コード例 #1
ファイル: SparkleRepoGit.cs プロジェクト: gbraad/SparkleShare
        public SparkleRepo(string path, SparkleConfig config)
            : base(path, config)
            // TODO: Set git locale to en-US

            // Check if we should use git-bin
            SparkleGit git = new SparkleGit (LocalPath, "config --get filter.bin.clean");
            git.StartAndWaitForExit ();

            this.use_git_bin = (git.ExitCode == 0);

            git = new SparkleGit (LocalPath, "config remote.origin.url \"" + RemoteUrl + "\"");
            git.StartAndWaitForExit ();

            string rebase_apply_path = new string [] { LocalPath, ".git", "rebase-apply" }.Combine ();

            if (Directory.Exists (rebase_apply_path)) {
                git = new SparkleGit (LocalPath, "rebase --abort");
                git.StartAndWaitForExit ();

            string password_file_path = Path.Combine (LocalPath, ".git", "password");

            if (File.Exists (password_file_path))
                this.is_encrypted = true;
コード例 #2
ファイル: SparkleRepoGit.cs プロジェクト: cnzzr/SparkleShare
        public SparkleRepo(string path, SparkleConfig config)
            : base(path, config)
            // TODO: Set git locale to en-US

            SparkleGit git = new SparkleGit (LocalPath, "config core.ignorecase false");
            git.StartAndWaitForExit ();

            // Check if we should use git-bin
            git = new SparkleGit (LocalPath, "config --get filter.bin.clean");
            git.StartAndWaitForExit ();

            this.use_git_bin = (git.ExitCode == 0);

            if (this.use_git_bin) {
                git = new SparkleGit (LocalPath, "config git-bin.sshUrl \"" + RemoteUrl + "\"");
                git.StartAndWaitForExit ();

                git = new SparkleGit (LocalPath, "config git-bin.sshPrivateKeyFile \"" + config.User.PrivateKeyFilePath + "\"");
                git.StartAndWaitForExit ();

            git = new SparkleGit (LocalPath, "config remote.origin.url \"" + RemoteUrl + "\"");
            git.StartAndWaitForExit ();

            string password_file_path = Path.Combine (LocalPath, ".git", "password");

            if (File.Exists (password_file_path))
                this.is_encrypted = true;
コード例 #3
        public SparkleRepo(string path)
            : base(path)
            SparkleGit git = new SparkleGit (LocalPath, "config --get filter.bin.clean");
            git.Start ();
            git.WaitForExit ();

            this.use_git_bin = (git.ExitCode == 0);
コード例 #4
        public SparkleRepo(string path, SparkleConfig config)
            : base(path, config)
            SparkleGit git = new SparkleGit (LocalPath, "config --get filter.bin.clean");
            git.Start ();
            git.WaitForExit ();

            this.use_git_bin = (git.ExitCode == 0);

            string rebase_apply_path = SparkleHelpers.CombineMore (LocalPath, ".git", "rebase-apply");

            if (Directory.Exists (rebase_apply_path)) {
                git = new SparkleGit (LocalPath, "rebase --abort");
                git.StartAndWaitForExit ();
コード例 #5
        public SparkleRepo(string path, SparkleConfig config)
            : base(path, config)
            // TODO: Set git locale to en-US

            SparkleGit git = new SparkleGit (LocalPath, "config --get filter.bin.clean");
            git.StartAndWaitForExit ();

            this.use_git_bin = (git.ExitCode == 0);

            git = new SparkleGit (LocalPath, "config remote.origin.url \"" + RemoteUrl + "\"");
            git.StartAndWaitForExit ();

            string rebase_apply_path = new string [] { LocalPath, ".git", "rebase-apply" }.Combine ();

            if (Directory.Exists (rebase_apply_path)) {
                git = new SparkleGit (LocalPath, "rebase --abort");
                git.StartAndWaitForExit ();
コード例 #6
        public SparkleRepo(string path, SparkleConfig config)
            : base(path, config)
            SparkleGit git = new SparkleGit (LocalPath, "config core.ignorecase false");
            git.StartAndWaitForExit ();

            // Check if we should use git-bin
            git = new SparkleGit (LocalPath, "config --get filter.bin.clean");
            git.StartAndWaitForExit ();

            this.use_git_bin = (git.ExitCode == 0);

            if (this.use_git_bin)
                ConfigureGitBin ();

            git = new SparkleGit (LocalPath, "config remote.origin.url \"" + RemoteUrl + "\"");
            git.StartAndWaitForExit ();

            string password_file_path = Path.Combine (LocalPath, ".git", "password");

            if (File.Exists (password_file_path))
                this.is_encrypted = true;
コード例 #7
ファイル: SparkleRepoGit.cs プロジェクト: cnzzr/SparkleShare
        // Merges the fetched changes
        private bool Rebase()
            if (HasLocalChanges) {
                Add ();

                string commit_message = FormatCommitMessage ();
                Commit (commit_message);

            // Temporarily change the ignorecase setting to true to avoid
            // conflicts in file names due to case changes
            SparkleGit git = new SparkleGit (LocalPath, "config core.ignorecase true");
            git.StartAndWaitForExit ();

            git = new SparkleGit (LocalPath, "rebase FETCH_HEAD");
            git.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = false;

            string error_output = git.StartAndReadStandardError ();

            if (git.ExitCode != 0) {
                // Stop when we can't rebase due to locked local files
                // error: cannot stat 'filename': Permission denied
                if (error_output.Contains ("error: cannot stat")) {
                    Error = ErrorStatus.LockedFiles;
                    SparkleLogger.LogInfo ("Git", Name + " | Error status changed to " + Error);

                    git = new SparkleGit (LocalPath, "rebase --abort");
                    git.StartAndWaitForExit ();

                    git = new SparkleGit (LocalPath, "config core.ignorecase false");
                    git.StartAndWaitForExit ();

                    return false;

                } else {
                    SparkleLogger.LogInfo ("Git", Name + " | Conflict detected, trying to get out...");
                    string rebase_apply_path = new string [] { LocalPath, ".git", "rebase-apply" }.Combine ();

                    while (Directory.Exists (rebase_apply_path) && HasLocalChanges) {
                        try {
                            ResolveConflict ();

