internal static void Display(Vector2 displayViewerPosition) { //float scrollX = WindowControl.Position.x + 20; //float scrollY = WindowControl.Position.y + 50 - displayViewerPosition.y; float scrollX = 20; float scrollY = displayViewerPosition.y; // Reset Tooltip active flag... ToolTipActive = false; SMHighlighter.IsMouseOver = false; GUILayout.BeginVertical(); GUI.enabled = true; //GUILayout.Label("External Light Control Center ", SMStyle.LabelTabHeader); GUILayout.Label(SmUtils.Localize("#smloc_control_light_000"), SMStyle.LabelTabHeader); GUILayout.Label("____________________________________________________________________________________________", SMStyle.LabelStyleHardRule, GUILayout.Height(10), GUILayout.Width(guiRuleWidth)); string step = "start"; try { // Display all Lights List <ModLight> .Enumerator iLights = SMAddon.SmVessel.Lights.GetEnumerator(); while (iLights.MoveNext()) { if (iLights.Current == null) { continue; } string label = $"{iLights.Current.Status} - {iLights.Current.Title}"; bool onState = iLights.Current.IsOn; bool newOnState = GUILayout.Toggle(onState, label, GUILayout.Width(guiToggleWidth), GUILayout.Height(40)); step = "button toggle check"; if (!onState && newOnState) { iLights.Current.TurnOnLight(); } else if (onState && !newOnState) { iLights.Current.TurnOffLight(); } Rect rect = GUILayoutUtility.GetLastRect(); if (Event.current.type == EventType.Repaint && rect.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition)) { SMHighlighter.SetMouseOverData(rect, scrollY, scrollX, WindowControl.TabBox.height, iLights.Current.SPart, Event.current.mousePosition); } } iLights.Dispose(); // Display MouseOverHighlighting, if any SMHighlighter.MouseOverHighlight(); } catch (Exception ex) { SmUtils.LogMessage( $" in Light Tab at step {step}. Error: {ex.Message} \r\n\r\n{ex.StackTrace}", SmUtils.LogType.Error, true); } GUILayout.EndVertical(); }
internal static void FreezeKerbal(ProtoCrewMember kerbal) { try { if (!InstalledMods.IsDfApiReady) { return; } List <Part> .Enumerator cryofreezers = SmUtils.GetFreezerParts().GetEnumerator(); while (cryofreezers.MoveNext()) { if (cryofreezers.Current == null) { continue; } if (!cryofreezers.Current.protoModuleCrew.Contains(kerbal)) { continue; } // ReSharper disable once SuspiciousTypeConversion.Global PartModule deepFreezer = SMConditions.GetFreezerModule(cryofreezers.Current); if (deepFreezer != null) { new DfWrapper.DeepFreezer(deepFreezer).BeginFreezeKerbal(kerbal); } break; } cryofreezers.Dispose(); } catch (Exception ex) { SmUtils.LogMessage($" in FreezeKerbal. Error: {ex.Message} \r\n\r\n{ex.StackTrace}", SmUtils.LogType.Error, true); } }
static ClsClient() { try { // Original call. deep dives into all assemblies... //Type cls_type = AssemblyLoader // .loadedAssemblies // .SelectMany(a => a.assembly.GetExportedTypes()) // .SingleOrDefault(t => t.FullName == "ConnectedLivingSpace.CLSAddon"); // this replacement call attempts to filter dynamic assemblies... Dot.Net 2.0 vs Dot.Net 4.0 //Type newType = AssemblyLoader // .loadedAssemblies.Where(a => a.assembly.ManifestModule is System.Reflection.Emit.ModuleBuilder == false) // .SelectMany(a => a.assembly.GetExportedTypes()) // .SingleOrDefault(t => t.FullName == "ConnectedLivingSpace.CLSAddon"); // Lighter weight, and should not "dive into" assemblies unnecessarily. Type clsType = AssemblyLoader.loadedAssemblies.Where(a =>"ConnectedLivingSpace")) .SelectMany(a => a.assembly.GetExportedTypes()) .SingleOrDefault(t => t.FullName == "ConnectedLivingSpace.CLSAddon"); if (clsType != null) { _cls = clsType.GetProperty("Instance", BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static); } } catch (Exception ex) { SmUtils.LogMessage($"Cannot load CLS assembly. Error: {ex}", SmUtils.LogType.Error, false); } }
