コード例 #1
ファイル: Program.cs プロジェクト: igiona/slnlauncher
        static void CreateMsBuildPropertiesTarget(SlnxHandler slnx)
            string outDir = slnx.SlnxDirectory;

            _logger.Info("Creating MS Build targets in {0}", outDir);
            var content = new StringBuilder();
            var keys    = GetAllKeys(slnx);

            content.AppendLine("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>");
            content.AppendLine("<Project ToolsVersion=\"4.0\" xmlns=\"http://schemas.microsoft.com/developer/msbuild/2003\">");
            content.AppendLine("    <PropertyGroup>");
            foreach (var key in keys)
                var value = slnx.SafeExpandEnvironmentVariables(Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable(key));
                content.AppendLine($"        <{key}>{value}</{key}>");
            content.AppendLine("\n        <MsBuildGeneratedProperties Condition=\" '$(MsBuildGeneratedProperties)' == '' \">");

            foreach (var key in keys)
                var value = slnx.SafeExpandEnvironmentVariables(Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable(key));
                content.AppendLine($"            {key}={value};");

            content.AppendLine("        </MsBuildGeneratedProperties>");
            content.AppendLine("    </PropertyGroup>");

            _fileWriter.WriteAllText(Path.Combine(outDir, "MsBuildGeneratedProperties.targets"), content.ToString());
コード例 #2
ファイル: Program.cs プロジェクト: igiona/slnlauncher
        static void DownloadPackages(SlnxHandler slnx, bool quite, bool autoUpdateDependencies)
            _logger.Info("Downloading required NuGet packages...");
            var frameworks        = slnx.Projects.Select(p => NuGetFramework.ParseFolder(p.Framework));
            var reducedFrameworks = new FrameworkReducer().ReduceUpwards(frameworks);

            if (reducedFrameworks.Count() != 1)
                throw new Exceptions.MultiFrameworkAppException($"It has not been possible to find a single common framework among the C# project specified in the SlnX file. Mixed .NET Framework and Core projects are not supported");
            var requestedFramework = reducedFrameworks.First();

            slnx.Packages = PerformPackageDownloadProcess(slnx.PackagesInfo, requestedFramework, quite, autoUpdateDependencies, "Loading packages...");

            if (slnx.DebugSlnxItems.Count != 0)
                _logger.Info("Downloading NuGet packages marked as debug...");
                _logger.Debug("Need to download the package to properly gather the Libraries list. The dependencies are ignored to avoid package versions issues.");

                foreach ((var packageInfo, var debugSlnx) in slnx.DebugSlnxItems)
                    _logger.Debug("Evaluating {0}.", packageInfo);
                    var installedDebugPackage  = PerformPackageDownloadProcess(new[] { packageInfo }, requestedFramework, quite, false, $"Loading debug package {packageInfo} without dependencies...");
                    var installedNuGetPackages = PerformPackageDownloadProcess(debugSlnx.PackagesInfo, requestedFramework, quite, autoUpdateDependencies, $"Loading debug package {packageInfo} defined NuGet packages...");
                    debugSlnx.Packages = installedDebugPackage.Concat(installedNuGetPackages);
                    slnx.DebugPackages.Add(installedDebugPackage.First()); //Keep a reference to the debug package
コード例 #3
ファイル: Program.cs プロジェクト: igiona/slnlauncher
        static List <string> GetAllKeys(SlnxHandler slnx)
            var keys = new List <string>();

            keys.AddRange(slnx.Projects.SelectMany(x => x.EnvironmentVariableKeys));
            keys.AddRange(slnx.Packages.SelectMany(x => x.EnvironmentVariableKeys));
            keys.AddRange(slnx.Packages.Where(x => x.EnvironmentVariableAdditionalKey != null).Select(x => x.EnvironmentVariableAdditionalKey));
コード例 #4
ファイル: Program.cs プロジェクト: igiona/slnlauncher
        static void CreatePowerShellModule(SlnxHandler slnx, string outDir)
            _logger.Info("Creating PS module in {0}", outDir);
            var content = new StringBuilder();
            var keys    = GetAllKeys(slnx);

