOutput(results), filename); }
/// <summary> /// Выполнение Sparql-запроса /// </summary> /// <param name="sparqlCommandText">Текст Sparql-запроса</param> /// <returns>Результат запроса в виде текста</returns> public string ExecuteQuery(string sparqlCommandText) { using (Graph baseGraph = new Graph()) { RdfXmlParser fileParser = new RdfXmlParser(); foreach (string fileName in FilesToQuery) { if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(fileName)) { continue; } using (Graph g = new Graph()) { try { fileParser.Load(g, fileName); baseGraph.Merge(g); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception(String.Format("Ошибка при обработке файла {0}\r\n{1}", fileName, ex.Message), ex); } } } var resultSet = baseGraph.ExecuteQuery(sparqlCommandText); if (resultSet is SparqlResultSet) { SparqlResultSet outputSet = resultSet as SparqlResultSet; if (outputSet.IsEmpty) { QueryResult = "Пустой результат"; } else { StringBuilder outputString = new StringBuilder(); foreach (SparqlResult result in outputSet.Results) { outputString.AppendLine(result.ToString()); } QueryResult = outputString.ToString(); } } else if (resultSet is Graph) { Graph resultGraph = resultSet as Graph; if (resultGraph.IsEmpty) { QueryResult = "Пустой граф"; } else { QueryResult = VDS.RDF.Writing.StringWriter.Write(resultGraph, new RdfXmlWriter()); } } else { QueryResult = string.Format("Неизвестный результат: {0}", resultSet.GetType()); } return(QueryResult); } }
protected void Button2_Click1(object sender, EventArgs e) { TripleStore store = new TripleStore(); Graph g1 = new Graph(); g1.LoadFromFile(Server.MapPath("SVUModeling.rdf")); store.Add(g1); Label1.Text = "Economic Program Details"; Label1.Visible = true; GridView1.Visible = false; InMemoryDataset ds = new InMemoryDataset(store); //Get the Query processor ISparqlQueryProcessor processor = new LeviathanQueryProcessor(ds); //Use the SparqlQueryParser to give us a SparqlQuery object //Should get a Graph back from a CONSTRUCT query Label2.Text = "Economic Director Informations "; Label2.Visible = true; // to select the Economic Director Informations SparqlQueryParser sparqlparser = new SparqlQueryParser(); SparqlQuery query = sparqlparser.ParseFromString(@"prefix rdf: <> prefix rdfs: <> prefix owl: <> prefix foaf: <> SELECT ?EconomicDirectorInfo WHERE { ?t owl:EconomicDirectorInfoProperty ?EconomicDirectorInfo }"); Object results = processor.ProcessQuery(query); DataTable DT2 = new DataTable(); SparqlResultSet rset = (SparqlResultSet)results; DT2 = FillDataTable(rset); GridView2.DataSource = DT2; GridView2.DataBind(); GridView2.Visible = true; //to retrival the Teachers Economic program Label3.Text = "Teachers Of Economic Program"; Label3.Visible = true; SparqlQueryParser sparqlparser2 = new SparqlQueryParser(); SparqlQuery query2 = sparqlparser.ParseFromString(@"prefix rdf: <> prefix rdfs: <> prefix foaf: <> prefix owl: <> SELECT ?TeachersEconomic WHERE { ?t owl:TeachersOfEconomic ?TeachersEconomic }"); Object results2 = processor.ProcessQuery(query2); DataTable DT3 = new DataTable(); SparqlResultSet rset5 = (SparqlResultSet)results2; DT3 = FillDataTable(rset5); GridView3.DataSource = DT3; GridView3.DataBind(); GridView3.Visible = true; //to select Courses Of Economic Label4.Text = "Courses of Economic Program"; Label4.Visible = true; SparqlQueryParser sparqlparser4 = new SparqlQueryParser(); SparqlQuery query4 = sparqlparser.ParseFromString(@"prefix rdf: <> prefix rdfs: <> prefix owl: <> SELECT ?CoursesEconomic WHERE { ?t owl:CoursesOfEconomic ?CoursesEconomic }"); Object results4 = processor.ProcessQuery(query4); DataTable DT4 = new DataTable(); SparqlResultSet rset6 = (SparqlResultSet)results4; DT4 = FillDataTable(rset6); GridView4.DataSource = DT4; GridView4.DataBind(); GridView4.Visible = true; }
/// <summary> /// Displays the given SPARQL Result Set /// </summary> /// <param name="results">SPARQL Result to display</param> public ResultSetViewerForm(SparqlResultSet results) : this(results, null, null) { }
/// <summary> /// Displays the given SPARQL Result Set and prefixes the form title with the given title /// </summary> /// <param name="results">SPARQL Result Set to display</param> /// <param name="title">Title prefix</param> public ResultSetViewerForm(SparqlResultSet results, String title) : this(results, null, title) { }
public IEnumerable <SparqlResult> Run(IEnumerable <SparqlResult> variableBindings, SparqlResultSet resultSet, bool isGrouped) { Selected = null; if (isAll) { Selected = resultSet.Variables.Values.Where(v => !(v is SparqlBlankNode)).ToList(); } else { var asExpressions = this.Select(varOrExpr => varOrExpr as SparqlExpressionAsVariable).ToArray(); if (isGrouped) { if (asExpressions.All(exp => exp != null)) { if (asExpressions.All(exp => exp.sparqlExpression.AggregateLevel == SparqlExpression.VariableDependenceGroupLevel.GroupOfGroups)) { return(OneRowResult(variableBindings, asExpressions)); } } else { //todo } } else { if (asExpressions.All(exp => exp != null)) { //if(asExpressions.All(exp=>exp.sparqlExpression.AggregateLevel==SparqlExpression.VariableDependenceGroupLevel.Const || exp.sparqlExpression.AggregateLevel==SparqlExpression.VariableDependenceGroupLevel.UndependableFunc)) if (asExpressions.All(exp => exp.sparqlExpression.AggregateLevel == SparqlExpression.VariableDependenceGroupLevel.Group)) { return(OneRowResult(variableBindings, asExpressions)); } } } Selected = new List <VariableNode>(); foreach (IVariableNode variable in this) { var expr = variable as SparqlExpressionAsVariable; if (expr != null) { variableBindings = isGrouped ? expr.Run4Grouped(variableBindings) : expr.Run(variableBindings); Selected.Add(expr.variableNode); } else { Selected.Add((VariableNode)variable); } } } variableBindings = variableBindings.Select(result => { result.SetSelection(Selected); return(result); }); if (IsDistinct) { variableBindings = Distinct(variableBindings); } if (IsReduced) { variableBindings = Reduce(variableBindings); } return(variableBindings); }