private static void DisplaySelectProfession() { GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUILayout.Label(SmUtils.Localize("#smloc_roster_005"), GUILayout.Width(85)); // "Profession:" bool isPilot = GUILayout.Toggle(KerbalProfession == Professions.Pilot, SmUtils.Localize("#smloc_roster_006"), GUILayout.Width(90)); // "Pilot" if (isPilot) { KerbalProfession = Professions.Pilot; } bool isEngineer = GUILayout.Toggle(KerbalProfession == Professions.Engineer, SmUtils.Localize("#smloc_roster_007"), GUILayout.Width(90)); // "Engineer" if (isEngineer) { KerbalProfession = Professions.Engineer; } bool isScientist = GUILayout.Toggle(KerbalProfession == Professions.Scientist, SmUtils.Localize("#smloc_roster_008"), GUILayout.Width(90)); // "Scientist" if (isScientist) { KerbalProfession = Professions.Scientist; } GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); }
private static string GetFrozenKerbalDetails(ProtoCrewMember kerbal) { try { string rosterDetails = ""; if (!DfWrapper.ApiReady) { DfWrapper.InitDfWrapper(); } if (DfWrapper.ApiReady) { rosterDetails = DfWrapper.DeepFreezeApi.FrozenKerbals.ContainsKey( ? $"{SmUtils.SmTags["#smloc_roster_015"]} - {DfWrapper.DeepFreezeApi.FrozenKerbals[].VesselName.Replace("(unloaded)", "")}" : SmUtils.SmTags["#smloc_roster_015"]; } return(rosterDetails); } catch (Exception ex) { if (!SMAddon.FrameErrTripped) { SmUtils.LogMessage($" in GetRosterList().\r\nError: {ex}", SmUtils.LogType.Error, true); } return($"{SmUtils.SmTags["#smloc_error_001"]}:"); // "Display Error" } }
internal void CrewTransferStopAction() { // This adds the kerbal(s) to the destination part(s) try { // Add Source Crewmember to target part if (FromCrewMember != null && ToPart.CrewCapacity > ToPart.protoModuleCrew.Count) { AddCrewMember(FromCrewMember, ToPart, ToSeat); } // Add Target Crewmember to source part if (ToCrewMember != null && FromPart.CrewCapacity > FromPart.protoModuleCrew.Count) { AddCrewMember(ToCrewMember, FromPart, FromSeat); } SMAddon.SmVessel.TransferCrewObj.IvaDelayActive = true; SMAddon.FireEventTriggers(); } catch (Exception ex) { SmUtils.LogMessage( $"in CrewTransferAction. Error moving crewmember. Error: {ex.Message} \r\n\r\n{ex.StackTrace}", SmUtils.LogType.Error, true); } }
internal static void TransferScienceLab(PartModule source, PartModule target, Selection sel) { try { // Create lookup list to avoid a slow linear search for each item // Value is number of labs that have processed it // (would allow to only move data not processed in all labs if there are multiple) Dictionary <string, int> processedScience = new Dictionary <string, int>(); List <ModuleScienceLab> .Enumerator labs = SMAddon.SmVessel.Vessel.FindPartModulesImplementing <ModuleScienceLab>().GetEnumerator(); while (labs.MoveNext()) { List <string> .Enumerator dataitems = labs.Current.ExperimentData.GetEnumerator(); while (dataitems.MoveNext()) { if (!processedScience.ContainsKey(dataitems.Current)) { processedScience.Add(dataitems.Current, 1); } else { processedScience[dataitems.Current]++; } } dataitems.Dispose(); } labs.Dispose(); ScienceData[] moduleScience = (IScienceDataContainer)source != null ? ((IScienceDataContainer)source).GetData() : null; if (moduleScience == null || moduleScience.Length <= 0) { return; } IEnumerator dataItems = moduleScience.GetEnumerator(); while (dataItems.MoveNext()) { if (dataItems.Current == null) { continue; } ScienceData data = (ScienceData)dataItems.Current; bool processed = processedScience.ContainsKey(data.subjectID); if ((sel == Selection.OnlyProcessed && processed) || (sel == Selection.OnlyUnprocessed && !processed)) { if (((ModuleScienceContainer)target).AddData(data)) { ((IScienceDataContainer)source).DumpData(data); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { SmUtils.LogMessage($" in ProcessController.TransferScienceLab: Error: {ex}", SmUtils.LogType.Info, SMSettings.VerboseLogging); } }
