コード例 #1
        public static void Check_EBCDICCobolFileWithUnsupportedChar()
            DocumentFormat docFormat = DocumentFormat.ZOsReferenceFormat;

            SourceFileProvider fileProvider = new SourceFileProvider();

                false, new string[] { ".txt" },
                docFormat.Encoding, docFormat.EndOfLineDelimiter, docFormat.FixedLineLength);

            bool exceptionWasThrownWithCorrectMessage = false;

            CobolFile cobolFile;

            if (fileProvider.TryGetFile("EbcdicRefFormatWithBadChars", out cobolFile))
                    // Load the CobolFile in a TextDocument
                    ReadOnlyTextDocument textDocument = new ReadOnlyTextDocument("EbcdicRefFormatWithBadChars.TXT", docFormat.Encoding, docFormat.ColumnsLayout, cobolFile.ReadChars());
                catch (Exception e)
                    if (e.Message == "The character code 13 in source encoding IBM EBCDIC (France-Euro) found at position 3072 can not be safely converted to the internal Unicode representation : please replace it with the alphanumeric hexadecimal literal X'0D' in the source text")
                        exceptionWasThrownWithCorrectMessage = true;

            if (!exceptionWasThrownWithCorrectMessage)
                throw new Exception("Unsupported chars in fixed length EBCDIC source file were not correctly filtered");
コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Common internal implementation for all constructors above
        /// </summary>
        private FileCompiler(string libraryName, string fileName, CobolFile loadedCobolFile, SourceFileProvider sourceFileProvider, IProcessedTokensDocumentProvider documentProvider, ColumnsLayout columnsLayout, ITextDocument textDocument, TypeCobolOptions compilerOptions, SymbolTable customSymbols, bool isCopyFile,
                             [CanBeNull] MultilineScanState scanState, CompilationProject compilationProject, List <RemarksDirective.TextNameVariation> copyTextNameVariations)
            var chrono = new Stopwatch();


            // 1.a Find the Cobol source file
            CobolFile sourceFile = null;

            CompilationProject = compilationProject;

            if (fileName != null)
                if (sourceFileProvider.TryGetFile(libraryName, fileName, out sourceFile))
                    CobolFile = sourceFile;
                    var message = string.IsNullOrEmpty(libraryName) ? string.Format("Cobol source file not found: {0}", fileName)
                                                                    : string.Format("Cobol source file not found: {0} in {1}", fileName, libraryName);
                    throw new Exception(message);
            // 1.b Register a Cobol source file which was already loaded
            else if (loadedCobolFile != null)
                CobolFile = loadedCobolFile;

            SourceFileSearchTime = (int)chrono.ElapsedMilliseconds;

            // 2.a Load it in a new text document in memory
            if (textDocument == null)
                TextDocument = new ReadOnlyTextDocument(sourceFile?.Name, sourceFile?.Encoding, columnsLayout, sourceFile?.ReadChars());
            // 2.b Load it in an existing text document in memory
            else if (sourceFile != null)
                TextDocument = textDocument;
            // 2.c Use a pre-existing text document
            //     - not yet associated with a Cobol source file
            //     - with a Cobol source file already loaded
            else if (sourceFile == null || loadedCobolFile != null)
                TextDocument = textDocument;

            SourceFileLoadTime = (int)chrono.ElapsedMilliseconds;