/// <summary> /// Evaluates the Service Clause by generating instance(s) of <see cref="SparqlRemoteEndpoint">SparqlRemoteEndpoint</see> as required and issuing the query to the remote endpoint(s). /// </summary> /// <param name="context">Evaluation Context.</param> /// <returns></returns> public BaseMultiset Evaluate(SparqlEvaluationContext context) { bool bypassSilent = false; try { SparqlRemoteEndpoint endpoint; Uri endpointUri; String baseUri = (context.Query.BaseUri == null) ? String.Empty : context.Query.BaseUri.AbsoluteUri; SparqlParameterizedString sparqlQuery = new SparqlParameterizedString("SELECT * WHERE "); String pattern = _pattern.ToString(); pattern = pattern.Substring(pattern.IndexOf('{')); sparqlQuery.CommandText += pattern; // Pass through LIMIT and OFFSET to the remote service if (context.Query.Limit >= 0) { // Calculate a LIMIT which is the LIMIT plus the OFFSET // We'll apply OFFSET locally so don't pass that through explicitly int limit = context.Query.Limit; if (context.Query.Offset > 0) { limit += context.Query.Offset; } sparqlQuery.CommandText += " LIMIT " + limit; } // Select which service to use if (_endpointSpecifier.TokenType == Token.URI) { endpointUri = UriFactory.Create(Tools.ResolveUri(_endpointSpecifier.Value, baseUri)); endpoint = new SparqlRemoteEndpoint(endpointUri); } else if (_endpointSpecifier.TokenType == Token.VARIABLE) { // Get all the URIs that are bound to this Variable in the Input String var = _endpointSpecifier.Value.Substring(1); if (!context.InputMultiset.ContainsVariable(var)) { throw new RdfQueryException("Cannot evaluate a SERVICE clause which uses a Variable as the Service specifier when the Variable is unbound"); } List <IUriNode> services = new List <IUriNode>(); foreach (ISet s in context.InputMultiset.Sets) { if (s.ContainsVariable(var)) { if (s[var].NodeType == NodeType.Uri) { services.Add((IUriNode)s[var]); } } } services = services.Distinct().ToList(); // Now generate a Federated Remote Endpoint List <SparqlRemoteEndpoint> serviceEndpoints = new List <SparqlRemoteEndpoint>(); services.ForEach(u => serviceEndpoints.Add(new SparqlRemoteEndpoint(u.Uri))); endpoint = new FederatedSparqlRemoteEndpoint(serviceEndpoints); } else { // Note that we must bypass the SILENT operator in this case as this is not an evaluation failure // but a query syntax error bypassSilent = true; throw new RdfQueryException("SERVICE Specifier must be a URI/Variable Token but a " + _endpointSpecifier.GetType().ToString() + " Token was provided"); } // Where possible do substitution and execution to get accurate and correct SERVICE results context.OutputMultiset = new Multiset(); List <String> existingVars = (from v in _pattern.Variables where context.InputMultiset.ContainsVariable(v) select v).ToList(); if (existingVars.Any() || context.Query.Bindings != null) { // Pre-bound variables/BINDINGS clause so do substitution and execution // Build the set of possible bindings HashSet <ISet> bindings = new HashSet <ISet>(); if (context.Query.Bindings != null && !_pattern.Variables.IsDisjoint(context.Query.Bindings.Variables)) { // Possible Bindings comes from BINDINGS clause // In this case each possibility is a distinct binding tuple defined in the BINDINGS clause foreach (BindingTuple tuple in context.Query.Bindings.Tuples) { bindings.Add(new Set(tuple)); } } else { // Possible Bindings get built from current input (if there was a BINDINGS clause the variables it defines are not in this SERVICE clause) // In this case each possibility only contains Variables bound so far foreach (ISet s in context.InputMultiset.Sets) { Set t = new Set(); foreach (String var in existingVars) { t.Add(var, s[var]); } bindings.Add(t); } } // Execute the Query for every possible Binding and build up our Output Multiset from all the results foreach (ISet s in bindings) { // Q: Should we continue processing here if and when we hit an error? foreach (String var in s.Variables) { sparqlQuery.SetVariable(var, s[var]); } SparqlResultSet results = endpoint.QueryWithResultSet(sparqlQuery.ToString()); context.CheckTimeout(); foreach (SparqlResult r in results) { Set t = new Set(r); foreach (String var in s.Variables) { t.Add(var, s[var]); } context.OutputMultiset.Add(t); } } return(context.OutputMultiset); } else { // No pre-bound variables/BINDINGS clause so just execute the query // Try and get a Result Set from the Service SparqlResultSet results = endpoint.QueryWithResultSet(sparqlQuery.ToString()); // Transform this Result Set back into a Multiset foreach (SparqlResult r in results.Results) { context.OutputMultiset.Add(new Set(r)); } return(context.OutputMultiset); } } catch (Exception ex) { if (_silent && !bypassSilent) { // If Evaluation Errors are SILENT is specified then a Multiset containing a single set with all values unbound is returned // Unless some of the SPARQL queries did return results in which we just return the results we did obtain if (context.OutputMultiset.IsEmpty) { Set s = new Set(); foreach (String var in _pattern.Variables.Distinct()) { s.Add(var, null); } context.OutputMultiset.Add(s); } return(context.OutputMultiset); } else { throw new RdfQueryException("Query execution failed because evaluating a SERVICE clause failed - this may be due to an error with the remote service", ex); } } }
