コード例 #1
ファイル: Cell.cs プロジェクト: selganor/SudokuSolver
        private void SetCellValue(int value)
            if (IsConstrained)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Value cannot be set on constrained cells.");

            if (value != 0 && PossibleValues.All(v => v != value))
                throw new InvalidOperationException($"Value {value} must be within the list of possible values [{string.Join(", ",PossibleValues)}]");

            var oldValue = CurrentValue;

            CurrentValue = 0;


            CurrentValue = value;

コード例 #2
ファイル: Apriori.cs プロジェクト: Dyhr/DataMiningSpring2017
        public Rule(SortedSet <string> premise, SortedSet <string> conclusion, double c)
            this.premise    = premise;
            this.conclusion = conclusion;
            this.confidence = c;

            var itemsWithPremise = Program.data.Where(x => premise.All(x.tags.ContainsKey) && (x.rank != null));
            var itemsWithPremiseNotConclusion = itemsWithPremise.Where(x => !(conclusion.All(x.tags.ContainsKey)));

            var ratingWithPremiseAndConclusion =
                itemsWithPremise.Where(x => conclusion.All(x.tags.ContainsKey)).Average(i => i.rank.Value);

            var ratingWithPremiseNotConclusion = (itemsWithPremiseNotConclusion.Count() > 0) ?itemsWithPremiseNotConclusion.Average(i => i.rank.Value) : ratingWithPremiseAndConclusion;

            deltaRating = ratingWithPremiseAndConclusion - ratingWithPremiseNotConclusion;
コード例 #3
ファイル: Regex.cs プロジェクト: Porges/Fastre
 private And(SortedSet <Regex <T> > regexes)
     : base(
         regexes.All(r => r.AcceptsEmptyString),
         regexes.Aggregate(RegexType.And.GetHashCode(), (hash, rex) => hash * 7 + rex.GetHashCode()))
     _regexes = regexes;
コード例 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Verify the 2 sorted sets are equivalent.
        /// </summary>
        /// <typeparam name="T"></typeparam>
        /// <param name="set1"></param>
        /// <param name="set2"></param>
        internal static void VerifySortedSetsAreEquivalent <T>(SortedSet <T> set1, SortedSet <T> set2)

            // Verify that the 2 sets are different
            (set1 == set2).Should().BeFalse();

            set1.All(s => set2.Contains(s)).Should().BeTrue();
コード例 #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Linear ordering of vertices in Directed Acyclic Graph(DAG).
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public List <T> Kahnsalgorithm()
            var L = new List <T>();                                                                               // will contain the sorted elements
            var S = new SortedSet <T>(AdjacencyList.Keys.Where(n => EdgeSortedSet.All(e => !e.Item2.Equals(n)))); // no incoming edges

            while (S.Any())
                var n = S.First();
                foreach (var e in EdgeSortedSet.Where(e => e.Item1.Equals(n)).ToList())
                    var m = e.Item2;
                    if (EdgeSortedSet.All(incoming => !incoming.Item2.Equals(m)))
            return(EdgeSortedSet.Any() ? null : L);
コード例 #6
ファイル: Apriori.cs プロジェクト: Dyhr/DataMiningSpring2017
        private static double GetConfidence(SortedSet <string> sub, SortedSet <string> candidate, List <string[]> data)
            double x = data.Where(s => sub.All(s.Contains)).Count();

            if (x == 1)

            double supportSub = (x) / data.Count();

            double supportCandidate = ((double)data.Where(s => candidate.All(s.Contains)).Count()) / data.Count();

            return(supportCandidate / supportSub);
コード例 #7
ファイル: Apriori.cs プロジェクト: Dyhr/DataMiningSpring2017
        private static Dictionary <SortedSet <string>, int> generateFrequentItemSets(int supportThreshold, List <string[]> data, Dictionary <SortedSet <string>, int> lowerLevelItemSets)
            Dictionary <SortedSet <string>, int> candidates = new Dictionary <SortedSet <string>, int>();

