コード例 #1
            internal static unsafe void Invoke(UObject WorldContextObject, SoundEffectSourcePresetChain PresetChain, SourceEffectChainEntry Entry)
                long *p = stackalloc long[] { 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L };
                byte *b = (byte *)p;

                *((IntPtr *)(b + 0)) = WorldContextObject;
                *((IntPtr *)(b + 8)) = PresetChain;
                *((SourceEffectChainEntry *)(b + 16)) = Entry;
                Main.GetProcessEvent(AudioMixerBlueprintLibrary.DefaultObject, AddSourceEffectToPresetChain_ptr, new IntPtr(p));;
コード例 #2
            internal static unsafe int Invoke(UObject WorldContextObject, SoundEffectSourcePresetChain PresetChain)
                long *p = stackalloc long[] { 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L };
                byte *b = (byte *)p;

                *((IntPtr *)(b + 0)) = WorldContextObject;
                *((IntPtr *)(b + 8)) = PresetChain;
                Main.GetProcessEvent(AudioMixerBlueprintLibrary.DefaultObject, GetNumberOfEntriesInSourceEffectChain_ptr, new IntPtr(p));;
                return(*((int *)(b + 16)));
コード例 #3
            internal static unsafe void Invoke(UObject WorldContextObject, SoundEffectSourcePresetChain PresetChain, int EntryIndex, bool bBypassed)
                long *p = stackalloc long[] { 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L };
                byte *b = (byte *)p;

                *((IntPtr *)(b + 0)) = WorldContextObject;
                *((IntPtr *)(b + 8)) = PresetChain;
                *((int *)(b + 16))   = EntryIndex;
                *((bool *)(b + 20))  = bBypassed;
                Main.GetProcessEvent(AudioMixerBlueprintLibrary.DefaultObject, SetBypassSourceEffectChainEntry_ptr, new IntPtr(p));;
コード例 #4
 ///<summary>Set whether or not to bypass the effect at the source effect chain index.</summary>
 public static void SetBypassSourceEffectChainEntry(UObject WorldContextObject, SoundEffectSourcePresetChain PresetChain, int EntryIndex, bool bBypassed) =>
 AudioMixerBlueprintLibrary_methods.SetBypassSourceEffectChainEntry_method.Invoke(WorldContextObject, PresetChain, EntryIndex, bBypassed);
コード例 #5
 ///<summary>Adds source effect entry to preset chain. Only affects the instance of preset chain.</summary>
 public static void RemoveSourceEffectFromPresetChain(UObject WorldContextObject, SoundEffectSourcePresetChain PresetChain, int EntryIndex) =>
 AudioMixerBlueprintLibrary_methods.RemoveSourceEffectFromPresetChain_method.Invoke(WorldContextObject, PresetChain, EntryIndex);
コード例 #6
 ///<summary>Returns the number of effect chain entries in the given source effect chain.</summary>
 public static int GetNumberOfEntriesInSourceEffectChain(UObject WorldContextObject, SoundEffectSourcePresetChain PresetChain) =>
 AudioMixerBlueprintLibrary_methods.GetNumberOfEntriesInSourceEffectChain_method.Invoke(WorldContextObject, PresetChain);
コード例 #7
 ///<summary>Adds source effect entry to preset chain. Only effects the instance of the preset chain</summary>
 public static void AddSourceEffectToPresetChain(UObject WorldContextObject, SoundEffectSourcePresetChain PresetChain, SourceEffectChainEntry Entry) =>
 AudioMixerBlueprintLibrary_methods.AddSourceEffectToPresetChain_method.Invoke(WorldContextObject, PresetChain, Entry);