private SongPart next(SongPart song) { switch (song) { case SongPart.intro: return SongPart.chorus; case SongPart.chorus: return SongPart.verse; case SongPart.verse: default: return SongPart.chorus; } //shouldn't reach here }
private float getTime(SongPart part) { //all hard coded in. These are the actual times of songs. //Unity doesn't read them properly, giving a longer time, resulting in noticeable silence between tracks switch (part) { case SongPart.intro: return 27f; case SongPart.chorus: return 11.95f; case SongPart.verse: default: return 23.95f; } }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { this.transform.position = Camera.mainCamera.transform.position; player = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag ("Player").GetComponent<Player> (); AudioSource[] sources = GetComponents<AudioSource> (); normalSource = sources [0]; tripSource = sources [1]; normalSource.clip = introNormal; normalSource.volume = 1; tripSource.clip = introTrip; tripSource.volume = 0; songPart = SongPart.intro; normalSource.Play (); //normalSource.time = 30; tripSource.Play (); }
private void FinishPart(Song song, string key, List<LineGroup> lineGroups, LineGroup lastLineGroup) { if (lastLineGroup != null) lineGroups.Add(lastLineGroup); if (lineGroups.Count == 0) throw new SongFormatException("File is not a valid OpenSong song: Empty part"); foreach (var lg in lineGroups) { if (lg.Lines.Count == 0) lg.Lines.Add(new Line { Text = "" }); } var noNumbers = !lineGroups[0].Lines[0].Number.HasValue; if (noNumbers && lineGroups.Any(lg => lg.Lines.Any(l => l.Number.HasValue))) throw new SongFormatException("File is not a valid OpenSong song: Found mixed numbered and unnumbered lines."); int maxVerseNumber; if (noNumbers) { maxVerseNumber = 1; } else { maxVerseNumber = lineGroups.Max(lg => lg.Lines.Max(l => l.Number.Value)); } for (int i = 1; i <= maxVerseNumber; i++) { if (!noNumbers && !lineGroups.Any(lg => lg.Lines.Any(l => l.Number == i))) continue; string name; if (noNumbers) name = GetPartName(key); else name = GetPartName(key + i.ToString()); var part = new SongPart(song, name); var slide = new SongSlide(song); slide.Text = String.Join("\n", lineGroups. Where(lg => lg.Lines.Any(l => noNumbers || l.Number == i)). Select(lg => PrepareLine(lg.Lines.Where(l => noNumbers || l.Number == i).Single().Text, lg.Chords))); part.AddSlide(slide); // apply slide breaks int ind; while ((ind = slide.Text.IndexOf("||")) >= 0) { slide.Text = slide.Text.Remove(ind, 2); part.SplitSlide(slide, ind); } // apply line breaks foreach (var s in part.Slides) { s.Text = s.Text.Replace("|", "\n"); } song.AddPart(part); } }
/// <summary> /// Reads the song data from a stream. /// </summary> /// <param name="song">The song.</param> /// <param name="stream">The stream.</param> public void Read(Song song, Stream stream) { if (song == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("song"); if (stream == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("stream"); using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(stream, System.Text.Encoding.Default, true)) { SongPart currentPart = null; string currentText = null; string currentTrans = null; string line; Dictionary<string, string> properties = new Dictionary<string, string>(); int langcount = 1; int linenum = 0; while ((line = reader.ReadLine()) != null) { if (currentPart == null) { line = line.Trim(); if (line.StartsWith("#")) { int i = line.IndexOf('='); string key = line.Substring(1, i - 1).ToLower(); string value = line.Substring(i + 1); properties.Add(key, value); } else if (line == "---") { PreProcessSongBeamerProperties(song, properties, out langcount); // langcount > 2 is not supported (text will be ignored) currentPart = new SongPart(song, FindUnusedPartName(song)); } } else { if (line == "---") { currentPart.AddSlide(new SongSlide(song) { Size = song.Formatting.MainText.Size, Text = currentText, Translation = currentTrans }); currentText = null; song.AddPart(currentPart); currentPart = new SongPart(song, FindUnusedPartName(song)); linenum = 0; } else if (line == "--" || line == "--A") { currentPart.AddSlide(new SongSlide(song) { Size = song.Formatting.MainText.Size, Text = currentText, Translation = currentTrans }); currentText = ""; linenum = 0; } else { if (currentText == null) // at the beginning of a new part { string name; if (IsSongBeamerPartName(line, out name)) { currentPart.Name = name; currentText = ""; linenum = 0; } else { currentText = line; linenum = 1; } } else { if (linenum % langcount == 0) // add line to text { if (linenum == 0) currentText = line; else currentText += "\n" + line; } else if (linenum % langcount == 1) // add line to translation { if (linenum == 1) currentTrans = line; else currentTrans += "\n" + line; } linenum++; } } } } currentPart.AddSlide(new SongSlide(song) { Size = song.Formatting.MainText.Size, Text = currentText, Translation = currentTrans }); song.AddPart(currentPart); PostProcessSongBeamerProperties(song, properties); } }
// documentation taken from // [File] // USR file format first line // Type= // Indicates the file type // e.g. Type=SongSelect Import File // Version=3.0 // File format version // [S A2672885] // Contains the CCLI Song number e.g. 2672885 // Title= // Contains the song title (e.g. Title=Above All) // Author= // Contains a | delimited list of the song authors // e.g. Author=LeBlanc, Lenny | Baloche, Paul // Copyright= // Contains a | delimited list of the song copyrights // e.g. Copyright=1999 Integrity's Hosanna! Music | // LenSongs Publishing (Verwaltet von Gerth Medien // Musikverlag) // Admin= // Contains the song administrator // e.g. Admin=Gerth Medien Musikverlag // Themes= // Contains a /t delimited list of the song themes // e.g. Themes=Cross/tKingship/tMajesty/tRedeemer // Keys= // Contains the keys in which the music is played?? // e.g. Keys=A // Fields= // Contains a list of the songs fields in order /t delimited // e.g. Fields=Vers 1/tVers 2/tChorus 1/tAndere 1 // Words= // Contains the songs various lyrics in order as shown by the // Fields description // e.g. Words=Above all powers.... [/n = CR, /n/t = CRLF] public override void Read(Song song, Stream stream) { if (song == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("song"); if (stream == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("stream"); using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(stream, Encoding.UTF8)) { string line; string authors = null; string copyright = null; string[] fieldsList = null; string[] wordsList = null; while ((line = reader.ReadLine()) != null) { if (line.StartsWith("[S ")) { // CCLI Song number int end = line.IndexOf(']'); if (end > 1) { string num = line.Substring(3, end - 3); if (num.StartsWith("A")) num = num.Substring(1); song.CcliNumber = int.Parse(num); } } else if (line.StartsWith("Title=")) { song.Title = line.Substring("Title=".Length).Trim(); } else if (line.StartsWith("Author=")) { var authorList = line.Substring("Author=".Length).Trim().Split('|').Select(s => s.Trim()).ToArray(); authors = String.Join(", ", authorList); } else if (line.StartsWith("Copyright=")) { copyright = line.Substring("Copyright=".Length).Trim(); } else if (line.StartsWith("Themes=")) { var themesList = line.Substring("Themes=".Length).Trim().Replace(" | ", "/t"). Split(new string[] { "/t" }, StringSplitOptions.None).Select(s => s.Trim()).ToArray(); song.Category = String.Join(", ", themesList); } else if (line.StartsWith("Fields=")) { fieldsList = line.Substring("Fields=".Length).Trim().Split(new string[] {"/t"}, StringSplitOptions.None).Select(s => s.Trim()).ToArray(); } else if (line.StartsWith("Words=")) { wordsList = line.Substring("Words=".Length).Trim().Split(new string[] { "/t" }, StringSplitOptions.None).Select(s => s.Trim()).ToArray(); } // Unhandled usr keywords: Type, Version, Admin, Keys } if (fieldsList == null || wordsList == null || authors == null || copyright == null) { throw new SongFormatException("Missing field in USR file."); } var partNum = (fieldsList.Length < wordsList.Length) ? fieldsList.Length : wordsList.Length; for (int i = 0; i < partNum; i++) { bool checkFirstLine; var partName = GetPartName(fieldsList[i], out checkFirstLine); string text = wordsList[i].Replace("/n", "\n").Replace(" | ", "\n").TrimEnd(); if (checkFirstLine) { var lines = text.Split('\n'); var firstLine = lines[0].Trim(); if (CheckFirstLine(firstLine, ref partName)) { text = text.Substring(text.IndexOf('\n') + 1); } } var part = new SongPart(song, partName); var slide = new SongSlide(song); slide.Text = text; part.AddSlide(slide); song.AddPart(part); song.AddPartToOrder(part); } song.Copyright = authors + "\n© " + copyright; } }
void Update() { if (normalSource.time > getTime (songPart)) { AudioClip normal = null, trip = null; //finished that part, go to next switch (songPart) { case SongPart.intro: case SongPart.verse: songPart = SongPart.chorus; normal = chorusNormal; trip = chorusTrip; break; case SongPart.chorus: songPart = SongPart.verse; normal = versesNormal [Random.Range (0, versesNormal.Length)]; trip = versesTrip [Random.Range (0, versesTrip.Length)]; break; } normalSource.clip = normal; tripSource.clip = trip; normalSource.Play (); tripSource.Play (); } bool tripping = player.isTripping () && player.getTripMode() >= 2; float mult = tripping ? -1 : 1; float val = 0.01f; normalSource.volume = Mathf.Clamp (normalSource.volume + mult * val, 0.0f, 1.0f); tripSource.volume = Mathf.Clamp (tripSource.volume + -mult * val, 0.0f, 1.0f); }
private IEnumerable<XElement> ExportPart(SongPart part, bool printChords) { if (!printedParts.Contains(part.Name)) { yield return new XElement("h2", part.Name); yield return new XElement("p", from line in part.Text.Split('\n') select new XElement("span", ParseLine(line, printChords)) ); printedParts.Add(part.Name); } else { yield return new XElement("h2", "("+part.Name+")"); } }
public override void Read(Song song, Stream stream) { if (song == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("song"); if (stream == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("stream"); using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(stream, Encoding.UTF8)) { string line; int lineType = 0; List<string> verseLineList = null; string verseType = null; bool checkFirstLine = false; string copyright = null; while ((line = reader.ReadLine()) != null) { var cleanLine = line.Trim(); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(cleanLine)) { if (lineType == 0) { continue; } else if (verseLineList != null) // empty line and there were lyrics before -> create part { var part = new SongPart(song, verseType); var slide = new SongSlide(song); slide.Text = String.Join("\n", verseLineList.ToArray()); part.AddSlide(slide); song.AddPart(part); song.AddPartToOrder(part); verseLineList = null; } } else // not an empty line { if (lineType == 0) // very first line -> song title { song.Title = cleanLine; lineType++; } else if (lineType == 1) // lyrics/parts { if (cleanLine.StartsWith("CCLI")) // end of lyrics, start of copyright information { lineType++; string num = cleanLine.Split(' ').Last(); song.CcliNumber = int.Parse(num); } else if (verseLineList == null) { verseType = GetPartName(cleanLine, out checkFirstLine); verseLineList = new List<string>(); } else { if (checkFirstLine) { if (!CheckFirstLine(cleanLine, ref verseType)) { // add text if it was not a part name verseLineList.Add(line); } checkFirstLine = false; } else { verseLineList.Add(line); } } } else if (lineType == 2) // copyright information { if (copyright == null) { copyright = cleanLine; } else { copyright += "\n" + cleanLine; } } } } song.Copyright = copyright; } }
