public static void SetStatusTextAndIcon(StatusBarPanel statusBarPanel, SolveState solveState) { string str = null; Icon ic = UI.IMAGES.NOT_SOLVED_ICON; if (solveState.Equals(SolveState.NotSolved)) { str = "Not Solved"; ic = UI.IMAGES.NOT_SOLVED_ICON; } else if (solveState.Equals(SolveState.PartiallySolved)) { str = "Partially Solved"; ic = UI.IMAGES.PARTIALLY_SOLVED_ICON; } else if (solveState.Equals(SolveState.Solved)) { str = "Solved"; ic = UI.IMAGES.SOLVED_ICON; } else if (solveState.Equals(SolveState.SolveFailed)) { str = "Solve Failed"; ic = UI.IMAGES.SOLVE_FAILED_ICON; } statusBarPanel.Text = str; statusBarPanel.Icon = ic; }
private void MainMenu_ButtonClicked(object sender, ButtonClickedEventArgs eventargs) { switch (eventargs.Button) { case ButtonNames.Play: var newGameState = new GameState(StateManager.CurrentState, eventargs.Time); newGameState.LoadButtons(); StateManager.CurrentState = newGameState; break; case ButtonNames.Solve: var newSolveState = new SolveState(StateManager.CurrentState); newSolveState.LoadButtons(); StateManager.CurrentState = newSolveState; break; case ButtonNames.Help: var newHelpState = new HelpState(StateManager.CurrentState); newHelpState.LoadButtons(); StateManager.CurrentState = newHelpState; break; case ButtonNames.About: var newAboutState = new AboutState(StateManager.CurrentState); newAboutState.LoadButtons(); StateManager.CurrentState = newAboutState; break; } }
public AStarPathfinding(Cell[,] _grid) { //SetStyle(ControlStyles.OptimizedDoubleBuffer, true); w = MainForm.gridSize * MainForm.m; InitializeComponent(); DoubleBuffered = true; OpenSet = new AVLTree <Cell>(); solveState = SolveState.FIND; this.ClientSize = new Size(800, w); this.targetPos = new Point(,; this.startPos = new Point(MainForm.start.X, MainForm.start.Y); grid = _grid; speed = (int)Math.Ceiling(MainForm.speed / 10f); target = grid[targetPos.X, targetPos.Y]; grid[startPos.X, startPos.Y].gScore = 0; grid[startPos.X, startPos.Y].Open = State.OPENED; grid[startPos.X, startPos.Y].fScore = grid[startPos.X, startPos.Y].hScore * heuristic + grid[startPos.X, startPos.Y].gScore; OpenSet.Add(grid[startPos.X, startPos.Y]); tick_timer.Start(); start = DateTime.Now; time_record.Start(); }
public MainForm() { InitializeComponent(); //SetStyle(ControlStyles.OptimizedDoubleBuffer, true); DoubleBuffered = true; OpenSet = new AVLTree <Cell>(); solveState = SolveState.FIND; gridSize = w / m; grid = new Cell[gridSize, gridSize]; this.ClientSize = new Size(w, h); Random rnd = new Random(); for (int i = 0; i < gridSize; i++) { for (int k = 0; k < gridSize; k++) { grid[i, k] = new Cell(i, k, m, (rnd.Next(1, 100) > 35), new Vec2(i, k)); } } target = grid[gridSize - 1, gridSize - 1]; grid[0, 0].walkable = true; grid[gridSize - 1, gridSize - 1].walkable = true; grid[0, 0].gScore = 0; grid[0, 0].Open = State.OPENED; grid[0, 0].fScore = grid[0, 0].hScore + grid[0, 0].gScore; OpenSet.Add(grid[0, 0]); tick_timer.Start(); }