                        } catch (IOException e) {
                            SparkleLogger.LogInfo ("Git", Name + " | Failed to resolve conflict, trying again...", e);

                    SparkleLogger.LogInfo ("Git", Name + " | Conflict resolved");
                    OnConflictResolved ();

            git = new SparkleGit (LocalPath, "config core.ignorecase false");
            git.StartAndWaitForExit ();

            return true;
コード例 #8
ファイル: SparkleRepoGit.cs プロジェクト: cnzzr/SparkleShare
        private List<SparkleChangeSet> GetChangeSetsInternal(string path)
            List <SparkleChangeSet> change_sets = new List <SparkleChangeSet> ();
            SparkleGit git;

            if (path == null) {
                git = new SparkleGit (LocalPath, "log --since=1.month --raw --find-renames --date=iso " +
                    "--format=medium --no-color --no-merges");

            } else {
                path = path.Replace ("\\", "/");

                git = new SparkleGit (LocalPath, "log --raw --find-renames --date=iso " +
                    "--format=medium --no-color --no-merges -- \"" + path + "\"");

            string output = git.StartAndReadStandardOutput ();

            string [] lines      = output.Split ("\n".ToCharArray ());
            List<string> entries = new List <string> ();

            int line_number = 0;
            bool first_pass = true;
            string entry = "", last_entry = "";
            foreach (string line in lines) {
                if (line.StartsWith ("commit") && !first_pass) {
                    entries.Add (entry);
                    entry = "";
                    line_number = 0;

                } else {
                    first_pass = false;

                // Only parse 250 files to prevent memory issues
                if (line_number < 254) {
                    entry += line + "\n";

                last_entry = entry;

            entries.Add (last_entry);

            foreach (string log_entry in entries) {
                Match match = this.log_regex.Match (log_entry);

                if (match.Success) {
                    SparkleChangeSet change_set = new SparkleChangeSet ();

                    change_set.Folder    = new SparkleFolder (Name);
                    change_set.Revision  = match.Groups [1].Value;
                    change_set.User      = new SparkleUser (match.Groups [2].Value, match.Groups [3].Value);
                    change_set.RemoteUrl = RemoteUrl;

                    change_set.Timestamp = new DateTime (int.Parse (match.Groups [4].Value),
                        int.Parse (match.Groups [5].Value), int.Parse (match.Groups [6].Value),
                        int.Parse (match.Groups [7].Value), int.Parse (match.Groups [8].Value),
                        int.Parse (match.Groups [9].Value));

                    string time_zone     = match.Groups [10].Value;
                    int our_offset       = TimeZone.CurrentTimeZone.GetUtcOffset(DateTime.Now).Hours;
                    int their_offset     = int.Parse (time_zone.Substring (0, 3));
                    change_set.Timestamp = change_set.Timestamp.AddHours (their_offset * -1);
                    change_set.Timestamp = change_set.Timestamp.AddHours (our_offset);

                    string [] entry_lines = log_entry.Split ("\n".ToCharArray ());

                    foreach (string entry_line in entry_lines) {
                        if (entry_line.StartsWith (":")) {
                            string type_letter = entry_line [37].ToString ();
                            string file_path   = entry_line.Substring (39);
                            bool change_is_folder = false;

                            if (file_path.Equals (".sparkleshare"))

                            if (file_path.EndsWith (".empty")) {
                                file_path        = file_path.Substring (0, file_path.Length - ".empty".Length);
                                change_is_folder = true;

                            file_path = EnsureSpecialCharacters (file_path);
                            file_path = file_path.Replace ("\\\"", "\"");

                            if (type_letter.Equals ("R")) {
                                int tab_pos         = entry_line.LastIndexOf ("\t");
                                file_path           = entry_line.Substring (42, tab_pos - 42);
                                string to_file_path = entry_line.Substring (tab_pos + 1);

                                file_path    = EnsureSpecialCharacters (file_path);
                                to_file_path = EnsureSpecialCharacters (to_file_path);

                                file_path = file_path.Replace ("\\\"", "\"");
                                to_file_path = to_file_path.Replace ("\\\"", "\"");

                                if (file_path.EndsWith (".empty")) {
                                    file_path = file_path.Substring (0, file_path.Length - 6);
                                    change_is_folder = true;

                                if (to_file_path.EndsWith (".empty")) {
                                    to_file_path = to_file_path.Substring (0, to_file_path.Length - 6);
                                    change_is_folder = true;

                                change_set.Changes.Add (
                                    new SparkleChange () {
                                        Path        = file_path,
                                        IsFolder    = change_is_folder,
                                        MovedToPath = to_file_path,
                                        Timestamp   = change_set.Timestamp,
                                        Type        = SparkleChangeType.Moved

                            } else {
                                SparkleChangeType change_type = SparkleChangeType.Added;

                                if (type_letter.Equals ("M")) {
                                    change_type = SparkleChangeType.Edited;

                                } else if (type_letter.Equals ("D")) {
                                   change_type = SparkleChangeType.Deleted;

                                change_set.Changes.Add (
                                    new SparkleChange () {
                                        Path      = file_path,
                                        IsFolder  = change_is_folder,
                                        Timestamp = change_set.Timestamp,
                                        Type      = change_type

                    if (change_sets.Count > 0 && path == null) {
                        SparkleChangeSet last_change_set = change_sets [change_sets.Count - 1];

                        if (change_set.Timestamp.Year  == last_change_set.Timestamp.Year &&
                            change_set.Timestamp.Month == last_change_set.Timestamp.Month &&
                            change_set.Timestamp.Day   == last_change_set.Timestamp.Day &&
                            change_set.User.Name.Equals (last_change_set.User.Name)) {

                            last_change_set.Changes.AddRange (change_set.Changes);