            // generate candidate itemsets from the lower level itemsets
            foreach (SortedSet <string> itemSet1 in lowerLevelItemSets.Keys)
                foreach (SortedSet <string> itemSet2 in lowerLevelItemSets.Keys)
                    if (!itemSet1.All(itemSet2.Contains) && almostEqual(itemSet1, itemSet2)) //not the same and first k-1 elements are equal
                        SortedSet <string> newSet = joinSets(itemSet1, itemSet2);

                        if (newSet.Count == itemSet1.Count + 1) // if they had k-1 elements in common
                            int i = 0;
                            while (i < newSet.Count)
                                var e = newSet.ElementAt(i);

                                SortedSet <string> subset = new SortedSet <string>(newSet.Where(x => !x.Equals(e)));

                                if (!lowerLevelItemSets.Any(kv => subset.All(kv.Key.Contains)))
                            //if all subsets are in the lower level sets
                            if (i == newSet.Count)
                                if (!candidates.Any(c => newSet.All(s => c.Key.Contains(s))))
                                    candidates[newSet] = 0;
            Console.WriteLine("generated " + candidates.Count + " candidates.");

            //check the support for all candidates and returns only those that have enough support to the set
            return(candidates.ToDictionary(kv => kv.Key, kv => countSupport(kv.Key, data)).Where(c => c.Value >= supportThreshold).ToDictionary(kv => kv.Key, kv => kv.Value));
コード例 #8
ファイル: DynamicFlag.cs プロジェクト: proepkes/jordanstetemp
        private T Recompute()
            if (_names.All(name => _values.ContainsKey(name)))
                var valuesArray = _names.Select(name => this._values[name]).ToArray();

                catch (Exception e)
                    _logger.Error("Exception while parsing flag", e);

コード例 #9
        public IEnumerable <ModuleDefinition> GetConfigModules()
            if (_cachedConfigModules.Any())
            var menuModules   = MetadataProvider.Modules(ClientPlatform.Web);
            var configModules = _dao.FindByQuery <String>(PropertyValue.DistinctModules);

            foreach (var moduleDefinition in menuModules)
            foreach (var configModule in configModules)
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(configModule) && _cachedConfigModules.All(f => !f.Id.Equals(configModule, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)))
                    _cachedConfigModules.Add(new ModuleDefinition(configModule, String.Format("{0} -- not declared yet --", configModule)));
コード例 #10
        private void TrackDependencies(IPlugin dependent, IEnumerable <PluginIdentifier> dependencies)

            foreach (var dependency in dependencies)
                if (_sortedPlugins.All(d => d.Info != dependency))

                if (_trackedDependencies.TryGetValue(dependency, out var existingRegistry))
                    _trackedDependencies.Add(dependency, new List <PluginIdentifier>()
コード例 #11
    static void Main()
        var sortedSet = new SortedSet <Person>(new PersonComparer());
        var hashSet   = new HashSet <Person>();

        int num = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

        for (int i = 0; i < num; i++)
            var input = Console.ReadLine().Split();

            var person = new Person(input[0], int.Parse(input[1]));

            if (sortedSet.All(e => !e.Equals(person)))


コード例 #12
        public LocationData FindItems(GameData game)
            ItemLocs allLocs = FindItemLocs(game);
            SortedDictionary <int, List <EntityId> > usedItemLots  = allLocs.usedItemLots;
            SortedDictionary <int, List <EntityId> > usedBaseShops = allLocs.usedBaseShops;

            PARAM shops     = game.Param("ShopLineupParam");
            PARAM itemLots  = game.Param("ItemLotParam");
            PARAM materials = game.Param("EquipMtrlSetParam");
            PARAM npcs      = game.Param("NpcParam");

            // First we may have to create lots - easier to do this at the start than keep data in side channels all the way through
            int baseEvent = 52500960;

            foreach (KeyValuePair <int, int> toCreate in allLocs.baseLotsToCreate)
                PARAM.Row baseRow = itemLots[toCreate.Value];
                int       newLot  = toCreate.Key;
                PARAM.Row row     = itemLots[newLot];
                if (row == null)
                    row = game.AddRow("ItemLotParam", newLot);
                    foreach (PARAM.Cell newCell in row.Cells)
                        newCell.Value = baseRow[newCell.Def.InternalName].Value;
                // TODO: Re-enable this with flag id validation
                row["getItemFlagId"].Value = baseEvent;