public void browseFunction(MyWpfRdfResultControl _RdfRes, String browse, bool isPopup) { if (browse == null) { return; } try { SparqlQueryParser sqp = new SparqlQueryParser(); string query = null; int len = TypesComboBox.Text.Length; if (len != 0 && browse.Length != 0) { query = "SELECT * WHERE { {<" + browse + "> <" + TypesComboBox.Text + "> ?object} UNION {?subject <" + TypesComboBox.Text + "> <" + browse + ">} } ORDER BY ?object"; } else if (len == 0 && browse.Length != 0) { query = "SELECT * WHERE { {?subject ?type <" + browse + ">} UNION {<" + browse + "> ?type ?object} } ORDER BY ?type"; } else if (len != 0 && browse.Length == 0) { query = "SELECT * WHERE {?subject <" + TypesComboBox.Text + "> ?object} ORDER BY ?subject ?object"; } else if (len == 0 && browse.Length == 0) { query = "SELECT * WHERE {?subject ?type ?object} ORDER BY ?subject ?type ?object LIMIT 20"; } if (isPopup) { query += " LIMIT " + POPUP_QUERY_LIMIT; } SparqlQuery sparqlQuery = sqp.ParseFromString(query); SparqlResultSet results = null; if (config.endpoint != null) { results = config.endpoint.QueryWithResultSet(query); } else { results = (SparqlResultSet)config.myGraph.ExecuteQuery(sparqlQuery); } _RdfRes.setResultSet(results); _RdfRes.Href_Click = Href_Click; _RdfRes._popUp = popLink; if (config.types == BrowsingType.RdfBrowsing) { _RdfRes.initForRdfTypeBrowing(); } else // BrowsingType.TriplesBrowsing { _RdfRes.initForTripleBrowing(); } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "ERROR1", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error); MessageBox.Show(ex.StackTrace, "ERROR1(StackTrace)", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error); } }
/// <summary> /// Saves a SPARQL Result Set to TSV format /// </summary> /// <param name="results">Result Set</param> /// <param name="output">Writer to save to</param> public void Save(SparqlResultSet results, TextWriter output) { try { if (results.ResultsType == SparqlResultsType.VariableBindings) { // Output Variables first String[] vars = results.Variables.ToArray(); for (int i = 0; i < vars.Length; i++) { output.Write("?" + vars[i]); if (i < vars.Length - 1) { output.Write('\t'); } } output.Write('\n'); foreach (SparqlResult result in results) { for (int i = 0; i < vars.Length; i++) { if (result.HasValue(vars[i])) { INode temp = result[vars[i]]; if (temp != null) { switch (temp.NodeType) { case NodeType.GraphLiteral: throw new RdfOutputException(WriterErrorMessages.GraphLiteralsUnserializable("SPARQL TSV")); case NodeType.Blank: case NodeType.Literal: case NodeType.Uri: output.Write(this._formatter.Format(temp)); break; default: throw new RdfOutputException(WriterErrorMessages.UnknownNodeTypeUnserializable("SPARQL TSV")); } } } if (i < vars.Length - 1) { output.Write('\t'); } } output.Write('\n'); } } else { output.Write(results.Result.ToString()); } output.Close(); } catch { try { output.Close(); } catch { // No error handling, just trying to clean up } throw; } }
public ISparqlQueryResult ExecuteQuery(SparqlQuery query, ITransaction transaction = null) { SparqlResultSet result = _endpoint.QueryWithResultSet(query.ToString()); return(new SparqlEndpointQueryResult(result, query)); }
private void RenderResultSet(SparqlResultSet results) { //First Create the Header Row RowDefinition rowDef = new RowDefinition(); rowDef.Height = new GridLength(27); this._grid.RowDefinitions.Add(rowDef); //Create the appropriate number of Columns int c = 0; List <GridSplitter> columnSplitters = new List <GridSplitter>(); foreach (String var in results.Variables) { //Create the Column for the Variable ColumnDefinition colDef = new ColumnDefinition(); colDef.Width = new GridLength(100, GridUnitType.Star); this._grid.ColumnDefinitions.Add(colDef); //Create a Label for the Variable Label varLabel = new Label(); varLabel.Content = var; varLabel.Background = Brushes.LightGray; varLabel.HorizontalContentAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center; varLabel.VerticalContentAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center; this._grid.Children.Add(varLabel); Grid.SetColumn(varLabel, c); Grid.SetRow(varLabel, 0); c++; //Create a Column for a Splitter colDef = new ColumnDefinition(); colDef.Width = new GridLength(1); this._grid.ColumnDefinitions.Add(colDef); //Add the Spliiter GridSplitter splitter = new GridSplitter(); splitter.ResizeDirection = GridResizeDirection.Columns; splitter.ResizeBehavior = GridResizeBehavior.PreviousAndNext; splitter.Width = 1; splitter.Background = Brushes.Black; splitter.Foreground = Brushes.Black; this._grid.Children.Add(splitter); Grid.SetColumn(splitter, c); Grid.SetRow(splitter, 0); columnSplitters.Add(splitter); c++; } int row = 1; c = 0; foreach (SparqlResult result in results) { //Create a new Row rowDef = new RowDefinition(); rowDef.Height = new GridLength(27, GridUnitType.Star); this._grid.RowDefinitions.Add(rowDef); //Create Controls for each Value in the appropriate Columns //The increment is two because we're skipping the column splitter columns foreach (String var in results.Variables) { if (result.HasValue(var)) { if (result[var] != null) { Control value = this.RenderNode(result[var]); Grid.SetRow(value, row); Grid.SetColumn(value, c); this._grid.Children.Add(value); } } c += 2; } //Add the Splitter Row row++; this._grid.RowDefinitions.Add(new RowDefinition()); GridSplitter rowSplitter = new GridSplitter(); rowSplitter.