public IEnumerator killPlayer() { if (alive && invulTimer.hasEnded()) { GetComponent <PlayerAnimationHandler>().setHurt(); remainingLives--; lifeRemainderText.GetComponent <Text>().text = "Lives: " + remainingLives.ToString(); Vector2 positionOfDeath = (Vector2)transform.position + Vector2.up * 0.5f; rb.velocity =; alive = false; sc.attemptSound(deathSound); cc.isTrigger = true; yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.2f)); rb.velocity = Vector2.up * 10; for (float i = 0; i < 1; i += Time.deltaTime) { rb.velocity += Vector2.down * Time.deltaTime * 20.0f; yield return(null); } if (remainingLives != 0) { float respawnDelay = 4.5f; GameObject respawnText = new GameObject("respawnText"); respawnText.transform.position = positionOfDeath; TextMesh rst = respawnText.AddComponent <TextMesh>(); //restartText rst.anchor = TextAnchor.MiddleRight; rst.characterSize = 0.3f; rst.fontSize = 12; for (float i = 0; i < respawnDelay; i += Time.deltaTime) { rst.text = "Respawn in: " + (respawnDelay - i).ToString("0."); //may not need text yield return(null); } Destroy(respawnText); //respawn alive = true; cc.isTrigger = false; transform.position = MyGameManager.instance.getSpawnPos(); ; Destroy(Instantiate(respawnParticles, transform), 1.0f); StartCoroutine(getInvulnerable()); rb.velocity =; } else { if (playerID == PlayerID.PlayerOne) { MyGameManager.instance.setVictor(2); } if (playerID == PlayerID.PlayerTwo) { MyGameManager.instance.setVictor(1); } } } }
public IEnumerator spotGhost(float angle) { sc.attemptSound(spotGhostSound); if (!turning) { spottedGhost = true; if (rb2d.velocity.x > 0) { angle *= -1; } Vector2 oldVel = rb2d.velocity; rb2d.velocity =; float lookTime = 0.3f; float oldAngle = flashLightRotator.transform.rotation.eulerAngles.z; float newAngle = oldAngle; for (float i = 0; i < lookTime; i += TimeManager.instance.fixedGameDeltaTime) { float pd = i / lookTime; newAngle = oldAngle + angle * pd; flashLightRotator.transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(0, 0, newAngle); yield return(null); } yield return(new WaitForSeconds(2.2f)); flashLightRotator.transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(0, 0, oldAngle); rb2d.velocity = oldVel; spottedGhost = false; } }
public IEnumerator nextLevel() { if (levelIndex >= levelNames.Length) { TimeManager.instance.pauseGameTime(); yield return(new WaitForSeconds(1.5f)); PauseMenuScript.instance.children[3].SetActive(true); sc.attemptSound(GameCompleteFanfare); if (timeAtStartOfGame != -1) { GameObject.Find("Hero(Clone)").GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>().velocity =; int min = (int)((Time.time - timeAtStartOfGame) / 60.0f); int sec = (int)((Time.time - timeAtStartOfGame) % 60.0f); PauseMenuScript.instance.children[3].GetComponentInChildren <Text>().text = "Congratulations! You completed the demo in " + min + ":" + sec + "!"; } else { PauseMenuScript.instance.children[3].GetComponentInChildren <Text>().text = "Congratulations! You completed the final level! Try from the beginning!"; } } else { if (SceneManager.GetActiveScene().name != "StartGame") { yield return(StartCoroutine(Camera.main.GetComponent <CameraScript>().fade(false, 4))); } string nextLvlName = "Scenes/" + levelNames[levelIndex]; levelIndex++; /* * string nextLvlName = "Scenes/level" + currentLevel.ToString(); //important: all scenes have to be in Scenes folder * currentLevel++; */ //if (!SceneManager.GetSceneByName(nextLvlName).IsValid()) //TODO: can't get this to work for now. cba to fix { //print(nextLvlName + " not found. end of available levels reached"); //TOOD: add victory screen or whatever // return; } //else { print(nextLvlName); AsyncOperation asyncLoadLevel = SceneManager.LoadSceneAsync(nextLvlName); int loadingFrames = 0; while (!asyncLoadLevel.isDone) { //loading screen stuff. probably fine without loading screen x - D loadingFrames++; print("loading frames:" + loadingFrames); yield return(null); } MusicManager.instance.playSong(MusicManager.songEnums.MAIN_THEME); } } }
public void changeHighlightedButton(int newButton) { if (newButton != highlightedButton) { menuObjects[highlightedButton].GetComponent <TextPulse>().highlight(false); highlightedButton = newButton; sc.attemptSound(changeMenuObject[Random.Range(0, changeMenuObject.Length - 1)], 0.02f); menuObjects[highlightedButton].GetComponent <TextPulse>().highlight(); } }
//Have no good idea on how to make this dynamic atm void Update() { if (soundTimer.hasEnded()) { if (r2d != null && (!Mathf.Approximately(r2d.velocity.x, 0) || !Mathf.Approximately(r2d.velocity.y, 0))) { if (sc.attemptSound(sounds[Random.Range(0, sounds.Length)], pitchRange)) { soundTimer.restart(); } } } }
public void playSound(SOUNDS sound) { AudioClip clipToPlay = null; switch (sound) { case SOUNDS.NEW_MESSAGE: clipToPlay = newMessageSound; break; case SOUNDS.SHARED_LOCATION: clipToPlay = sharedLocationSound; break; default: print("invalid sound requested"); break; } sc.attemptSound(clipToPlay, 0.03f, 1.0f); }
public void playSound(SOUNDS sound) { AudioClip clipToPlay = null; switch (sound) { case SOUNDS.CLONE: clipToPlay = cloneSound; break; case SOUNDS.SPLICE: clipToPlay = spliceSound; break; case SOUNDS.FARM: clipToPlay = farmSound; break; case SOUNDS.HARVEST: clipToPlay = harvestSound; break; case SOUNDS.HARVEST_ROTTEN: clipToPlay = harvestRottenSound; break; case SOUNDS.PLACE_IN_SPLICE_MACHINE: clipToPlay = placeBaseSpecieInSpliceMachineSound; break; case SOUNDS.SELECT_SHELF_OBJ: clipToPlay = selectShelfObjectSound; break; case SOUNDS.FEAST: clipToPlay = feastSound; break; case SOUNDS.ERROR_LAB: clipToPlay = labErrorSound; break; case SOUNDS.ENTER_LAB: clipToPlay = enterLabSound; break; case SOUNDS.LEAVE_LAB: clipToPlay = enterLabSound; break; case SOUNDS.NIGHT_DEFAULT: clipToPlay = normalNightSound; break; case SOUNDS.NIGHT_EARTHQUAKE: clipToPlay = earthquakeNightSound; break; case SOUNDS.NIGHT_WIND: clipToPlay = windNightSound; break; case SOUNDS.NIGHT_WATER: clipToPlay = waterNightSound; break; case SOUNDS.DEFAULT_UI: clipToPlay = defaultUISound; break; case SOUNDS.READ_MESSAGE: clipToPlay = readBottleMessage; break; default: print("invalid sound requested"); break; } sc.attemptSound(clipToPlay, 0.1f); }