            LocationData data = new LocationData();

            data.NewEntityLots = allLocs.newEntityLots;

            LocationKey prevLocation = null;

            foreach (KeyValuePair <int, List <EntityId> > entry in usedItemLots)
                int itemLot = entry.Key;
                if (prevLocation != null)
                    // TODO: If event flag is tracked in script, allow 1 maxslot
                    prevLocation.MaxSlots = Math.Max(Math.Min(itemLot - prevLocation.ID - 1, 8), 1);
                    if (prevLocation.MaxSlots < 1)
                        Console.WriteLine($"XX Overlapping slots at {itemLot}");
                    prevLocation = null;
                List <EntityId> entities = entry.Value;
                string          locs     = string.Join(", ", entities.Select(e => game.EntityName(e, true) + (e.MapName == "" ? "" : " " + e.MapName)));
                if (itemLots[itemLot] == null)
                    string text = game.LotName(itemLot);
                    // These are fine - no-ops to game
                    if (logUnused)
                        Console.WriteLine($"MISSING connected item lot!! {itemLot}: {text} @ {locs}");
                LocationKey baseLocation = null;
                while (itemLots[itemLot] != null)
                    bool   isBase = itemLot == entry.Key;
                    string text   = game.LotName(itemLot);

                    PARAM.Row row         = itemLots[itemLot];
                    int       clearCount  = (sbyte)row["ClearCount"].Value;
                    int       eventFlag   = (int)row["getItemFlagId"].Value;
                    int       totalPoints = 0;
                    for (int i = 1; i <= 8; i++)
                        totalPoints += (short)row[$"LotItemBasePoint0{i}"].Value;
                    List <string> itemLotOutput = new List <string>();
                    for (int i = 1; i <= 8; i++)
                        int id = (int)row[$"ItemLotId{i}"].Value;
                        if (id != 0)
                            uint type     = (uint)row[$"LotItemCategory0{i}"].Value;
                            int  points   = (short)row[$"LotItemBasePoint0{i}"].Value;
                            int  quantity = (ushort)row[$"NewLotItemNum{i}"].Value;
                            if (type == 0xFFFFFFFF)
                            ItemKey       item     = new ItemKey(LocationData.LotTypes[type], id);
                            string        itemText = $"{itemLot}[{locs}]";
                            List <string> lotInfo  = new List <string>();
                            if (quantity > 1)
                            if (points != totalPoints)
                                lotInfo.Add($"{100.0 * points / totalPoints:0.##}%");
                            PARAM.Row itemRow = game.Item(item);
                            if (itemRow != null && item.Type == ItemType.GOOD && (byte)itemRow["goodsType"].Value == 7)
                                // Items which are not shown in inventory menu for various reasons, but having them still does something.
                            itemLotOutput.Add($"{game.Name(item)} " + string.Join(" ", lotInfo));
                            if (lotInfo.Count() > 0)
                                itemText += $" {string.Join(", ", lotInfo)}";
                            if (quantity <= 0)
                                Console.WriteLine($"XX There is 0! of {itemText}");
                            ItemScope scope;
                            if (eventFlag != -1)
                                if (equivalentEvents.ContainsKey(eventFlag))
                                    eventFlag = equivalentEvents[eventFlag];
                                scope = new ItemScope(ScopeType.EVENT, eventFlag);
                                // Note this doesn't necessarily have to be slot 1. But it should be only one slot...
                                if (points != totalPoints)
                                    Console.WriteLine($"Has event flag? But random? {itemText}");
                                // One time drops that directly award, that aren't covered by event flags. Mostly crystal lizards.
                                if (entities.Count() == 1 && entityItemLots.ContainsKey(entities[0].EventEntityID) && entityItemLots[entities[0].EventEntityID] == entry.Key)
                                    scope = new ItemScope(ScopeType.ENTITY, entities[0].EventEntityID);
                                // Non-respawning enemies with drops which can be missed. These are reused between different entities, so can drop multiple times.
                                else if (entities.All(e => nonRespawningEntities.Contains(e.EventEntityID)))
                                    scope = new ItemScope(ScopeType.ENTITY, entities.Select(e => e.EventEntityID).Min());
                                    int model = entities.Select(e => e.GetModelID()).Min();
                                    // Infinite guaranteed or scripted drops are not randomized unless specifically added to entityItemLots
                                    if (model == -1 || points == totalPoints)
                                        if (logUnused)
                                            Console.WriteLine($"XX Item {game.Name(item)} {itemLot} has no associated event, but is guaranteed or global: {itemText}");
                                    scope = new ItemScope(ScopeType.MODEL, model);
                            LocationKey location = new LocationKey(LocationType.LOT, itemLot, itemText, entities, quantity, baseLocation);
                            data.AddLocation(item, scope, location);
                            if (baseLocation == null)
                                baseLocation = location;
                    // Write out the info. Some deduplication of sources to make prettier output.
                    string lotOutput = string.Join(", ", itemLotOutput);
                    bool   simple    = false;
                    string text2;
                    if (simple)
                        SortedSet <string> locations = new SortedSet <string>(entities.Select(e => game.LocationNames[e.MapName]));
                        SortedSet <string> models    = new SortedSet <string>(entities.Select(e => e.EntityName.StartsWith("o") ? "Treasure" : game.EntityName(e)));
                        text2 = $"{string.Join(", ", models)}: {string.Join(", ", locations)}";
                        if (models.All(x => x == "unknown"))
                            text2 = "Unused/Unknown";
                        if (models.All(x => x == "Unused NPC"))
                            text2 = "Unused NPC";
                        else if (models.Any(x => x == "Unused NPC"))
                            models.Remove("Unused NPC"); if (locations.Count > 1)
                            text2 = $"{string.Join(", ", models)}: {string.Join(", ", locations)}";
                        // e.NPCParamID > -1 ? $" #{e.NPCParamID}" : ""
                        // SortedSet<string> models = new SortedSet<string>(entities.Select(e => e.EntityName.StartsWith("o") ? $"Treasure in {e.MapName}" : $"{game.ModelName(e, true)} in {e.MapName}"));
                        SortedSet <string> models = new SortedSet <string>(entities.Select(e => game.EntityName(e, true) + (e.MapName == "" ? "" : $" in {e.MapName}")));
                        text2 = $"{string.Join(", ", models)}";
                    // Console.WriteLine($"{itemLot} [{text2}] {lotOutput}");