internal static void Display(Vector2 displayViewerPosition) { //float scrollX = WindowControl.Position.x + 10; //float scrollY = WindowControl.Position.y + 50 - displayViewerPosition.y; float scrollX = 10; float scrollY = 50 - displayViewerPosition.y; // Reset Tooltip active flag... ToolTipActive = false; SMHighlighter.IsMouseOver = false; GUILayout.BeginVertical(); GUI.enabled = true; //GUILayout.Label("Science Lab Control Center ", SMStyle.LabelTabHeader); GUILayout.Label(SmUtils.Localize("#smloc_control_lab_000"), SMStyle.LabelTabHeader); GUILayout.Label("____________________________________________________________________________________________", SMStyle.LabelStyleHardRule, GUILayout.Height(10), GUILayout.Width(350)); string step = "start"; try { // Display all Labs List <ModuleScienceLab> .Enumerator iLabs = SMAddon.SmVessel.Labs.GetEnumerator(); while (iLabs.MoveNext()) { if (iLabs.Current == null) { continue; } step = "gui enable"; GUI.enabled = true; string label = $"{} - ({(iLabs.Current.IsOperational() ? SmUtils.Localize("#smloc_control_lab_001") : SmUtils.Localize("#smloc_control_lab_002"))})"; // Operational, InOp GUILayout.Label(label, GUILayout.Width(260), GUILayout.Height(40)); Rect rect = GUILayoutUtility.GetLastRect(); if (Event.current.type == EventType.Repaint && rect.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition)) { SMHighlighter.SetMouseOverData(rect, scrollY, scrollX, WindowControl.TabBox.height, iLabs.Current.part); } } iLabs.Dispose(); // Display MouseOverHighlighting, if any SMHighlighter.MouseOverHighlight(); } catch (Exception ex) { SmUtils.LogMessage( $" in Solar Panel Tab at step {step}. Error: {ex.Message} \r\n\r\n{ex.StackTrace}", SmUtils.LogType.Error, true); } GUILayout.EndVertical(); }
internal static void Savelog() { try { // time to create a file... string filename = $"DebugLog_{DateTime.Now.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture).Replace(" ", "_").Replace("/", "").Replace(":", "")}.txt"; string path = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + @"\GameData\ShipManifest\"; if (SMSettings.DebugLogPath.StartsWith(@"\\")) { SMSettings.DebugLogPath = SMSettings.DebugLogPath.Substring(2, SMSettings.DebugLogPath.Length - 2); } else if (SMSettings.DebugLogPath.StartsWith(@"\")) { SMSettings.DebugLogPath = SMSettings.DebugLogPath.Substring(1, SMSettings.DebugLogPath.Length - 1); } if (!SMSettings.DebugLogPath.EndsWith(@"\")) { SMSettings.DebugLogPath += @"\"; } filename = path + SMSettings.DebugLogPath + filename; SmUtils.LogMessage($"File Name = {filename}", SmUtils.LogType.Info, true); try { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); List <string> .Enumerator lines = SmUtils.LogItemList.GetEnumerator(); while (lines.MoveNext()) { if (lines.Current == null) { continue; } sb.AppendLine(lines.Current); } lines.Dispose(); File.WriteAllText(filename, sb.ToString()); SmUtils.LogMessage("File written", SmUtils.LogType.Info, true); } catch (Exception ex) { SmUtils.LogMessage($"Error Writing File: {ex}", SmUtils.LogType.Error, true); } } catch (Exception ex) { SmUtils.LogMessage($" in Savelog. Error: {ex.Message} \r\n\r\n{ex.StackTrace}", SmUtils.LogType.Error, true); } }
private static void DisplayRosterFilter() { GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUILayout.Label($"{SmUtils.Localize("#smloc_roster_009")}:", GUILayout.Width(40)); // Filter bool isAll = GUILayout.Toggle(CurrentFilter == KerbalFilters.All, SmUtils.Localize("#smloc_roster_010"), GUILayout.Width(60)); // "All" if (isAll) { CurrentFilter = KerbalFilters.All; } bool isAssign = GUILayout.Toggle(CurrentFilter == KerbalFilters.Assigned, SmUtils.Localize("#smloc_roster_011"), GUILayout.Width(95)); // "Assigned" if (isAssign) { CurrentFilter = KerbalFilters.Assigned; } if (HighLogic.LoadedSceneIsFlight) { bool isVessel = GUILayout.Toggle(CurrentFilter == KerbalFilters.Vessel, SmUtils.Localize("#smloc_roster_012"), GUILayout.Width(80)); // "Vessel" if (isVessel) { CurrentFilter = KerbalFilters.Vessel; } } bool isAvail = GUILayout.Toggle(CurrentFilter == KerbalFilters.Available, SmUtils.Localize("#smloc_roster_013"), GUILayout.Width(95)); // "Available" if (isAvail) { CurrentFilter = KerbalFilters.Available; } bool isDead = GUILayout.Toggle(CurrentFilter == KerbalFilters.Dead, SmUtils.Localize("#smloc_roster_014"), GUILayout.Width(130)); // "Dead/Missing" if (isDead) { CurrentFilter = KerbalFilters.Dead; } if (InstalledMods.IsDfInstalled) { bool isFrozen = GUILayout.Toggle(CurrentFilter == KerbalFilters.Frozen, SmUtils.Localize("#smloc_roster_015"), GUILayout.Width(80)); // "Frozen" if (isFrozen) { CurrentFilter = KerbalFilters.Frozen; } } GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); }