            // 3. Prepare the data structures used by the different steps of the compiler
            if (isCopyFile)
                CompilationResultsForCopy = new CompilationDocument(TextDocument.Source, TextDocument.Lines, compilerOptions, documentProvider, scanState, copyTextNameVariations);
                CompilationResultsForCopy.CustomSymbols = customSymbols;
                CompilationResultsForProgram = new CompilationUnit(TextDocument.Source, TextDocument.Lines, compilerOptions, documentProvider, copyTextNameVariations);
                CompilationResultsForProgram.CustomSymbols = customSymbols;
            CompilerOptions = compilerOptions;
コード例 #3
 /// <summary>
 /// Use a pre-existing text document, already initialized from a Cobol file
 /// </summary>
 public FileCompiler(string libraryName, string fileName, SourceFileProvider sourceFileProvider, IProcessedTokensDocumentProvider documentProvider, ColumnsLayout columnsLayout, TypeCobolOptions compilerOptions, CodeModel.SymbolTable customSymbols, bool isCopyFile, MultilineScanState scanState, CompilationProject compilationProject, List <RemarksDirective.TextNameVariation> copyTextNameVariations) :
     this(libraryName, fileName, null, sourceFileProvider, documentProvider, columnsLayout, null, compilerOptions, customSymbols, isCopyFile, scanState, compilationProject, copyTextNameVariations)
コード例 #4
 /// <summary>
 /// Use a pre-existing text document, not yet associated with a Cobol file + Existing SymbolTable
 /// </summary>
 public FileCompiler(ITextDocument textDocument, SourceFileProvider sourceFileProvider, IProcessedTokensDocumentProvider documentProvider, TypeCobolOptions compilerOptions, SymbolTable customSymbols, bool isCopyFile, CompilationProject compilationProject) :
     this(null, null, null, sourceFileProvider, documentProvider, default(ColumnsLayout), textDocument, compilerOptions, customSymbols, isCopyFile, null, compilationProject, null)
コード例 #5
 /// <summary>
 /// Load a Cobol source file in an pre-existing text document
 /// </summary>
 public FileCompiler(string libraryName, string fileName, SourceFileProvider sourceFileProvider, IProcessedTokensDocumentProvider documentProvider, ITextDocument textDocument, TypeCobolOptions compilerOptions, bool isCopyFile, CompilationProject compilationProject) :
     this(libraryName, fileName, null, sourceFileProvider, documentProvider, default(ColumnsLayout), textDocument, compilerOptions, null, isCopyFile, null, compilationProject, null)
コード例 #6
 /// <summary>
 /// Load a Cobol source file in memory
 /// </summary>
 public FileCompiler(string libraryName, string fileName, SourceFileProvider sourceFileProvider, IProcessedTokensDocumentProvider documentProvider, ColumnsLayout columnsLayout, TypeCobolOptions compilerOptions, CodeModel.SymbolTable customSymbols, bool isCopyFile, CompilationProject compilationProject) :
     this(libraryName, fileName, null, sourceFileProvider, documentProvider, columnsLayout, null, compilerOptions, customSymbols, isCopyFile, null, compilationProject, null)
コード例 #7
        public static void Check_ASCIICobolFile_FreeTextFormat()
            DocumentFormat docFormat = DocumentFormat.FreeTextFormat;

            SourceFileProvider fileProvider = new SourceFileProvider();

                false, new string[] { ".cpy" },
                docFormat.Encoding, docFormat.EndOfLineDelimiter, docFormat.FixedLineLength);

            DummyTextSourceListener textSourceListener = new DummyTextSourceListener();

            CobolFile cobolFile;

            if (fileProvider.TryGetFile("AsciiFreeFormat", out cobolFile))
                // Load the CobolFile in a TextDocument
                ReadOnlyTextDocument textDocument = new ReadOnlyTextDocument("AsciiFreeFormat.cpy", docFormat.Encoding, docFormat.ColumnsLayout, cobolFile.ReadChars());
                // Send all text lines in one batch to the test observer
                textDocument.TextChanged += textSourceListener.OnTextChanged;

            TextChangeMap tce1 = new TextChangeMap(textSourceListener.LastTextChangedEvent.TextChanges.First <TextChange>(), docFormat.ColumnsLayout);

            if (tce1.LineIndex != 0 || tce1.Type != TextChangeType.LineInserted ||
                tce1.NewLineMap.SequenceNumberText != null || tce1.NewLineMap.IndicatorChar != '/' ||
                tce1.NewLineMap.SourceText != "----------------------------------------------------------------" || tce1.NewLineMap.CommentText != null)
                throw new Exception("Error reading line 1 of the ASCII text source (free text format)");

            TextChangeMap tce2 = new TextChangeMap(textSourceListener.LastTextChangedEvent.TextChanges[4], docFormat.ColumnsLayout);

            if (tce2.LineIndex != 4 || tce2.Type != TextChangeType.LineInserted ||
                tce2.NewLineMap.SequenceNumberText != null || tce2.NewLineMap.IndicatorChar != '*' ||
                tce2.NewLineMap.SourceText != " Comportant TAGs (ou BALISEs) standards/normalisés apposées via  commentaires standards à respecter                             " || tce2.NewLineMap.CommentText != null)
                throw new Exception("Error reading line 5 of the ASCII text source (free text format)");

