コード例 #1
ファイル: Strings.cs プロジェクト: CodingWasaby/Mathy
        public static string Of(SourceVariable variable)
            DataType type = variable.Type;

            if (type == DataType.Number)
            else if (type == DataType.String)
            else if (type == DataType.Matrix)
            else if (type == DataType.Vector)
                string s = "向量";

コード例 #2
        public JobStepAreaVM(EvaluationContext context, Step step, int stepIndex, int updateCount)
            Index       = stepIndex;
            Title       = step.SourceExpression.Title;
            Description = step.SourceExpression.Description;
            ImageUrl    = "/Home/GetStepImage?stepIndex=" + stepIndex + "&updateCount=" + updateCount;

            ResultVariables = new ResultVariableVM[step.OutVariables.Length];
            for (int i = 0; i <= step.OutVariables.Length - 1; i++)
                string variableName = step.OutVariables[i];
                object value        = context.GetValue(variableName);
                Style  style        = context.Plan.Styles.FirstOrDefault(j => j.Target == variableName);

                int        columnCount = 0;
                string[]   rowNames    = null;
                string[]   columnNames = null;
                string[][] cells       = null;
                string     displayText = null;
                string     url         = null;

                if (value == null)
                    displayText = "?";
                else if (value is Matrix || value is Vector)
                    Matrix m = value is Matrix ? value as Matrix : new Matrix(1, (value as Vector).Size, (value as Vector).Items);
                    cells = new string[m.RowCount][];

                    string   styleRowName  = style == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(style.RowName) ? null : style.RowName;
                    string[] styleRowNames = styleRowName == null || !styleRowName.Contains(",") ? null : styleRowName.Split(new char[] { ',' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);

                    rowNames = new string[m.RowCount];
                    for (int row = 0; row <= m.RowCount - 1; row++)
                        string rowName;

                        if (styleRowNames != null)
                            rowName = row <= styleRowNames.Length - 1 ? styleRowNames[row] : string.Format(styleRowName, row + 1);
                            rowName = styleRowName == null ? (row + 1).ToString() : string.Format(style.RowName, row + 1);

                        rowNames[row] = rowName;

                    columnCount = m.ColumnCount;
                    columnNames = new string[m.ColumnCount];
                    for (int column = 0; column <= m.ColumnCount - 1; column++)
                        columnNames[column] = style == null || style.ColumnNames == null || column > style.ColumnNames.Length - 1 ? (column + 1).ToString() : style.ColumnNames[column];

                    for (int row = 0; row <= m.RowCount - 1; row++)
                        cells[row] = new string[m.ColumnCount];
                        for (int column = 0; column <= m.ColumnCount - 1; column++)
                            double d = m[row, column];
                            cells[row][column] = double.IsNaN(d) ? "-" : NumberFormatter.ForDecimalDigits(context.Settings.DecimalDigitCount).ToText(d);
                else if (value is Bitmap)
                    url = string.Format("/Home/GetResultImage?stepIndex={0}&variableIndex={1}&timestamp={2}", stepIndex, i, DateTime.Now.ToString());
                else if (value is double)
                    displayText = NumberFormatter.ForDecimalDigits(context.Settings.DecimalDigitCount).ToText((double)value);
                else if (value is int[] || value is double[])
                    Array items = value as Array;

                    StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder();

                    for (int j = 0; j <= items.Length - 1; j++)
                        b.Append(j < items.Length - 1 ? "," : "");


                    displayText = b.ToString();
                    displayText = value.ToString().Replace("\r\n", "<br />");

                ResultVariables[i] = new ResultVariableVM()
                    Name        = step.OutVariables[i],
                    ColumnCount = columnCount,
                    RowNames    = rowNames,
                    ColumnNames = columnNames,
                    Cells       = cells,
                    Value       = displayText,
                    Url         = url,
                    Description = context.Plan.Variables.FirstOrDefault(m => m.Name == step.OutVariables[i]) == null ? "" : context.Plan.Variables.FirstOrDefault(m => m.Name == step.OutVariables[i]).Description

            InVariables = new InVariableVM[step.InSourceVariables.Length];
            for (int i = 0; i <= step.InSourceVariables.Length - 1; i++)
                SourceVariable variable = step.InSourceVariables[i];

