コード例 #1
        private static void Loading_OnLoadingComplete(EventArgs args)
            if (User.ChampionName != "Leblanc")

            Q = new Spell.Targeted(spellSlot: SpellSlot.Q, spellRange: 700);

            W = new Spell.Skillshot(spellSlot: SpellSlot.W, spellRange: 600, skillShotType: SkillShotType.Circular, castDelay: 250, spellSpeed: 1450, spellWidth: 250);

            E = new Spell.Skillshot(spellSlot: SpellSlot.E, spellRange: 950, skillShotType: SkillShotType.Linear, castDelay: 250, spellSpeed: 1550, spellWidth: 55);
            { E.AllowedCollisionCount = 0; }
            R = new Spell.Targeted(spellSlot: SpellSlot.R, spellRange: 950);

            WReturn = new Spell.Active(SpellSlot.W);

            RReturn = new Spell.Active(SpellSlot.R);

            QUlti = new Spell.Targeted(SpellSlot.R, Q.Range);

            WUlti = new Spell.Skillshot(SpellSlot.R, W.Range, SkillShotType.Circular, 250, 1450, 250);

            EUlti = new Spell.Skillshot(spellSlot: SpellSlot.R, spellRange: 950, skillShotType: SkillShotType.Linear, castDelay: 250, spellSpeed: 1550, spellWidth: 55);
            { EUlti.AllowedCollisionCount = 0; }

            HealthPotion  = new Item(2003, 0);
            Biscuit       = new Item(2010, 0);
            CorruptPotion = new Item(2033, 0);
            RefillPotion  = new Item(2031, 0);
            HuntersPotion = new Item(2032, 0);


            Chat.Print("LeBlancZero loaded successfully");

            CurrentSkinID = User.SkinId;

            LBMenu = MainMenu.AddMenu("LeBlancZero", "LeBlancZero");

            ComboMenu = LBMenu.AddSubMenu("Combo");
            ComboMenu.AddGroupLabel("Combo Settings");
            ComboMenu.Add("Q", new CheckBox("Use Q"));
            ComboMenu.Add("W", new CheckBox("Use W"));
            ComboMenu.Add("Wreturn", new CheckBox("Use W Return"));
            ComboMenu.Add("E", new CheckBox("Use E"));
            ComboMenu.Add("R", new CheckBox("Use R"));
            ComboMenu.AddGroupLabel("Ultimate Settings");
            ComboMenu.Add("Rcombo", new ComboBox("Combos", 0, Combos));
            ComboMenu.Add("Rreturn", new CheckBox("Use R Return"));

            LaneClearMenu = LBMenu.AddSubMenu("LaneClear");
            LaneClearMenu.AddGroupLabel("LaneClear Settings");
            LaneClearMenu.Add("LCQ", new CheckBox("Use Q"));
            LaneClearMenu.Add("LCW", new CheckBox("Use W"));
            LaneClearMenu.Add("WE", new Slider("Use W when it hits Minions >=", 3, 1, 10));

            FleeMenu = LBMenu.AddSubMenu("Flee");
            FleeMenu.AddGroupLabel("Flee Settings");
            FleeMenu.Add("FleeW", new CheckBox("Use W"));
            FleeMenu.Add("FleeR", new CheckBox("Use R"));

            ItemMenu = LBMenu.AddSubMenu("Items");
            ItemMenu.AddGroupLabel("Item Settings");
            ItemMenu.Add("potion", new CheckBox("Auto Use Potion"));
            ItemMenu.Add("potionhp", new Slider("%HP to use Potion <=", 70, 0, 100));

            DrawingsMenu = LBMenu.AddSubMenu("Drawings");
            DrawingsMenu.AddGroupLabel("Drawing Settings");
            DrawingsMenu.Add("DrawQ", new CheckBox("Draw Q"));
            DrawingsMenu.Add("DrawW", new CheckBox("Draw W"));
            DrawingsMenu.Add("DrawE", new CheckBox("Draw E"));

            SkinChangerMenu = LBMenu.AddSubMenu("Skin Changer");
            SkinChangerMenu.Add("EnableSkin", new CheckBox("Enable Skinchanger", false));
            SkinChangerMenu.Add("SkinID", new Slider("Skin ID", 1, 0, 5));

