コード例 #1
 /// <summary>Writes a char encoded in UTF-8</summary>
 public static void WriteChar(ref SliceWriter writer, char value)
     if (value == 0)
     {             // NUL => "00 0F"
         // note: \0 is the only unicode character that will produce a zero byte when converted in UTF-8
         writer.WriteByte4(FdbTupleTypes.Utf8, 0x00, 0xFF, 0x00);
     else if (value < 0x80)
     {             // 0x00..0x7F => 0xxxxxxx
         writer.WriteByte3(FdbTupleTypes.Utf8, (byte)value, 0x00);
     else if (value < 0x800)
     {             // 0x80..0x7FF => 110xxxxx 10xxxxxx => two bytes
         writer.WriteByte4(FdbTupleTypes.Utf8, (byte)(0xC0 | (value >> 6)), (byte)(0x80 | (value & 0x3F)), 0x00);
     {             // 0x800..0xFFFF => 11110xxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx
         // note: System.Char is 16 bits, and thus cannot represent UNICODE chars above 0xFFFF.
         // => This means that a System.Char will never take more than 3 bytes in UTF-8 !
         var tmp = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(new string(value, 1));
         writer.EnsureBytes(tmp.Length + 2);
         writer.UnsafeWriteBytes(tmp, 0, tmp.Length);
コード例 #2
 /// <summary>Writes a 64-bit UUID</summary>
 public static void WriteUuid64(ref SliceWriter writer, Uuid64 value)
         byte *ptr = stackalloc byte[8];
         writer.UnsafeWriteBytes(ptr, 8);
コード例 #3
 /// <summary>Writes a RFC 4122 encoded 128-bit UUID</summary>
 public static void WriteUuid128(ref SliceWriter writer, Uuid128 value)
         byte *ptr = stackalloc byte[16];
         writer.UnsafeWriteBytes(ptr, 16);
コード例 #4
        /// <summary>Writes a RFC 4122 encoded 16-byte Microsoft GUID</summary>
        public static void WriteGuid(ref SliceWriter writer, Guid value)
                // UUIDs are stored using the RFC 4122 standard, so we need to swap some parts of the System.Guid

                byte *ptr = stackalloc byte[16];
                Uuid128.Write(value, ptr);
                writer.UnsafeWriteBytes(ptr, 16);
コード例 #5
        private static unsafe bool TryWriteUnescapedUtf8String(ref SliceWriter writer, char *chars, int count)
            Contract.Requires(chars != null && count >= 0);

            // Several observations:
            // * Most strings will be keywords or ASCII-only with no zeroes. These can be copied directly to the buffer
            // * We will only attempt to optimze strings that don't have any 00 to escape to 00 FF. For these, we will fallback to converting to byte[] then escaping.
            // * Since .NET's strings are UTF-16, the max possible UNICODE value to encode is 0xFFFF, which takes 3 bytes in UTF-8 (EF BF BF)
            // * Most western europe languages have only a few non-ASCII chars here and there, and most of them will only use 2 bytes (ex: 'é' => 'C3 A9')
            // * More complex scripts with dedicated symbol pages (kanjis, arabic, ....) will take 2 or 3 bytes for each charecter.

            // We will first do a pass to check for the presence of 00 and non-ASCII chars
            // => if we find at least on 00, we fallback to escaping the result of Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes()
            // => if we find only ASCII (1..127) chars, we have an optimized path that will truncate the chars to bytes
            // => if not, we will use an UTF8Encoder to convert the string to UTF-8, in chunks, using a small buffer allocated on the stack

            #region First pass: look for \0 and non-ASCII chars

            // fastest way to check for non-ASCII, is to OR all the chars together, and look at bits 7 to 15. If they are not all zero, there is at least ONE non-ASCII char.
            // also, we abort as soon as we find a \0

            char *ptr = chars;
            char *end = chars + count;
            char  mask = '\0', c;
            while (ptr < end && (c = *ptr) != '\0')
                mask |= c; ++ptr;

            if (ptr < end)
                return(false);                       // there is at least one \0 in the string
            // bit 7-15 all unset means the string is pure ASCII
            if ((mask >> 7) == 0)
            {             // => directly dump the chars to the buffer
                WriteUnescapedAsciiChars(ref writer, chars, count);


            #region Second pass: encode the string to UTF-8, in chunks

            // Here we know that there is at least one unicode char, and that there are no \0
            // We will tterate through the string, filling as much of the buffer as possible

            bool done;
            int  remaining = count;
            ptr = chars;

            // We need at most 3 * CHUNK_SIZE to encode the chunk
            // > For small strings, we will allocated exactly string.Length * 3 bytes, and will be done in one chunk
            // > For larger strings, we will call encoder.Convert(...) until it says it is done.
            const int CHUNK_SIZE = 1024;
            int       bufLen     = Encoding.UTF8.GetMaxByteCount(Math.Min(count, CHUNK_SIZE));
            byte *    buf        = stackalloc byte[bufLen];

            // We can not really predict the final size of the encoded string, but:
            // * Western languages have a few chars that usually need 2 bytes. If we pre-allocate 50% more bytes, it should fit most of the time, without too much waste
            // * Eastern langauges will have all chars encoded to 3 bytes. If we also pre-allocated 50% more, we should only need one resize of the buffer (150% x 2 = 300%), which is acceptable
            writer.EnsureBytes(checked (2 + count + (count >> 1)));            // preallocate 150% of the string + 2 bytes

            var encoder = Encoding.UTF8.GetEncoder();
            // note: encoder.Convert() tries to fill up the buffer as much as possible with complete chars, and will set 'done' to true when all chars have been converted.
                int charsUsed, bytesUsed;
                encoder.Convert(ptr, remaining, buf, bufLen, true, out charsUsed, out bytesUsed, out done);
                if (bytesUsed > 0)
                    writer.WriteBytes(buf, bytesUsed);
                remaining -= charsUsed;
                ptr       += charsUsed;
            }while (!done);
            Contract.Assert(remaining == 0 && ptr == end);

            // close the string