                    if (itemLot == 2014)
                        break;                   // Unused, and item lot immediately after it is used. Won't be an issue once. ... ??
                    // Try to navigate resource drops (affected by Bell Demon).
                    if ((byte)row["LotItemNum1"].Value == 1)
                        int curOffset = itemLot % 100;
                        int curBase   = itemLot / 100 * 100;
                        int offset;
                        for (offset = curOffset + 10; offset <= 50; offset += 10)
                            PARAM.Row offRow = itemLots[curBase + offset];
                            if (offRow != null && (byte)offRow["LotItemNum1"].Value == 1)
                        if (offset <= 50)
                            itemLot = curBase + offset;
                prevLocation = baseLocation;
            if (prevLocation != null)
                prevLocation.MaxSlots = 5;
            SortedDictionary <int, List <string> > qwcs      = new SortedDictionary <int, List <string> >();
            Dictionary <int, LocationKey>          baseShops = new Dictionary <int, LocationKey>();

            foreach (PARAM.Row row in shops.Rows)
                int    shopID   = (int)row.ID;
                int    baseShop = GetShopType(shopID);
                string shopName = shopSplits[baseShop];
                if (shopName == null)
                    if (!addUnused)
                    shopName = "Unknown shop";
                if (shopID >= 9000000)
                int qwc = (int)row["qwcID"].Value;