            Drawing.OnDraw += Drawing_OnDraw;

            Game.OnTick += Game_OnTick;
コード例 #2
        private static void Loading_OnLoadingComplete(EventArgs args)
            if (User.ChampionName != "Tryndamere")

            Q = new Spell.Active(spellSlot: SpellSlot.Q);

            W = new Spell.Targeted(spellSlot: SpellSlot.W, spellRange: 850);

            E = new Spell.Skillshot(spellSlot: SpellSlot.E, spellRange: 660, skillShotType: SkillShotType.Circular, spellSpeed: 700, spellWidth: 225);

            R = new Spell.Active(spellSlot: SpellSlot.R);

            bilgewater = new Item(3144, 550);
            botrk      = new Item(3153, 550);
            tiamat     = new Item(3077, 400);
            hydra      = new Item(3074, 400);
            Youmuu     = new Item(3142, 800);

            HealthPotion  = new Item(2003, 0);
            Biscuit       = new Item(2010, 0);
            CorruptPotion = new Item(2033, 0);
            RefillPotion  = new Item(2031, 0);
            HuntersPotion = new Item(2032, 0);


            Chat.Print("TryndaZero loaded successfully");

            CurrentSkinID = User.SkinId;

            TryndaMenu = MainMenu.AddMenu("TryndaZero", "TryndaZero");

            ComboMenu = TryndaMenu.AddSubMenu("Combo");
            ComboMenu.AddGroupLabel("Combo Settings");
            ComboMenu.Add("W", new CheckBox("Use W"));
            ComboMenu.Add("E", new CheckBox("Use E"));
            ComboMenu.Add("UseE", new CheckBox("Use E Only if out of AA Range"));
            ComboMenu.AddGroupLabel("Auto Q Settings");
            ComboMenu.Add("Q", new CheckBox("Auto Use Q"));
            ComboMenu.Add("UseQ", new Slider("% HP to cast Q", 70, 1, 100));
            ComboMenu.AddGroupLabel("Auto R Settings(Use Key for quick changing)");
            ComboMenu.Add("R", new KeyBind("Auto Use R(Enemy in 1200 Range)", true, KeyBind.BindTypes.PressToggle, 'L'));
            ComboMenu.Add("AR", new CheckBox("Always Auto Use R", false));
            ComboMenu.Add("UseR", new Slider("% HP to cast R", 20, 1, 100));

            LaneClearMenu = TryndaMenu.AddSubMenu("LaneClear");
            LaneClearMenu.AddGroupLabel("LaneClear Settings");
            LaneClearMenu.Add("E", new CheckBox("Use E"));
            LaneClearMenu.Add("Elc", new Slider("Minions to use E >=", 3, 1, 10));

            JungleClearMenu = TryndaMenu.AddSubMenu("JungleClear");
            JungleClearMenu.AddGroupLabel("Jungle Clear Settings");
            JungleClearMenu.Add("EJ", new CheckBox("Use E"));

            FleeMenu = TryndaMenu.AddSubMenu("Flee");
            FleeMenu.AddGroupLabel("Flee Settings");
            FleeMenu.Add("EF", new CheckBox("Use E"));

            ItemMenu = TryndaMenu.AddSubMenu("Items");
            ItemMenu.AddGroupLabel("Item Settings");
            ItemMenu.Add("bilge", new CheckBox("Use Bilgewater Cutlass in Combo"));
            ItemMenu.Add("youmuu", new CheckBox("Use Youmuu's in Combo"));
            ItemMenu.Add("tia", new CheckBox("Use Tiamat in Combo"));
            ItemMenu.Add("hydra", new CheckBox("Use Hydra in Combo"));
            ItemMenu.Add("botrk", new CheckBox("Use BotrK in Combo"));
            ItemMenu.Add("bork", new Slider("%HP to use BotrK <=", 75, 0, 100));
            ItemMenu.Add("tialc", new CheckBox("Use Tiamat in Laneclear/JungleClear"));
            ItemMenu.Add("hydralc", new CheckBox("Use Hydra in Laneclear/JungleClear"));
            ItemMenu.Add("potion", new CheckBox("Auto Use Potion"));
            ItemMenu.Add("potionhp", new Slider("Use Auto Potion when %HP <=", 50, 0, 100));

