void initDraw() { var cent = 0.5f * world.TileGrid.UVToScreen(new Point(world.TileGrid.U_length - 1, world.TileGrid.V_length - 1)); activeCam = new Camera(graphicsDevice.Viewport); //ActiveCam.Target = Vector2.Zero; activeCam.Target = cent; //target camera on center of tile grid activeCam.Zoom = 85f; Vector2 bounds = new Vector2(graphicsDevice.PresentationParameters.BackBufferWidth, graphicsDevice.PresentationParameters.BackBufferHeight); miniMapRect = ResourceManager.Resources["Settings"]["Minimap"]; miniMapRect = new Rectangle(graphicsDevice.PresentationParameters.BackBufferWidth - miniMapRect.Width - miniMapRect.X, graphicsDevice.PresentationParameters.BackBufferHeight - miniMapRect.Height - miniMapRect.Y, miniMapRect.Width, miniMapRect.Height); miniMapCam = new Camera(new Viewport(miniMapRect)); UISettings.ResourceInfoOffset += bounds; SolidButton miniMapButton = new SolidButton(new Vector2(miniMapRect.X, miniMapRect.Y), miniMapRect.Width, miniMapRect.Height); miniMapButton.ActiveColor = Color.Transparent; miniMapButton.InactiveColor = Color.Transparent; miniMapButton.MouseDrag += new MouseOverEventHandler(miniMapButton_MouseDrag); UIMan.AddControl(miniMapButton); }
void but_ButtonPressed(SolidButton sender) { int index = buts.IndexOf(sender); if (ItemPressed != null && index != -1) { ItemPressed(index); } }
void addHost(IPEndPoint server) { SolidButton newHostBut = new SolidButton(hlistStart, 400, 50); newHostBut.Text = server.ToString(); newHostBut.MouseLeftDown += new MouseClickEventHandler(mPos => tryConnect(server)); UIMan.AddControl(newHostBut); hlistStart += Vector2.UnitY * (newHostBut.Height + 0); }
public override void Init() { ResourceManager.BaseGame.IsMouseVisible = true; spriteBatch = new SpriteBatch(this.GraphicsDevice); cent = new Vector2(GraphicsDevice.PresentationParameters.BackBufferWidth / 2, GraphicsDevice.PresentationParameters.BackBufferHeight / 2); // //UI // UIMan.KeyDown += new KeyPressEventHandler(UIMan_KeyDown); SolidButton b1 = new SolidButton(new Vector2(100, 100), 300, 100); b1.Text = "map test state"; b1.MouseLeftDown += new MouseClickEventHandler(b1_MouseLeftDown); SolidButton b2 = new SolidButton(new Vector2(100, 250), 300, 100); b2.Text = "test LOS state"; b2.MouseLeftDown += new MouseClickEventHandler(b2_MouseLeftDown); SolidButton mainBut = new SolidButton(new Vector2(100, 400), 330, 100); mainBut.Text = "god mode"; mainBut.ButtonPressed += new ButtonPressedEventHandler(mainBut_ButtonPressed); SolidButton sBut = new SolidButton(new Vector2(100, 550), 100, 100); sBut.Text = "server"; sBut.MouseLeftDown += new MouseClickEventHandler(sBut_MouseLeftDown); SolidButton cBut = new SolidButton(new Vector2(250, 550), 100, 100); cBut.Text = "lobby"; cBut.MouseLeftDown += new MouseClickEventHandler(cBut_MouseLeftDown); UIMan.AddControl(b2); UIMan.AddControl(mainBut); UIMan.AddControl(b1); UIMan.AddControl(sBut); UIMan.AddControl(cBut); }
public override void Init() { spriteBatch = new SpriteBatch(GraphicsDevice); UIMan = new UIManager(); UIMan.KeyDown += new KeyPressEventHandler(UIMan_KeyDown); text = new Text(new Vector2(50, GraphicsDevice.PresentationParameters.BackBufferHeight - 50), "find and select a host"); text.Color = Color.Red; UIMan.AddControl(text); SolidButton hostsBut = new SolidButton(Vector2.One * 50, 200, 75); hostsBut.Text = "find hosts"; hostsBut.MouseLeftDown += new MouseClickEventHandler(hostsBut_MouseLeftDown); UIMan.AddControl(hostsBut); hlistStart = hostsBut.Position + Vector2.UnitY * (hostsBut.Height + 100); SolidButton jHuman = new SolidButton(new Vector2(500, 50), 200, 100); jHuman.Text = "reg as Human"; jHuman.MouseLeftDown += new MouseClickEventHandler(jHuman_MouseLeftDown); UIMan.AddControl(jHuman); SolidButton jWumpus = new SolidButton(new Vector2(750, 50), 200, 100); jWumpus.Text = "reg as Wumpus"; jWumpus.MouseLeftDown += new MouseClickEventHandler(jWumpus_MouseLeftDown); UIMan.AddControl(jWumpus); SolidButton fBut = new SolidButton(new Vector2(750, 250), 200, 100); fBut.Text = "start!"; fBut.MouseLeftDown += new MouseClickEventHandler(fBut_MouseLeftDown); UIMan.AddControl(fBut); NetPeerConfiguration config = new NetPeerConfiguration("omron"); config.EnableMessageType(NetIncomingMessageType.DiscoveryResponse); client = new NetClient(config); client.Start(); }
public void SetItems(string[] items) { if (shown) { Hide(); } buts.Clear(); Vector2 lSize = new Vector2(iW, iH); int interval = 10; Vector2 nextLoc = new Vector2(X, Y); foreach (string lab in items) { SolidButton but = new SolidButton(nextLoc, lSize.X, lSize.Y, "UnitMenuFont"); but.Text = lab; but.ButtonPressed += new ButtonPressedEventHandler(but_ButtonPressed); buts.Add(but); nextLoc.X += interval + lSize.X; } }
void mainBut_ButtonPressed(SolidButton sender) { GameEngine.PushState(new OmronMainStageV1()); }