                int     type         = (byte)row["equipType"].Value;
                int     id           = (int)row["EquipId"].Value;
                int     quantity     = (short)row["sellQuantity"].Value;
                int     eventFlag    = (int)row["EventFlag"].Value;
                int     material     = (int)row["mtrlId"].Value;
                int     value        = (int)row["value"].Value;
                float   priceRate    = (float)row["PriceRate"].Value;
                string  quantityText = quantity == -1 ? "" : $" ({quantity})"; // (unlimited)
                string  qwcText      = qwc == -1 ? "" : $" {game.QwcName(qwc)}";
                string  costText     = "";
                ItemKey item         = new ItemKey((ItemType)type, id);
                if (material != -1)
                    PARAM.Row matRow        = materials[material];
                    int       materialQuant = (sbyte)matRow["ItemNum01"].Value;
                    int       materialItem  = (int)matRow["MaterialId01"].Value;
                    costText = $" for {materialQuant} {game.Name(new ItemKey(ItemType.GOOD, materialItem))}";
                if (value != 0 || costText == "")
                    int actualCost = value;
                    if (actualCost == -1)
                        actualCost = (int)game.Item(item)["shopId"].Value;
                    if (priceRate != 0)
                        actualCost = (int)(actualCost * priceRate);
                    costText = costText == "" ? $" for {actualCost} Sen" : $"{costText} and {actualCost} Sen";
                string shopText = $"{shopName}{qwcText}{quantityText}{costText} - event {eventFlag}";
                string text     = $"{shopID}[{shopText}]";
                // Console.WriteLine($"{shopID} [{shopName}{qwcText}] {game.Name(item)}{quantityText}{costText}");
                LocationKey location = new LocationKey(
                    LocationType.SHOP, shopID, text,
                    usedBaseShops.ContainsKey(baseShop) ? usedBaseShops[baseShop] : new List <EntityId>(),
                    null); // try not to use base shops - baseShops.ContainsKey(baseShop) ? baseShops[baseShop] : null);
                if (shopID == baseShop)
                    baseShops[baseShop] = location;
                ItemScope scope;
                AddMulti(qwcs, qwc, $"{game.Name(item)}: {text}");
                if (eventFlag != -1)
                    if (equivalentEvents.ContainsKey(eventFlag))
                        eventFlag = equivalentEvents[eventFlag];
                    if (quantity <= 0)
                        Console.WriteLine("XX No quantity for event flag shop entry {text}");
                    ScopeType scopeType = ScopeType.EVENT;
                    if (restrictiveQwcs.Contains(qwc))
                        // If item becomes unavailable at some point, it returns in infinite form
                        scopeType = ScopeType.SHOP_INFINITE_EVENT;
                    scope = new ItemScope(scopeType, eventFlag);
                else if (material != -1)
                    int materialItem = (int)materials[material]["MaterialId01"].Value;
                    scope = new ItemScope(ScopeType.MATERIAL, materialItem);
                    scope = new ItemScope(ScopeType.SHOP_INFINITE, -1);
                data.AddLocation(item, scope, location);
            // Merge infinite and finite shops. Mostly done via heuristic (when event and infinite both exist), with exception of one event
            ItemScope infiniteKey = new ItemScope(ScopeType.SHOP_INFINITE, -1);

            foreach (ItemLocations locations in data.Data.Values)
                foreach (ItemLocation restrict in locations.Locations.Values.Where(loc => loc.Scope.Type == ScopeType.SHOP_INFINITE_EVENT).ToList())
                    if (locations.Locations.ContainsKey(infiniteKey))
                        // Combine infinite shops into event
                        ItemLocation infinite = locations.Locations[infiniteKey];
                        Console.WriteLine($"XX: No 1:1 match between event shops and infinite shops for {restrict}");
                        // No infinite shops, turn this into a regular event shop. (Doesn't happen in base DS3)
                        ItemLocation eventLoc = new ItemLocation(new ItemScope(ScopeType.EVENT, restrict.Scope.ID));
                        locations.Locations[eventLoc.Scope] = eventLoc;
            // Now can find all location scopes
            List <ScopeType> uniqueTypes = new List <ScopeType> {
                ScopeType.EVENT, ScopeType.ENTITY, ScopeType.MATERIAL

