public override void DisConnect() { if (_camera.handle != IntPtr.Zero) { SniCamResult sResult = DS_U3Wrapper.SniCamReleaseCamera(_camera.handle); sResult = DS_U3Wrapper.SniCamTerminate(); _camera.handle = IntPtr.Zero; } //unload the SniCam.dll //IntPtr nikonDll = LoadLibrary("SniCam.dll"); //FreeLibrary(nikonDll); //FreeLibrary(nikonDll); }
bool AutoManual(int featureId, bool auto) { bool result = false; DS_U3Wrapper.SniFeatureState state = new DS_U3Wrapper.SniFeatureState(); DS_U3Wrapper.SniCamGetState(_camera.handle, featureId, out state); if (auto) { if ((state.bits & 0x02000000U) != 0) { state.bits |= (uint)NikonFeatureState.sniAutoState; SniCamResult res = DS_U3Wrapper.SniCamSetState(_camera.handle, featureId, state); if (res != SniCamResult.SNI_OK) { MessageBox.Show("Failed to set state, Error Code: " + res, "Error"); } else { result = true; } } } else { if ((state.bits & 0x01000000U) != 0) { state.bits &= ~((uint)NikonFeatureState.sniAutoState); SniCamResult res = DS_U3Wrapper.SniCamSetState(_camera.handle, featureId, state); if (res != SniCamResult.SNI_OK) { MessageBox.Show("Failed to set state, Error Code: " + res, "Error"); } else { result = true; } } } return(result); }
bool OnePush(int featureId) { bool result = false; DS_U3Wrapper.SniFeatureState state = new DS_U3Wrapper.SniFeatureState(); DS_U3Wrapper.SniCamGetState(_camera.handle, featureId, out state); if ((state.bits & 0x10000000U) != 0) { state.bits |= (uint)NikonFeatureState.sniOnePushState; SniCamResult res = DS_U3Wrapper.SniCamSetState(_camera.handle, featureId, state); if (res != SniCamResult.SNI_OK) { MessageBox.Show("Failed to set OnePush, Error Code: " + res, "Error"); } else { result = true; } } return(result); }
public override BitmapSource GetImage(DoWorkEventArgs e) { NikonCameraImage helper = (NikonCameraImage)e.Argument; BitmapSource source = null, orginalSource = null; try { SniCamResult sResult = DS_U3Wrapper.SniCamGetNextImage(, helper.stop, out helper.format, out helper.index, ref helper.image); if (sResult < SniCamResult.SNI_OK) { throw new Exception("SniCamGetNextImage returned " + sResult); } DS_U3Wrapper.SniImageFormat format = (DS_U3Wrapper.SniImageFormat)Marshal.PtrToStructure( helper.format, typeof(DS_U3Wrapper.SniImageFormat)); //Allocate space for image buffer IntPtr buffer = IntPtr.Zero; byte[] managedBuffer; try { buffer = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(2 * format.buf_size.ToInt32()); sResult = DS_U3Wrapper.SniCamGetImageData(, helper.image, (uint)(2 * format.buf_size.ToInt32()), ref buffer); if (sResult != SniCamResult.SNI_OK) { DS_U3Wrapper.SniCamReleaseImage(, ref helper.image); throw new Exception("SniCamGetImageData returned " + sResult); } if (format.mode == ESniColorMode.sniRgb24) { managedBuffer = new byte[format.buf_size.ToInt32()]; Marshal.Copy(buffer, managedBuffer, 0, format.buf_size.ToInt32()); System.Drawing.Bitmap bmp = new System.Drawing.Bitmap(format.width, format.height, System.Drawing.Imaging.PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb); System.Drawing.Imaging.BitmapData bmpData = bmp.LockBits( new System.Drawing.Rectangle(0, 0, bmp.Width, bmp.Height), System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageLockMode.WriteOnly, bmp.PixelFormat); Marshal.Copy(managedBuffer, 0, bmpData.Scan0, managedBuffer.Length); bmp.UnlockBits(bmpData); IntPtr hBitmap = bmp.GetHbitmap(); BitmapSizeOptions sizeOptions = BitmapSizeOptions.FromEmptyOptions(); try { orginalSource = System.Windows.Interop.Imaging.CreateBitmapSourceFromHBitmap(hBitmap, IntPtr.Zero, System.Windows.Int32Rect.Empty, sizeOptions); } finally { DeleteObject(hBitmap); } if ((Properties.Settings.Default.CropHeight == 0 && Properties.Settings.Default.CropWidth == 0) || (Properties.Settings.Default.CropHeight + Properties.Settings.Default.CropTop > orginalSource.Height) || (Properties.Settings.Default.CropWidth + Properties.Settings.Default.CropLeft > orginalSource.Width) ) { source = orginalSource; CropImageWidth = 0; CropImageHeight = 0; } else { source = new CroppedBitmap(orginalSource, new System.Windows.Int32Rect((int)Properties.Settings.Default.CropLeft, (int)Properties.Settings.Default.CropTop, (int)(Properties.Settings.Default.CropWidth == 0 ? orginalSource.Width : Properties.Settings.Default.CropWidth), (int)(Properties.Settings.Default.CropHeight == 0 ? orginalSource.Height : Properties.Settings.Default.CropHeight))); CropImageWidth = source.Width; CropImageHeight = source.Height; } source.Freeze(); ImageWidth = orginalSource.Width; ImageHeight = orginalSource.Height; sResult = DS_U3Wrapper.SniCamReleaseImage(, ref helper.image); if (sResult != SniCamResult.SNI_OK) { throw new Exception("SniCamReleaseImage returned " + sResult); } } else { App.LogEntry.AddEntry("Nikon Camera is not in ESniColorMode.sniRgb24 - please reset it."); } } catch (Exception /*ex*/) { throw; } finally { if (buffer != IntPtr.Zero) { Marshal.FreeHGlobal(buffer); buffer = IntPtr.Zero; } } } catch (Exception ex) { App.LogEntry.AddEntry("Failed to get image: " + ex.Message); } finally { } return(source); }
public override bool Connect() { bool result = false; try { //discover camera _camera = new DS_U3Wrapper.SniCameraInfo(); Int32 cameraCount = 0; IntPtr unmanagedCameraInfoAddr = IntPtr.Zero; SniCamResult sResult = DS_U3Wrapper.SniCamDiscoverCameras(out unmanagedCameraInfoAddr, out cameraCount); if (sResult != SniCamResult.SNI_OK) { throw new Exception("Could not connect to the DS-U3 successfully"); } if (cameraCount == 0) { throw new Exception("DS-U3 not available or no cameras connected."); } // Marshal the data at the returned pointer into a managed object _camera = (DS_U3Wrapper.SniCameraInfo)Marshal.PtrToStructure(unmanagedCameraInfoAddr, typeof(DS_U3Wrapper.SniCameraInfo)); unmanagedCameraInfoAddr = IntPtr.Zero; //open camera IntPtr cameraHandle = IntPtr.Zero; sResult = DS_U3Wrapper.SniCamOpenCamera(ref _camera, out cameraHandle); if (sResult != SniCamResult.SNI_OK) { throw new Exception("Could not open Camera Handle"); } _camera.handle = cameraHandle; // Need to check status of camera. According to camera logs, // if the Nikon software finds the camera in a status other // than available, it requests the driver version, then closes // and opens the camera. Not sure why, but prevents the controller // from simply preventing communication with the camera. if (_camera.status != 0) { StringBuilder version = new StringBuilder(34); DS_U3Wrapper.SniCamGetDriverVersion(_camera.handle, version); DS_U3Wrapper.SniCamCloseCamera(_camera.handle); _camera.handle = IntPtr.Zero; sResult = DS_U3Wrapper.SniCamOpenCamera(ref _camera, out cameraHandle); if (sResult != SniCamResult.SNI_OK) { throw new Exception("Could not open Camera Handle"); } _camera.handle = cameraHandle; } _features = new Dictionary <Features, DS_U3Wrapper.SniFeature>(); IntPtr p; sResult = DS_U3Wrapper.SniCamGetFeatures(_camera.handle, out p); if (sResult != SniCamResult.SNI_OK) { throw new Exception("Could not get Camera features"); } int numFeatures = Marshal.ReadInt32(p); //move to first feature element p = (IntPtr)(p.ToInt32() + Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(DS_U3Wrapper.SniFeatures)) - Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(IntPtr))); // Setup a mapping from feature name to feature ID number, in order to more easily // access features by name. for (int i = 0; i < numFeatures; i++) { DS_U3Wrapper.SniFeature feature = (DS_U3Wrapper.SniFeature)Marshal.PtrToStructure(p, typeof(DS_U3Wrapper.SniFeature)); foreach (Features featureName in Enum.GetValues(typeof(Features))) { if (featureName.ToString().Equals( { _features.Add(featureName, feature); } } //move to next feature element p = (IntPtr)(p.ToInt32() + Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(DS_U3Wrapper.SniFeature))); } //initialise settings InitializeSettings(); result = true; } catch (Exception /*ex*/) { if (_camera.handle != IntPtr.Zero) { DS_U3Wrapper.SniCamCloseCamera(_camera.handle); _camera.handle = IntPtr.Zero; } result = false; } return(result); }