                            if (DateTime.Compare (last_change_set.Timestamp, change_set.Timestamp) < 1) {
                                last_change_set.FirstTimestamp = last_change_set.Timestamp;
                                last_change_set.Timestamp      = change_set.Timestamp;
                                last_change_set.Revision       = change_set.Revision;

                            } else {
                                last_change_set.FirstTimestamp = change_set.Timestamp;

                        } else {
                            change_sets.Add (change_set);

                    } else {
                        if (path != null) {
                            bool skip_change_set = false;;

                            foreach (SparkleChange change in change_set.Changes) {
                                if ((change.Type == SparkleChangeType.Deleted ||
                                     change.Type == SparkleChangeType.Moved) && change.Path.Equals (path)) {

                                     skip_change_set = true;

                            if (skip_change_set)

                        change_sets.Add (change_set);

            return change_sets;
コード例 #9
ファイル: SparkleRepoGit.cs プロジェクト: shish/SparkleShare
        // Removes unneeded objects
        /*        private void CollectGarbage ()
            SparkleGit git = new SparkleGit (LocalPath, "gc");
            git.Start ();
            git.WaitForExit ();

            SparkleHelpers.DebugInfo ("Git", "[" + Name + "] Garbage collected.");
        } */
        // Commits the made changes
        private void Commit(string message)
            SparkleGit git = new SparkleGit (LocalPath,
                "commit -m \"" + message + "\" " +
                "--author=\"" + SparkleConfig.DefaultConfig.User.Name +
                " <" + SparkleConfig.DefaultConfig.User.Email + ">\"");

            git.Start ();
            git.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd ();
            git.WaitForExit ();

            SparkleHelpers.DebugInfo ("Commit", "[" + Name + "] " + message);

            // Collect garbage pseudo-randomly. Turn off for
            // now: too resource heavy.
            // if (DateTime.Now.Second % 10 == 0)
            //     CollectGarbage ();
コード例 #10
        // Merges the fetched changes
        private void Rebase()
            DisableWatching ();

            if (HasLocalChanges) {
                Add ();

                string commit_message = FormatCommitMessage ();
                Commit (commit_message);

            SparkleGit git = new SparkleGit (LocalPath, "rebase FETCH_HEAD");
            git.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = false;

            git.Start ();
            git.WaitForExit ();

            if (git.ExitCode != 0) {
                SparkleHelpers.DebugInfo ("Git", "[" + Name + "] Conflict detected. Trying to get out...");

                while (HasLocalChanges)
                    ResolveConflict ();

                SparkleHelpers.DebugInfo ("Git", "[" + Name + "] Conflict resolved.");
                OnConflictResolved ();

            EnableWatching ();
コード例 #11
        // Removes unneeded objects
        /*        private void CollectGarbage ()
            SparkleGit git = new SparkleGit (LocalPath, "gc");
            git.Start ();
            git.WaitForExit ();

            SparkleHelpers.DebugInfo ("Git", "[" + Name + "] Garbage collected.");
        } */
        // Commits the made changes
        private void Commit(string message)
            SparkleGit git = new SparkleGit (LocalPath,
                "commit -m \"" + message + "\" " +
                "--author=\"" + SparkleConfig.DefaultConfig.User.Name +
                " <" + SparkleConfig.DefaultConfig.User.Email + ">\"");

            git.Start ();
            git.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd ();
            git.WaitForExit ();

            SparkleHelpers.DebugInfo ("Commit", "[" + Name + "] " + message);
コード例 #12
        public override bool SyncUp()
            if (HasLocalChanges) {
                Add ();

                string message = FormatCommitMessage ();
                Commit (message);

            SparkleGit git = new SparkleGit (LocalPath,
                "push --progress " + // Redirects progress stats to standarderror
                Url + " master");

            git.StartInfo.RedirectStandardError = true;
            git.Start ();

            double percentage = 1.0;
            Regex progress_regex = new Regex (@"([0-9]+)%", RegexOptions.Compiled);

            while (!git.StandardError.EndOfStream) {
                string line   = git.StandardError.ReadLine ();
                Match match   = progress_regex.Match (line);
                string speed  = "";
                double number = 0.0;

                if (match.Success) {
                    number = double.Parse (match.Groups [1].Value);

                    // The pushing progress consists of two stages: the "Compressing
                    // objects" stage which we count as 20% of the total progress, and
                    // the "Writing objects" stage which we count as the last 80%
                    if (line.StartsWith ("Compressing")) {
                        // "Compressing objects" stage
                        number = (number / 100 * 20);

                    } else {
                        if (line.StartsWith ("ERROR: QUOTA EXCEEDED")) {
                            int quota_limit = int.Parse (line.Substring (21).Trim ());
                            throw new QuotaExceededException ("Quota exceeded", quota_limit);

                        // "Writing objects" stage
                        number = (number / 100 * 80 + 20);

                        if (line.Contains ("|")) {
                            speed = line.Substring (line.IndexOf ("|") + 1).Trim ();
                            speed = speed.Replace (", done.", "").Trim ();
                            speed = speed.Replace ("i", "");
                            speed = speed.Replace ("KB/s", "ᴋʙ/s");
                            speed = speed.Replace ("MB/s", "ᴍʙ/s");

                if (number >= percentage) {
                    percentage = number;
                    base.OnProgressChanged (percentage, speed);

            git.WaitForExit ();

            UpdateSizes ();

            if (git.ExitCode == 0)
                return true;
                return false;
コード例 #13
        // Returns a list of the latest change sets
        public override List<SparkleChangeSet> GetChangeSets(int count)
            if (count < 1)
                count = 30;

            List <SparkleChangeSet> change_sets = new List <SparkleChangeSet> ();

            // Console.InputEncoding  = System.Text.Encoding.Unicode;
            // Console.OutputEncoding = System.Text.Encoding.Unicode;

            SparkleGit git_log = new SparkleGit (LocalPath,
                "log -" + count + " --raw -M --date=iso --format=medium --no-color");
            git_log.Start ();