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Stretch; rowSplitter.Height = 1; rowSplitter.ResizeDirection = GridResizeDirection.Rows; rowSplitter.ResizeBehavior = GridResizeBehavior.PreviousAndNext; rowSplitter.Background = Brushes.Black; rowSplitter.Foreground = Brushes.Black; Grid.SetColumn(rowSplitter, 0); Grid.SetRow(rowSplitter, row); Grid.SetColumnSpan(rowSplitter, this._grid.ColumnDefinitions.Count); this._grid.Children.Add(rowSplitter); //Increment Row and Reset Column row++; c = 0; } foreach (GridSplitter splitter in columnSplitters) { Grid.SetRowSpan(splitter, this._grid.RowDefinitions.Count); } }
/// <summary> /// Creates a new Merging Result Set Handler /// </summary> /// <param name="results">Result Set</param> public MergingResultSetHandler(SparqlResultSet results) : base(results) { }
private void GenerateCaptionedInformation(HtmlWriterContext context, String caption, SparqlResultSet results, String var) { if (results == null) { return; } GenerateCaptionedInformation(context, caption, results.Select(r => r[var]).Where(n => n != null)); }
/// <summary> /// Dynamically wraps a SPARQL result set. /// </summary> /// <param name="set">The SPARQL result set to wrap dynamically.</param> /// <returns>A dynamic result set that wraps <paramref name="set"/>.</returns> public static dynamic AsDynamic(this SparqlResultSet set) { return(new DynamicSparqlResultSet(set)); }
/// <summary> /// Creates a new Results Parser Context /// </summary> /// <param name="results">Result Set</param> /// <param name="traceParsing">Whether to trace parsing</param> public BaseResultsParserContext(SparqlResultSet results, bool traceParsing) : this(new ResultSetHandler(results), traceParsing) { }
/// <summary> /// Creates a new Tokenising Parser Context with default settings /// </summary> /// <param name="results">Result Set to parse into</param> /// <param name="tokeniser">Tokeniser to use</param> public TokenisingResultParserContext(SparqlResultSet results, ITokeniser tokeniser) : base(results) { this._queue = new TokenQueue(tokeniser); }
/// <summary> /// Loads a Result Set from an Input /// </summary> /// <param name="results">Result Set to load into</param> /// <param name="input">Input to read from</param> public void Load(SparqlResultSet results, TextReader input) { if (results == null) throw new RdfParseException("Cannot parse SPARQL Results into a null Result Set"); if (input == null) throw new RdfParseException("Cannot parse SPARQL Results from a null input stream"); this.Load(new ResultSetHandler(results), input); }
/// <summary> /// Runs the task /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> protected override object RunTaskInternal() { try { //Firstly try and parse the Query this.Query = this._parser.ParseFromString(this.QueryString); } catch { this.Information = "Query is not valid SPARQL 1.0/1.1 - will attempt to evaluate it but underlying store may reject the originalQuery..."; } // Successfuly parsed originalQuery if (this.Query != null) { //Then apply it to the Manager using the GenericQueryProcessor try { //Check that paging can be used if it was enabled if (this._usePaging) { if (this.Query.Limit >= 0 || this.Query.Offset > 0) { throw new RdfQueryException("Cannot apply originalQuery paging when the SPARQL Query already contains an explicit LIMIT and/or OFFSET clause"); } else if (this.Query.QueryType == SparqlQueryType.Ask) { throw new RdfQueryException("Cannot apply originalQuery paging to an ASK Query"); } } int offset = 0; TimeSpan totalTime = TimeSpan.Zero; switch (this.Query.QueryType) { case SparqlQueryType.Ask: SparqlResultSet blnResult = this._processor.ProcessQuery(this.Query) as SparqlResultSet; if (blnResult == null) { throw new RdfQueryException("Store did not return a SPARQL Result Set for the ASK originalQuery as was expected"); } return(blnResult); case SparqlQueryType.Construct: case SparqlQueryType.Describe: case SparqlQueryType.DescribeAll: Graph g = new Graph(); g.NamespaceMap.Import(this.Query.NamespaceMap); do { if (this._usePaging) { this.Query.Limit = this._pageSize; this.Query.Offset = offset; } Object result = this._processor.ProcessQuery(this.Query); totalTime += this.Query.QueryExecutionTime.HasValue ? this.Query.QueryExecutionTime.Value : TimeSpan.Zero; if (!