            foreach (var key in keys)
                var value = slnx.SafeExpandEnvironmentVariables(Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable(key));
                content.AppendLine($"[Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable(\"{key}\", \"{value}\")");
            _fileWriter.WriteAllText(Path.Combine(outDir, "SetEnvVars.ps1"), content.ToString());
コード例 #5
ファイル: Program.cs プロジェクト: igiona/slnlauncher
        static void CreateBatchModule(SlnxHandler slnx, string outDir)
            _logger.Info("Creating Batch module in {0}", outDir);
            var content = new StringBuilder();
            var keys    = GetAllKeys(slnx);

            foreach (var key in keys)
                var value = slnx.SafeExpandEnvironmentVariables(Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable(key));
                content.AppendLine($"set {key}={value}");
            _fileWriter.WriteAllText(Path.Combine(outDir, "SetEnvVars.bat"), content.ToString());
コード例 #6
ファイル: Program.cs プロジェクト: igiona/slnlauncher
        static void CreatePythonnModule(SlnxHandler slnx, string outDir)
            _logger.Info("Creating Python module in {0}", outDir);
            var content = new StringBuilder();
            var keys    = GetAllKeys(slnx);

            content.AppendLine($"import os{Environment.NewLine}");

            foreach (var key in keys)
                var value = slnx.SafeExpandEnvironmentVariables(Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable(key));
                content.AppendLine($"os.environ['{key}'] = r'{value}'");
            _fileWriter.WriteAllText(Path.Combine(outDir, "SetEnvVars.py"), content.ToString());
コード例 #7
ファイル: Program.cs プロジェクト: igiona/slnlauncher
        static void DumpProjectSlnx(SlnxHandler slnx)
            var emptySlnx         = new Slnx.Generated.SlnXType();
            var projectReferences = new List <Slnx.Generated.ProjectType>();

            foreach (var csProj in slnx.Projects)
                var project = new Slnx.Generated.ProjectType();
                project.name = csProj.Name;

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(csProj.Container) && csProj.Container != CsProject.TestContainerName)
                    project.container = csProj.Container;
                if (csProj.AllPackageReferences.Any())
                    var references = new List <string>();
                    references.AddRange(csProj.AllPackageReferences.Select(x => x.Identity.Id));
                    project.@ref = references.ToArray();
            if (projectReferences.Any())
                emptySlnx.project = projectReferences.ToArray();

                var xmlSer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(SlnXType));
                var xml    = new StringBuilder();
                using (var stream = new StringWriter(xml))
                    xmlSer.Serialize(stream, emptySlnx);
                string content = XDocument.Parse(xml.ToString()).ToString();
                _fileWriter.WriteAllText(Path.Combine(slnx.SlnxDirectory, "Projects.slnx"), content.ToString());
コード例 #8
ファイル: Program.cs プロジェクト: igiona/slnlauncher
        static void MakeSln(SlnxHandler slnx)
            string outFile = slnx.SlnPath;

            if (Path.GetExtension(outFile).ToLower() != SlnxHandler.SlnExtension)
                throw new Exception($"The configured sln file is not support. Only '{SlnxHandler.SlnExtension}' file are supported{Environment.NewLine}{Environment.NewLine}\tFile='{outFile}'");
            _logger.Info($"Creating solution file: {outFile}");

            var projects = slnx.Projects.ToList();

            _logger.Trace($"Found {projects.Count()} projects.");
            _logger.Trace("Inspecting and creating containers");

            var projectsAndContainers = new List <SlnItem>();

            foreach (var p in projects)

                if (p.Container != null)
                    var containers = p.Container.Split('/');

                    string parent          = null;
                    string currentFullPath = null;
                    foreach (var c in containers)
                        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(c))

                        if (parent == null)
                            currentFullPath = c;
                            currentFullPath = string.Format("{0}/{1}", currentFullPath, c);

