コード例 #1
        public void SharedSourceFiles_Methods()
            string projectPath = null;
            string outputPath  = null;

            TestHelper.GetProjectPaths("SFT", out projectPath, out outputPath);
            string        clientProjectPath = CodeGenHelper.ClientClassLibProjectPath(projectPath);
            List <string> sourceFiles       = CodeGenHelper.ClientClassLibSourceFiles(clientProjectPath);
            ConsoleLogger logger            = new ConsoleLogger();
            FilenameMap   filenameMap       = new FilenameMap();

            using (SourceFileLocationService locationService = new SourceFileLocationService(new[] { new PdbSourceFileProviderFactory(/*symbolSearchPath*/ null, logger) }, filenameMap))
                SharedSourceFiles ssf = new SharedSourceFiles(locationService, filenameMap, sourceFiles);

                int[] fileIds = ssf.GetSharedFileIds(CodeMemberKey.CreateMethodKey(typeof(TestValidator).GetMethod("IsValid")));
                Assert.IsNotNull(fileIds, "Expected TestValidator.IsValid to have non-null file ID's because it is shared");
                Assert.AreEqual(1, fileIds.Length, "Expected TestValidator.IsValid to be found in exactly one file");
                Assert.IsTrue(filenameMap[fileIds[0]].Contains("TestValidator.linked.cs"), "Expected TestValidator.IsValid to be in TestValidator.linked.cs");

                fileIds = ssf.GetSharedFileIds(CodeMemberKey.CreateMethodKey(typeof(TestEntity).GetMethod("ServerAndClientMethod")));
                Assert.IsNotNull(fileIds, "Expected TestEntity.ServerAndClientMethod to have non-null file ID's because it is shared");
                Assert.AreEqual(1, fileIds.Length, "Expected TestEntity.ServerAndClientMethod to be found in exactly one file");
                Assert.IsTrue(filenameMap[fileIds[0]].Contains("TestEntity.linked.cs"), "Expected TestEntity.ServerAndClientMethod to be in TestEntity.linked.cs");

                fileIds = ssf.GetSharedFileIds(CodeMemberKey.CreateMethodKey(typeof(TestEntity).GetMethod("ServerMethod")));
                Assert.IsNull(fileIds, "Expected TestEntity.ServerMethod to have null file ids");

                fileIds = ssf.GetSharedFileIds(CodeMemberKey.CreateMethodKey(typeof(TestValidatorServer).GetMethod("IsValid")));
                Assert.IsNull(fileIds, "Expected TestValidatorServer.IsValid to have null file ids");
コード例 #2
        public void SharedSourceFiles_Types()
            string projectPath = null;
            string outputPath  = null;

            TestHelper.GetProjectPaths("SFT", out projectPath, out outputPath);
            string        clientProjectPath = CodeGenHelper.ClientClassLibProjectPath(projectPath);
            List <string> sourceFiles       = CodeGenHelper.ClientClassLibSourceFiles(clientProjectPath);
            ConsoleLogger logger            = new ConsoleLogger();
            FilenameMap   filenameMap       = new FilenameMap();

            using (SourceFileLocationService locationService = new SourceFileLocationService(new[] { new PdbSourceFileProviderFactory(/*symbolSearchPath*/ null, logger) }, filenameMap))
                SharedSourceFiles ssf = new SharedSourceFiles(locationService, filenameMap, sourceFiles);

                int[] fileIds = ssf.GetSharedFileIds(CodeMemberKey.CreateTypeKey(typeof(TestEntity)));
                Assert.IsNotNull(fileIds, "Expected TestEntity to have non-null file ID's because it is shared");
                Assert.AreEqual(2, fileIds.Length, "Expected TestEntity to be found in exactly 2 files");
                foreach (int i in fileIds)
                    string file = filenameMap[i];
                    Assert.IsTrue(file.Contains("TestEntity.linked.cs") || file.Contains("TestEntity.reverse.linked.cs"), "Expected exactly these 2 files to be shared");

                fileIds = ssf.GetSharedFileIds(CodeMemberKey.CreateTypeKey(typeof(TestValidator)));
                Assert.IsNotNull(fileIds, "Expected TestValidator to have non-null file ID's because it is shared");
                Assert.AreEqual(1, fileIds.Length, "Expected TestValidator to be found in exactly one file");
                Assert.IsTrue(filenameMap[fileIds[0]].Contains("TestValidator.linked.cs"), "expected this to be the sole shared file for TestValidator");

                fileIds = ssf.GetSharedFileIds(CodeMemberKey.CreateTypeKey(typeof(TestValidatorServer)));
                Assert.IsNull(fileIds, "Expected TestValidatorServer to have no shared file ids");
コード例 #3
        public void Multiple_Providers_Preserve_Order()
            long createCountBefore = Interlocked.Read(ref MockSourceFileProviderFactory.createCount);

            // This func returns a file name only for the StringValue property
            Func <MemberInfo, string> func1 = m => { return(m.Name == "StringValue" ? m.Name : null); };

            // The second func returns "IntValue" but also a contradictory name XXX for StringValue.
            // We are testing the preservation of order here in that only one service is allowed to
            // declare a file for a single MemberInfo, and the first one wins
            Func <MemberInfo, string> func2 = m => { return(m.Name == "IntValue" ? m.Name : m.Name == "StringValue" ? "XXX" : null); };