void reset() { tick_timer.Stop(); //SetStyle(ControlStyles.OptimizedDoubleBuffer, true); OpenSet = new AVLTree <Cell>(); solveState = SolveState.FIND; Vec2 t = new Vec2(target.i, target.k); for (int i = 0; i < MainForm.gridSize; i++) { for (int k = 0; k < MainForm.gridSize; k++) { grid[i, k] = new Cell(i, k, MainForm.m, grid[i, k].walkable, t); } } target = grid[targetPos.X, targetPos.Y]; grid[startPos.X, startPos.Y].gScore = 0; grid[startPos.X, startPos.Y].Open = State.OPENED; grid[startPos.X, startPos.Y].fScore = grid[startPos.X, startPos.Y].hScore * heuristic + grid[startPos.X, startPos.Y].gScore; OpenSet.Add(grid[startPos.X, startPos.Y]); this.pathTiles = 0; this.pathLabel.Text = "0"; this.checkedTiles = 0; this.checkedLabel.Text = "0"; this.heuristic = heuristicTrackBar.Value / 100; this.tick_timer.Interval = 1001 - this.speedTrackBar.Value; tick_timer.Start(); start = DateTime.Now; time_record.Start(); }
void reset() { tick_timer.Stop(); //SetStyle(ControlStyles.OptimizedDoubleBuffer, true); solveState = SolveState.FIND; Vec2 t = new Vec2(target.i, target.k); for (int i = 0; i < MainForm.gridSize; i++) { for (int k = 0; k < MainForm.gridSize; k++) { grid[i, k] = new Cell(i, k, MainForm.m, grid[i, k].walkable, t); } } this.queue = new Stack <Cell>(); = grid[targetPos.X, targetPos.Y]; speed = (int)Math.Ceiling(MainForm.speed / 10f); grid[startPos.X, startPos.Y].Open = State.CLOSED; grid[startPos.X, startPos.Y].gScore = 0; queue.Push(grid[startPos.X, startPos.Y]); this.pathTiles = 0; this.pathLabel.Text = "0"; this.checkedTiles = 0; this.checkedLabel.Text = "0"; this.tick_timer.Interval = 1001 - this.speedTrackBar.Value; tick_timer.Start(); start = DateTime.Now; time_record.Start(); }
private void cyclone_SolveComplete(object sender, SolveState solveState) { CycloneRatingModel rating = (sender as Cyclone).CurrentRatingModel; this.SetInletConfiguration(rating.InletConfiguration); this.SetParticleTypeGroup(rating.ParticleTypeGroup); }
private void psychrometricChartModel_SolveComplete(object sender, SolveState solveState) { if (solveState.Equals(SolveState.Solved) || solveState.Equals(SolveState.SolvedWithWarning)) { if (this.psychrometricChartModel.HCType == HCType.GasState) { this.UpdateCurrentState(); } else if (this.psychrometricChartModel.HCType == HCType.IsenthalpicProcess) { this.UpdateProcess(); } } else { this.ResetActivity(); if (this.psychrometricChartModel.HCType == HCType.GasState) { this.currentState = new HumidityChartState(HCStateType.CurrentState, flowsheet); this.UpdateCurrentState(); } else if (this.psychrometricChartModel.HCType == HCType.IsenthalpicProcess) { this.process = new HumidityChartProcess(this.flowsheet); this.UpdateProcess(); } } }
private void heatExchanger_SolveComplete(object sender, SolveState solveState) { HXRatingModel ratingModel = (sender as HeatExchanger).CurrentRatingModel as HXRatingModel; FlowDirectionType flowDirection = ratingModel.FlowDirection; this.SetFlowDirection(flowDirection); }
/// <summary> /// Adds the given direction to the currently active path, and starts a new path if that finishes that pipe. /// </summary> /// <param name="d">The direction to add</param> public void AddDirectionToCurrentPath(Path.Direction d) { pathsOfColors.Last().Add(d); if (grid[pathsOfColors.Last().lastPoint.Y, pathsOfColors.Last().lastPoint.X] == pathsOfColors.Last().color) { if (pathsOfColors.Count < startNodes.Length) { pathsOfColors.Add(new Path(startNodes[pathsOfColors.Count], colors[1 + Array.IndexOf(colors, pathsOfColors.Last().color)])); } else { bool successful = true; foreach (int i in FlattenGrid()) { if (i == -1) { successful = false; } } if (successful) { state = SolveState.Success; } else { state = SolveState.Failed; } } } }