                        if (projectsAndContainers.Where((x) => x.IsContainer && x.FullPath == currentFullPath).Count() == 0) //Need to create the container
                            projectsAndContainers.Add(new CsContainer(c, parent));

                        parent = currentFullPath;

            StringBuilder slnSb             = new StringBuilder();
            StringBuilder projectListSb     = new StringBuilder();
            StringBuilder buildConfigSb     = new StringBuilder();
            StringBuilder containerConfigSb = new StringBuilder();

            foreach (var p in projectsAndContainers)
                var path = p.FullPath;
                if (p.IsContainer)
                    path = p.Name;


                var buildCfg = p.GetBuildConfiguration();
                if (buildCfg != null)

                var container = projectsAndContainers.Where((x) => x.IsContainer && x.FullPath == p.Container).ToList();
                if (container.Count > 0)
                    containerConfigSb.AppendFormat("\n		{{{0}}} = {{{1}}}", p.ProjectGuid, container[0].ProjectGuid);

            slnSb.Append(@"Microsoft Visual Studio Solution File, Format Version 12.00
# Visual Studio Version 16
VisualStudioVersion = 16.0.30907.101
MinimumVisualStudioVersion = 10.0.40219.1");
            //Project list

            //Build config
	GlobalSection(SolutionConfigurationPlatforms) = preSolution
		Debug|Any CPU = Debug|Any CPU
		Debug|Mixed Platforms = Debug|Mixed Platforms
		Debug|x86 = Debug|x86
		Release|Any CPU = Release|Any CPU
		Release|Mixed Platforms = Release|Mixed Platforms
		Release|x86 = Release|x86
	GlobalSection(ProjectConfigurationPlatforms) = postSolution"    );

            //Containers config
	GlobalSection(SolutionProperties) = preSolution
		HideSolutionNode = FALSE
	GlobalSection(NestedProjects) = preSolution"    );


	GlobalSection(ExtensibilityGlobals) = postSolution"    );
		SolutionGuid = {{{0}}}
", Guid.NewGuid().ToString());
            _fileWriter.WriteAllText(outFile, slnSb.ToString());
コード例 #9
ファイル: Program.cs プロジェクト: igiona/slnlauncher
        public static void Main(string[] argv, IFileWriter fileWriter)
            _fileWriter = fileWriter ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(fileWriter));
            _logger     = new Logger(fileWriter);

            _openSolution  = true;
            _createMsBuild = false;
            var    _printVersion  = false;
            var    _printHelp     = false;
            var    quiteExecution = false;
            var    autoUpdateNuGetDependencies = true;
            var    nugetForceMinVersion        = true;
            var    loadUserFile         = true;
            bool   offlineMode          = false;
            string nuspecDir            = null;
            var    dump                 = false;
            var    dumpProjectStructure = false;
            var    keepGenerated        = false;
            string slnxFile             = null;

            _pythonEnvVarsPath = null;