                InVariables[i] = new InVariableVM()
                    Index       = i,
                    Name        = variable.Name,
                    Type        = Strings.Of(variable),
                    IsMatrix    = variable.Type == DataType.Matrix || variable.Type == DataType.Vector,
                    Value       = step.InValues[i] == null ? string.Empty : getValue(step.InValues[i], context),
                    Description = step.InSourceVariables[i].Description,
コード例 #3
        public ActionResult GetGridContent(int stepIndex, int variableIndex)
            EvaluationContext context = Session["Context"] as EvaluationContext;
            object            value   = context.Steps[stepIndex].InValues[variableIndex];

            SourceVariable variable = context.Steps[stepIndex].InSourceVariables[variableIndex];
            bool           isMatrix = variable.Type == Planning.DataType.Matrix;

            Style style = context.Plan.Styles.FirstOrDefault(i => i.Target == variable.Name);

            string[] columnNames    = style != null && style.ColumnNames != null ? style.ColumnNames : new string[] { };
            string   rowName        = style != null ? style.RowName : "";
            int      rowHeaderWidth = style != null && style.RowHeaderWidth != 0 ? style.RowHeaderWidth : 50;

            int rowCount = isMatrix ? 2 : 1;
            int columnCount;

            bool allowEditRow;
            bool allowEditColumn;

            if (isMatrix)
                allowEditRow = true;
                if (columnNames.Length == 0)
                    allowEditColumn = true;
                    columnCount     = 5;
                    allowEditColumn = false;
                    columnCount     = columnNames.Length;
                bool hasSize = style != null && style.Size > 0;
                allowEditRow    = false;
                allowEditColumn = !hasSize;
                columnCount     = !hasSize ? 5 : style.Size;

            string[] cells = new string[] { };

            if (value is Matrix)
                Matrix matrix = value as Matrix;
                rowCount    = matrix.RowCount;
                columnCount = matrix.ColumnCount;
                cells       = matrix.Items.Select(i => !double.IsNaN(i) ? i.ToString() : "-").ToArray();
            else if (value is Vector)
                Vector vector = value as Vector;
                columnCount = vector.Size;
                cells       = vector.Items.Select(i => !double.IsNaN(i) ? i.ToString() : "-").ToArray();

                rowCount = rowCount,
                columnCount = columnCount,
                cells = cells,
                rowHeaderWidth = rowHeaderWidth,
                rowName = rowName,
                columnNames = columnNames,
                allowEditRow = allowEditRow,
                allowEditColumn = allowEditColumn
            }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
コード例 #4
        public override Array GetData(int[] strideOrigin, int[] strideStride, int[] strideShape)
            int rank = Rank;

            if (rank == 0)
                if (strideOrigin != null && strideOrigin.Length > 0)
                    throw new ArgumentException("Origin in GetData() for scalar variable must be null or empty", "origin");
                if (strideShape != null && strideShape.Length > 0)
                    throw new ArgumentException("Count in GetData() for scalar variable must be null or empty", "count");
                if (strideStride != null && strideStride.Length > 0)
                    throw new ArgumentException("Stride in GetData() for scalar variable must be null or empty", "stride");
                return(GetData(null, null));

            if (strideOrigin == null)
                strideOrigin = new int[rank];

            if (strideOrigin.Length != rank)
                throw new ArgumentException("origin is incorrect");
            if (strideShape != null && strideShape.Length != rank)
                throw new ArgumentException("shape is incorrect");

            if (strideShape == null)
                int[] actualShape = GetShape(SchemaVersion.Committed);
                strideShape = new int[rank];
                for (int i = 0; i < strideShape.Length; i++)
                    strideShape[i] = 1 + (actualShape[i] - 1 - strideOrigin[i]) / strideStride[i];
            else if (Array.IndexOf(strideShape, 0) >= 0)
                return(Array.CreateInstance(TypeOfData, strideShape));

            int srcRank = SourceVariable.Rank;

            int[] srcOrigin = new int[srcRank];
            int[] srcShape  = new int[srcRank];
            int[] srcStride = new int[srcRank];
            for (int i = 0, j = 0; i < srcRank; i++)
                if (stride[i] == 0) // dimension i is to be removed
                    srcOrigin[i] = this.origin[i];
                    srcShape[i]  = 1;
                    srcStride[i] = 1; // instead of 0
                    srcOrigin[i] = this.origin[i] + this.stride[i] * strideOrigin[j];
                    srcStride[i] = this.stride[i] * strideStride[j];
                    srcShape[i]  = strideShape[j];
            Array array = SourceVariable.GetData(srcOrigin, srcStride, srcShape);

            if (rank == srcRank)