            // Reading the standard output HAS to go before
            // WaitForExit, or it will hang forever on output > 4096 bytes
            string output = git_log.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd ();
            git_log.WaitForExit ();

            string [] lines       = output.Split ("\n".ToCharArray ());
            List <string> entries = new List <string> ();

            int line_number = 0;
            bool first_pass = true;
            string entry = "", last_entry = "";
            foreach (string line in lines) {
                if (line.StartsWith ("commit") && !first_pass) {
                    entries.Add (entry);
                    entry = "";
                    line_number = 0;

                } else {
                    first_pass = false;

                // Only parse 250 files to prevent memory issues
                if (line_number < 254) {
                    entry += line + "\n";

                last_entry = entry;

            entries.Add (last_entry);

            Regex merge_regex = new Regex (@"commit ([a-z0-9]{40})\n" +
                                "Merge: .+ .+\n" +
                                "Author: (.+) <(.+)>\n" +
                                "Date:   ([0-9]{4})-([0-9]{2})-([0-9]{2}) " +
                                "([0-9]{2}):([0-9]{2}):([0-9]{2}) .([0-9]{4})\n" +
                                "*", RegexOptions.Compiled);

            Regex non_merge_regex = new Regex (@"commit ([a-z0-9]{40})\n" +
                                "Author: (.+) <(.+)>\n" +
                                "Date:   ([0-9]{4})-([0-9]{2})-([0-9]{2}) " +
                                "([0-9]{2}):([0-9]{2}):([0-9]{2}) (.[0-9]{4})\n" +
                                "*", RegexOptions.Compiled);

            foreach (string log_entry in entries) {
                Regex regex;
                bool is_merge_commit = false;

                if (log_entry.Contains ("\nMerge: ")) {
                    regex = merge_regex;
                    is_merge_commit = true;
                } else {
                    regex = non_merge_regex;

                Match match = regex.Match (log_entry);

                if (match.Success) {
                    SparkleChangeSet change_set = new SparkleChangeSet ();

                    change_set.Folder    = Name;
                    change_set.Revision  = match.Groups [1].Value;
                    change_set.User      = new SparkleUser (match.Groups [2].Value, match.Groups [3].Value);
                    change_set.IsMagical = is_merge_commit;
                    change_set.Url       = Url;

                    change_set.Timestamp = new DateTime (int.Parse (match.Groups [4].Value),
                        int.Parse (match.Groups [5].Value), int.Parse (match.Groups [6].Value),
                        int.Parse (match.Groups [7].Value), int.Parse (match.Groups [8].Value),
                        int.Parse (match.Groups [9].Value));

                    string time_zone     = match.Groups [10].Value;
                    int our_offset       = TimeZone.CurrentTimeZone.GetUtcOffset(DateTime.Now).Hours;
                    int their_offset     = int.Parse (time_zone.Substring (0, 3));
                    change_set.Timestamp = change_set.Timestamp.AddHours (their_offset * -1);
                    change_set.Timestamp = change_set.Timestamp.AddHours (our_offset);

                    string [] entry_lines = log_entry.Split ("\n".ToCharArray ());

                    foreach (string entry_line in entry_lines) {
                        if (entry_line.StartsWith (":")) {

                            string change_type = entry_line [37].ToString ();
                            string file_path   = entry_line.Substring (39);
                            string to_file_path;

                            if (file_path.EndsWith (".empty"))
                                file_path = file_path.Substring (0,
                                    file_path.Length - ".empty".Length);

                            if (change_type.Equals ("A") &&
                                !file_path.Equals (".sparkleshare")) {

                                change_set.Added.Add (file_path);

                            } else if (change_type.Equals ("M")) {
                                change_set.Edited.Add (file_path);

                            } else if (change_type.Equals ("D")) {
                                change_set.Deleted.Add (file_path);

                            } else if (change_type.Equals ("R")) {
                                int tab_pos  = entry_line.LastIndexOf ("\t");
                                file_path    = entry_line.Substring (42, tab_pos - 42);
                                to_file_path = entry_line.Substring (tab_pos + 1);

                                if (file_path.EndsWith (".empty"))
                                    file_path = file_path.Substring (0,
                                        file_path.Length - ".empty".Length);

                                if (to_file_path.EndsWith (".empty"))
                                    to_file_path = to_file_path.Substring (0,
                                        to_file_path.Length - ".empty".Length);

                                change_set.MovedFrom.Add (file_path);
                                change_set.MovedTo.Add (to_file_path);

                    if ((change_set.Added.Count +
                         change_set.Edited.Count +
                         change_set.Deleted.Count +
                         change_set.MovedFrom.Count) > 0) {

                        change_sets.Add (change_set);

            return change_sets;
コード例 #14
ファイル: SparkleRepoGit.cs プロジェクト: cnzzr/SparkleShare
        public override bool SyncDown()
            SparkleGit git = new SparkleGit (LocalPath, "fetch --progress \"" + RemoteUrl + "\" " + this.branch);

            git.StartInfo.RedirectStandardError = true;
            git.Start ();

            double percentage = 1.0;

            while (!git.StandardError.EndOfStream) {
                string line   = git.StandardError.ReadLine ();
                Match match   = this.progress_regex.Match (line);
                double speed  = 0.0;
                double number = 0.0;

                if (match.Success) {
                    number = double.Parse (match.Groups [1].Value);

                    // The fetching progress consists of two stages: the "Compressing
                    // objects" stage which we count as 20% of the total progress, and
                    // the "Receiving objects" stage which we count as the last 80%
                    if (line.StartsWith ("Compressing")) {
                        // "Compressing objects" stage
                        number = (number / 100 * 20);

                    } else {
                        // "Writing objects" stage
                        number = (number / 100 * 80 + 20);
                        Match speed_match = this.speed_regex.Match (line);

                        if (speed_match.Success) {
                            speed = double.Parse (speed_match.Groups [1].Value) * 1024;

                            if (speed_match.Groups [2].Value.Equals ("M"))
                                speed = speed * 1024;

                } else {
                    SparkleLogger.LogInfo ("Git", Name + " | " + line);

                    if (FindError (line))
                        return false;

                if (number >= percentage) {
                    percentage = number;
                    base.OnProgressChanged (percentage, speed);

            git.WaitForExit ();
            UpdateSizes ();

            if (git.ExitCode == 0) {
                if (Rebase ()) {
                    ClearCache ();
                    return true;

