コード例 #1
        public void Resolves_when_solution_is_at_a_deeper_level_than_build_folder(string result, string path, SolutionPathResolver solutionPathResolver)
            "Given I have a path to a project where the solution is at the a deeper level than the build dir"
            ._(() =>
                solutionPathResolver = new SolutionPathResolver();
                path = "TestProjects/DeeperLevel";

            "When I resolve the path relative to the build folder"
            ._(() => result = solutionPathResolver.GetPathRelativeFromBuildFolder(path));

            "Then the resolved path should be '..\\Solutions\\sln\\deep.sln"
            ._(() => result.Should().Be(string.Format("..{0}Solutions{0}sln{0}deep.sln", Path.DirectorySeparatorChar)));
コード例 #2
        public void Resolves_throws_a_no_solutions_found_exception_when_no_solutions_found(Exception result, string path, SolutionPathResolver solutionPathResolver)
            "Given I have a path to a project where there are no solutions"
            ._(() =>
                solutionPathResolver = new SolutionPathResolver();
                path = "TestProjects/NoSolutions";

            "When I resolve the path relative to the build folder"
            ._(() => result = Throws.Exception(() => solutionPathResolver.GetPathRelativeFromBuildFolder(path)));

            "Then a NoSolutionsFoundCraneException should be thrown"
            ._(() => result.Should().BeOfType <NoSolutionsFoundCraneException>());
コード例 #3
        public void Resolves_when_solution_is_at_same_level_at_build_folder(string result, string path, SolutionPathResolver solutionPathResolver)
            "Given I have a path to a project where the solution is at the same level as the build dir"
            ._(() =>
                solutionPathResolver = new SolutionPathResolver();
                path = "TestProjects/SameLevel";

            "When I resolve the path relative to the build folder"
            ._(() => result = solutionPathResolver.GetPathRelativeFromBuildFolder(path));

            "Then the resolved path should be '..\\test.sln"
            ._(() => result.Should().Be(string.Format("..{0}test.sln", Path.DirectorySeparatorChar)));