            TextChangeMap tce3 = new TextChangeMap(textSourceListener.LastTextChangedEvent.TextChanges[7], docFormat.ColumnsLayout);

            if (tce3.LineIndex != 7 || tce3.Type != TextChangeType.LineInserted ||
                tce3.NewLineMap.SequenceNumberText != null || tce3.NewLineMap.IndicatorChar != ' ' ||
                tce3.NewLineMap.SourceText != "      10                          PIC X(008) VALUE " || tce3.NewLineMap.CommentText != null)
                throw new Exception("Error reading line 8 of the ASCII text source (free text format)");

            TextChangeMap tce4 = new TextChangeMap(textSourceListener.LastTextChangedEvent.TextChanges[8], docFormat.ColumnsLayout);

            if (tce4.LineIndex != 8 || tce4.Type != TextChangeType.LineInserted ||
                tce4.NewLineMap.SequenceNumberText != null || tce4.NewLineMap.IndicatorChar != ' ' ||
                tce4.NewLineMap.SourceText != " 'MSVCINP '.   " || tce4.NewLineMap.CommentText != null)
                throw new Exception("Error reading line 9 of the ASCII text source (free text format)");

            TextChangeMap tce5 = new TextChangeMap(textSourceListener.LastTextChangedEvent.TextChanges[13], docFormat.ColumnsLayout);

            if (tce5.LineIndex != 13 || tce5.Type != TextChangeType.LineInserted ||
                tce5.NewLineMap.SequenceNumberText != null || tce5.NewLineMap.IndicatorChar != 'D' ||
                tce5.NewLineMap.SourceText != "       15  :MSVCINP:-AppSessnId           PIC X(064).           " || tce5.NewLineMap.CommentText != null)
                throw new Exception("Error reading line 14 of the ASCII text source (free text format)");

            TextChangeMap tce6 = new TextChangeMap(textSourceListener.LastTextChangedEvent.TextChanges[18], docFormat.ColumnsLayout);

            if (tce6.LineIndex != 18 || tce6.Type != TextChangeType.LineInserted ||
                tce6.NewLineMap.SequenceNumberText != null || tce6.NewLineMap.IndicatorChar != ' ' ||
                tce6.NewLineMap.SourceText != "    05  FILLER                             PIC X(499).           " || tce6.NewLineMap.CommentText != null)
                throw new Exception("Error reading line 19 of the ASCII text source (free text format)");

            TextChangeMap tce7 = new TextChangeMap(textSourceListener.LastTextChangedEvent.TextChanges.Last <TextChange>(), docFormat.ColumnsLayout);

            if (tce7.LineIndex != 27 || tce7.Type != TextChangeType.LineInserted ||
                tce7.NewLineMap.SequenceNumberText != null || tce7.NewLineMap.IndicatorChar != 'd' ||
                tce7.NewLineMap.SourceText != "   05                            PIC X(008) VALUE '/MSVCINP'.   " || tce7.NewLineMap.CommentText != null)
                throw new Exception("Error reading line 28 of the ASCII text source (free text format)");
コード例 #8
ファイル: SourceFileProviderTests.cs プロジェクト: polsys/cle
        public void Getting_file_contents_fails_if_file_does_not_exist()
            var provider = new SourceFileProvider(ModuleName);

            Assert.That(provider.TryGetSourceFile("nonexistent.cle", out var _), Is.False);
コード例 #9
ファイル: SourceFileProviderTests.cs プロジェクト: polsys/cle
        public void Getting_filenames_fails_for_nonexistent_path()
            var provider = new SourceFileProvider(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory());

            Assert.That(provider.TryGetFilenamesForModule("Nonexistent", out var _), Is.False);
コード例 #10
        public static void Check_FreeFormatDocument()
            DocumentFormat docFormat = DocumentFormat.FreeTextFormat;

            SourceFileProvider fileProvider = new SourceFileProvider();

                false, new string[] { ".cpy" },
                docFormat.Encoding, docFormat.EndOfLineDelimiter, docFormat.FixedLineLength);

            CobolFile cobolFile;

            if (!fileProvider.TryGetFile("MSVCINP free format", out cobolFile))
                throw new Exception("File MSVCINP free format.cpy not found");

