コード例 #1
        public MainWindow()
            Utility.Write("At MainWindow constructor");

            // load the images we need
            Hidden       = Utility.BuildImageSource("facingDown.png", tileSize);
            Flagged      = Utility.BuildImageSource("flagged.png", tileSize);
            FlaggedWrong = Utility.BuildImageSource("flaggedWrong.png", tileSize);
            Mine         = Utility.BuildImageSource("mine.png", tileSize);
            MineWrong    = Utility.BuildImageSource("exploded.png", tileSize);

            for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++)
                MineValue[i] = Utility.BuildImageSource(i + ".png", tileSize);

            for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                LedValue[i] = Utility.BuildImageSource("led" + i + ".png", 24, 40);

            CustomWidth.Text  = "100";
            CustomHeight.Text = "100";
            CustomMines.Text  = "2000";

            for (int i = 0; i < digits.Length; i++)
                digits[i] = new Image()
                    Source = LedValue[0]
                Canvas.SetTop(digits[i], 0);
                Canvas.SetLeft(digits[i], i * LedValue[0].Width);

            // complete creating the popup
            popupText.Text       = "";
            popupText.Background = new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromArgb(128, 227, 227, 227));
            popupText.Foreground = Brushes.Black;
            popupText.FontSize   = 20;
            popupText.FontWeight = FontWeights.Bold;

            gameToolTip.Child = popupText;

            gameToolTip.AllowsTransparency = true;
            gameToolTip.Placement          = PlacementMode.Relative;
            gameToolTip.PlacementTarget    = gameCanvas;
            gameToolTip.IsOpen             = true;


            // start up a game

            Utility.Write("Graphics rendering tier = " + (RenderCapability.Tier >> 16));

コード例 #2
ファイル: BulkRunner.cs プロジェクト: DavidNHill/Minesweeper2
        // this method runs on a different thread. gameNumber can be changed by clicking chosing a new game from the UI thread.
        private static GameStatus AutoPlayRunner(MinesweeperGame game)
            //long start = DateTime.Now.Ticks;

            SolverActionHeader solverActions;

            GameResult result = game.ProcessActions(firstPlay);

            SolverInfo solverInfo = new SolverInfo(game.description);

            while (result.status == GameStatus.InPlay)
                solverInfo.AddInformation(result);                  // let the solver know what has happened

                solverActions = SolverMain.FindActions(solverInfo); // pass the solver info into the solver and see what it comes up with

                if (solverActions.solverActions.Count == 0)
                    Write("No actions returned by the solver!!");

                result = game.ProcessActions(solverActions.solverActions);

                //Write("Game controller returned " + result.actionResults.Count + " results from this action");

                //foreach (SolverAction action in solverActions) {
                //    Write("Playing " + action.AsText() + " probability " + action.safeProbability);

            //long end = DateTime.Now.Ticks;

            //Write("game took " + (end - start) + " ticks");

コード例 #3
ファイル: BulkRunner.cs プロジェクト: DavidNHill/Minesweeper2
        static void Main(string[] args)
            GameDescription description = GameDescription.EXPERT_SAFE;

            //GameDescription description = new GameDescription(30, 24, 225, GameType.Safe);
            //GameDescription description = new GameDescription(100, 100, 1500, GameType.Zero);
            //GameDescription description = new GameDescription(50, 50, 500, GameType.Safe);
            //GameDescription description = new GameDescription(8, 8, 34, GameType.Safe);

            if (description.gameType == GameType.Zero)
                firstPlay = new GameAction[] { new GameAction(3, 3, ActionType.Clear) };
                firstPlay = new GameAction[] { new GameAction(0, 0, ActionType.Clear) };

            int seedGen = new Random().Next();
            //int seedGen = 1104105816;

            Random rng = new Random(seedGen);

            int run   = 100000;
            int steps = 100;

            int won    = 0;
            int lost   = 0;
            int deaths = 0;


            Write("using generation seed " + seedGen + " to run " + run + " games of minesweeper " + description.AsText());
            Write("--- Press Enter to start ---");


            long start = DateTime.Now.Ticks;

            for (int i = 0; i < run; i++)
                int seed = rng.Next();