            foreach (KeyValuePair <ItemKey, ItemLocations> entry in data.Data)
                int unique = 0;
                foreach (KeyValuePair <ItemScope, ItemLocation> entry2 in entry.Value.Locations)
                    ItemScope    scope = entry2.Key;
                    ItemLocation loc   = entry2.Value;
                    int          id    = uniqueTypes.Contains(scope.Type) ? scope.ID : -1;
                    unique = unique == -1 ? -1 : (id == -1 ? -1 : unique + 1);
                    SortedSet <int> shopIds  = new SortedSet <int>(loc.Keys.Where(k => k.Type == LocationType.SHOP).Select(k => GetShopType(k.ID)));
                    SortedSet <int> shopQwcs = new SortedSet <int>(loc.Keys.Where(k => k.Type == LocationType.SHOP).Select(k => (int)shops[k.ID]["qwcID"].Value)
                                                                   .Select(qwc => equivalentEvents.ContainsKey(qwc) ? equivalentEvents[qwc] : qwc)
                                                                   .Where(qwc => qwc != -1 && !restrictiveQwcs.Contains(qwc)));
                    SortedSet <int> allShop = new SortedSet <int>(shopIds.Union(shopQwcs));
                    if (shopIds.Count() + shopQwcs.Count() != allShop.Count())
                        Console.WriteLine($"XX Overlapping qwc/shop ids for location {loc}");
                    SortedSet <int> modelBase     = scope.Type == ScopeType.MODEL ? new SortedSet <int>(loc.Keys.Select(k => k.BaseID)) : new SortedSet <int>();
                    bool            onlyShops     = loc.Keys.All(k => k.Type == LocationType.SHOP) && allShop.Count() > 0;
                    LocationScope   locationScope = new LocationScope(scope.Type, id, allShop, modelBase, onlyShops);
                    data.AddLocationScope(entry.Key, scope, locationScope);
                    loc.LocScope = locationScope;
                entry.Value.Unique = unique > 0;

            if (logUnused)
                foreach (KeyValuePair <ItemKey, string> entry in game.Names())
                    ItemKey item = entry.Key;
                    if (item.Type == 0)
                        item = new ItemKey(item.Type, item.ID - (item.ID % 10000));
                    if (!data.Data.ContainsKey(item))
                        // Mostly pulls up old DS1 items, crow items, and gestures.
                        Console.WriteLine($"Unused item {item.Type}-{entry.Key.ID}: {entry.Value}");

コード例 #13
ファイル: Main.cs プロジェクト: yakkobr/remote-control
 public static bool pressedContainsCombo(SortedSet <Keys> pressed, SortedSet <Keys> combo)
     return(combo.All(key => pressed.Contains(key)));
コード例 #14
        private RelativeLayout MakeLayout(IEnumerable <Event> events, double startHour)
            RelativeLayout layout = new RelativeLayout(Context);

            layout.LayoutParameters = new LayoutParams(0, LayoutParams.WrapContent, 0.5f);

            List <SortedSet <Event> > horizontalEventGroups = GroupHorizontalEvents(events);
            SortedSet <Event>         lastHEG = null;

            foreach (SortedSet <Event> horizontalEventGroup in horizontalEventGroups)
                Event  firstEvent = events.Min();
                double groupStart = (firstEvent.StartTime - Day.StartTime).TotalHours;

                LinearLayout horizontalEvents = new LinearLayout(Context);
                horizontalEvents.Orientation = Orientation.Horizontal;

                RelativeLayout.LayoutParams groupParams =
                    new RelativeLayout.LayoutParams(LayoutParams.MatchParent, LayoutParams.WrapContent);


                double emptyTime = groupStart - startHour;
                groupParams.TopMargin = (int)(emptyTime * HourHeight);

                List <SortedSet <Event> > verticalEventGroups = GroupVerticalEvents(horizontalEventGroup);

                foreach (SortedSet <Event> verticalEventGroup in verticalEventGroups)
                    Event  ev             = verticalEventGroup.First();
                    double eventStart     = (ev.StartTime - Day.StartTime).TotalHours;
                    double emptyGroupTime = eventStart - groupStart;
                    if (verticalEventGroup.Count == 1)
                        EventView view = new EventView(Context, ev);
                        view.HourHeight = HourHeight;
                        if (lastHEG != null)
                            view.SetBorder(true, !lastHEG.All(lastEvent => lastEvent.EndTime == ev.StartTime), true, true);