private void heatExchanger_SolveComplete(object sender, SolveState solveState) { HXRatingModelShellAndTube rating = (sender as HeatExchanger).CurrentRatingModel as HXRatingModelShellAndTube; this.SetTubeLayout(rating.TubeLayout); this.SetShellType(rating.ShellType); }
public static void SetStatusTextAndColor(Label label, SolveState solveState) { UI ui = new UI(); string str = null; Color col = ui.COLOR_NOT_SOLVED; if (solveState.Equals(SolveState.NotSolved)) { str = "Not Solved"; col = ui.COLOR_NOT_SOLVED; } else if (solveState.Equals(SolveState.SolvedWithWarning)) { str = "Solved with Warnings"; col = ui.COLOR_SOLVED_WITH_WARNING; } else if (solveState.Equals(SolveState.Solved)) { str = "Solved"; col = ui.COLOR_SOLVED; } else if (solveState.Equals(SolveState.SolveFailed)) { str = "Solve Failed"; col = ui.COLOR_SOLVE_FAILED; } label.BackColor = col; label.Text = str; }
public static void SetStatusTextAndColor(Label label, SolveState solveState) { UI ui = new UI(); string str = null; Color col = ui.COLOR_NOT_SOLVED; if (solveState.Equals(SolveState.NotSolved)) { str = "Not Solved"; col = ui.COLOR_NOT_SOLVED; } else if (solveState.Equals(SolveState.PartiallySolved)) { str = "Partially Solved"; col = ui.COLOR_PARTIALLY_SOLVED; } else if (solveState.Equals(SolveState.Solved)) { str = "Solved"; col = ui.COLOR_SOLVED; } else if (solveState.Equals(SolveState.SolveFailed)) { str = "Solve Failed"; col = ui.COLOR_SOLVE_FAILED; } label.BackColor = col; label.Text = str; }
//constructor protected Solvable(string s, UnitOpSystem aSystem) : base() { = s; this.unitOpSystem = aSystem; this.solveController = aSystem.SequentialSolvingController; solveState = SolveState.NotSolved; }
public DFS(Cell[,] _grid) { //SetStyle(ControlStyles.OptimizedDoubleBuffer, true); InitializeComponent(); w = MainForm.gridSize * MainForm.m; DoubleBuffered = true; solveState = SolveState.FIND; this.queue = new Stack <Cell>(); this.grid = _grid; this.ClientSize = new Size(800, w); this.targetPos = new Point(,; this.startPos = new Point(MainForm.start.X, MainForm.start.Y); = grid[targetPos.X, targetPos.Y]; speed = (int)Math.Ceiling(MainForm.speed / 10f); tick_timer.Start(); start = DateTime.Now; time_record.Start(); grid[startPos.X, startPos.Y].Open = State.CLOSED; grid[startPos.X, startPos.Y].gScore = 0; queue.Push(grid[startPos.X, startPos.Y]); }
public static void SetStatusTextAndIcon(StatusBarPanel statusBarPanel, SolveState solveState) { string str = null; Icon ic = UI.IMAGES.NOT_SOLVED_ICON; if (solveState.Equals(SolveState.NotSolved)) { str = "Not Solved"; ic = UI.IMAGES.NOT_SOLVED_ICON; } else if (solveState.Equals(SolveState.SolvedWithWarning)) { str = "Solved with Warnings"; ic = UI.IMAGES.SOLVED_WITH_WARNING_ICON; } else if (solveState.Equals(SolveState.Solved)) { str = "Solved"; ic = UI.IMAGES.SOLVED_ICON; } else if (solveState.Equals(SolveState.SolveFailed)) { str = "Solve Failed"; ic = UI.IMAGES.SOLVE_FAILED_ICON; } statusBarPanel.Text = str; statusBarPanel.Icon = ic; }
//the scope of this method is internal in stead of protected is because //PsychrometricChartModel needs to call this method on its streams internal void OnSolveComplete(SolveState solveState) { this.solveState = solveState; if (SolveComplete != null) { SolveComplete(this, solveState); } }