internal static void TransferScience(PartModule source, PartModule target) { try { ScienceData[] moduleScience = (IScienceDataContainer)source != null ? ((IScienceDataContainer)source).GetData() : null; if (moduleScience == null || moduleScience.Length <= 0) { return; } //Utilities.LogMessage("ProcessController.TransferScience: moduleScience has data...", Utilities.LogType.Info, // SMSettings.VerboseLogging); if ((IScienceDataContainer)target == null) { return; } // Lets store the data from the source. if (!((ModuleScienceContainer)target).StoreData( new List <IScienceDataContainer> { (IScienceDataContainer)source }, false)) { return; } //Utilities.LogMessage("ProcessController.TransferScience: ((ModuleScienceContainer)source) data stored", // "Info", SMSettings.VerboseLogging); IEnumerator dataItems = moduleScience.GetEnumerator(); while (dataItems.MoveNext()) { if (dataItems.Current == null) { continue; } ScienceData data = (ScienceData)dataItems.Current; ((IScienceDataContainer)source).DumpData(data); } if (!SMSettings.RealControl) { ((ModuleScienceExperiment)source).ResetExperiment(); } } catch (Exception ex) { SmUtils.LogMessage($" in ProcessController.TransferScience: Error: {ex}", SmUtils.LogType.Info, SMSettings.VerboseLogging); } }
internal static void DumpResources(List <TransferPump> pumps) { // This initiates the Dump process and with realism off, does the dump immediately; with realism on, initiates the real time process. try { if (SMSettings.RealXfers) { // Turn on Pumps for timed process... List <TransferPump> .Enumerator epumps = pumps.GetEnumerator(); while (epumps.MoveNext()) { if (epumps.Current == null) { continue; } TransferPump pump = epumps.Current; pump.PumpRatio = 1; pump.IsPumpOn = true; } epumps.Dispose(); // Add pumps to pump queue SMAddon.SmVessel.TransferPumps.AddRange(pumps); // Start the process. This flag is checked in SMAddon.Update() TransferPump.PumpProcessOn = true; } else { List <TransferPump> .Enumerator epumps = pumps.GetEnumerator(); while (epumps.MoveNext()) { if (epumps.Current == null) { continue; } TransferPump pump = epumps.Current; pump.RunPumpCycle(pump.PumpAmount); } epumps.Dispose(); SMAddon.SmVessel.TransferPumps.Clear(); } } catch (Exception ex) { SmUtils.LogMessage( $" in ProcessController.DumpResources. Error: {ex.Message} \r\n\r\n{ex.StackTrace}", SmUtils.LogType.Error, true); } }
private static void DisplayActionButtons() { GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); // Save //GUIContent label = new GUIContent("Save", "Save the current settings to file."); GUIContent label = new GUIContent(SmUtils.Localize("#smloc_settings_002"), SmUtils.Localize("#smloc_settings_tt_002")); if (GUILayout.Button(label, GUILayout.Height(20))) { ToolTip = ""; SMSettings.SaveIntervalSec = int.Parse(TabConfig.TxtSaveInterval); SMSettings.SaveSettings(); // Sync SM to CLS override settings with CLS if (SMSettings.EnableCls && HighLogic.LoadedSceneIsFlight) { SMSettings.UpdateClsOverride(); } if (HighLogic.LoadedScene == GameScenes.SPACECENTER) SMAddon.OnSmSettingsClicked(); else ShowWindow = false; } Rect rect = GUILayoutUtility.GetLastRect(); if (Event.current.type == EventType.Repaint && ShowToolTips) ToolTip = SMToolTips.SetActiveToolTip(rect, GUI.tooltip, ref ToolTipActive, 10); // Cancel //label = new GUIContent("Cancel", "Cancel the changes made.