public void Read(Song song, Stream stream) { if (song == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("song"); if (stream == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("stream"); using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(stream, Encoding.Default, true)) { string line; bool inTab = false; SongPart chorusPart = null; string currentText = null; string nextPartName = null; string currentPartName = null; while ((line = reader.ReadLine()) != null) { var trimmed = line.Trim(); if (trimmed.StartsWith("#")) { continue; // ignore comment line } if (trimmed.StartsWith("{") && trimmed.EndsWith("}")) { var tag = trimmed.Substring(1, trimmed.Length - 2); if (tag.StartsWith("title:") || tag.StartsWith("t:")) { song.Title = tag.Substring(tag.IndexOf(':') + 1); nextPartName = null; continue; } else if (tag.StartsWith("subtitle:") || tag.StartsWith("st:")) { song.Copyright = tag.Substring(tag.IndexOf(':') + 1); nextPartName = null; continue; } else if (tag.StartsWith("comment:") || tag.StartsWith("c:") || tag.StartsWith("comment_italic:") || tag.StartsWith("ci:") || tag.StartsWith("comment_box:") || tag.StartsWith("cb:")) { if (tag.EndsWith(":") && chorusPart == null) { // we found a comment that might be a part name and we're not in the chorus // -> remember it for later use var name = tag.Substring(tag.IndexOf(':') + 1); nextPartName = name.Substring(0, name.Length - 1); } continue; } else if (tag.StartsWith("start_of_tab") || tag.StartsWith("sot")) { inTab = true; nextPartName = null; continue; } else if (tag.StartsWith("end_of_tab") || tag.StartsWith("eot")) { inTab = false; nextPartName = null; continue; } else if (tag.StartsWith("start_of_chorus") || tag.StartsWith("soc")) { var chorusName = "Chorus"; if (song.FindPartByName(chorusName) != null) { int i = 2; while (song.FindPartByName(chorusName + " " + i.ToString()) != null) { i++; } chorusName = chorusName + " " + i.ToString(); } chorusPart = new SongPart(song, chorusName); nextPartName = null; continue; } else if (tag.StartsWith("end_of_chorus") || tag.StartsWith("eoc")) { if (chorusPart != null) { // commit slide and part if (currentText != null) { chorusPart.AddSlide(new SongSlide(song) { Text = currentText }); currentText = null; } song.AddPart(chorusPart); chorusPart = null; } nextPartName = null; continue; } else if (tag.StartsWith("define")) { // ignore nextPartName = null; continue; } // else accept {...} as normal text } if (!inTab) { if (trimmed == String.Empty) { nextPartName = null; if (currentText != null) { if (chorusPart != null) // in chorus { // commit slide chorusPart.AddSlide(new SongSlide(song) { Text = currentText }); currentText = null; } else { // commit part var partName = currentPartName == null ? FindUnusedPartName(song) : currentPartName; var part = new SongPart(song, partName); part.AddSlide(new SongSlide(song) { Text = currentText }); song.AddPart(part); currentText = null; } } } else { // actual text/chord line -> add to current text // need no further parsing because chords are already in correct format (square brackets) if (currentText == null) { currentText = trimmed; // use previously remembered part name for this part currentPartName = nextPartName; nextPartName = null; } else { currentText += "\n" + trimmed; } } } } // TODO: get rid of code duplication if (currentText != null) { if (chorusPart != null) // in chorus { // commit slide and part chorusPart.AddSlide(new SongSlide(song) { Text = currentText }); currentText = null; song.AddPart(chorusPart); } else { // commit part var partName = currentPartName == null ? FindUnusedPartName(song) : currentPartName; var part = new SongPart(song, partName); part.AddSlide(new SongSlide(song) { Text = currentText }); song.AddPart(part); currentText = null; } } } // add each part to order foreach (SongPart part in song.Parts) { song.AddPartToOrder(part); } }