(result is IGraph)) { throw new RdfQueryException("SPARQL Query did not return a RDF Graph as expected"); } IGraph temp = (IGraph)result; //If no further results can halt if (temp.Triples.Count == 0) { break; } offset += this._pageSize; //Merge the partial result into the final result g.Merge(temp); } while (this._usePaging); this.Information = "Query Completed OK (Took " + totalTime.ToString() + ")"; return(g); case SparqlQueryType.Select: case SparqlQueryType.SelectAll: case SparqlQueryType.SelectAllDistinct: case SparqlQueryType.SelectAllReduced: case SparqlQueryType.SelectDistinct: case SparqlQueryType.SelectReduced: SparqlResultSet results = new SparqlResultSet(); ResultSetHandler handler = new ResultSetHandler(results); try { handler.StartResults(); do { if (this._usePaging) { this.Query.Limit = this._pageSize; this.Query.Offset = offset; } Object result = this._processor.ProcessQuery(this.Query); totalTime += this.Query.QueryExecutionTime.HasValue ? this.Query.QueryExecutionTime.Value : TimeSpan.Zero; if (!(result is SparqlResultSet)) { throw new RdfQueryException("SPARQL Query did not return a SPARQL Result Set as expected"); } SparqlResultSet rset = (SparqlResultSet)result; foreach (String var in rset.Variables) { handler.HandleVariable(var); } //If no further results can halt if (rset.Count == 0) { break; } offset += this._pageSize; //Merge the partial result into the final result foreach (SparqlResult r in rset) { handler.HandleResult(r); } } while (this._usePaging); handler.EndResults(true); } catch { handler.EndResults(false); throw; } this.Information = "Query Completed OK (Took " + totalTime.ToString() + ")"; return(results); default: throw new RdfQueryException("Cannot evaluate an unknown originalQuery type"); } } catch { //Try and show the execution time if possible if (this.Query.QueryExecutionTime.HasValue) { this.Information = "Query Failed (Took " + this.Query.QueryExecutionTime.Value + ")"; } else { this.Information = "Query Failed"; } throw; } } // Unsuccessfully parsed originalQuery - may be using syntax extensions specific to the target store DateTime start = DateTime.Now; try { if (this._usePaging) { throw new RdfQueryException("Cannot apply paging to a Query that we cannot parse as a valid SPARQL 1.0/1.1 originalQuery"); } Object results = this._storage.Query(this.QueryString); this.Information = "Query Completed OK (Took " + (DateTime.Now - start) + ")"; return(results); } catch { //Try and show the execution time if possible try { this.Information = "Query Failed (Took " + (DateTime.Now - start) + ")"; } catch { this.Information = "Query Failed"; } throw; } }
/// <summary> /// overload of Execute query /// </summary> /// <param name="input">the query text as string</param> /// <returns></returns> public static SparqlResultSet ExecuteQueryWithString(string input) { //list to hold the results SparqlResultSet resultSet = new SparqlResultSet(); try { //just in cas someone didn't open the connection if (!isConnectionStarted) startConnection(); //making the query Object result = manager.Query(input); //Object result = manager.ExecuteQuery(input); resultSet = (SparqlResultSet)result; } catch { } return resultSet; }
/// <summary> /// returns a string of comma separated uris of given list of keywords, if a keyword doesn't match a uri , a "" is inserted in it's place. /// </summary> /// <param name="keywords">the list of keywords to get uris for</param> /// <returns></returns> private static string Find_URIs(List<string> keywords) { SparqlResultSet result = new SparqlResultSet(); string query = null; List<int> scores=new List<int>(); List<string> uris = new List<string>(); string comma_sep_uris; for (int i = 0; i < keywords.Count; i++) { //query = "select distinct * where{" + // "<> ?x ?y}"; //here a for loop to query the similar keywords and add found uris to uris List<string> //if a uri is not found a "not found" string is put instead of the uri query = "select distinct ?subject ?literal ?redirects where{" + "?subject <> ?literal." + "optional { ?subject <> ?redirects}." + "optional {?subject <> ?type}." + "Filter (!bound(?type) || !(?type=<>))." + "?literal bif:contains '\"" + keywords[i] + "\"'.}"+"limit 100"; //query = "select distinct * where {?t1 <> \"The Dark Knight\" @en }"; result = remoteEndPoint.QueryWithResultSet(query); //QueryProcessor.closeConnection(); if (result.Count == 0) { //a panic mode to be added to generate a more generic query with more results uris.Add(""); continue; } else if (result.Count == 1) { if ((result[0].Value("redirects") == null)) uris.Add(result[0].Value("subject").ToString()); else uris.Add(result[0].Value("redirects").ToString()); continue; } else { int new_value; int min_value=1000; int max_index=0; for ( int j = 0; j < result.Count; j++) { new_value=( computeLevenshteinDistance(keywords[i],result[j].Value("literal").ToString())); scores.Add(new_value); if(new_value<min_value) { max_index=j; min_value = new_value; } else if (new_value == min_value) { if (result[j].Value("redirects") == null) { max_index = j; min_value = new_value; } else { min_value = new_value; } } } if ((result[max_index].Value("redirects") == null)) uris.Add(result[max_index].Value("subject").ToString()); else uris.Add(result[max_index].Value("redirects").ToString()); min_value = 0; } } comma_sep_uris = string.Join(",", uris.ToArray()); return comma_sep_uris; }