\nSettings will revert to before changes were made."); label = new GUIContent(SmUtils.Localize("#smloc_settings_003"), SmUtils.Localize("#smloc_settings_tt_003")); if (GUILayout.Button(label, GUILayout.Height(20))) { ToolTip = ""; // We've canclled, so restore original settings. SMSettings.MemRestoreTempSettings(); if (HighLogic.LoadedScene == GameScenes.SPACECENTER) SMAddon.OnSmSettingsClicked(); else ShowWindow = false; } rect = GUILayoutUtility.GetLastRect(); if (Event.current.type == EventType.Repaint && ShowToolTips) ToolTip = SMToolTips.SetActiveToolTip(rect, GUI.tooltip, ref ToolTipActive, 10); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); }
internal static void HireKerbal(ProtoCrewMember kerbal) { try { if (kerbal.type != ProtoCrewMember.KerbalType.Applicant) { throw new Exception("Tried to hire a kerbal which isn't an Applicant: " + kerbal.ToString()); } HighLogic.CurrentGame.CrewRoster.HireApplicant(kerbal); } catch (Exception ex) { SmUtils.LogMessage($" in HireKerbal. Error: {ex.Message} \r\n\r\n{ex.StackTrace}", SmUtils.LogType.Error, true); } }
internal static void MouseOverHighlight(Part part) { string step = "begin"; try { step = "inside box - Part Selection?"; SetPartHighlight(part, SMSettings.Colors[SMSettings.MouseOverColor]); EdgeHighight(part, true); } catch (Exception ex) { SmUtils.LogMessage($" in SMHighlighter.MouseOverHighlight at step {step}. Error: {ex}", SmUtils.LogType.Error, true); } }
internal static void GetRosterList() { try { RosterList.Clear(); RosterList = HighLogic.CurrentGame.CrewRoster.Crew.ToList(); // Support for DeepFreeze if (InstalledMods.IsDfInstalled && DfWrapper.ApiReady) { RosterList.AddRange(HighLogic.CurrentGame.CrewRoster.Unowned); } } catch (Exception ex) { SmUtils.LogMessage($"Error in GetRosterList().\r\nError: {ex}", SmUtils.LogType.Error, true); } }
internal static bool CanShowShipManifest(bool ignoreShowSm = false) { try { bool canShow = false; if (SMAddon.ShowUi && HighLogic.LoadedScene == GameScenes.FLIGHT && !IsPauseMenuOpen() && !IsFlightDialogDisplaying() && FlightGlobals.fetch != null && FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel != null && !FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel.isEVA && FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel.vesselType != VesselType.Flag //&& FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel.vesselType != VesselType.Debris //&& FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel.vesselType != VesselType.Unknown //&& CameraManager.Instance.currentCameraMode != CameraManager.CameraMode.IVA ) { canShow = ignoreShowSm || WindowManifest.ShowWindow; } return(canShow); } catch (Exception ex) { if (!SMAddon.FrameErrTripped) { string values = $"SmAddon.ShowUI = {SMAddon.ShowUi}\r\n"; values += $"HighLogic.LoadedScene = {HighLogic.LoadedScene}\r\n"; values += $"PauseMenu.isOpen = {IsPauseMenuOpen()}\r\n"; values += $"FlightResultsDialog.isDisplaying = {IsFlightDialogDisplaying()}\r\n"; values += $"FlightGlobals.fetch != null = {(FlightGlobals.fetch != null)}\r\n"; values += $"FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel != null = {(FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel != null)}\r\n"; values += $"!FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel.isEVA = {(FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel != null && FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel.isEVA)}\r\n"; if (FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel != null) { values += $"FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel.vesselType = {FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel.vesselType}\r\n"; } values += $"CameraManager.Instance.currentCameraMode != CameraManager.CameraMode.IVA = {(CameraManager.Instance.currentCameraMode != CameraManager.CameraMode.IVA)}"; SmUtils.LogMessage( $" in CanShowShipManifest (repeating error). Error: {ex.Message} \r\n\r\n{ex.StackTrace}\r\n\r\nValues: {values}", SmUtils.LogType.Error, true); SMAddon.FrameErrTripped = true; } return(false); } }
