コード例 #1
         * Function executed by the clip receiver thread.
        private void clipReceiverFunction()
            message msg;

            clipServer = new TcpListener(IPAddress.Any, 9998); /* Socket listening for clients connections. */
            clipServer.Start();                                /* The clip server starts */
            byte[] data;

            while (enableClipServer) /* This boolean is modified by the main window when the user perform a click on the StopServerButton */
                    using (clipReceiver = clipServer.AcceptTcpClient())
                        /* Here we are receiving the message with the clipboard data type that we are going to receive */
                        data = SocketCommunication.receiveBufferFromSocket(clipReceiver);
                        msg  = SocketCommunication.rawDeserialize <message>(data);

                        /* If the message is not a remote paste message, there is an error, and we must throw an exception. */
                        if (msg.messType != messageType.REMOTE_PASTE)
                            throw new Exception("Wrong message format!");

                        switch (msg.cinf.ct)
                        case clipboardType.TEXT:                                                     /* We are going to receive text */

                            data = SocketCommunication.receiveChunks(clipReceiver, msg.cinf.size);   /* Here we set the clipboard with the text received, encoding the received bytes with unicode format. */

                            Invoke(new txtSet(Clipboard.SetText), Encoding.Unicode.GetString(data)); /* Here we set the clipboard with the received text */


                        case clipboardType.IMAGE:                                                  /* We are going to receive an Image */

                            data = SocketCommunication.receiveChunks(clipReceiver, msg.cinf.size); /*Function that receives data, saving chuncks of 1024 Bytes*/

                            Image i = (Image)SocketCommunication.deserialize(data);                /* Received bytes deserialization. The received object is of type Image*/
                            Invoke(new imgSet(Clipboard.SetImage), i);                             /* Here We set the clipboard with the received Image */


                        case clipboardType.FILES:                                                          /* FILES case. To sent multiple files, we have to compress all files in a zip Archive. Therefore, now we must unzip the received archive */

                            String path    = SocketCommunication.receiveFile(clipReceiver, msg.cinf.size); /* This function returns the path of the received archive */
                            String dirName = Path.Combine(path, "temp");                                   /* Here we create the path to the folder that will contain all files */

                            if (!Directory.Exists(dirName))                                                /*If this folder doesn't exist...*/
                                Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.Combine(dirName));                          /* we have to create it! */
                                Directory.Delete(dirName, true);                        /* The  directory already exists, and probably contains files...*/
                                Directory.CreateDirectory(dirName);                     /* so we have to delete the directory and to recreate it, in order to save memory. */

                            ZipFile.ExtractToDirectory(Path.Combine(path, "receivedArchive.zip"), dirName); /* We unzip the archive in the folder "ReceiveTemp" */

                            string[]         sc      = Directory.GetFileSystemEntries(dirName);             /*This functions returns a string array with the filenames of each element in the new folder*/
                            StringCollection strColl = new StringCollection();                              /* Clipboard.SetFileDropList requires a StringCollection object */

                            strColl.AddRange(sc);                                                           /* Here we add to strColl all strings contained in sc */

                            Invoke(new fileSet(Clipboard.SetFileDropList), strColl);                        /* We have to call this functions with invoke in order to set the main thread as clipboard owner */


                        case clipboardType.AUDIO:

                            data = SocketCommunication.receiveChunks(clipReceiver, msg.cinf.size);      /*Function that receives data, saving chuncks of 1024 Bytes*/
                            Stream audio = (Stream)SocketCommunication.deserialize(data);               /* Received bytes deserialization. The received object is of type Stream*/
                            Invoke(new audioSet(Clipboard.SetAudio), audio);                            /* Here We set the clipboard with the received Audio stream */

                catch (SocketException)
                catch (IOException)
                catch (ObjectDisposedException)
                catch (Exception e)
コード例 #2
         * Function that receives the clipboard data and sets the client clipboard with the received data.
        public void remoteCopy(TcpClient clipClient)
            message msg;

             * Here we receive the struct that contains the data type that is going to arrive.
            byte[] data = SocketCommunication.receiveBufferFromSocket(clipClient);
            msg = SocketCommunication.rawDeserialize <message>(data);

             * If we do not receive a messageType == remote_copy, there is an error!
            if (msg.messType != messageType.REMOTE_COPY)
                throw new Exception("Formato messaggio copia errato.");

            switch (msg.cinf.ct)
            case clipboardType.TEXT:                                                 /*The clipboard data is text*/

                data = SocketCommunication.receiveChunks(clipClient, msg.cinf.size); /*Function that receives data, saving chuncks of 1024 Bytes*/

                /* We have to call this functions with an invoke in order to set the main thread as clipboard owner */
                Invoke(new txtSet(Clipboard.SetText), Encoding.Unicode.GetString(data));     /* Here we set the clipboard with the text received, encoding the received bytes with unicode format. */


            case clipboardType.IMAGE:                                                /* The clipboard data is an Image */

                data = SocketCommunication.receiveChunks(clipClient, msg.cinf.size); /*Function that receives data, saving chuncks of 1024 Bytes*/

                Image i = (Image)SocketCommunication.deserialize(data);              /* Received bytes deserialization. The received object is of type Image*/

                Invoke(new imgSet(Clipboard.SetImage), i);                           /* Here We set the clipboard with the received Image */


            case clipboardType.FILES:                                                        /* FILES case. To sent multiple files, we have to compress all files in a zip Archive. Therefore, now we must unzip the received archive */

                String path    = SocketCommunication.receiveFile(clipClient, msg.cinf.size); /* This function returns the path of the received archive */
                String dirName = Path.Combine(path, "ReceiveTemp");                          /* Here we create the path to the folder that will contain all files */

                if (!Directory.Exists(dirName))                                              /*If this folder doesn't exist...*/
                    Directory.CreateDirectory(dirName);                                      /* we have to create it! */
                    Directory.Delete(dirName, true);     /* The  directory already exists, and probably contains files...*/
                    Directory.CreateDirectory(dirName);  /* so we have to delete the directory and to recreate it, in order to save memory. */

                ZipFile.ExtractToDirectory(Path.Combine(path, "receivedArchive.zip"), dirName); /* We unzip the archive in the folder "ReceiveTemp" */
                File.Delete(Path.Combine(path, "receivedArchive.zip"));                         /*Then we delete the received zip, in order to save memory.*/

                string[]         sc      = Directory.GetFileSystemEntries(dirName);             /*This functions returns a string array with the filenames of each element in the new folder*/
                StringCollection strColl = new StringCollection();                              /* Clipboard.SetFileDropList requires a StringCollection object */

                strColl.AddRange(sc);                                                           /* Here we add to strColl all strings contained in sc */

                Invoke(new fileSet(Clipboard.SetFileDropList), strColl);                        /* We have to call this functions with an invoke in order to set the main thread as clipboard owner */


            case clipboardType.AUDIO:                                                /* The clipboard data is an audio stream. */

                data = SocketCommunication.receiveChunks(clipClient, msg.cinf.size); /*Function that receives data, saving chuncks of 1024 Bytes*/
                Stream audio = (Stream)SocketCommunication.deserialize(data);        /* Received bytes deserialization. The received object is of type Stream*/
                Invoke(new audioSet(Clipboard.SetAudio), audio);                     /* Here We set the clipboard with the received Audio stream */


            case clipboardType.NO_VALID_DATA:                                           /*If the clipboard doesn't contain a valid data format, we receive this message.*/

                data = SocketCommunication.receiveChunks(clipClient, msg.cinf.size);
