public async Task TestGet() { using (var context = new SocialBackendContext(options)) { // Given i = 0; // string username = usernames[i]; string password = passwords[i]; //When ICookieService fakeCookie = new FakeCookieService(); TodoesController todoController = new TodoesController(context, fakeCookie); var result = await todoController.GetTodo() as IActionResult; // Then Assert.IsNotNull(result); Assert.IsInstanceOfType(result, typeof(OkObjectResult)); var okObject = result as OkObjectResult; var todo = okObject.Value as List <Todo>; Assert.IsNotNull(todo); Assert.IsTrue(todo.Count == 1); Assert.AreEqual(2, context.Todo.Count()); } }
public void ClearDb() { using (var context = new SocialBackendContext(options)) { context.User.RemoveRange(context.User); context.SaveChanges(); }; i = 999; }
public async Task TestUpdateUser() { using (var context = new SocialBackendContext(options)) { // Given i = 2; // IQueryable <User> _user = from u in context.User orderby descending select u; var originalUser = await _user.AsNoTracking().FirstOrDefaultAsync(); int userId =; string username = usernames[i]; string password = passwords[i]; string emailAddress = emails[i]; // new user has id one before user we want to edit User userA = new User { id = userId, username = username, password = password, emailAddress = emailAddress }; // i needs to be set to 1 to ensure correct i = 1; //When ICookieService fakeCookie = new FakeCookieService(); UsersController usersController = new UsersController(context, fakeCookie); var resultA = await usersController.UpdateUser(userId, userA); // Then Assert.IsNotNull(resultA); Assert.IsInstanceOfType(resultA, typeof(NoContentResult)); User dbUser = await context.User.FindAsync(; Assert.AreEqual(,; Assert.AreNotEqual(originalUser.username, dbUser.username); Assert.AreNotEqual(originalUser.password, dbUser.password); Assert.AreNotEqual(originalUser.emailAddress, dbUser.emailAddress); Assert.AreEqual(originalUser.authToken, dbUser.authToken); Assert.AreEqual(,; userA.password = hashedPasswords[i]; Assert.AreEqual(,; Assert.AreEqual(userA.username, dbUser.username); Assert.AreEqual(userA.password, dbUser.password); Assert.AreEqual(userA.emailAddress, dbUser.emailAddress); Assert.AreEqual(userA.authToken, dbUser.authToken); Assert.AreEqual(,; } }
public void SetupDb() { using (var context = new SocialBackendContext(options)) { User userA = new User() { username = usernames[0], emailAddress = emails[0], password = hashedPasswords[0], authToken = authTokens[0] }; users.Add(userA); User userB = new User() { username = usernames[1], emailAddress = emails[1], password = hashedPasswords[1], authToken = authTokens[1] }; users.Add(userB); context.User.Add(userA); context.User.Add(userB); context.SaveChanges(); Todo todoA = new Todo() { task = tasks[0], dueDate = dueDates[0], complete = completes[0], user = context.User.Where(u => u.username == users[0].username).AsNoTracking().FirstOrDefault() }; todos.Add(todoA); Todo todoB = new Todo() { task = tasks[1], dueDate = dueDates[1], complete = completes[1], user = context.User.Where(u => u.username == users[1].username).AsNoTracking().FirstOrDefault() }; todos.Add(todoB); context.Todo.Add(todoA); context.Todo.Add(todoB); context.SaveChanges(); } }
public async Task TestAuthorisedCookieAuthorisation() { using (var context = new SocialBackendContext(options)) { // Given i = 1; //When ICookieService fakeCookie = new FakeCookieService(); UsersController usersController = new UsersController(context, fakeCookie); var result = await usersController.checkLoggedIn(); // Then Assert.IsNotNull(result); Assert.IsInstanceOfType(result, typeof(OkResult)); } }
public async Task TestNullCookieDelete() { using (var context = new SocialBackendContext(options)) { // Given i = 3; //for null cookie //When ICookieService fakeCookie = new FakeCookieService(); TodoesController todoController = new TodoesController(context, fakeCookie); var result = await todoController.DeleteTodo((await context.Todo.AsNoTracking().FirstOrDefaultAsync()).id) as IActionResult; // Then Assert.IsNotNull(result); Assert.IsInstanceOfType(result, typeof(UnauthorizedResult)); Assert.AreEqual(2, context.Todo.Count()); } }