/// <summary> /// Internal method which generates the SPARQL Query Results JSON output /// </summary> /// <param name="results">Result Set to save</param> /// <param name="output">Stream to save to</param> private void GenerateOutput(SparqlResultSet results, TextWriter output) { JsonTextWriter writer = new JsonTextWriter(output); writer.Formatting = Newtonsoft.Json.Formatting.Indented; // Start a Json Object for the Result Set writer.WriteStartObject(); // Create the Head Object writer.WritePropertyName("head"); writer.WriteStartObject(); if (results.ResultsType == SparqlResultsType.VariableBindings) { // SELECT query results // Create the Variables Object writer.WritePropertyName("vars"); writer.WriteStartArray(); foreach (String var in results.Variables) { writer.WriteValue(var); } writer.WriteEndArray(); // End Head Object writer.WriteEndObject(); // Create the Result Object writer.WritePropertyName("results"); writer.WriteStartObject(); writer.WritePropertyName("bindings"); writer.WriteStartArray(); foreach (SparqlResult result in results) { // Create a Binding Object writer.WriteStartObject(); foreach (String var in results.Variables) { if (!result.HasValue(var)) { continue; //No output for unbound variables } INode value = result.Value(var); if (value == null) { continue; } // Create an Object for the Variable writer.WritePropertyName(var); writer.WriteStartObject(); writer.WritePropertyName("type"); switch (value.NodeType) { case NodeType.Blank: // Blank Node writer.WriteValue("bnode"); writer.WritePropertyName("value"); String id = ((IBlankNode)value).InternalID; id = id.Substring(id.IndexOf(':') + 1); writer.WriteValue(id); break; case NodeType.GraphLiteral: // Error throw new RdfOutputException("Result Sets which contain Graph Literal Nodes cannot be serialized in the SPARQL Query Results JSON Format"); case NodeType.Literal: // Literal ILiteralNode lit = (ILiteralNode)value; if (lit.DataType != null) { writer.WriteValue("typed-literal"); } else { writer.WriteValue("literal"); } writer.WritePropertyName("value"); writer.WriteValue(lit.Value); if (!lit.Language.Equals(String.Empty)) { writer.WritePropertyName("xml:lang"); writer.WriteValue(lit.Language); } else if (lit.DataType != null) { writer.WritePropertyName("datatype"); writer.WriteValue(lit.DataType.AbsoluteUri); } break; case NodeType.Uri: // Uri writer.WriteValue("uri"); writer.WritePropertyName("value"); writer.WriteValue(value.ToString()); break; default: throw new RdfOutputException("Result Sets which contain Nodes of unknown Type cannot be serialized in the SPARQL Query Results JSON Format"); } // End the Variable Object writer.WriteEndObject(); } // End the Binding Object writer.WriteEndObject(); } // End Result Object writer.WriteEndArray(); writer.WriteEndObject(); } else { // ASK query result // Set an empty Json Object in the Head writer.WriteEndObject(); // Create a Boolean Property writer.WritePropertyName("boolean"); writer.WriteValue(results.Result); } // End the Json Object for the Result Set writer.WriteEndObject(); }
/// <summary> /// Loads a SPARQL Result Set from RDF contained in the given Input /// </summary> /// <param name="results">SPARQL Result Set to populate</param> /// <param name="input">Input to read from</param> /// <remarks> /// Uses the <see cref="StringParser">StringParser</see> which will use simple heuristics to 'guess' the format of the RDF unless the parser was instaniated with a specific <see cref="IRdfReader">IRdfReader</see> to use /// </remarks> public void Load(SparqlResultSet results, TextReader input) { Load(new ResultSetHandler(results), input); }
/// <summary> /// Method which generates the RDF Graph of a SPARQL Result Set /// </summary> /// <param name="results">Result Set</param> /// <returns></returns> public IGraph GenerateOutput(SparqlResultSet results) { //Create the Graph for the Output IGraph g = new Graph(); //Add the relevant namespaces g.NamespaceMap.AddNamespace("rs", new Uri(SparqlSpecsHelper.SparqlRdfResultsNamespace)); //Create relevant Nodes IUriNode rdfType = g.CreateUriNode("rdf:type"); IUriNode resultSetClass = g.CreateUriNode("rs:ResultSet"); IUriNode resultVariable = g.CreateUriNode("rs:resultVariable"); IUriNode solution = g.CreateUriNode("rs:solution"); IUriNode binding = g.CreateUriNode("rs:binding"); IUriNode value = g.CreateUriNode("rs:value"); IUriNode variable = g.CreateUriNode("rs:variable"); IUriNode boolean = g.CreateUriNode("rs:boolean"); //First we declare a Result Set IBlankNode rset = g.CreateBlankNode(); g.Assert(new Triple(rset, rdfType, resultSetClass)); if (results.ResultsType == SparqlResultsType.VariableBindings) { //Assert a Triple for each Result Variable foreach (String v in results.Variables) { g.Assert(new Triple(rset, resultVariable, g.CreateLiteralNode(v))); } //Then we're going to define a solution for each result foreach (SparqlResult r in results) { IBlankNode sln = g.CreateBlankNode(); g.Assert(new Triple(rset, solution, sln)); foreach (String v in results.Variables) { //Only define Bindings if there is a value and it is non-null if (r.HasValue(v) && r[v] != null) { IBlankNode bnd = g.CreateBlankNode(); g.Assert(new Triple(sln, binding, bnd)); g.Assert(new Triple(bnd, variable, g.CreateLiteralNode(v))); switch (r[v].NodeType) { case NodeType.Blank: IBlankNode b = (IBlankNode)r[v]; IBlankNode bMapped; if (b.GraphUri == null) { bMapped = g.CreateBlankNode(b.InternalID + "def"); } else { bMapped = g.CreateBlankNode(b.InternalID + b.GraphUri.GetEnhancedHashCode()); } g.Assert(new Triple(bnd, value, bMapped)); break; case NodeType.GraphLiteral: throw new RdfOutputException(WriterErrorMessages.GraphLiteralsUnserializable("SPARQL Results RDF Serialization")); case NodeType.Literal: case NodeType.Uri: g.Assert(new Triple(bnd, value, r[v].CopyNode(g))); break; default: throw new RdfOutputException(WriterErrorMessages.UnknownNodeTypeUnserializable("SPARQL Results RDF Serialization")); } } } } } else { //A Boolean Result Set g.Assert(new Triple(rset, boolean, g.CreateLiteralNode(results.Result.ToString(), new Uri(XmlSpecsHelper.XmlSchemaDataTypeBoolean)))); } return g; }
