public void MoveActionTestPositionNull() { var map = new SmallMap().BuildMap(); var unit = new CentaurWarrior(Position.ZERO); new MoveAction(map, unit, null); }
public void MoveActionTestUnitNull() { var map = new SmallMap().BuildMap(); var position = new Position(1, 1); new MoveAction(map, null, position); }
public void AttackActionTestAttackerNull() { var map = new SmallMap().BuildMap(); var defender = new CerberusWarrior(Position.ZERO); new AttackAction(map, null, defender); }
public void AttackActionTestDefenderNull() { var map = new SmallMap().BuildMap(); var attacker = new CentaurWarrior(Position.ZERO); new AttackAction(map, attacker, null); }
public void UpdateForPlayer() { UpdateMarksInRange(Player.PositOnScene, GlobalAsset.seenRange); CreateMarksInRange(Player.PositOnScene, GlobalAsset.seenRange); SmallMap.Clear(); int x, y, s; foreach (var e in objsForLittleMap) { var creater = e.creater; x = creater.PositOnScene.X.value; y = creater.PositOnScene.Y.value; s = e.seenLevel * 2; SmallMap.DrawGridAt(x, y, creater.GetColor(), s); } var player = Player; x = player.PositOnScene.X.value; y = player.PositOnScene.Y.value; s = 3; SmallMap.DrawGridAt(x, y, player.GetColor(), s, true); SmallMap.UpdateGraphic(); }
public void AttackActionTestProbability() { var map = new SmallMap().BuildMap(); var attackingUnitLoses = 0; var defendingUnitLoses = 0; for (var i = 0; i < 10000; i++) { var attackingUnit = new EqualPowerWarrior(Position.ZERO); var defendingUnit = new EqualPowerWarrior(new Position(1, 1)); var action = new AttackAction(map, attackingUnit, defendingUnit); action.Do(); if (action.Loser == attackingUnit) { attackingUnitLoses++; } else { defendingUnitLoses++; } } var attackerWin = attackingUnitLoses / (double)(attackingUnitLoses + defendingUnitLoses); var defenderWin = defendingUnitLoses / (double)(attackingUnitLoses + defendingUnitLoses); var epsilon = 0.01; Assert.IsTrue(attackerWin <0.5 + epsilon && attackerWin> 0.5 - epsilon); Assert.IsTrue(defenderWin <0.5 + epsilon && defenderWin> 0.5 - epsilon); }
public void UpdateForPlayer(List <Creater> creaters) { SmallMap.Clear(); int x, y, s; foreach (var e in creaters) { if (!e.PositOnScene.Plain.IsEqual(Player.PositOnScene.Plain)) { continue; } var creater = e; x = creater.PositOnScene.X.value; y = creater.PositOnScene.Y.value; s = e.Range * 2; SmallMap.DrawGridAt(x, y, creater.GetColor(), s); } var player = Player; x = player.PositOnScene.X.value; y = player.PositOnScene.Y.value; s = 3; SmallMap.DrawGridAt(x, y, player.GetColor(), s, true); SmallMap.UpdateGraphic(); }
public void GetBestWayTest() { var map = new SmallMap().BuildMap(); var race = new Cyclops(); var unit = race.ProduceWarrior(Position.ZERO); var positions = unit.FindReachablePositions(map); var reacheablePositions = new List <Position>() { new Position(0, 0), new Position(0, 1), new Position(0, 2), new Position(0, 3), new Position(1, 0), new Position(2, 0), new Position(3, 0), new Position(1, 1), new Position(1, 2), new Position(2, 1) }; foreach (var reachablePosition in reacheablePositions) { if (!positions.Contains(reachablePosition)) { Assert.Fail(); } } Assert.AreEqual(positions.Count, reacheablePositions.Count); }
public void MoveActionTestErrorCost() { var map = new SmallMap().BuildMap(); var unit = new CerberusWarrior(Position.ZERO); var position = new Position(map.Size, map.Size); new MoveAction(map, unit, position); }
public void MoveActionTest() { var map = new SmallMap().BuildMap(); var unit = new CentaurWarrior(Position.ZERO); var position = new Position(1, 1); MoveAction action = new MoveAction(map, unit, position); Assert.AreEqual(action.Unit, unit); Assert.AreEqual(action.Position, position); }
public void AttackActionTest() { var map = new SmallMap().BuildMap(); var attacker = new CentaurWarrior(Position.ZERO); var defender = new CerberusWarrior(new Position(1, 1)); AttackAction action = new AttackAction(map, attacker, defender); Assert.AreEqual(action.Attacker, attacker); Assert.AreEqual(action.Defender, defender); Assert.AreEqual(action.InitialAttackerPosition, Position.ZERO); }