            // Some dimensions are to be removed.
コード例 #5
        public override Array GetData(int[] strideOrigin, int[] strideShape)
            int rank = Rank;

            if (strideOrigin == null)
                strideOrigin = new int[rank];

            if (strideOrigin.Length != rank)
                throw new ArgumentException("origin is incorrect");
            if (strideShape != null && strideShape.Length != rank)
                throw new ArgumentException("shape is incorrect");

            int[] actualShape = GetShape(SchemaVersion.Committed);
            if (strideShape == null)
                strideShape = new int[rank];
                for (int i = 0; i < strideShape.Length; i++)
                    strideShape[i] = actualShape[i] - strideOrigin[i];
                for (int i = 0; i < strideShape.Length; i++)
                    if (strideOrigin[i] + strideShape[i] > actualShape[i])
                        throw new ArgumentException("Specified origin and shape describe an area larger than the variable's shape");

            int srcRank = SourceVariable.Rank;

            int[] srcOrigin = new int[srcRank];
            int[] srcShape  = new int[srcRank];

            int[] stride2;
            if (srcRank > rank)                  // reducing dimensions
                stride2 = (int[])stride.Clone(); // will be updated
                stride2 = stride;
            for (int i = 0, j = 0; i < srcRank; i++)
                if (stride[i] == 0) // dimension i is to be removed
                    srcOrigin[i] = this.origin[i];
                    srcShape[i]  = 1;
                    stride2[i]   = 1; // instead of 0
                    srcOrigin[i] = this.origin[i] + this.stride[i] * strideOrigin[j];
                    srcShape[i]  = strideShape[j];
            Array array = SourceVariable.GetData(srcOrigin, stride2, srcShape);

            if (rank == srcRank)

            // Some dimensions are to be removed.
コード例 #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Completely updates shape and affected rect when "origin" changes and
        /// possibly source variable changed.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="changes"></param>
        /// <param name="origin"></param>
        private void InnerUpdateChanges(DataSet.Changes changes, int[] origin)
            int srank = SourceVariable.Rank;

            if (origin == null)
                origin = new int[srank];
            if (origin.Length != srank)
                throw new ArgumentException("Wrong origin indices");

            int[]            sourceShape;
            Variable.Changes srcChanges = changes.GetVariableChanges(SourceVariable.ID);
            if (srcChanges == null)
                sourceShape = SourceVariable.GetShape();
                sourceShape = srcChanges.Shape;

            for (int i = 0; i < srank; i++)
                if (origin[i] < 0)
                    throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("origin is negative");
                if ((count[i] == 0) && (origin[i] != this.origin[i]))
                    throw new ArgumentException("Can't set origin[" + i + "]new value because count[" + i + "]=0");
                if ((count[i] > 0) &&
                    ((origin[i] + stride[i] * (count[i] - 1)) >= sourceShape[i]))
                    //	|| (origin[i] > sourceShape[i])))
                    //if ((((count[i] > 0) && (origin[i] + stride[i] * (count[i] - 1)) >= sourceShape[i]))
                    //    || ((count[i] > 0) && origin[i] > sourceShape[i]))
                    throw new ArgumentException("Source variable does not contain this range of data");

            int rank = Rank;

            int[] aorigin = new int[rank];
            int[] ashape  = new int[rank];
            for (int i = 0, k = 0; i < stride.Length; i++)
                if (stride[i] > 0)
                    if (count[i] > 0)
                        ashape[k] = count[i];
                        int t = (sourceShape[i] - origin[i] - 1) / stride[i];
                        if (t < 0)
                            t = 0;
                        if (sourceShape[i] > origin[i])
                            ashape[k] = 1 + t;
                            ashape[k] = 0;

            Rectangle AffectedRect = new Rectangle(aorigin, ashape);
            // Making changes
            var myChanges = changes.GetVariableChanges(ID);

            myChanges.Shape             = ashape;
            myChanges.AffectedRectangle = AffectedRect;