public void InitTokenizer(string s) { _inputString = s; _position = 0; _tokenType = SoqlTokenType.BOF; GetNextToken(); }
public void Expect(SoqlTokenType type) { if (_tokenType != type) { throw new SoqlException("Expected token of type: " + type + ", got " + _tokenType + " (" + _tokenValue + ").", TokenPosition); } GetNextToken(); }
public CharToTokenType(char ch, SoqlTokenType tokenType) { = ch; this.tokenType = tokenType; }
public bool IsToken(SoqlTokenType token) { return _tokenType == token; }
public void Expect(SoqlTokenType type) { if (_tokenType != type) throw new SoqlException("Expected token of type: " + type + ", got " + _tokenType + " (" + _tokenValue + ").", TokenPosition); GetNextToken(); }
public void GetNextToken() { if (_tokenType == SoqlTokenType.EOF) { throw new Exception("Cannot read past end of stream."); } if (IgnoreWhiteSpace) { SkipWhitespace(); } ; _tokenPosition = _position; int i = PeekChar(); if (i == -1) { TokenType = SoqlTokenType.EOF; return; } char ch = (char)i; if (!IgnoreWhiteSpace && Char.IsWhiteSpace(ch)) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); int ch2; while ((ch2 = PeekChar()) != -1) { if (!Char.IsWhiteSpace((char)ch2)) { break; } sb.Append((char)ch2); ReadChar(); } ; TokenType = SoqlTokenType.Whitespace; _tokenValue = sb.ToString(); return; } if (Char.IsDigit(ch)) { TokenType = SoqlTokenType.Number; string s = ""; s += ch; ReadChar(); while ((i = PeekChar()) != -1) { ch = (char)i; if (Char.IsDigit(ch) || (ch == '.')) { s += (char)ReadChar(); } else { break; }; } ; _tokenValue = s; return; } if (ch == '\'') { TokenType = SoqlTokenType.String; string s = ""; s += ch; ReadChar(); while ((i = PeekChar()) != -1) { ch = (char)i; s += (char)ReadChar(); if (ch == '\'') { if (PeekChar() == (int)'\'') { s += '\''; ReadChar(); } else { break; } } } ; _tokenValue = s; return; } if (ch == '_' || Char.IsLetter(ch)) { TokenType = SoqlTokenType.Keyword; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.Append((char)ch); ReadChar(); while ((i = PeekChar()) != -1) { if ((char)i == '_' || Char.IsLetterOrDigit((char)i)) { sb.Append((char)ReadChar()); } else { break; }; } ; _tokenValue = sb.ToString(); _tokenValueLowercase = _tokenValue.ToLower(); return; } ReadChar(); _tokenValue = ch.ToString(); if (ch == '<' && PeekChar() == (int)'>') { TokenType = SoqlTokenType.NE; _tokenValue = "<>"; ReadChar(); return; } if (ch == '!' && PeekChar() == (int)'=') { TokenType = SoqlTokenType.NE; _tokenValue = "!="; ReadChar(); return; } if (ch == '&' && PeekChar() == (int)'&') { TokenType = SoqlTokenType.And; _tokenValue = "&&"; ReadChar(); return; } if (ch == '|' && PeekChar() == (int)'|') { TokenType = SoqlTokenType.Or; _tokenValue = "||"; ReadChar(); return; } if (ch == '<' && PeekChar() == (int)'=') { TokenType = SoqlTokenType.LE; _tokenValue = "<="; ReadChar(); return; } if (ch == '>' && PeekChar() == (int)'=') { TokenType = SoqlTokenType.GE; _tokenValue = ">="; ReadChar(); return; } if (ch == '=' && PeekChar() == (int)'=') { TokenType = SoqlTokenType.EQ; _tokenValue = "=="; ReadChar(); return; } if (ch >= 32 && ch < 128) { SoqlTokenType tt = charIndexToTokenType[ch]; if (tt != SoqlTokenType.Invalid) { TokenType = tt; _tokenValue = new String(ch, 1); return; } else { throw new Exception("Invalid punctuation: " + ch); } } throw new Exception("Invalid token: " + ch); }
public bool IsToken(SoqlTokenType token) { return(_tokenType == token); }