            // Load the CobolFile in a TextDocument
            ReadOnlyTextDocument textDocument = new ReadOnlyTextDocument("MSVCINP free format.cpy", docFormat.Encoding, docFormat.ColumnsLayout, cobolFile.ReadChars());

            if (textDocument.CharAt(0) != '/')
                throw new Exception("Character at position 0 should be 0");
            if (textDocument.CharAt(92) != 'a')
                throw new Exception("Character at position 92 should be a");
            if (textDocument.CharAt(2582) != '/')
                throw new Exception("Character at position 2582 should be /");
            if (textDocument.CharAt(2522) != ' ')
                throw new Exception("Character at position 2522 should be space");

            if (textDocument.Chars.Skip(90).First() != 'a')
                throw new Exception("Character enumerator after 90 iterations should return a");

            ReadOnlyTextLine line = (ReadOnlyTextLine)textDocument.GetLineByIndex(0);

            if (line.Length != 65 || line.LineIndex != 0 || line.StartOffset != 0 ||
                line.Text != "/----------------------------------------------------------------")
                throw new Exception("Incorrect line at index 0");
            line = (ReadOnlyTextLine)textDocument.GetLineByIndex(1);
            if (line.Length != 96 || line.LineIndex != 1 || line.StartOffset != 67 ||
                line.Text != "* MSVCINP               partie ALLER FIXE des MESSAGES échangés avec tout SERVICE APPLICATIF C14")
                throw new Exception("Incorrect line at index 1");
            line = (ReadOnlyTextLine)textDocument.GetLineByIndex(36);
            if (line.Length != 66 || line.LineIndex != 36 || line.StartOffset != 2529 ||
                line.Text != "d    05                            PIC X(008) VALUE '/MSVCINP'.   ")
                throw new Exception("Incorrect line at index 36");

            int indexOfCharInLine = -1;

            line = (ReadOnlyTextLine)textDocument.GetLineByOffset(12, out indexOfCharInLine);
            if (line.LineIndex != 0 || indexOfCharInLine != 12)
                throw new Exception("Incorrect line at offset 12");
            line = (ReadOnlyTextLine)textDocument.GetLineByOffset(881, out indexOfCharInLine);
            if (line.LineIndex != 11 || indexOfCharInLine != 48)
                throw new Exception("Incorrect line at offset 881");
            line = (ReadOnlyTextLine)textDocument.GetLineByOffset(2509, out indexOfCharInLine);
            if (line.LineIndex != 35 || indexOfCharInLine != 48)
                throw new Exception("Incorrect line at offset 2509");

            if (textDocument.Length != 2595)
                throw new Exception("Document should have length 2595");

            if (textDocument.LineCount != 37)
                throw new Exception("Document should have 37 line count");

            if (textDocument.Lines.Count() != 37)
                throw new Exception("Document should have 37 lines");
コード例 #11
        public static void Check_ReferenceFormatDocument()
            DocumentFormat docFormat = DocumentFormat.RDZReferenceFormat;

            SourceFileProvider fileProvider = new SourceFileProvider();

                false, new string[] { ".cpy" },
                docFormat.Encoding, docFormat.EndOfLineDelimiter, docFormat.FixedLineLength);

            CobolFile cobolFile;

            if (!fileProvider.TryGetFile("MSVCOUT", out cobolFile))
                throw new Exception("File MSVCOUT.cpy not found");

            // Load the CobolFile in a TextDocument
            ReadOnlyTextDocument textDocument = new ReadOnlyTextDocument("MSVCOUT.cpy", docFormat.Encoding, docFormat.ColumnsLayout, cobolFile.ReadChars());

            if (textDocument.CharAt(0) != '0')
                throw new Exception("Character at position 0 should be 0");
            if (textDocument.CharAt(90) != 'M')
                throw new Exception("Character at position 90 should be M");
            if (textDocument.CharAt(18345) != '/')
                throw new Exception("Character at position 18345 should be /");
            if (textDocument.CharAt(18365) != '1')
                throw new Exception("Character at position 18365 should be 1");

            if (textDocument.Chars.Skip(88).First() != 'M')
                throw new Exception("Character enumerator after 88 iterations should return M");