internal static void RepairKerbal(ProtoCrewMember kerbal) { try { if (!SMConditions.KerbalIsBroken(kerbal)) { throw new Exception("Tried to repair an unbroken kerbal: " + kerbal.ToString()); } // For now, the only broken Kerbals are "Assigned" but for some reason are still Applicants. So we convert them to Crew. kerbal.type = ProtoCrewMember.KerbalType.Crew; } catch (Exception ex) { SmUtils.LogMessage($" in RepairKerbal. Error: {ex.Message} \r\n\r\n{ex.StackTrace}", SmUtils.LogType.Error, true); } }
public string SubmitChanges() { if (NameExists()) { return(SmUtils.Localize("#smloc_module_002")); // "That name is in use!"; } SyncKerbal(); if (IsNew) { // Add to roster. Kerbal.rosterStatus = ProtoCrewMember.RosterStatus.Available; HighLogic.CurrentGame.CrewRoster.AddCrewMember(Kerbal); } return(string.Empty); }
/// <summary> /// This method is called by WindowTransfer.Xferbutton press. /// </summary> /// <param name="xferPumps"></param> internal static void TransferResources(List <TransferPump> xferPumps) { try { if (SMSettings.RealXfers) { List <TransferPump> .Enumerator pumps = xferPumps.GetEnumerator(); while (pumps.MoveNext()) { if (pumps.Current == null) { continue; } TransferPump pump = pumps.Current; pump.IsPumpOn = true; } pumps.Dispose(); // now lets start the pumping process... SMAddon.SmVessel.TransferPumps.AddRange(xferPumps); // Start the process. This flag is checked in SMAddon.Update() TransferPump.PumpProcessOn = true; } else { //Not in Realism mode, so just move the resource... List <TransferPump> .Enumerator pumps = xferPumps.GetEnumerator(); while (pumps.MoveNext()) { if (pumps.Current == null) { continue; } TransferPump pump = pumps.Current; pump.RunPumpCycle(pump.PumpAmount); } pumps.Dispose(); } } catch (Exception ex) { SmUtils.LogMessage( $" in ProcessController.TransferResources. Error: {ex.Message} \r\n\r\n{ex.StackTrace}", SmUtils.LogType.Error, true); } }
internal static void Display(int windowId) { Title = SmUtils.Localize("#smloc_settings_001"); // set input locks when mouseover window... //_inputLocked = GuiUtils.PreventClickthrough(ShowWindow, Position, _inputLocked); // Reset Tooltip active flag... ToolTipActive = false; Rect rect = new Rect(Position.width - 20, 4, 16, 16); // "Close Window.\r\nSettings will not be immediately saved,\r\n but will be remembered while in game."))) if (GUI.Button(rect, new GUIContent("", SmUtils.Localize("#smloc_settings_tt_001")))) { ToolTip = ""; if (HighLogic.LoadedScene == GameScenes.SPACECENTER) SMAddon.OnSmSettingsClicked(); else { SMSettings.MemStoreTempSettings(); ShowWindow = false; } } if (Event.current.type == EventType.Repaint && ShowToolTips) ToolTip = SMToolTips.SetActiveToolTip(rect, GUI.tooltip, ref ToolTipActive, 10); GUILayout.BeginVertical(); DisplayTabButtons(); _displayViewerPosition = GUILayout.BeginScrollView(_displayViewerPosition, SMStyle.ScrollStyle, GUILayout.Height(300), GUILayout.Width(380)); GUILayout.BeginVertical(); DisplaySelectedTab(_displayViewerPosition); GUILayout.EndVertical(); GUILayout.EndScrollView(); DisplayActionButtons(); GUILayout.EndVertical(); GUI.DragWindow(new Rect(0, 0, Screen.width, 30)); SMAddon.RepositionWindow(ref Position); }
private static void PreLaunchGui() { try { if (SMSettings.EnablePfCrews) { GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); // Realism Mode is desirable, as there is a cost associated with a kerbal on a flight. No cheating! if (GUILayout.Button(SmUtils.Localize("#smloc_manifest_005"), SMStyle.ButtonStyle, GUILayout.Width(134), GUILayout.Height(20))) // "Fill Crew" { SMAddon.SmVessel.FillCrew(); } if (GUILayout.Button(SmUtils.Localize("#smloc_manifest_006"), SMStyle.ButtonStyle, GUILayout.Width(134), GUILayout.Height(20))) // "Empty Crew" { SMAddon.SmVessel.EmptyCrew(); } GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); } if (!SMSettings.EnablePfResources) { return; } GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); if (GUILayout.Button(SmUtils.Localize("#smloc_manifest_007"), SMStyle.ButtonStyle, GUILayout.Width(134), GUILayout.Height(20))) // "Fill Resources" { SMAddon.SmVessel.FillResources(); } if (GUILayout.Button(SmUtils.Localize("#smloc_manifest_008"), SMStyle.ButtonStyle, GUILayout.Width(134), GUILayout.Height(20))) // "Empty Resources" { SMAddon.SmVessel.DumpAllResources(); } GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); } catch (Exception ex) { if (!SMAddon.FrameErrTripped) { SmUtils.LogMessage( $" in PreLaunchGui. Error: {ex.Message} \r\n\r\n{ex.StackTrace}", SmUtils.LogType.Error, true); SMAddon.FrameErrTripped = true; } } }
internal void CrewTransferStartAction() { // This removes the kerbal(s) from the current (source) part(s) if (FromCrewMember != null) { try { if (FromCrewMember != null) { RemoveCrewMember(FromCrewMember, FromPart); } if (ToCrewMember != null) { RemoveCrewMember(ToCrewMember, ToPart); } //SMAddon.FireEventTriggers(); } catch (Exception ex) { SmUtils.LogMessage( $"in CrewTransferStartAction. Error moving crewmember. Error: {ex.Message} \r\n\r\n{ex.StackTrace}", SmUtils.LogType.Error, true); } } else { // Must be multi-crew... try { foreach (var xferCrew in CrewMembersToTransfer) { //RemoveCrewMember(xferCrew.kerbal, xferCrew.partSource); } //if (FromCrewMembers != null) RemoveCrewMembers(FromCrewMembers, FromParts); //SMAddon.FireEventTriggers(); } catch (Exception ex) { SmUtils.LogMessage( $"in CrewTransferStartAction. Error moving crewmember. Error: {ex.Message} \r\n\r\n{ex.StackTrace}", SmUtils.LogType.Error, true); } } }
private static void CreateKerbalViewer() { DisplaySelectProfession(); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); // "Create", "Creates a Kerbal with profession selected above.\r\nAdds him/her to the Roster." GUIContent guilabel = new GUIContent(SmUtils.Localize("#smloc_roster_003"), SmUtils.Localize("#smloc_roster_tt_002")); if (GUILayout.Button(guilabel, GUILayout.MaxWidth(80), GUILayout.Height(20))) { bool kerbalFound = false; ProtoCrewMember.KerbalType kerbalType = KerbalProfession == Professions.Tourist ? ProtoCrewMember.KerbalType.Tourist : ProtoCrewMember.KerbalType.Crew; while (!kerbalFound) { SelectedKerbal = ModKerbal.CreateKerbal(kerbalType); if (SelectedKerbal.Trait == KerbalProfession.ToString()) { kerbalFound = true; } } OnCreate = false; } Rect rect = GUILayoutUtility.GetLastRect(); if (Event.current.type == EventType.Repaint && ShowToolTips) { ToolTip = SMToolTips.SetActiveToolTip(rect, GUI.tooltip, ref ToolTipActive, 10); } //guilabel = new GUIContent("Cancel", "Cancels current creation and exit editor."); guilabel = new GUIContent(SmUtils.Localize("#smloc_roster_004"), SmUtils.Localize("#smloc_roster_tt_003")); if (GUILayout.Button(guilabel, GUILayout.MaxWidth(80), GUILayout.Height(20))) { OnCreate = false; SelectedKerbal = null; } rect = GUILayoutUtility.GetLastRect(); if (Event.current.type == EventType.Repaint && ShowToolTips) { ToolTip = SMToolTips.SetActiveToolTip(rect, GUI.tooltip, ref ToolTipActive, 10); } GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); }
private static void SetupEditButton(ProtoCrewMember kerbal, out string buttonText, out string buttonToolTip) { GUI.enabled = kerbal.rosterStatus == ProtoCrewMember.RosterStatus.Available && SMSettings.EnableCrewModify; //buttonText = SelectedKerbal == null || SelectedKerbal.Kerbal != kerbal ? "Edit" : "Cancel"; buttonText = SelectedKerbal == null || SelectedKerbal.Kerbal != kerbal?SmUtils.Localize("#smloc_roster_020") : SmUtils.Localize("#smloc_roster_004"); if (GUI.enabled) { buttonToolTip = SelectedKerbal == null || SelectedKerbal.Kerbal != kerbal ? SmUtils.Localize("#smloc_roster_tt_007") // "Edit this Kerbal's attributes" : SmUtils.Localize("#smloc_roster_tt_008"); // "Cancel any changes to this Kerbal" } else { buttonToolTip = kerbal.rosterStatus != ProtoCrewMember.RosterStatus.Available ? SmUtils.Localize("#smloc_roster_tt_009") // "Kerbal is not available at this time.\r\nEditing is disabled"; : SmUtils.Localize("#smloc_roster_tt_021"); // "Realistic Control is On.\r\nEditing is disabled"; } }
