public async Task UpdateOffer() { var bolApiCaller = new BolApiCaller(testClientId, testClientSecret, true); var fulfilment = new SmallFulfilment(FulFilmentMethod.FBB); var offerUpdate = new UpdateOffer(fulfilment) { OnHoldByRetailer = true }; var firstOffer = openOffers.First(); var result = await bolApiCaller.Offers.UpdateOffer(firstOffer.OfferId.ToString(), offerUpdate); Assert.IsTrue(result.Description == "Update an offer with offerId 4ae7a221-65e7-a333-e620-3f8e1caab5c3."); }
public async Task CreateOffer() { var bolApiCaller = new BolApiCaller(testClientId, testClientSecret, true); var condition = new Condition(ConditionName.GOOD); var bundlePrices = new List <BundlePrice> { new BundlePrice(1, 5.55m) }; var pricing = new PricingContainer(bundlePrices); var stock = new Stock(5, false); var fulfilment = new SmallFulfilment(FulFilmentMethod.FBB); var createOffer = new CreateOffer("9789492493804", condition, pricing, stock, fulfilment) { Reference = "Test-Api" }; var result = await bolApiCaller.Offers.CreateNewOffer(createOffer); Assert.IsTrue(result.Description == "Create an offer with ean 9789492493804."); }