                } else {
                    return false;

            } else {
                Error = ErrorStatus.HostUnreachable;
                return false;
コード例 #15
ファイル: SparkleRepoGit.cs プロジェクト: cnzzr/SparkleShare
        public override void RestoreFile(string path, string revision, string target_file_path)
            if (path == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException ("path");

            if (revision == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException ("revision");

            SparkleLogger.LogInfo ("Git", Name + " | Restoring \"" + path + "\" (revision " + revision + ")");

            // git-show doesn't decrypt objects, so we can't use it to retrieve
            // files from the index. This is a suboptimal workaround but it does the job
            if (this.is_encrypted) {
                // Restore the older file...
                SparkleGit git = new SparkleGit (LocalPath, "checkout " + revision + " \"" + path + "\"");
                git.StartAndWaitForExit ();

                string local_file_path = Path.Combine (LocalPath, path);

                // ...move it...
                try {
                    File.Move (local_file_path, target_file_path);

                } catch {
                    SparkleLogger.LogInfo ("Git",
                        Name + " | Could not move \"" + local_file_path + "\" to \"" + target_file_path + "\"");

                // ...and restore the most recent revision
                git = new SparkleGit (LocalPath, "checkout " + CurrentRevision + " \"" + path + "\"");
                git.StartAndWaitForExit ();

            // The correct way
            } else {
                path = path.Replace ("\"", "\\\"");

                SparkleGit git = new SparkleGit (LocalPath, "show " + revision + ":\"" + path + "\"");
                git.Start ();

                FileStream stream = File.OpenWrite (target_file_path);
                git.StandardOutput.BaseStream.CopyTo (stream);
                stream.Close ();

                git.WaitForExit ();

            if (target_file_path.StartsWith (LocalPath))
                new Thread (() => OnFileActivity (null)).Start ();
コード例 #16
        private void ConfigureGitBin()
            SparkleGit git = new SparkleGit (LocalPath, "config filter.bin.clean \"git bin clean %f\"");
            git.StartAndWaitForExit ();

            git = new SparkleGit (LocalPath, "config filter.bin.smudge \"git bin smudge\"");
            git.StartAndWaitForExit ();

            git = new SparkleGit (LocalPath, "config git-bin.sftpUrl \"" + RemoteUrl + "\"");
            git.StartAndWaitForExit ();

            git = new SparkleGit (LocalPath, "config git-bin.sftpPrivateKeyFile \"" + base.local_config.User.PrivateKeyFilePath + "\"");
            git.StartAndWaitForExit ();
コード例 #17
ファイル: SparkleRepoGit.cs プロジェクト: Giggs/SparkleShare
        // Merges the fetched changes
        private void Rebase()
            if (HasLocalChanges) {
                Add ();

                string commit_message = FormatCommitMessage ();
                Commit (commit_message);

            SparkleGit git = new SparkleGit (LocalPath, "rebase FETCH_HEAD");
            git.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = false;
            git.StartAndWaitForExit ();

            if (git.ExitCode != 0) {
                SparkleLogger.LogInfo ("Git", Name + " | Conflict detected, trying to get out...");

                while (HasLocalChanges) {
                    try {
                        ResolveConflict ();

                    } catch (IOException e) {
                        SparkleLogger.LogInfo ("Git",
                            Name + " | Failed to resolve conflict, trying again... (" + e.Message + ")");

                SparkleLogger.LogInfo ("Git", Name + " | Conflict resolved");
                OnConflictResolved ();
コード例 #18
ファイル: SparkleRepoGit.cs プロジェクト: Giggs/SparkleShare
        // Stages the made changes
        private void Add()
            SparkleGit git = new SparkleGit (LocalPath, "add --all");
            git.StartAndWaitForExit ();

            SparkleLogger.LogInfo ("Git", Name + " | Changes staged");
コード例 #19
ファイル: SparkleRepoGit.cs プロジェクト: Giggs/SparkleShare
        public override void RevertFile(string path, string revision)
            if (path == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException ("path");

            if (revision == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException ("revision");

            path = path.Replace ("\\", "/");

            SparkleGit git = new SparkleGit (LocalPath, "checkout " + revision + " \"" + path + "\"");
            git.StartAndWaitForExit ();

            if (git.ExitCode == 0)
                SparkleLogger.LogInfo ("Git", Name + " | Checked out \"" + path + "\" (" + revision + ")");
                SparkleLogger.LogInfo ("Git", Name + " | Failed to check out \"" + path + "\" (" + revision + ")");
コード例 #20
ファイル: SparkleRepoGit.cs プロジェクト: cnzzr/SparkleShare
        private void ResolveConflict()
            // This is a list of conflict status codes that Git uses, their
            // meaning, and how SparkleShare should handle them.
            // DD    unmerged, both deleted    -> Do nothing
            // AU    unmerged, added by us     -> Use server's, save ours as a timestamped copy
            // UD    unmerged, deleted by them -> Use ours
            // UA    unmerged, added by them   -> Use server's, save ours as a timestamped copy
            // DU    unmerged, deleted by us   -> Use server's
            // AA    unmerged, both added      -> Use server's, save ours as a timestamped copy
            // UU    unmerged, both modified   -> Use server's, save ours as a timestamped copy
            // ??    unmerged, new files       -> Stage the new files
            // Note that a rebase merge works by replaying each commit from the working branch on
            // top of the upstream branch. Because of this, when a merge conflict happens the
            // side reported as 'ours' is the so-far rebased series, starting with upstream,
            // and 'theirs' is the working branch. In other words, the sides are swapped.
            // So: 'ours' means the 'server's version' and 'theirs' means the 'local version' after this comment

