コード例 #1
 public override bool Equals(SlangType other)
     if (other is SlangPointerType)
コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// return custom type for pointer and custom types
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="type">type</param>
        /// <returns>custom type (if exists), else null</returns>
        private SlangCustomType GetUserType(SlangType type)
            SlangCustomType usedType = null;

            if (type is SlangCustomType t)
                usedType = t;
            else if (type is SlangPointerType pt)
                usedType = pt.PtrType;
コード例 #3
        // helpers
        /// <summary>
        /// uses only for routines/fields declaration, another declares should use Visit() for types
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="returnType"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private string GetStringFromType(SlangType returnType)
            var res         = "";
            var simpleTypes = new Dictionary <string, string>
                { CompilerConstants.IntegerType, "int64_t" },
                { CompilerConstants.RealType, "double" },
                { CompilerConstants.CharacterType, "char" },
                { CompilerConstants.BooleanType, "bool" },
                { CompilerConstants.StringType, "std::string" }

            if (returnType is SlangSimpleType st)
                res = simpleTypes[st.Name];
            else if (returnType is SlangArrayType at)
                res += GetVectorTypeStart(at.Dimension);
                res += GetStringFromType(at.Type);
                res += GetVectorTypeEnd(at.Dimension);
            else if (returnType is SlangCustomType ct)
                var item = source.FindClass(ct);
                if (item.Header != null)
                    res = item.Header.Ident.Replace("\"", "");
                    res = ct.ModuleName == moduleName ? ct.Name : $"{ct.ModuleName}::{ct.Name}";
            else if (returnType is SlangPointerType pt)
                res = $"std::shared_ptr<{GetStringFromType(pt.PtrType)}>";
            else if (returnType == null)
                res = "void";
コード例 #4
 public override bool Equals(SlangType other)
コード例 #5
 public abstract bool Equals(SlangType other);
コード例 #6
 public override bool Equals(SlangType other) => other is SlangSimpleType s && s.Name == Name;
コード例 #7
 public ExpressionResult(SlangType type, ExpressionValueType exprType)
     Type           = type;
     ExpressionType = exprType;
コード例 #8
 public SlangCreateTypeExpression(SlangType type)
     this.Type = type;
コード例 #9
 /// <summary>
 /// Base type check, does not check LSP principle
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="other">what type we check</param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public override bool Equals(SlangType other) => (other is SlangCustomType t) && (t.Name == Name) && (t.ModuleName == ModuleName);
コード例 #10
 public override bool Equals(SlangType other) => other is SlangPointerType t && t.PtrType.Equals(PtrType);
コード例 #11
 public static void ThrowCannotInitializeAbstractClassException(SlangType type, FileInfo file, int line, int column) => ThrowException($"Cannot create variable or allocate memory for abstract class {type}", file, line, column);
コード例 #12
 public static void ThrowCannotAssignException(SlangType type, SlangType exprType, FileInfo file, int line, int column) => ThrowException($"Cannot assign value of type {exprType} to variable or constant with type {type}", file, line, column);
コード例 #13
 public static void ThrowInvalidUseOfTypeException(SlangType slangType, FileInfo file, int line, int column) => ThrowException($"Invalid use of type {slangType}", file, line, column);
コード例 #14
 public static void ThrowInvalidTypesForUnaryOperationException(ITerminalNode terminalNode, FileInfo file, SlangType type) => ThrowException($"Operation {terminalNode.GetText()} is not allowed for type {type}", file, terminalNode.Symbol);
コード例 #15
 public static void ThrowInvalidTypesForBinaryOperationException(IToken symbol, FileInfo file, SlangType leftType, SlangType rightType) => ThrowException($"Operation {symbol.Text} not allowed for types {leftType} and {rightType}", file, symbol);
コード例 #16
        private void ValidateContext(SLangGrammarParser.ThisHeaderContext thisHeader, ITerminalNode id, SLangGrammarParser.ImportHeadContext importHead, ITerminalNode accessModifier, ITerminalNode abstractToken, ITerminalNode overrideToken, SLangGrammarParser.RoutineArgListContext routineArgList, SLangGrammarParser.TypeNameContext typeName, SLangGrammarParser.StatementSeqContext statementSeq)
            var isMethod = thisHeader != null;
            var symbol   = id.Symbol;

            string nameOfThis = string.Empty;

            if (isMethod)
                nameOfThis = thisHeader.Id().GetText();
                ThrowIfReservedWord(nameOfThis, ModuleData.File, thisHeader.Id().Symbol);
                if (importHead != null)
                    ThrowImportHeaderMethodsException(ModuleData.File, id);
            var name = id.GetText();

            ThrowIfReservedWord(name, ModuleData.File, symbol);
            var          args   = Visit(routineArgList) as List <RoutineArgNameTableItem>;
            ImportHeader header = null;

            if (importHead != null)
                header = Visit(importHead) as ImportHeader;

            SlangType returnType = typeName != null?Visit(typeName) as SlangType : null;

            var modifier = GetModifierByName(accessModifier.GetText());

            var isAbstract = abstractToken != null;
            var isOverride = overrideToken != null;

            if (!isMethod && (isAbstract || isOverride))
                ThrowRoutinesAbstractOverrideException(ModuleData.File, abstractToken ?? overrideToken);

            if (header != null && statementSeq.statement().Length != 0)
                ThrowImportHeaderException(ModuleData.File, id);

            if (isMethod)
                if (Visit(thisHeader) is SlangCustomType methodTypeIdent && methodTypeIdent.ModuleName != ModuleData.Name)
                    ThrowModuleFromOtherClassModuleException(id, ModuleData.File);
                if (isAbstract)
                    ThrowIfAbstractMethodPrivate(modifier, ModuleData.File, id);
                if ((args ?? throw new InvalidOperationException(nameof(args))).Any(a => a.Name == nameOfThis))
                    ThrowConfictsThisException(thisHeader.Id(), ModuleData.File);
                var classData  = Visit(thisHeader) as SlangCustomType;
                var foundClass = Table.FindClass(classData);

                if (foundClass.Methods.ContainsKey(name))
                    ThrowMethodSignatureExistsException(classData, id, ModuleData.File);

                if (isAbstract && statementSeq.statement().Length != 0)
                    ThrowAbstractEmptyException(id, ModuleData.File);

                var method = new MethodNameTableItem
                    AccessModifier = modifier,
                    Column         = symbol.Column,
                    Header         = header,
                    IsAbstract     = isAbstract,
                    IsOverride     = isOverride,
                    Line           = symbol.Line,
                    Name           = name,
                    NameOfThis     = nameOfThis,
                    Params         = args,
                    ReturnType     = returnType
                if (modifier == AccessModifier.Public)
                    CheckLevelAccessForMethods(method, id, classData);

                foundClass.CheckRoutineConflicts(moduleItem.ModuleData, method);
                foundClass.Methods.Add(method.Name, method);
                if (moduleItem.Routines.ContainsKey(name))
                    ThrowRoutineExistsException(id, ModuleData.File);

                var routine = new RoutineNameTableItem
                    AccessModifier = modifier,
                    Column         = symbol.Column,
                    Line           = symbol.Line,
                    Header         = header,
                    Name           = name,
                    Params         = args,
                    ReturnType     = returnType

                if (modifier == AccessModifier.Public)
                    CheckLevelAccessForRoutines(routine, id, name);

                moduleItem.CheckCommonNamesConflicts(routine.Name, routine.Line, routine.Column);
                moduleItem.Routines.Add(routine.Name, routine);