public virtual void InitMap(int group, int row, int col) { mapObj = new GameObject("map"); mapGroup = group; this.row = row; this.col = col; map = new InGameMapPointData[row, col]; astarArray = new int[row, col]; smallMap = new SmallMap(); smallMap.Init(row, col); }
public void DoTest() { var map = new SmallMap().BuildMap(); var unit = new CerberusWarrior(Position.ZERO); var position = new Position(1, 1); MoveAction action = new MoveAction(map, unit, position); action.Do(); var movePointsLost = 2; Assert.AreEqual(unit.Position, position); Assert.AreEqual(action.MovePointsLost, movePointsLost); Assert.AreEqual(unit.MovePoints, Unit.MAX_MOVE_POINTS - movePointsLost); }
public void DoTest() { var map = new SmallMap().BuildMap(); var attacker = new CerberusWarrior(Position.ZERO); var defender = new CentaurWarrior(new Position(1, 1)); AttackAction action = new AttackAction(map, attacker, defender); action.Do(); var movePointsLost = 2; Assert.AreEqual(action.Loser.HealthPoints, action.Loser.InitialHealthPoints - action.HealthPointsLost); Assert.AreEqual(action.MovePointsLost, movePointsLost); Assert.AreEqual(attacker.MovePoints, Unit.MAX_MOVE_POINTS - movePointsLost); }
private async void UpdateWeather() { main.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; var forecast = await weatherService.GetForecastAsync(); Temp.Text = forecast.Current.Temperature.ToString(); FeelsLike.Text = forecast.Current.FeelsLike.ToString(); Humidity.Text = forecast.Current.Humidity.ToString(); Wind.Text = $"{(int)forecast.Current.WindSpeed}{forecast.Current.WindDirection}"; CurrentConditions.Text = forecast.Current.WeatherDescription; var when = DateTime.Now; var tides = await TideData.GetNextTides(when, TideData.Location.BowleysBar); HighTide.Text = tides.HighTide; LowTide.Text = tides.LowTide; LargeMap.Navigate(new Uri(largeMapUrl)); SmallMap.Navigate(new Uri(smallMapUrl)); main.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; }
private async void Mapsample_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { var geoLocator = new Geolocator(); geoLocator.DesiredAccuracy = PositionAccuracy.High; Geoposition pos = await geoLocator.GetGeopositionAsync(); var center = new Geopoint(new BasicGeoposition() { Latitude = pos.Coordinate.Point.Position.Latitude, Longitude = pos.Coordinate.Point.Position.Longitude }); await SmallMap.TrySetSceneAsync(MapScene.CreateFromLocationAndRadius(center, 3000)); //Define MapIcon MapIcon myPOI = new MapIcon { Location = center, NormalizedAnchorPoint = new Point(0.5, 1.0), Title = "Qaanita", ZIndex = 0 }; // add to map and center it SmallMap.MapElements.Add(myPOI); }
private async void Mapsample_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { geoLocator = new Geolocator(); geoLocator.DesiredAccuracy = PositionAccuracy.High; Geoposition pos = await geoLocator.GetGeopositionAsync(); WebView_Weather.Navigate(new Uri("" + pos.Coordinate.Point.Position.Latitude.ToString() + "&lon=" + pos.Coordinate.Point.Position.Longitude.ToString() + "&name=the Job Site&color=#00aaff&font=Segoe UI&units=ca")); var center = new Geopoint(new BasicGeoposition() { Latitude = pos.Coordinate.Point.Position.Latitude, Longitude = pos.Coordinate.Point.Position.Longitude }); await SmallMap.TrySetSceneAsync(MapScene.CreateFromLocationAndRadius(center, 5000)); //Define MapIcon MapIcon myPOI = new MapIcon { Location = center, NormalizedAnchorPoint = new Point(0.5, 1.0), Title = "You", ZIndex = 0 }; //add to map and center it SmallMap.MapElements.Add(myPOI); }
public void ClearMap() { SmallMap.Clear(); objsForLittleMap.Clear(); }
private void LoadRegion(int x, int y) { Point regionOffset = CalcRegionOffset(x, y); String key = CalcMapKey(regionOffset.X, regionOffset.Y); if (currentRegionKey != key) { SaveCurrentRegion(); if (!regions.TryGetValue(key, out currentRegion)) { currentRegion = new SmallMap() { xOffset = regionOffset.X, yOffset = regionOffset.Y, Tiles = new Tile[RegionWidth, RegionHeight] }; } currentRegionKey = key; currentRegionTiles = currentRegion.Tiles; } }
public void GetTileTestOutOfRangeXPosition() { Map map = new SmallMap().BuildMap(); map.GetTile(new Position(map.Size, 0)); }