/// <summary> /// Creates a new Results Parser Context /// </summary> /// <param name="results">Result Set</param> public BaseResultsParserContext(SparqlResultSet results) : this(results, false) { }
/// <summary> /// Loads a Result Set from a File /// </summary> /// <param name="results">Result Set to load into</param> /// <param name="filename">File to load from</param> public void Load(SparqlResultSet results, string filename) { if (filename == null) throw new RdfParseException("Cannot parse SPARQL Results from a null file"); this.Load(results, new StreamReader(filename)); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { Label1.Text = "there is three types of programs at Syrian Virtual University"; Label1.Visible = true; Graph g1 = new Graph(); g1.LoadFromFile(Server.MapPath("SVUModeling.rdf")); TripleStore store = new TripleStore(); store.Add(g1); //Assume that we fill our Store with data from somewhere //Create a dataset for our queries to operate over //We need to explicitly state our default graph or the unnamed graph is used //Alternatively you can set the second parameter to true to use the union of all graphs //as the default graph InMemoryDataset ds = new InMemoryDataset(store); //Get the Query processor ISparqlQueryProcessor processor = new LeviathanQueryProcessor(ds); //Use the SparqlQueryParser to give us a SparqlQuery object //Should get a Graph back from a CONSTRUCT query SparqlQueryParser sparqlparser = new SparqlQueryParser(); SparqlQuery query = sparqlparser.ParseFromString(@"prefix rdf: <> prefix rdfs: <> prefix owl: <> SELECT ?ProgramName WHERE { ?t owl:StudyingAtSVU ?ProgramName }"); Object results = processor.ProcessQuery(query); DataTable DT1 = new DataTable(); SparqlResultSet rset = (SparqlResultSet)results; DT1 = FillDataTable(rset); GridView1.DataSource = DT1; GridView1.DataBind(); GridView1.Visible = true; // to select Bachelor Programs Label2.Text = "Bachelor Programs At SVU"; Label2.Visible = true; SparqlQueryParser sparqlparser2 = new SparqlQueryParser(); SparqlQuery query2 = sparqlparser.ParseFromString(@"prefix rdf: <> prefix rdfs: <> prefix owl: <> SELECT ?BachelorPrograms WHERE { ?t owl:BachelorProgramAtSVU ?BachelorPrograms }"); Object results2 = processor.ProcessQuery(query2); DataTable DT2 = new DataTable(); SparqlResultSet rset2 = (SparqlResultSet)results2; DT2 = FillDataTable(rset2); GridView2.DataSource = DT2; GridView2.DataBind(); GridView2.Visible = true; // to select Master Programs Label3.Text = "Master Programs At SVU"; Label3.Visible = true; SparqlQueryParser sparqlparser3 = new SparqlQueryParser(); SparqlQuery query3 = sparqlparser.ParseFromString(@"prefix rdf: <> prefix rdfs: <> prefix owl: <> SELECT ?MasterPrograms WHERE { ?t owl:MasterProgramAtSVU ?MasterPrograms }"); Object results3 = processor.ProcessQuery(query3); DataTable DT3 = new DataTable(); SparqlResultSet rset3 = (SparqlResultSet)results3; DT3 = FillDataTable(rset3); GridView3.DataSource = DT3; GridView3.DataBind(); GridView3.Visible = true; // to select Training Programs Label4.Text = "Training Programs At SVU"; Label4.Visible = true; SparqlQueryParser sparqlparser4 = new SparqlQueryParser(); SparqlQuery query4 = sparqlparser.ParseFromString(@"prefix rdf: <> prefix rdfs: <> prefix owl: <> SELECT ?TrainingPrograms WHERE { ?t owl:TrainingProgramAtSVU ?TrainingPrograms }"); Object results4 = processor.ProcessQuery(query4); DataTable DT4 = new DataTable(); SparqlResultSet rset4 = (SparqlResultSet)results4; DT4 = FillDataTable(rset4); GridView4.DataSource = DT4; GridView4.DataBind(); GridView4.Visible = true; }
public void SparqlUpdateInsertDeleteWithBlankNodes() { //This test adapted from a contribution by Tomasz Pluskiewicz //It demonstrates an issue in SPARQL Update caused by incorrect Graph //references that can result when using GraphPersistenceWrapper in a SPARQL Update String initData = @"@prefix ex: <>. @prefix rr: <>. ex:triplesMap rr:predicateObjectMap _:blank . _:blank rr:object ex:Employee, ex:Worker ."; String update = @"PREFIX rr: <> DELETE { ?map rr:object ?value . } INSERT { ?map rr:objectMap [ rr:constant ?value ] . } WHERE { ?map rr:object ?value }"; String query = @"prefix ex: <> prefix rr: <> select * where { ex:triplesMap rr:predicateObjectMap ?predObjMap . ?predObjMap rr:objectMap ?objMap . }"; String expectedData = @"@prefix ex: <>. @prefix rr: <>. ex:triplesMap rr:predicateObjectMap _:blank. _:blank rr:objectMap _:autos1. _:autos1 rr:constant ex:Employee. _:autos2 rr:constant ex:Worker. _:blank rr:objectMap _:autos2."; // given IGraph graph = new Graph(); graph.LoadFromString(initData); IGraph expectedGraph = new Graph(); expectedGraph.LoadFromString(expectedData); Console.WriteLine("Initial Graph:"); TestTools.ShowGraph(graph); Console.WriteLine(); // when TripleStore store = new TripleStore(); store.Add(graph); var dataset = new InMemoryDataset(store, graph.BaseUri); ISparqlUpdateProcessor processor = new