            ReadOnlyTextLine line = (ReadOnlyTextLine)textDocument.GetLineByIndex(0);

            if (line.Length != 80 || line.LineIndex != 0 || line.StartOffset != 0 ||
                line.Text != "000010*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-  00001001")
                throw new Exception("Incorrect line at index 0");
            line = (ReadOnlyTextLine)textDocument.GetLineByIndex(1);
            if (line.Length != 80 || line.LineIndex != 1 || line.StartOffset != 82 ||
                line.Text != "000020*-Maintenance frame - Created on 14 Oct 2013 at 17:27:08          00002001")
                throw new Exception("Incorrect line at index 1");
            line = (ReadOnlyTextLine)textDocument.GetLineByIndex(223);
            if (line.Length != 80 || line.LineIndex != 223 || line.StartOffset != 18286 ||
                line.Text != "002240     05                             PIC X(08) VALUE '/MSVCOUT'.   02010001")
                throw new Exception("Incorrect line at index 223");

            int indexOfCharInLine = -1;

            line = (ReadOnlyTextLine)textDocument.GetLineByOffset(12, out indexOfCharInLine);
            if (line.LineIndex != 0 || indexOfCharInLine != 12)
                throw new Exception("Incorrect line at offset 12");
            line = (ReadOnlyTextLine)textDocument.GetLineByOffset(159, out indexOfCharInLine);
            if (line.LineIndex != 1 || indexOfCharInLine != 77)
                throw new Exception("Incorrect line at offset 159");
            line = (ReadOnlyTextLine)textDocument.GetLineByOffset(17899, out indexOfCharInLine);
            if (line.LineIndex != 218 || indexOfCharInLine != 23)
                throw new Exception("Incorrect line at offset 17899");

            if (textDocument.Length != 18366)
                throw new Exception("Document should have length 18366");

            if (textDocument.LineCount != 224)
                throw new Exception("Document should have 224 line count");

            if (textDocument.Lines.Count() != 224)
                throw new Exception("Document should have 224 lines");
コード例 #12
        /// <summary>
        /// Common internal implementation for all 4 constructors above
        /// </summary>
        private FileCompiler(string libraryName, string fileName, CobolFile loadedCobolFile, SourceFileProvider sourceFileProvider, IProcessedTokensDocumentProvider documentProvider, ColumnsLayout columnsLayout, ITextDocument textDocument, TypeCobolOptions compilerOptions, SymbolTable customSymbols, bool isCopyFile,
                             [CanBeNull] MultilineScanState scanState, CompilationProject compilationProject, List <RemarksDirective.TextNameVariation> copyTextNameVariations)
            // 1.a Find the Cobol source file
            CobolFile sourceFile = null;

            CompilationProject = compilationProject;

            if (fileName != null)
                if (sourceFileProvider.TryGetFile(libraryName, fileName, out sourceFile))
                    CobolFile = sourceFile;
                    if (isCopyFile)

                    throw new Exception(string.Format("Could not find a Cobol source file named {0} in {1}", fileName, libraryName));
            // 1.b Register a Cobol source file which was already loaded
            else if (loadedCobolFile != null)
                CobolFile = loadedCobolFile;

            // 2.a Load it in a new text document in memory
            if (textDocument == null)
                TextDocument = new ReadOnlyTextDocument(sourceFile.Name, sourceFile.Encoding, columnsLayout, sourceFile.ReadChars());
            // 2.b Load it in an existing text document in memory
            else if (sourceFile != null)
                TextDocument = textDocument;
            // 2.c Use a pre-existing text document
            //     - not yet associated with a Cobol source file
            //     - with a Cobol source file already loaded
            else if (sourceFile == null || loadedCobolFile != null)
                TextDocument = textDocument;

            // 3. Prepare the data structures used by the different steps of the compiler
            if (isCopyFile)
                CompilationResultsForCopy = new CompilationDocument(TextDocument.Source, TextDocument.Lines, compilerOptions, documentProvider, scanState, copyTextNameVariations);
                CompilationResultsForCopy.CustomSymbols = customSymbols;
                CompilationResultsForProgram = new CompilationUnit(TextDocument.Source, TextDocument.Lines, compilerOptions, documentProvider, copyTextNameVariations);
                CompilationResultsForProgram.CustomSymbols = customSymbols;
            CompilerOptions = compilerOptions;