            SparkleGit git_status = new SparkleGit (LocalPath, "status --porcelain");
            string output         = git_status.StartAndReadStandardOutput ();

            string [] lines = output.Split ("\n".ToCharArray ());
            bool changes_added = false;

            foreach (string line in lines) {
                string conflicting_path = line.Substring (3);
                conflicting_path        = EnsureSpecialCharacters (conflicting_path);
                conflicting_path        = conflicting_path.Replace ("\"", "\\\"");

                SparkleLogger.LogInfo ("Git", Name + " | Conflict type: " + line);

                // Ignore conflicts in the .sparkleshare file and use the local version
                if (conflicting_path.EndsWith (".sparkleshare") || conflicting_path.EndsWith (".empty")) {
                    // Recover local version
                    SparkleGit git_theirs = new SparkleGit (LocalPath, "checkout --theirs \"" + conflicting_path + "\"");
                    git_theirs.StartAndWaitForExit ();

                    File.SetAttributes (Path.Combine (LocalPath, conflicting_path), FileAttributes.Hidden);
                    changes_added = true;


                // Both the local and server version have been modified
                if (line.StartsWith ("UU") || line.StartsWith ("AA") ||
                    line.StartsWith ("AU") || line.StartsWith ("UA")) {

                    // Recover local version
                    SparkleGit git_theirs = new SparkleGit (LocalPath, "checkout --theirs \"" + conflicting_path + "\"");
                    git_theirs.StartAndWaitForExit ();

                    // Append a timestamp to local version.
                    // Windows doesn't allow colons in the file name, so
                    // we use "h" between the hours and minutes instead.
                    string timestamp  = DateTime.Now.ToString ("MMM d H\\hmm");
                    string their_path = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension (conflicting_path) +
                        " (" + base.local_config.User.Name + ", " + timestamp + ")" + Path.GetExtension (conflicting_path);

                    string abs_conflicting_path = Path.Combine (LocalPath, conflicting_path);
                    string abs_their_path       = Path.Combine (LocalPath, their_path);

                    File.Move (abs_conflicting_path, abs_their_path);

                    // Recover server version
                    SparkleGit git_ours = new SparkleGit (LocalPath, "checkout --ours \"" + conflicting_path + "\"");
                    git_ours.StartAndWaitForExit ();

                    changes_added = true;

                // The local version has been modified, but the server version was removed
                } else if (line.StartsWith ("DU")) {
                    // The modified local version is already in the checkout, so it just needs to be added.
                    // We need to specifically mention the file, so we can't reuse the Add () method
                    SparkleGit git_add = new SparkleGit (LocalPath, "add \"" + conflicting_path + "\"");
                    git_add.StartAndWaitForExit ();

                    changes_added = true;

            Add ();
            SparkleGit git;

            if (changes_added)
                git = new SparkleGit (LocalPath, "rebase --continue");
                git = new SparkleGit (LocalPath, "rebase --skip");

            git.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = false;
            git.StartAndWaitForExit ();
コード例 #21
        public override string ComputeIdentifier()
            // Because git computes a hash based on content,
            // author, and timestamp; it is unique enough to
            // use the hash of the first commit as an identifier
            // for our folder
            SparkleGit git = new SparkleGit (LocalPath, "rev-list --reverse HEAD");
            git.Start ();

            // Reading the standard output HAS to go before
            // WaitForExit, or it will hang forever on output > 4096 bytes
            string output = git.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd ();
            git.WaitForExit ();

            if (output.Length < 40)
                return null;

            return output.Substring (0, 40);
コード例 #22
ファイル: SparkleRepoGit.cs プロジェクト: cnzzr/SparkleShare
        public override bool SyncUp()
            if (HasLocalChanges) {
                Add ();

                string message = FormatCommitMessage ();
                Commit (message);

            SparkleGit git;

            if (this.use_git_bin) {
                SparkleGitBin git_bin = new SparkleGitBin (LocalPath, "push");
                git_bin.StartAndWaitForExit ();

                // TODO: Progress

            git = new SparkleGit (LocalPath, "push --progress \"" + RemoteUrl + "\" " + this.branch);

            git.StartInfo.RedirectStandardError = true;
            git.Start ();

            double percentage = 1.0;

            while (!git.StandardError.EndOfStream) {
                string line   = git.StandardError.ReadLine ();
                Match match   = this.progress_regex.Match (line);
                double speed  = 0.0;
                double number = 0.0;

                if (match.Success) {
                    number = double.Parse (match.Groups [1].Value);

                    // The pushing progress consists of two stages: the "Compressing
                    // objects" stage which we count as 20% of the total progress, and
                    // the "Writing objects" stage which we count as the last 80%
                    if (line.StartsWith ("Compressing")) {
                        // "Compressing objects" stage
                        number = (number / 100 * 20);

                    } else {
                        // "Writing objects" stage
                        number = (number / 100 * 80 + 20);
                        Match speed_match = this.speed_regex.Match (line);

                        if (speed_match.Success) {
                            speed = double.Parse (speed_match.Groups [1].Value) * 1024;

                            if (speed_match.Groups [2].Value.Equals ("M"))
                                speed = speed * 1024;

                } else {
                    SparkleLogger.LogInfo ("Git", Name + " | " + line);

                    if (FindError (line))
                        return false;

                if (number >= percentage) {
                    percentage = number;
                    base.OnProgressChanged (percentage, speed);

            git.WaitForExit ();
            UpdateSizes ();

            if (git.ExitCode == 0) {
                ClearCache ();

                string salt_file_path = new string [] { LocalPath, ".git", "salt" }.Combine ();

                // If the repo is encrypted, create a branch to
                // store the salt in and push it to the host
                if (File.Exists (salt_file_path)) {
                    string salt = File.ReadAllText (salt_file_path).Trim ();

                    SparkleGit git_salt = new SparkleGit (LocalPath, "branch salt-" + salt);
                    git_salt.StartAndWaitForExit ();

                    git_salt = new SparkleGit (LocalPath, "push origin salt-" + salt);
                    git_salt.StartAndWaitForExit ();

                    File.Delete (salt_file_path);

                return true;