            OptionSet p = new OptionSet()
                          .Add("h|help", "Prints the list of command and exits.", v => _printHelp = v != null)
                          .Add("v|version", "Prints the tool version in the standard output and exits.", v => _printVersion = v != null)
                          .Add("q|quite", "If set (-q/-q+) no popup will be shown in case of exceptions. [Default: not set]", v => quiteExecution = v != null)
                          .Add("<>", "SlnX file path", v => slnxFile = v)
                          .Add("o|openSln", "If set (-o/-o+) opens the generated Sln file. If not set (-o-), the generated Sln will not be opened. [Default: set]", v => _openSolution = v != null)
                          .Add("u|user", "If set (-u/-u+) it loads an eventually present .user file. [Default: set]", v => loadUserFile = v != null)
                          .Add("d|dump", "If set (-d/-d+) it dumps all project paths and environment variables in dump.txt located in the SlnX location. [Default: not set]", v => dump            = v != null)
                          .Add("p|slnxProjects", "If set (-p/-p+) it creates a SlnX file with all project and their reference in the SlnX location. [Default: not set]", v => dumpProjectStructure = v != null)
                          .Add("k|keepGenerated", "If set (-k/-k+) it prevent the cleanup of all the slnx.config generated files. Note: this doesn't prevent the files to be overwritten. [Default: not set]", v => keepGenerated = v != null)
                          .Add("py=|pythonModule=", "Path for the python module. If set the specified python module containing all defined environment variables is created. [Default: not set]", v => _pythonEnvVarsPath         = v)
                          .Add("b=|batchModule=", "Path to the batch module. If set the specified batch module containing all defined environment variables is created. [Default: not set]", v => _batchEnvVarsPath = v)
                          .Add("ps=|powershellModule=", "Path to the power-shell module. If set the specified power-shell module containing all defined environment variables is created. [Default: not set]", v => _psEnvVarsPath = v)
                          .Add("msb|msbuildModule", "If set (-msb/-msb+) a MSBuild module containing all defined environment variables is created in the SlnX location. [Default: not set]", v => _createMsBuild = v != null)
                          .Add("log", "If set (-log/-log+), a log file location in the SlnX directory (or EXE if that path is invalid) will be created. [Default: false]", v => _logEnabled = v != null)
                          .Add("lv=|logVerbosity=", string.Format("Set the log level of verbosity. Valid values {0}. [Default: {1}]", string.Join(",", Enum.GetNames <LogLevel>()), _logLevel), v => _logLevel = ParseLogLevel(v))
                          .Add("ns=|nuspec=", "Output path for the NuGet package created based on the current solution. [Default: not set]", v => nuspecDir = v)
                          .Add("nd|nugetDependencies", "If set (-nd/-nd+), the dependencies of the provided packages will be also automatically downloaded. [Default: true]", v => autoUpdateNuGetDependencies = v != null)
                          .Add("offline", "If set (-offline/-offline+), The current SlnX packagesPath attribute will be used as source for all packages. [Default: false]", v => offlineMode = v != null)
                          .Add("nf|nugetForceMinVersion", "If set (-nf/-nf+), the tool will check that dependencies fulfill the min-version provided (not allowing newer versions). [Default: true]", v => nugetForceMinVersion = v != null);

                if (_printVersion)
                    Console.WriteLine("SlnLauncher v{0}", typeof(SlnxHandler).Assembly.GetName().Version.ToString(3));
                if (_printHelp)
                    Console.WriteLine("SlnLauncher v{0}", typeof(SlnxHandler).Assembly.GetName().Version.ToString(3));

                if (slnxFile == null)
                    throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("Invalid parameters, no SlnX file specified.\n\n\t{0}", string.Join("\n\t", argv)));

                slnxFile = Path.GetFullPath(Environment.ExpandEnvironmentVariables(slnxFile));
                if (File.Exists(slnxFile))
                    Environment.CurrentDirectory = Path.GetDirectoryName(slnxFile);
                if (_logEnabled)
                    _logger.SetLog(Path.Join(Environment.CurrentDirectory, Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(typeof(Program).Assembly.Location) + ".log"), _logLevel);
                _logger.Info("Application started with parameters: {0}", string.Join("\n", argv));

                var slnxUserFile = string.Format("{0}{1}", slnxFile, SlnxHandler.SlnxUserExtension);

                SlnXType slnxUser = null;

                if (loadUserFile && File.Exists(slnxUserFile))
                    slnxUser = SlnxHandler.ReadSlnx(slnxUserFile);

                var  slnx = new SlnxHandler(slnxFile, slnxUser, _fileWriter, _logger, null, offlineMode);
                var  originalPackageList = new List <NuGetClientHelper.NuGetPackage>(slnx.Packages);
                bool errorOccured        = false;
                    DownloadPackages(slnx, quiteExecution, autoUpdateNuGetDependencies);

                    if (_createMsBuild)