internal void CrewTransferStartAction() { // This removes the kerbal(s) from the current (source) part(s) try { if (FromCrewMember != null) { RemoveCrewMember(FromCrewMember, FromPart); } if (ToCrewMember != null) { RemoveCrewMember(ToCrewMember, ToPart); } SMAddon.FireEventTriggers(); } catch (Exception ex) { SmUtils.LogMessage( $"in CrewTransferStartAction. Error moving crewmember. Error: {ex.Message} \r\n\r\n{ex.StackTrace}", SmUtils.LogType.Error, true); } }
internal static void SetPartHighlight(Part part, Color color) { if (part == null) { return; } try { if (!part.HighlightActive) { part.SetHighlight(true, false); } part.highlightType = Part.HighlightType.AlwaysOn; part.SetHighlightColor(color); } catch (Exception ex) { SmUtils.LogMessage( $" in SetPartHighlight. Error: {ex.Message} \r\n\r\n{ex.StackTrace}", SmUtils.LogType.Error, true); } }
internal static void ThawKerbal(string kerbalName) { try { if (InstalledMods.IsDfApiReady) { DfWrapper.KerbalInfo iKerbal = DfWrapper.DeepFreezeApi.FrozenKerbals[kerbalName]; List <Part> .Enumerator cryofreezers = SmUtils.GetFreezerParts().GetEnumerator(); while (cryofreezers.MoveNext()) { if (cryofreezers.Current == null) { continue; } if (cryofreezers.Current.flightID == iKerbal.PartId) { // ReSharper disable once SuspiciousTypeConversion.Global PartModule deepFreezer = SMConditions.GetFreezerModule(cryofreezers.Current); if (deepFreezer != null) { new DfWrapper.DeepFreezer(deepFreezer).BeginThawKerbal(kerbalName); } break; } } cryofreezers.Dispose(); } else { SmUtils.LogMessage($"ThawKerbal. IsDFInstalled: {InstalledMods.IsDfInstalled}", SmUtils.LogType.Info, true); } } catch (Exception ex) { SmUtils.LogMessage($" in ThawKerbal. Error: {ex.Message} \r\n\r\n{ex.StackTrace}", SmUtils.LogType.Error, true); } }
internal static void Display(int windowId) { Title = SmUtils.Localize("#smloc_control_001"); // set input locks when mouseover window... //_inputLocked = GuiUtils.PreventClickthrough(ShowWindow, Position, _inputLocked); // Reset Tooltip active flag... ToolTipActive = false; Rect rect = new Rect(Position.width - 20, 4, 16, 16); if (GUI.Button(rect, new GUIContent("", SmUtils.Localize("#smloc_window_tt_001")))) // "Close Window" { ShowWindow = false; ToolTip = ""; } if (Event.current.type == EventType.Repaint && ShowToolTips) { ToolTip = SMToolTips.SetActiveToolTip(rect, GUI.tooltip, ref ToolTipActive, 10); } // This is a scroll panel (we are using it to make button lists...) GUILayout.BeginVertical(); DisplayWindowTabs(); // This is a scroll panel (we are using it to make button lists...) _displayViewerPosition = GUILayout.BeginScrollView(_displayViewerPosition, SMStyle.ScrollStyle, GUILayout.Height(TabBox.height), GUILayout.Width(TabBox.width)); DisplaySelectedTab(_displayViewerPosition); GUILayout.EndScrollView(); DisplayTabActions(); GUILayout.EndVertical(); GUI.DragWindow(new Rect(0, 0, Screen.width, 30)); SMAddon.RepositionWindow(ref Position); }
internal static void HighlightClsVessel(bool enabled, bool force = false) { try { if (SMAddon.ClsAddon.Vessel == null) { SMAddon.UpdateClsSpaces(); } if (SMAddon.ClsAddon.Vessel == null) { return; } List <ICLSSpace> .Enumerator spaces = SMAddon.ClsAddon.Vessel.Spaces.GetEnumerator(); while (spaces.MoveNext()) { if (spaces.Current == null) { continue; } List <ICLSPart> .Enumerator parts = spaces.Current.Parts.GetEnumerator(); while (parts.MoveNext()) { parts.Current?.Highlight(enabled, force); } parts.Dispose(); } spaces.Dispose(); } catch (Exception ex) { if (!SMAddon.FrameErrTripped) { SmUtils.LogMessage( $" in HighlightCLSVessel (repeating error). Error: {ex.Message} \r\n\r\n{ex.StackTrace}", SmUtils.LogType.Error, true); SMAddon.FrameErrTripped = true; } } }