            } else {
                Error = ErrorStatus.HostUnreachable;
                return false;
コード例 #23
        public override bool SyncDown()
            SparkleGit git = new SparkleGit (LocalPath, "fetch --progress " + Url);

            git.StartInfo.RedirectStandardError = true;
            git.Start ();

            double percentage = 1.0;
            Regex progress_regex = new Regex (@"([0-9]+)%", RegexOptions.Compiled);

            while (!git.StandardError.EndOfStream) {
                string line   = git.StandardError.ReadLine ();
                Match match   = progress_regex.Match (line);
                string speed  = "";
                double number = 0.0;

                if (match.Success) {
                    number = double.Parse (match.Groups [1].Value);

                    // The fetching progress consists of two stages: the "Compressing
                    // objects" stage which we count as 20% of the total progress, and
                    // the "Receiving objects" stage which we count as the last 80%
                    if (line.StartsWith ("Compressing")) {
                        // "Compressing objects" stage
                        number = (number / 100 * 20);

                    } else {
                        // "Writing objects" stage
                        number = (number / 100 * 80 + 20);

                        if (line.Contains ("|")) {
                            speed = line.Substring (line.IndexOf ("|") + 1).Trim ();
                            speed = speed.Replace (", done.", "").Trim ();
                            speed = speed.Replace ("i", "");
                            speed = speed.Replace ("KB/s", "ᴋʙ/s");
                            speed = speed.Replace ("MB/s", "ᴍʙ/s");

                if (number >= percentage) {
                    percentage = number;
                    base.OnProgressChanged (percentage, speed);

            git.WaitForExit ();

            UpdateSizes ();

            if (git.ExitCode == 0) {
                Rebase ();

                File.SetAttributes (
                    Path.Combine (LocalPath, ".sparkleshare"),

                return true;

            } else {
                return false;
コード例 #24
ファイル: SparkleRepoGit.cs プロジェクト: cnzzr/SparkleShare
 // Stages the made changes
 private void Add()
     SparkleGit git = new SparkleGit (LocalPath, "add --all");
     git.StartAndWaitForExit ();
コード例 #25
        // Stages the made changes
        private void Add()
            SparkleGit git = new SparkleGit (LocalPath, "add --all");
            git.Start ();
            git.WaitForExit ();

            SparkleHelpers.DebugInfo ("Git", "[" + Name + "] Changes staged");
コード例 #26
ファイル: SparkleRepoGit.cs プロジェクト: cnzzr/SparkleShare
        // Commits the made changes
        private void Commit(string message)
            SparkleGit git;

            if (!this.user_is_set) {
                git = new SparkleGit (LocalPath, "config user.name \"" + base.local_config.User.Name + "\"");
                git.StartAndWaitForExit ();

                git = new SparkleGit (LocalPath, "config user.email \"" + base.local_config.User.Email + "\"");
                git.StartAndWaitForExit ();

                this.user_is_set = true;

            git = new SparkleGit (LocalPath, "commit --all --message=\"" + message + "\" " +
                "--author=\"" + base.local_config.User.Name + " <" + base.local_config.User.Email + ">\"");

            git.StartAndReadStandardOutput ();
コード例 #27
        // Creates a pretty commit message based on what has changed
        private string FormatCommitMessage()
            List<string> Added    = new List<string> ();
            List<string> Modified = new List<string> ();
            List<string> Removed  = new List<string> ();
            string file_name      = "";
            string message        = "";

            SparkleGit git_status = new SparkleGit (LocalPath, "status --porcelain");
            git_status.Start ();

            // Reading the standard output HAS to go before
            // WaitForExit, or it will hang forever on output > 4096 bytes
            string output = git_status.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd ().Trim ("\n".ToCharArray ());
            git_status.WaitForExit ();

            string [] lines = output.Split ("\n".ToCharArray ());
            foreach (string line in lines) {
                if (line.StartsWith ("A"))
                    Added.Add (line.Substring (3));
                else if (line.StartsWith ("M"))
                    Modified.Add (line.Substring (3));
                else if (line.StartsWith ("D"))
                    Removed.Add (line.Substring (3));
                else if (line.StartsWith ("R")) {
                    Removed.Add (line.Substring (3, (line.IndexOf (" -> ") - 3)));
                    Added.Add (line.Substring (line.IndexOf (" -> ") + 4));

            int count     = 0;
            int max_count = 20;

            string n = Environment.NewLine;

            foreach (string added in Added) {
                file_name = added.Trim ("\"".ToCharArray ());

                if (file_name.EndsWith (".empty"))
                    file_name = file_name.Substring (0, file_name.Length - 6);

                message += "+ ‘" + file_name + "’" + n;

                if (count == max_count)
                    return message + "...";

            foreach (string modified in Modified) {
                file_name = modified.Trim ("\"".ToCharArray ());

                if (file_name.EndsWith (".empty"))
                    file_name = file_name.Substring (0, file_name.Length - 6);

                message += "/ ‘" + file_name + "’" + n;

                if (count == max_count)
                    return message + "...";

            foreach (string removed in Removed) {
                file_name = removed.Trim ("\"".ToCharArray ());

                if (file_name.EndsWith (".empty"))
                    file_name = file_name.Substring (0, file_name.Length - 6);

                message += "- ‘" + file_name + "’" + n;

                if (count == max_count)
                    return message + "..." + n;

            message = message.Replace ("\"", "");
            return message.TrimEnd ();
コード例 #28
ファイル: SparkleRepoGit.cs プロジェクト: cnzzr/SparkleShare
        // Creates a pretty commit message based on what has changed
        private string FormatCommitMessage()
            int count      = 0;
            string message = "";

            SparkleGit git_status = new SparkleGit (LocalPath, "status --porcelain");
            git_status.Start ();

            while (!git_status.StandardOutput.EndOfStream) {
                string line = git_status.StandardOutput.ReadLine ();

                if (line.EndsWith (".empty") || line.EndsWith (".empty\""))
                    line = line.Replace (".empty", "");

                if (line.StartsWith ("R")) {
                    string path = line.Substring (3, line.IndexOf (" -> ") - 3).Trim ("\"".ToCharArray ());
                    string moved_to_path = line.Substring (line.IndexOf (" -> ") + 4).Trim ("\"".ToCharArray ());

                    message +=  "< ‘" + EnsureSpecialCharacters (path) + "’\n";
                    message +=  "> ‘" + EnsureSpecialCharacters (moved_to_path) + "’\n";