                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_pythonEnvVarsPath))
                        CreatePythonnModule(slnx, Path.Combine(slnx.SlnxDirectory, _pythonEnvVarsPath));
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_batchEnvVarsPath))
                        CreateBatchModule(slnx, Path.Combine(slnx.SlnxDirectory, _batchEnvVarsPath));
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_psEnvVarsPath))
                        CreatePowerShellModule(slnx, Path.Combine(slnx.SlnxDirectory, _psEnvVarsPath));

                    var ignoreDependencyCheck = !autoUpdateNuGetDependencies;
                    _logger.Info($"Running dependency check with force min-version match set to {nugetForceMinVersion}, and ignore dependency is {ignoreDependencyCheck}");
                    NuGetClientHelper.NuGetClientHelper.CheckPackagesConsistency(slnx.Packages.ToList(), nugetForceMinVersion, ignoreDependencyCheck);

                    _logger.Info($"Checking debug packages consistency...");

                    foreach (var debugPackage in slnx.DebugSlnxItems.Keys)
                        foreach (var package in slnx.Packages)
                            if (package.Dependencies.Where(x => x.PackageDependency.Id.Equals(debugPackage.Identity.Id, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)).Any())
                                _logger.Warn($"{package} depends on the package {debugPackage.Identity.Id} which is selected for debugging. This might cause runtime issues! Consider marking it for debugging as well.");

                    _logger.Info($"Check if all packages that are bind via .NET ImplementationAssemblies (lib directory) are specified in the SlnX file");
                    foreach (var package in slnx.Packages.Where((x) => x.PackageType == NuGetClientHelper.NuGetDotNetPackageType.DotNetImplementationAssembly))
                        if (!originalPackageList.Where((x) => x.Identity.Id.Equals(package.Identity.Id, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)).Any())
                            _logger.Info($"The .NET implementation package {package} has been installed as dependency. Consider define it explicitly. Execute a dump to analyze dependency graph.");

                    _logger.Info($"Check if all packages that are bind via .NET CompileTimeAssemblies (ref directory) are specified in the SlnX file");
                    foreach (var package in slnx.Packages.Where((x) => x.PackageType == NuGetClientHelper.NuGetDotNetPackageType.DotNetCompileTimeAssembly))
                        if (originalPackageList.Where((x) => x.Identity.Id.Equals(package.Identity.Id, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)).FirstOrDefault() == default(NuGetPackage))
                            _logger.Info($"The .NET compile time package {package} has been installed as dependency.");


                    if (!keepGenerated)

                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(nuspecDir))
                        nuspecDir = Path.GetFullPath(slnx.SafeExpandEnvironmentVariables(nuspecDir));
                        if (nuspecDir == slnx.SlnxDirectory)
                            throw new Exception($"The provided nuspec directory is the same as the slnx folder. Please specify a sub folder.");
                        if (!Directory.Exists(nuspecDir))
                            if (Directory.EnumerateFileSystemEntries(nuspecDir).Any())
                                throw new Exception($"The provided nuspec directory is not empty: '{nuspecDir}'");
                        var nuspec = slnx.GetNuGetPackageInformation();
                        if (nuspec != null)
                            NuGetClientHelper.NuspecGenerator.Generate(nuspecDir, nuspec);
                            throw new Exception("Missing or invalid nuget content information in the provided SlnX file.");

                    if (dumpProjectStructure)
                    errorOccured = true;
                    if (dump)
                        Dump(slnx, errorOccured);

                if (_logger.LogLevelDetected(LogLevel.Warning))
                    if (!quiteExecution)
                        var    baseMsg = $"Warning(s) detected. This could cause runtime issues.\nIt's highly suggested to";
                        string message = "";
                        if (_logEnabled)
                            message = $"{baseMsg} review them in the log file: {_logger.LogPath}";
                            message = $"{baseMsg} re-run the application with log turned on.";
                        new InfoBox("Warning", message, System.Drawing.SystemIcons.Warning.ToBitmap()).ShowDialog();