public async Task TestNoCookieGet() { using (var context = new SocialBackendContext(options)) { // Given i = 3; // string username = usernames[i]; string password = passwords[i]; //When ICookieService fakeCookie = new FakeCookieService(); TodoesController todoController = new TodoesController(context, fakeCookie); var result = await todoController.GetTodo(); // Then Assert.IsNotNull(result); Assert.IsInstanceOfType(result, typeof(UnauthorizedResult)); Assert.AreEqual(2, context.Todo.Count()); } }
public async Task TestDeleteNoCookie() { using (var context = new SocialBackendContext(options)) { // Given i = 3; // User originalUser = await context.User.AsNoTracking().FirstAsync(); int userId =; //When ICookieService fakeCookie = new FakeCookieService(); UsersController usersController = new UsersController(context, fakeCookie); var resultA = await usersController.DeleteUser(userId); // Then Assert.IsNotNull(resultA); Assert.IsInstanceOfType(resultA, typeof(UnauthorizedResult)); Assert.IsNotNull(await context.User.AsNoTracking().Where(u => == userId).FirstOrDefaultAsync()); } }
public async Task TestPost() { using (var context = new SocialBackendContext(options)) { // Given i = 2; //task 2 doesn't esists in db Todo newTodo = new Todo() { task = tasks[i], complete = completes[i], dueDate = dueDates[i] }; i = 1; // user 1 exists //When ICookieService fakeCookie = new FakeCookieService(); TodoesController todoController = new TodoesController(context, fakeCookie); var result = await todoController.PostTodo(newTodo) as IActionResult; // Then Assert.IsNotNull(result); Assert.IsInstanceOfType(result, typeof(CreatedResult)); IQueryable <Todo> _todo = from t in context.Todo orderby descending select t; var newestTodo = await _todo.AsNoTracking().FirstOrDefaultAsync(); Assert.AreEqual(newTodo.task, newestTodo.task); Assert.AreEqual(newTodo.complete, newestTodo.complete); Assert.AreEqual(newTodo.dueDate, newestTodo.dueDate); Assert.AreEqual(newTodo.user.emailAddress, users[i].emailAddress); Assert.AreEqual(newTodo.user.username, users[i].username); Assert.AreEqual(newTodo.user.password, users[i].password); Assert.AreEqual(, users[i].online); Assert.AreEqual(3, context.Todo.Count()); } }
public static void Initialize(IServiceProvider serviceProvider) { using (var context = new SocialBackendContext( serviceProvider.GetRequiredService <DbContextOptions <SocialBackendContext> >())) { if (context.User.Count() == 0) { context.User.AddRange( new User { username = "******", password = "******", emailAddress = "*****@*****.**", authToken = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), online = false }); } context.SaveChanges(); if (context.Todo.Count() == 0) { context.Todo.AddRange( new Todo { task = "Finish coding todo API", dueDate = DateTime.Now.AddDays(1), complete = false, user = context.User.FirstOrDefault() }, new Todo { task = "Finish social work app", dueDate = DateTime.Now.AddDays(2), complete = false, user = context.User.FirstOrDefault() }); } context.SaveChanges(); } }
public async Task TestDeleteNonDbAuthToken() { using (var context = new SocialBackendContext(options)) { // Given i = 2; //for non existant user with a valid authtoken IQueryable <Todo> _todo = from t in context.Todo orderby descending select t; var dbTodo = await _todo.AsNoTracking().FirstOrDefaultAsync(); //When ICookieService fakeCookie = new FakeCookieService(); TodoesController todoController = new TodoesController(context, fakeCookie); var result = await todoController.DeleteTodo( as IActionResult; // Then Assert.IsNotNull(result); Assert.IsInstanceOfType(result, typeof(UnauthorizedResult)); Assert.AreEqual(2, context.Todo.Count()); } }
public async Task TestDeleteOtherUsersTask() { using (var context = new SocialBackendContext(options)) { // Given i = 0; //for authorised user IQueryable <Todo> _todo = from t in context.Todo orderby descending select t; var dbTodo = await _todo.AsNoTracking().FirstOrDefaultAsync(); // todoItem belonging to different user //When ICookieService fakeCookie = new FakeCookieService(); TodoesController todoController = new TodoesController(context, fakeCookie); var result = await todoController.DeleteTodo( as IActionResult; // Then Assert.IsNotNull(result); Assert.IsInstanceOfType(result, typeof(UnauthorizedResult)); Assert.AreEqual(2, context.Todo.Count()); } }