LeviathanUpdateProcessor(dataset); var updateParser = new SparqlUpdateParser(); processor.ProcessCommandSet(updateParser.ParseFromString(update)); Console.WriteLine("Resulting Graph:"); TestTools.ShowGraph(graph); Console.WriteLine(); Triple x = graph.GetTriplesWithPredicate(graph.CreateUriNode("rr:predicateObjectMap")).FirstOrDefault(); INode origBNode = x.Object; Assert.IsTrue(graph.GetTriples(origBNode).Count() > 1, "Should be more than one Triple using the BNode"); IEnumerable <Triple> ys = graph.GetTriplesWithSubject(origBNode); foreach (Triple y in ys) { Assert.AreEqual(origBNode, y.Subject, "Blank Nodes should be equal"); } //Graphs should be equal GraphDiffReport diff = graph.Difference(expectedGraph); if (!diff.AreEqual) { TestTools.ShowDifferences(diff); } Assert.AreEqual(expectedGraph, graph, "Graphs should be equal"); //Test the Query SparqlResultSet results = graph.ExecuteQuery(query) as SparqlResultSet; TestTools.ShowResults(results); Assert.IsFalse(results.IsEmpty, "Should be some results"); }
private void LoopValuesToDatabase(SparqlResultSet resultSetAuthorDetails, SparqlResultSet resultSetAuthorBooks) { if (resultSetAuthorDetails.IsEmpty && resultSetAuthorBooks.IsEmpty) { return; } string authorLink = resultSetAuthorDetails.Last()["authorLink"].ToString(); string authorName = resultSetAuthorDetails.Last()["authorName"].ToString(); string placeOfBirthLink = resultSetAuthorDetails.Last()["placeOfBirthLink"].ToString(); string placeOfBirth = resultSetAuthorDetails.Last()["PlaceOfBirth"].ToString(); string stringLatitude = resultSetAuthorDetails.Last().Value("latitude").ToString(); string stringLongitude = resultSetAuthorDetails.Last().Value("longitude").ToString(); //Convert latitude and longitude to float float latitude = float.Parse(Utilities.NumberConverter(stringLatitude)); float longitude = float.Parse(Utilities.NumberConverter(stringLongitude)); if (authorName.Length > 3 && placeOfBirth.Length > 3) { authorName = authorName.Substring(0, authorName.Length - 3); placeOfBirth = placeOfBirth.Substring(0, placeOfBirth.Length - 3); } //Create a list of all the authors books List <BookDetails> authorBooks = new List <BookDetails>(); foreach (SparqlResult result in resultSetAuthorBooks) { string bookLink = result["bookLink"].ToString(); string name = result["bookName"].ToString(); string bookAbstract = result["bookAbstract"].ToString(); string stringNumberOfPages = ""; if (result["numberOfPages"] != null) { stringNumberOfPages = result["numberOfPages"].ToString(); } string comment = result["comment"].ToString(); //Remove @en from the string name = Utilities.RemoveLast3Cahracters(name); bookAbstract = Utilities.RemoveLast3Cahracters(bookAbstract); comment = Utilities.RemoveLast3Cahracters(comment); //Convert numberOfPages to int int numberOfPages = 0; if (result["numberOfPages"] != null) { numberOfPages = int.Parse(Utilities.NumberConverter(stringNumberOfPages)); } //Create a BookDetails object BookDetails book = new BookDetails { BookLink = bookLink, Name = name, Abstract = bookAbstract, NumberOfPages = numberOfPages, Comment = comment }; authorBooks.Add(book); } // AddToDatabase(authorLink, authorName, placeOfBirthLink, placeOfBirth, latitude, longitude, authorBooks); }
public void SparqlAggregatesMaxBug3() { try { Options.AlgebraOptimisation = false; TripleStore store = new TripleStore(); Graph g = new Graph(); g.LoadFromFile("LearningStyles.rdf"); Assert.IsFalse(g.IsEmpty); g.BaseUri = null; store.Add(g); var graph = (IGraph)store.ExecuteQuery(@" PREFIX sage: <> PREFIX xsd: <> PREFIX : <> CONSTRUCT { ?MTech :max ?maxScore } WHERE { SELECT ?MTech (MAX(?max) AS ?maxScore) WHERE { SELECT ?MTech ?LessonType (SUM(?hasValue) AS ?max) WHERE { ?MTech sage:attendsLessons ?Lesson. ?Lesson sage:hasLessonType ?LessonType. ?MTech sage:undergoesEvaluation ?Quiz. ?Quiz sage:isForLesson ?Lesson. ?MTech sage:hasQuizMarks ?QuizMarks. ?QuizMarks sage:belongsToQuiz ?Quiz. ?QuizMarks sage:hasValue ?hasValue. ?Lesson sage:inRound '1'^^xsd:int. } GROUP BY ?MTech ?LessonType } GROUP BY ?MTech }"); Assert.IsFalse(graph.IsEmpty, "CONSTRUCTed graph should not be empty"); // here a graph name is given to the result graph graph.BaseUri = new Uri(""); store.Add(graph, true); SparqlResultSet actualResults = store.ExecuteQuery(@" PREFIX sage: <> PREFIX xsd: <> PREFIX : <> SELECT ?MTech ?LessonType ?max WHERE { GRAPH <> { ?MTech :max ?max } { SELECT ?MTech ?LessonType (SUM(?hasValue) AS ?Score) WHERE { ?MTech sage:attendsLessons ?Lesson. ?Lesson sage:hasLessonType ?LessonType. ?MTech sage:undergoesEvaluation ?Quiz. ?Quiz sage:isForLesson ?Lesson. ?MTech sage:hasQuizMarks ?QuizMarks. ?QuizMarks sage:belongsToQuiz ?Quiz. ?QuizMarks sage:hasValue ?hasValue. ?Lesson sage:inRound '1'^^xsd:int. } GROUP BY ?MTech ?LessonType ORDER BY ?MTech } FILTER(?Score = ?max) }") as SparqlResultSet; Assert.IsNotNull(actualResults); Assert.IsFalse(actualResults.IsEmpty, "Final results should not be empty"); } finally { Options.AlgebraOptimisation = true; } }
/// <summary> /// Saves a SPARQL Result Set to the given File /// </summary> /// <param name="results">Result Set</param> /// <param name="filename">File to save to</param> public override void Save(SparqlResultSet results, string filename) { this.Save(results, new StreamWriter(filename, false, new UTF8Encoding(Options.UseBomForUtf8))); }