public void SendTest() { string from = "*****@*****.**"; string[] to = new[] { "*****@*****.**" }; string[] cc = new[] { "*****@*****.**" }; string subject = "SmtpUtility のテスト"; string body = "SmtpUtility のテストです。\r\n\r\n3 行目です。\r\n"; SmtpUtility.Send(from, to, cc, subject, body); Assert.Inconclusive("電子メールを受信したことを確認してください。"); }
private async void okButton_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { okButton.Visible = false; cancelButton.Visible = false; loadingPictureBox.Start(); loadingPictureBox.Visible = true; string email = emailTextBox.Text; using (SqlDataReader dataReader = await SqlUtility.Read("SELECT [email], [name] FROM [users] WHERE [email] = @email;", new string[] { email }, delegate(SqlException ex1) { StopLoading(); })) { if (dataReader == null) { return; } if (!await dataReader.ReadAsync()) { StopLoading(); MessageBox.Show("Email not linked to any account!", ChatAppForm.TITLE, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); return; } string resetCode = new Random().Next(0x100000, 0xffffff + 1).ToString("X").ToLower(); if (!await SmtpUtility.Send(email, "Password reset", "Hello " + dataReader.GetString(1) + ",\n\n" + "Please use the following reset code to reset the password of your account.\n\n" + "Reset code: #" + resetCode, delegate(SmtpException ex2) { StopLoading(); })) { return; } StopLoading(); SwitchTo(new ResetCodePage(email, resetCode), SWITCH_LEFT); } }
private async void signUpButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { signUpButton.Visible = false; cancelButton.Visible = false; loadingPictureBox.Start(); loadingPictureBox.Visible = true; string email = emailTextBox.Text; using (SqlDataReader dataReader = await SqlUtility.Read("SELECT [email] FROM [users] WHERE [email] = @email;", new string[] { email }, OnException)) { if (dataReader == null) { return; } if (!Validate(emailTextBox, await dataReader.ReadAsync(), "Email should not be linked to another account!")) { StopLoading(); return; } } string name = nameTextBox.Text, verificationCode = new Random().Next(0x100000, 0xffffff + 1).ToString("X").ToLower(); if (!await SmtpUtility.Send(email, "Welcome", "Hello " + name + ",\n\n" + "Welcome to Chat App! Please verify your account using the following verification code.\n\n" + "Verification code: #" + verificationCode, delegate(SmtpException ex) { StopLoading(); })) { return; } loadingPictureBox.Pause(); EmailVerificationForm verificationForm = new EmailVerificationForm(verificationCode); verificationForm.ShowDialog(); verificationForm.Dispose(); if (verificationForm.DialogResult != DialogResult.OK) { StopLoading(); SwitchToSignIn(); return; } loadingPictureBox.Resume(); if (await SqlUtility.Write("INSERT INTO [users] ([email], [name], [password]) VALUES (@email, @name, @password);", new string[] { email, name, passwordTextBox.Text }, OnException) != 1) { return; } StopLoading(); MessageBox.Show("Sign up successful!", ChatAppForm.TITLE, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); SwitchToSignIn(); }