public async Task TestEditTodo() { using (var context = new SocialBackendContext(options)) { // Given i = 0; // IQueryable <Todo> _todo = from t in context.Todo orderby ascending select t; var dbTodo = await _todo.AsNoTracking().FirstOrDefaultAsync(); Todo updatedTodo = new Todo() { id =, task = tasks[i], complete = !completes[i], dueDate = dueDates[i] }; //When ICookieService fakeCookie = new FakeCookieService(); TodoesController todoController = new TodoesController(context, fakeCookie); var result = await todoController.UpdateTask(, updatedTodo) as IActionResult; // Then Assert.IsNotNull(result); Assert.IsInstanceOfType(result, typeof(NoContentResult)); var updatedDbTodo = await _todo.AsNoTracking().FirstOrDefaultAsync(); Assert.AreEqual(,; Assert.AreEqual(dbTodo.task, updatedDbTodo.task); Assert.AreEqual(dbTodo.dueDate, updatedDbTodo.dueDate); Assert.AreNotEqual(dbTodo.complete, updatedDbTodo.complete); Assert.AreEqual(2, context.Todo.Count()); } }
public async Task TestLoginNonExistant() { using (var context = new SocialBackendContext(options)) { // Given string username = "******"; string password = "******"; User userA = new User { username = username, password = password }; //When ICookieService fakeCookie = new FakeCookieService(); UsersController usersController = new UsersController(context, fakeCookie); var result = await usersController.login(userA); // Then Assert.IsNotNull(result); Assert.IsInstanceOfType(result, typeof(NotFoundResult)); } }
public async Task TestNonExistantUserPost() { using (var context = new SocialBackendContext(options)) { // Given i = 2; // task and user does not currently exists in db Todo newTodo = new Todo() { task = tasks[i], complete = completes[i], dueDate = dueDates[i] }; //When ICookieService fakeCookie = new FakeCookieService(); TodoesController todoController = new TodoesController(context, fakeCookie); var result = await todoController.PostTodo(newTodo) as IActionResult; // Then Assert.IsNotNull(result); Assert.IsInstanceOfType(result, typeof(BadRequestResult)); Assert.AreEqual(2, context.Todo.Count()); } }
public async Task TestEmptyFieldRegister() { using (var context = new SocialBackendContext(options)) { // Given string username = null; string password = null; string emailAddress = null; User userA = new User { username = username, password = password, emailAddress = emailAddress }; username = ""; password = null; emailAddress = null; User userB = new User { username = username, password = password, emailAddress = emailAddress }; username = null; password = ""; emailAddress = null; User userC = new User { username = username, password = password, emailAddress = emailAddress }; username = null; password = null; emailAddress = ""; User userD = new User { username = username, password = password, emailAddress = emailAddress }; username = ""; password = ""; emailAddress = ""; User userE = new User { username = username, password = password, emailAddress = emailAddress }; //When ICookieService fakeCookie = new FakeCookieService(); UsersController usersController = new UsersController(context, fakeCookie); var resultA = await usersController.RegisterUser(userA); var resultB = await usersController.RegisterUser(userB); var resultC = await usersController.RegisterUser(userC); var resultD = await usersController.RegisterUser(userD); var resultE = await usersController.RegisterUser(userE); // Then Assert.IsNotNull(resultA); Assert.IsInstanceOfType(resultA, typeof(BadRequestResult)); Assert.IsNotNull(resultB); Assert.IsInstanceOfType(resultB, typeof(BadRequestResult)); Assert.IsNotNull(resultC); Assert.IsInstanceOfType(resultC, typeof(BadRequestResult)); Assert.IsNotNull(resultD); Assert.IsInstanceOfType(resultD, typeof(BadRequestResult)); Assert.IsNotNull(resultE); Assert.IsInstanceOfType(resultE, typeof(BadRequestResult)); } }