            MockSourceFileProviderFactory factory1 = new MockSourceFileProviderFactory(func1);
            MockSourceFileProviderFactory factory2 = new MockSourceFileProviderFactory(func2);

            FilenameMap filenameMap = new FilenameMap();

            using (SourceFileLocationService locationService = new SourceFileLocationService(new[] { factory1, factory2 }, filenameMap))
                IEnumerable <string> files = locationService.GetFilesForType(typeof(SourceFileLocationServiceTest));
                Assert.AreEqual(2, files.Count(), "Expected both service to contribute to files");
                Assert.IsTrue(files.Contains("StringValue"), "The first service should have gotten called");
                Assert.IsTrue(files.Contains("IntValue"), "The second service should have gotten called");
                Assert.IsFalse(files.Contains("XXX"), "The 2nd response to StringValue should be discarded");

            long createCountAfter = Interlocked.Read(ref MockSourceFileProviderFactory.createCount);

            Assert.AreEqual(createCountBefore, createCountAfter, "Imbalanced create/dispose count of ISourceFileProviders");
コード例 #4
        public void Mock_SourceFileLocationService_Works()
            MethodBase methodBase = MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod();

            // We will generate a fake file name for the request of the currently executing method
            // This tests whether MemberInfo equality is a good mechanism and shows the basic
            // plumbing of the abstract base class works
            Func <MemberInfo, string> func = m => { return(m.Equals(methodBase) ? m.Name : null); };
            FilenameMap filenameMap        = new FilenameMap();

            using (SourceFileLocationService service = new SourceFileLocationService(new[] { new MockSourceFileProviderFactory(func) }, filenameMap))
                IEnumerable <string> files = service.GetFilesForType(this.GetType());
                Assert.AreEqual(1, files.Count(), "Expected only one file name");
                Assert.IsTrue(files.Contains(methodBase.Name), "Expected the name of the current method to be returned for the declaring type");
コード例 #5
        public void PdbReader_Finds_Types_Files()
            string projectPath = null;
            string outputPath  = null;

            TestHelper.GetProjectPaths("PDB", out projectPath, out outputPath);
            string        serverProjectPath = CodeGenHelper.ServerClassLibProjectPath(projectPath);
            string        clientProjectPath = CodeGenHelper.ClientClassLibProjectPath(projectPath);
            ConsoleLogger logger            = new ConsoleLogger();
            FilenameMap   filenameMap       = new FilenameMap();

            using (SourceFileLocationService locationService = new SourceFileLocationService(new[] { new PdbSourceFileProviderFactory(/*symbolSearchPath*/ null, logger) }, filenameMap))
                List <string> files = new List <string>(locationService.GetFilesForType(typeof(TestEntity)));
                Assert.AreEqual(4, files.Count);

                CodeGenHelper.AssertContainsFiles(files, serverProjectPath, new string[] { "TestEntity.cs", "TestEntity.shared.cs", "TestEntity.linked.cs" });
                CodeGenHelper.AssertContainsFiles(files, clientProjectPath, new string[] { "TestEntity.reverse.linked.cs" });
コード例 #6
        public MockSharedCodeService(IEnumerable <Type> sharedTypes, IEnumerable <MethodBase> sharedMethods, IEnumerable <string> sharedFiles)
            if (sharedTypes == null)
                sharedTypes = Enumerable.Empty <Type>();

            if (sharedMethods == null)
                sharedMethods = Enumerable.Empty <MethodBase>();

            if (sharedFiles == null)
                sharedFiles = Enumerable.Empty <string>();

            foreach (Type t in sharedTypes)
                Assert.IsNotNull(t, "Test error -- null passed in for a shared type");

            foreach (MethodInfo m in sharedMethods)
                Assert.IsNotNull(m, "Test error -- null passed in for a shared method");

            this._sharedTypes = new HashSet <Type>(sharedTypes);

            foreach (MethodBase m in sharedMethods)
            this._sharedFiles = new HashSet <string>(sharedFiles);

            // Open up a real PDB based location service if have shared files
            if (this._sharedFiles.Any())
                this._pdbSourceFileLocationService = new SourceFileLocationService(new[] { new PdbSourceFileProviderFactory(/*symbolSearchPath*/ null, /*logger*/ null) }, new FilenameMap());
コード例 #7
        public void SourceInfoAttribute_LocationService()
            FilenameMap filenameMap = new FilenameMap();

            using (SourceFileLocationService locationService = new SourceFileLocationService(new[] { new SourceInfoSourceFileProviderFactory() }, filenameMap))
                IEnumerable <string> files = locationService.GetFilesForType(typeof(SourceInfoDerivedTestClass));
                Assert.IsNotNull(files, "SourceInfoSourceFileLocator returned null");

                string[] expectedFiles = new string[] {
                    // "ctorLevel",    The base class ctor will not be exposed in the GetConstructors call
                    "ctorLevelFileDerived",     // only the derived ctor will be found for this type
                    "propertyLevelFile",        // demonstrates we find properties in the base class
                    "propertyLevelFileDerived", //   and in the derived class
                    "methodLevelFile",          // demonstrates same for methods

                foreach (string file in expectedFiles)
                    Assert.IsTrue(files.Contains(file), "Did not find expected file '" + file + "' using SourceInfoSourceFileLocator");