                if (_openSolution)
            catch (Exception ex)
                string exText     = "";
                var    stackTrace = ex.StackTrace;
                while (ex != null)
                    exText = string.Join("\n", ex.Message);
                    ex     = ex.InnerException;

                if (!quiteExecution)
                    string message;
                    if (_logEnabled)
                        message = $"Inspect the log for more information.\nLog file: {_logger.LogPath}\n\n{exText}";
                        message = $"Re-run the application with log turned on (--log) for more information\n\n{exText}";
                    new InfoBox("Error", message, System.Drawing.SystemIcons.Error.ToBitmap()).ShowDialog();
コード例 #10
ファイル: Program.cs プロジェクト: igiona/slnlauncher
        static void Dump(SlnxHandler slnx, bool errorOccured)
            const int firstColWidth        = 40;
            const int sublineFirstColWidth = 20;

            string outDir = slnx.SlnxDirectory;

            _logger.Info("Dumping SlnX info in {0}", outDir);
            var content = new StringBuilder();

            if (errorOccured)
                var errorDisclaimer = "Dumping is performed although there was an exception during the loading operations. The dump might be partial, invalid or inaccurate.";
                content.AppendLine($"/!\\ DISCLAIMER {errorDisclaimer}{Environment.NewLine}{Environment.NewLine}");

            content.AppendLine($"CS Projects:{Environment.NewLine}");
            foreach (var p in slnx.Projects ?? Enumerable.Empty <CsProject>())
                content.AppendLine($"{p.Name,-firstColWidth} => {p.FullPath}");

                if (p.PackageReferencesFromSlnX.Any())
                    content.AppendLine(PrintPackageInfo("NuGet packages from SlnX", p.PackageReferencesFromSlnX.Select(x => x.Identity)));

                if (p.PackageReferencesFromAssemblies.Any())
                    content.AppendLine(PrintPackageInfo("NuGet packages from assemblies", p.PackageReferencesFromAssemblies.Select(x => x.Identity)));

                if (p.PackageReferencesFromCsProj.Any())
                    content.AppendLine(PrintPackageInfo("NuGet packages from .csProj (not yet used, informational only", p.PackageReferencesFromCsProj));

            content.AppendLine($"{Environment.NewLine}CS Projects imported for debugging:{Environment.NewLine}");
            foreach (var p in slnx.ProjectsImportedFromDebugSlnx ?? Enumerable.Empty <CsProject>())
                content.AppendLine($"{p.Name,-firstColWidth} => {p.FullPath}");

            content.AppendLine($"NuGet packages:{Environment.NewLine}");
            foreach (var p in slnx.Packages ?? Enumerable.Empty <NuGetClientHelper.NuGetPackage>())
                content.AppendLine($"{p,-firstColWidth} => {p.FullPath} [{p.PackageType}]");
                foreach (var d in p.Dependencies)
                    content.AppendLine($"    | {d.PackageDependency.Id,-sublineFirstColWidth} => {d.PackageDependency.VersionRange} [{p.PackageType}]");

            content.AppendLine($"{Environment.NewLine}NuGet packages required by the projects imported for debugging:{Environment.NewLine}");
            foreach (var p in slnx.PackagesImportedFromDebugSlnx ?? Enumerable.Empty <NuGetClientHelper.NuGetPackage>())
                content.AppendLine($"{p,-firstColWidth} => {p.FullPath} [{p.PackageType}]");
                foreach (var d in p.Dependencies)
                    content.AppendLine($"    | {d.PackageDependency.Id,-sublineFirstColWidth} => {d.PackageDependency.VersionRange} [{p.PackageType}]");

            content.AppendLine($"Environment variables:{Environment.NewLine}");

            var keys = GetAllKeys(slnx);

            foreach (var key in keys)
                var    envVar = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable(key);
                string value  = null;
                if (envVar != null)
                    value = slnx.SafeExpandEnvironmentVariables(envVar);
                content.AppendLine($"{key} = {value}");
            _fileWriter.WriteAllText(Path.Combine(outDir, "dump.txt"), content.ToString());