private void heatExchanger_SolveComplete(object sender, SolveState solveState) { HXRatingModelShellAndTube ratingModel = (sender as HeatExchanger).CurrentRatingModel as HXRatingModelShellAndTube; this.checkBoxIncludeWallEffect.Checked = ratingModel.IncludeWallEffect; this.checkBoxIncludeNozzleEffect.Checked = ratingModel.IncludeNozzleEffect; this.SetRatingType(ratingModel.ShellRatingType); }
public static SolveState OnMoveSelected(SolveState state, MoveSelectedAction action) { return(state with { CurrentMove = action.Move, CurrentMoveIndex = state.Moves.IndexOf(action.Move), Board = action.Move.Board }); }
public static SolveState OnSolveAction(SolveState _) { var state = GetResetSolveState(); return(state with { IsLoading = true }); }
//the scope of this method is internal in stead of protected is because //PsychrometricChartModel needs to call this method on its streams internal void OnSolveComplete(SolveState currentSolveState) { //if (currentSolveState != solveState) { this.solveState = currentSolveState; if (SolveComplete != null) { SolveComplete(this, solveState); } //} }
public static SolveState OnFailedToSolveResult(SolveState _) { var state = GetResetSolveState(); return(state with { SolutionAttempted = true, FoundSolution = false }); }
void Tick_timerTick(object sender, EventArgs e) { for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { if (solveState == SolveState.FIND) { Cell current; if (!OpenSet.GetMin(out current)) { tick_timer.Stop(); return; } current.Open = State.CLOSED; OpenSet.DeleteMin(); List <Cell> neighbours = getNeighbours(current.i, current.k); neighbours.ForEach(n => { int newGScore = current.gScore + Cell.d(current, n); if (newGScore < n.gScore) { n.gScore = newGScore; n.fScore = n.hScore + n.gScore; n.parent = current; if (n.Open == State.UNDEFINED) { n.Open = State.OPENED; OpenSet.Add(n); } } }); if (current == target) { solveState = SolveState.TRACE; trace = target; trace.Open = State.PATH; } } else { if (trace.parent != null) { trace.parent.Open = State.PATH; trace = trace.parent; } else { tick_timer.Stop(); } } } this.Refresh(); }
public async Task <IActionResult> Solve(string id, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { SolveState state = await _solveStateStore.GetAsync(id, cancellationToken); return(new JsonResult(new { BoardsExaminedCount = state.BoardsExaminedCount, Solution = state.Solution?.ToHandInputString() })); }
public void RemoveLastAction() { state = SolveState.Solving; if (pathsOfColors.Last().path.Count > 0) { pathsOfColors.Last().RemoveLast(); } else if (pathsOfColors.Count > 1) { pathsOfColors.Remove(pathsOfColors.Last()); pathsOfColors.Last().RemoveLast(); } }
/// <summary> /// Valide récursivement les petits chiffres seuls /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> private SolveState TreatUniqueSmallNumbers() { SolveState finalState = SolveState.Solving; foreach (SudokuCell cell in sudoku.Grid) { SolveState cellState = SolveState.Solving; //Si la case est modifiable if (!cell.IsFixed && cell.Number == 0) { //Si il y a un seul petit chiffre dans la case, placement du chiffre if (cell.SmallNumbers.Count == 1) { cell.EditNumber(cell.SmallNumbers[0]); UpdateObservers(); if (sudoku.IsCompleted()) { //Sudoku terminé return(SolveState.Solved); } else { RemoveSmallNumbers(cell.Y, cell.X, cell.Number); cellState = SolveState.FoundNumber; } } } //Si la suite n'a rien trouvé et que rien a été trouvé cette fois, retour que rien a été trouvé switch (cellState) { case SolveState.FoundNumber: case SolveState.Solved: finalState = cellState; break; } } if (finalState == SolveState.Solving) { return(SolveState.UnableToSolve); } else { return(finalState); } }