                MinesweeperGame game = new MinesweeperGame(description, seed, !playUntilWin);

                //Write("Seed " + game.seed + " starting");

                GameStatus status = AutoPlayRunner(game);

                int died = game.GetDeaths();
                if (died < deathTable.Length)
                    deathTable[deathTable.Length - 1]++;

                deaths = deaths + died;

                if (status == GameStatus.Lost)
                else if (status == GameStatus.Won)
                    if (pauseOnWin)
                        Write("Seed " + game.seed + " won");
                        Write("--- Press Enter to continue ---");
                    Write("Seed " + game.seed + " : Unexpected game status from autoplay " + status);

                if ((i + 1) % steps == 0)
                    Write("Seed " + game.seed + " finished. Games won " + won + " out of " + (i + 1));

            long duration = (DateTime.Now.Ticks - start) / 10000;

            Write("Games won " + won + ", lost " + lost + " out of " + run + " in " + duration + " milliseconds.");

            double winRate = (won * 10000 / run) / 100d;

            Write("Win rate " + winRate + "%");

            Write("Deaths " + deaths + " average deaths per game " + (deaths * 1000 / run) / 1000d);

            for (int i = 0; i < deathTable.Length - 1; i++)
                Write("Died " + i + " times in " + deathTable[i] + " games");
            Write("Died >=" + (deathTable.Length - 1) + " times in " + deathTable[deathTable.Length - 1] + " games");

コード例 #4
        // this method runs on a different thread. gameNumber is changed by clicking chosing a new game from the UI thread.
        private void AutoPlayRunner()
            Dispatcher.Invoke(() => gameCanvas.Cursor = Cursors.Wait);
            logicalLock = true;

            int runningGameNumber = gameNumber;  // remember the game number we are solving

            //Utility.Write("AutoRunning thread starting");

            solverActions = SolverMain.FindActions(solverInfo);   // pass the solver info into the solver and see what it comes up with
            Dispatcher.Invoke(() => RenderHints());

            while (IsAutoPlayValid() && gameNumber == runningGameNumber)
                long start = DateTime.Now.Ticks;

                GameResult result = game.ProcessActions(solverActions.solverActions);

                //Utility.Write("Game controller returned " + result.actionResults.Count + " results from this action");

                long end1 = DateTime.Now.Ticks;
                // do the rendering while we are stil playing the same game
                if (gameNumber == runningGameNumber)
                    gameCanvas.Dispatcher.Invoke(() => RenderResults(result));
                //Utility.Write("After RenderResults took " + (DateTime.Now.Ticks - start) + " ticks");

                solverInfo.AddInformation(result);  // let the solver know what has happened

                // nothing more to do if we have won or lost
                if (result.status == GameStatus.Lost || result.status == GameStatus.Won)
                    Dispatcher.Invoke(() => DisplayFinalOutcome(result));

                solverActions = SolverMain.FindActions(solverInfo);   // pass the solver info into the solver and see what it comes up with

                //foreach (SolverAction action in solverActions) {
                //    Utility.Write("Playing " + action.AsText() + " probability " + action.safeProbability);

                //long end2 = DateTime.Now.Ticks;
                // do the rendering while we are stil playing the same game
                if (gameNumber == runningGameNumber)
                    Dispatcher.Invoke(() => RenderHints());
                //Utility.Write("After RenderHints took " + (DateTime.Now.Ticks - start) + " ticks");
                Utility.Write("Tiles remaining " + solverInfo.GetTilesLeft());

                long end = DateTime.Now.Ticks;

                int milliseconds = (int)((end - start) / 10000);

                int wait = Math.Max(0, autoPlayMinDelay - milliseconds);

                //Utility.Write("Autoplay processing took " + milliseconds + " milliseconds (" + (end - start) + " ticks)");
                //Console.WriteLine("Autoplay processing took " + milliseconds + " milliseconds");

                if (!IsAutoPlayValid())

                Thread.Sleep(wait);  // wait until all the time is used up

            logicalLock = false;
            Dispatcher.Invoke(() => gameCanvas.Cursor = Cursors.Arrow);

            //Utility.Write("AutoRunning thread ending");