                } else {
                    if (line.StartsWith ("M")) {
                        message += "/";

                    } else if (line.StartsWith ("D")) {
                        message += "-";

                    } else {
                        message += "+";

                    string path = line.Substring (3).Trim ("\"".ToCharArray ());
                    message += " ‘" + EnsureSpecialCharacters (path) + "’\n";

                if (count == 10) {
                    message += "...\n";

            git_status.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd ();
            git_status.WaitForExit ();

            return message;
コード例 #29
        private void ResolveConflict()
            // This is al list of conflict status codes that Git uses, their
            // meaning, and how SparkleShare should handle them.
            // DD    unmerged, both deleted    -> Do nothing
            // AU    unmerged, added by us     -> Use theirs, save ours as a timestamped copy
            // UD    unmerged, deleted by them -> Use ours
            // UA    unmerged, added by them   -> Use theirs, save ours as a timestamped copy
            // DU    unmerged, deleted by us   -> Use theirs
            // AA    unmerged, both added      -> Use theirs, save ours as a timestamped copy
            // UU    unmerged, both modified   -> Use theirs, save ours as a timestamped copy
            // ??    unmerged, new files       -> Stage the new files
            // Note that a rebase merge works by replaying each commit from the working branch on
            // top of the upstream branch. Because of this, when a merge conflict happens the
            // side reported as 'ours' is the so-far rebased series, starting with upstream,
            // and 'theirs' is the working branch. In other words, the sides are swapped.
            // So: 'ours' means the 'server's version' and 'theirs' means the 'local version'

            SparkleGit git_status = new SparkleGit (LocalPath, "status --porcelain");
            git_status.Start ();

            // Reading the standard output HAS to go before
            // WaitForExit, or it will hang forever on output > 4096 bytes
            string output = git_status.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd ().TrimEnd ();
            git_status.WaitForExit ();

            string [] lines = output.Split ("\n".ToCharArray ());

            foreach (string line in lines) {
                string conflicting_path = line.Substring (3);
                conflicting_path = conflicting_path.Trim ("\"".ToCharArray ());

                SparkleHelpers.DebugInfo ("Git", "[" + Name + "] Conflict type: " + line);

                // Both the local and server version have been modified
                if (line.StartsWith ("UU") || line.StartsWith ("AA") ||
                    line.StartsWith ("AU") || line.StartsWith ("UA")) {

                    // Recover local version
                    SparkleGit git_theirs = new SparkleGit (LocalPath,
                        "checkout --theirs \"" + conflicting_path + "\"");
                    git_theirs.Start ();
                    git_theirs.WaitForExit ();

                    // Append a timestamp to local version.
                    // Windows doesn't allow colons in the file name, so
                    // we use "h" between the hours and minutes instead.
                    string timestamp            = DateTime.Now.ToString ("MMM d H\\hmm");
                    string their_path           = conflicting_path + " (" + SparkleConfig.DefaultConfig.User.Name + ", " + timestamp + ")";
                    string abs_conflicting_path = Path.Combine (LocalPath, conflicting_path);
                    string abs_their_path       = Path.Combine (LocalPath, their_path);

                    File.Move (abs_conflicting_path, abs_their_path);

                    // Recover server version
                    SparkleGit git_ours = new SparkleGit (LocalPath,
                        "checkout --ours \"" + conflicting_path + "\"");
                    git_ours.Start ();
                    git_ours.WaitForExit ();

                    Add ();

                    SparkleGit git_rebase_continue = new SparkleGit (LocalPath, "rebase --continue");
                    git_rebase_continue.Start ();
                    git_rebase_continue.WaitForExit ();

                // The local version has been modified, but the server version was removed
                if (line.StartsWith ("DU")) {

                    // The modified local version is already in the
                    // checkout, so it just needs to be added.
                    // We need to specifically mention the file, so
                    // we can't reuse the Add () method
                    SparkleGit git_add = new SparkleGit (LocalPath,
                        "add \"" + conflicting_path + "\"");
                    git_add.Start ();
                    git_add.WaitForExit ();

                    SparkleGit git_rebase_continue = new SparkleGit (LocalPath, "rebase --continue");
                    git_rebase_continue.Start ();
                    git_rebase_continue.WaitForExit ();

                // The server version has been modified, but the local version was removed
                if (line.StartsWith ("UD")) {

                    // We can just skip here, the server version is
                    // already in the checkout
                    SparkleGit git_rebase_skip = new SparkleGit (LocalPath, "rebase --skip");
                    git_rebase_skip.Start ();
                    git_rebase_skip.WaitForExit ();

                // New local files
                if (line.StartsWith ("??")) {

                    Add ();

                    SparkleGit git_rebase_continue = new SparkleGit (LocalPath, "rebase --continue");
                    git_rebase_continue.Start ();
                    git_rebase_continue.WaitForExit ();
コード例 #30
        private void InstallConfiguration()
            string [] settings = new string [] {
                "core.quotepath false", // Don't quote "unusual" characters in path names
                "core.ignorecase false", // Be case sensitive explicitly to work on Mac
                "core.filemode false", // Ignore permission changes
                "core.autocrlf false", // Don't change file line endings
                "core.precomposeunicode true", // Use the same Unicode form on all filesystems
                "core.safecrlf false",
                "core.excludesfile \"\"",
                "core.packedGitLimit 128m", // Some memory limiting options
                "core.packedGitWindowSize 128m",
                "pack.deltaCacheSize 128m",
                "pack.packSizeLimit 128m",
                "pack.windowMemory 128m",
                "push.default matching"

            foreach (string setting in settings) {
                SparkleGit git_config = new SparkleGit (TargetFolder, "config " + setting);
                git_config.StartAndWaitForExit ();

            if (this.use_git_bin)
                InstallGitBinConfiguration ();