public override void SetObjectData() { base.SetObjectData(); int persistedClassVersion = (int)info.GetValue("ClassPersistenceVersionSolvable", typeof(int)); if (persistedClassVersion == 1) { = (string)info.GetValue("Name", typeof(string)); this.solveState = (SolveState)info.GetValue("SolveState", typeof(SolveState)); this.varList = info.GetValue("VarList", typeof(ArrayList)) as ArrayList; this.unitOpSystem = (UnitOperationSystem)info.GetValue("UnitOpSystem", typeof(UnitOperationSystem)); } RecallInitialization(); }
public SolvingGrid(int[,] grid) { this.grid = grid; List <Point> starts = new List <Point>(); endNodes = new List <Point>(); List <int> colorsList = new List <int>(); // find the start nodes, colors, and end nodes for (int y = 0; y < grid.GetLength(0); y++) { for (int x = 0; x < grid.GetLength(1); x++) { if (grid[y, x] != -1 && !colorsList.Contains(grid[y, x])) { starts.Add(new Point(x, y)); colorsList.Add(grid[y, x]); } else if (colorsList.Contains(grid[y, x])) { endNodes.Add(new Point(x, y)); } } } startNodes = starts.ToArray(); state = SolveState.Solving; colors = colorsList.ToArray(); pathsOfColors = new List <Path>(); pathsOfColors.Add(new Path(startNodes[0], colors[0])); // sort endNodes to correspond correctly with startNodes List <Point> endNodesSorted = new List <Point>(); for (int i = 0; i < startNodes.Length; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < endNodes.Count; j++) { if (grid[endNodes[j].Y, endNodes[j].X] == colors[i]) { endNodesSorted.Add(endNodes[j]); j = endNodes.Count; } } } endNodes = endNodesSorted; }
//Erase all the calculated values in each solvable internal virtual void EraseCalculatedProcVarValues() { foreach (ProcessVar var in varList) { if (var.IsCalculated) { EraseOldValue(var); var.State = VarState.Specified; } else if (var.IsAlwaysCalculated) { EraseOldValue(var); } } solveState = SolveState.NotSolved; isBeingExecuted = false; OnSolveComplete(solveState); }
public static SolveState OnPreviousMove(SolveState state) { var prevMoveIndex = state.CurrentMoveIndex - 1; bool isIndexValid = prevMoveIndex >= 0; if (!isIndexValid) { return(state); } var move = state.Moves[prevMoveIndex]; return(state with { CurrentMove = move, CurrentMoveIndex = prevMoveIndex, Board = move.Board }); }
/// <summary> /// Performs a single 'lookahead' logic attempt. /// </summary> /// <param name="ys"> /// Y coordinates to try. /// </param> /// <param name="xs"> /// X coordinates to try. /// </param> /// <param name="values"> /// Values to try in each location. /// </param> /// <returns></returns> private SolveState PassPartLookaheadLogic(List<int> ys, List<int> xs, List<int> values, int lookahead) { Board[] boards = new Board[ys.Count]; SolveState[] results = new SolveState[ys.Count]; SolveState result = SolveState.MultipleSolutions; for (int i = 0; i < boards.Length; i++) { boards[i] = this.Clone(); boards[i].maxLookahead = lookahead - 1; boards[i].scoring = 0; boards[i].Set(xs[i], ys[i], values[i]+1); if (scoring == 0 || lookahead > 1) { results[i] = boards[i].SolveProper(); } else { for (int j = 0; j < scoring - 1; j++) { results[i] = boards[i].PassZeroSlow(); if (results[i] != SolveState.Progressing) break; } } } bool allUnsolvable = true; for (int i = 0; i < results.Length; i++) { if (results[i] != SolveState.Unsolvable) allUnsolvable = false; else { if (!useEliminations) { results[i] = SolveState.MultipleSolutions; allUnsolvable = false; } else { if (possibles[xs[i], ys[i], values[i]]) { possibles[xs[i], ys[i], values[i]] = false; result = SolveState.Progressing; } } } } if (allUnsolvable) return SolveState.Unsolvable; for (int i = 0; i < width; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < width; j++) { if (cells[i, j] == 0) { for (int k = 0; k < width; k++) { if (possibles[i, j, k]) { bool allFalse = true; for (int b = 0; b < boards.Length; b++) { if (results[b] != SolveState.Unsolvable) { if (boards[b].possibles[i, j, k]) allFalse = false; } } if (allFalse) { if (scoring != 0) { if (useLogging) { for (int a = 0; a < xs.Count; a++) { log.AppendFormat("({0},{1} {2}) ", xs[a], ys[a], values[a] + 1); } if (lookahead <=1) log.AppendFormat("Eliminated {0},{1} {2} in {3} steps\n", i, j, k + 1, scoring - 1); else log.AppendFormat("Eliminated {0},{1} {2} at {3} branches\n", i, j, k + 1, lookahead); if (scoring > 1) { for (int a = 0; a < xs.Count; a++) { List<int> peggedxs = new List<int>(); peggedxs.Add(xs[a]); List<int> peggedys = new List<int>(); peggedys.Add(ys[a]); List<int> peggedvs = new List<int>(); peggedvs.Add(values[a]+1); List<int> peggedwhen = new List<int>(); peggedwhen.Add(0); for (int pegged = 0; pegged < scoring - 1; pegged++) { Board tb = this.Clone(); tb.Apply(peggedxs, peggedys, peggedvs); tb.PassZeroSlow(); List<int> possiblexs = new List<int>(tb.lastxs); List<int> possibleys = new List<int>(tb.lastys); List<int> possiblevs = new List<int>(tb.lastvalues); List<int> bestxs = new List<int>(possiblexs); List<int> bestys = new List<int>(possibleys); List<int> bestvs = new List<int>(possiblevs); for (int trial = possiblexs.Count - 1; trial >= 0; trial--) { tb = this.Clone(); tb.Apply(peggedxs, peggedys, peggedvs); possiblexs.RemoveAt(trial); possibleys.RemoveAt(trial); possiblevs.RemoveAt(trial); tb.Apply(possiblexs, possibleys, possiblevs); for (int nextp = pegged + 1; nextp < scoring - 1; nextp++) { if (tb.PassZeroSlow() != SolveState.Progressing) break; } if (tb.possibles[i, j, k] != false) { possiblexs = new List<int>(bestxs); possibleys = new List<int>(bestys); possiblevs = new List<int>(bestvs); } else { bestxs = new List<int>(possiblexs); bestys = new List<int>(possibleys); bestvs = new List<int>(possiblevs); } } peggedxs.AddRange(bestxs); peggedys.AddRange(bestys); peggedvs.AddRange(bestvs); for (int index = 0; index < bestvs.Count; index++) { peggedwhen.Add(pegged + 1); } } log.AppendFormat("Trial ({0},{1} {2}):\n", xs[a], ys[a], values[a] + 1); string[] splits = boards[a].Log.Split('\n'); for (int b = 0; b < peggedxs.Count; b++) { log.AppendFormat(" {3}: {0}, {1} {2}\n", peggedxs[b], peggedys[b], peggedvs[b], peggedwhen[b]); } } } } possibles[i, j, k] = false; return SolveState.Progressing; } possibles[i, j, k] = false; result = SolveState.Progressing; } } } } } } return result; }