                        LayoutParams lp = (LayoutParams)view.LayoutParameters;
                        lp.TopMargin          = (int)(emptyGroupTime * HourHeight);
                        view.LayoutParameters = lp;

                        RelativeLayout groupLayout = MakeLayout(verticalEventGroup, eventStart);
                        groupLayout.SetPadding(0, (int)emptyGroupTime, 0, 0);

                layout.AddView(horizontalEvents, groupParams);

                lastHEG = horizontalEventGroup;

コード例 #15
ファイル: Apriori.cs プロジェクト: Dyhr/DataMiningSpring2017
 //returns how many tuples in our data set, that contains all items of the given set.
 // Assumes that items in ItemSets and transactions are both unique
 private static int countSupport(SortedSet <string> itemSet, List <string[]> data)
 => data.Where(item => itemSet.All(str => item.Contains(str))).Count();
コード例 #16
        public static CronStructure ParseString(string cronString)
            string[] cronParts = cronString.Split(new char[] { ' ' });

            if (cronParts.Length != 5)
                throw new ArgumentException("Cron string not formatted properly (number of parts)");

            Func <string, int, int, SortedSet <int> > convertToList = (part, min, max) => {
                SortedSet <int> values = new SortedSet <int>();

                // Parse direct list
                if (part.Contains(','))
                    string[] singleItems = part.Split(',');
                    try {
                        values = new SortedSet <int>(singleItems.Select(int.Parse));
                        bool test = values.All(v => v <= max && v >= min);
                        if (!test)
                            throw new ArgumentException("Cron part list value outside the values range.");

                        if (values.Count == 0)
                            throw new ArgumentException("Cron part values list is empty.");

                    } catch (FormatException) {
                        throw new ArgumentException("Cron part list not parsable.");

                // Parse cycles
                int?cycle = null;
                if (part.Contains('/'))
                    int    index       = part.IndexOf('/');
                    string cycleString = part.Substring(index + 1, part.Length - index - 1);
                    try {
                        int cycleValue = int.Parse(cycleString);
                        if (cycleValue > max || cycleValue < min)
                            throw new ArgumentException("Cron part cycle value outside the values range.");
                        cycle = cycleValue;
                    } catch (FormatException) {
                        throw new ArgumentException("Cron part cycle not parsable.");
                    part = part.Substring(0, index);

                // Parts ranges or literal
                if (part == "*")
                    values = new SortedSet <int>(Enumerable.Range(min, max - min + 1));
                else if (part.Contains('-'))
                    string[] ranges = part.Split('-');

                    if (ranges.Length != 2)
                        throw new ArgumentException("Cron part range not formatted properly (number of parts)");

                    try {
                        int start = int.Parse(ranges[0]);
                        int end   = int.Parse(ranges[1]);

                        if (start > max || end > max || start < min || end < min || start > end)
                            throw new ArgumentException("Cron part range value outside the values range.");

                        values = new SortedSet <int>(Enumerable.Range(start, end));
                    } catch (FormatException) {
                        throw new ArgumentException("Cron part range not parsable.");
                    try {
                        int literal = int.Parse(part);
                        if (literal > max || literal < min)
                            throw new ArgumentException("Cron part literal outside the values range.");

                        if (cycle.HasValue)
                            throw new ArgumentException("Cron part literal with cycle.");
                        values = new SortedSet <int> {
                    } catch (FormatException) {
                        throw new ArgumentException("Cron part type not parsable.");

                if (cycle.HasValue)
                    values = new SortedSet <int>(values.Where(v => v % cycle == 0));

                if (values.Count == 0)
                    throw new ArgumentException("Cron part values list is empty.");


            return(new CronStructure {
                Minutes = convertToList(cronParts[0], 0, 59),
                Hours = convertToList(cronParts[1], 0, 23),
                Days = convertToList(cronParts[2], 1, 31),
                Months = convertToList(cronParts[3], 1, 12),
                DaysOfWeek = convertToList(cronParts[4], 0, 6),