            DrawingsMenu = TryndaMenu.AddSubMenu("Drawings");
            DrawingsMenu.AddGroupLabel("Drawing Settings");
            DrawingsMenu.Add("DrawW", new CheckBox("Draw W"));
            DrawingsMenu.Add("DrawE", new CheckBox("Draw E"));

            SkinChangerMenu = TryndaMenu.AddSubMenu("Skin Changer");
            SkinChangerMenu.Add("EnableSkin", new CheckBox("Enable Skinchanger", false));
            SkinChangerMenu.Add("SkinID", new Slider("Skin ID", 1, 0, 8));

            Drawing.OnDraw += Drawing_OnDraw;

            Game.OnTick += Game_OnTick;
コード例 #3
ファイル: Trynda0.cs プロジェクト: tekintr/Elobuddy
        private static void Loading_OnLoadingComplete(EventArgs args)
            if (User.ChampionName != "Tryndamere")

            Q = new Spell.Active(spellSlot: SpellSlot.Q);

            W = new Spell.Targeted(spellSlot: SpellSlot.W, spellRange: 850);

            E = new Spell.Skillshot(spellSlot: SpellSlot.E, spellRange: 660, skillShotType: SkillShotType.Linear, spellSpeed: 700, spellWidth: 225);

            R = new Spell.Active(spellSlot: SpellSlot.R);

            bilgewater = new Item(3144, 550);
            botrk      = new Item(3153, 550);
            tiamat     = new Item(3077, 400);
            hydra      = new Item(3074, 400);
            Youmuu     = new Item(3142, 800);

            HealthPotion  = new Item(2003, 0);
            Biscuit       = new Item(2010, 0);
            CorruptPotion = new Item(2033, 0);
            RefillPotion  = new Item(2031, 0);
            HuntersPotion = new Item(2032, 0);


            Chat.Print("TryndaZero Basari ile yuklendi.Ceviri TekinTR");

            CurrentSkinID = User.SkinId;

            TryndaMenu = MainMenu.AddMenu("TryndaZero", "TryndaZero");

            ComboMenu = TryndaMenu.AddSubMenu("Combo");
            ComboMenu.AddGroupLabel("Combo Settings");
            ComboMenu.Add("W", new CheckBox("Kullan W"));
            ComboMenu.Add("E", new CheckBox("Kullan E"));
            ComboMenu.Add("UseE", new CheckBox("Kullan E oto atak menzilinden cikinca"));
            ComboMenu.AddGroupLabel("Auto Q Settings");
            ComboMenu.Add("Q", new CheckBox("Otomatik Q"));
            ComboMenu.Add("QA", new CheckBox("Sadece 100 ofkeden Q kullan"));
            ComboMenu.Add("UseQ", new Slider("% Q kullanmak icin HP", 70, 1, 100));
            ComboMenu.AddGroupLabel("Auto R Settings(Use Key for quick changing)");
            ComboMenu.Add("RE", new CheckBox("Kullan R"));
            ComboMenu.Add("R", new KeyBind("Oto kullan R(Dusman 1200 Uzaklikdaysa)", true, KeyBind.BindTypes.PressToggle, 'L'));
            ComboMenu.Add("AR", new CheckBox("Surekli oto kullan R", false));
            ComboMenu.Add("UseR", new Slider("% R icin gereken HP", 20, 1, 100));

            LaneClearMenu = TryndaMenu.AddSubMenu("LaneClear");
            LaneClearMenu.AddGroupLabel("LaneClear Settings");
            LaneClearMenu.Add("E", new CheckBox("Kullan E"));
            LaneClearMenu.Add("Elc", new Slider("Kac Minyona E >=", 3, 1, 10));

            JungleClearMenu = TryndaMenu.AddSubMenu("JungleClear");
            JungleClearMenu.AddGroupLabel("Jungle Clear Settings");
            JungleClearMenu.Add("EJ", new CheckBox("Kullan E"));

            FleeMenu = TryndaMenu.AddSubMenu("Flee");
            FleeMenu.AddGroupLabel("Flee Settings");
            FleeMenu.Add("EF", new CheckBox("Kullan E"));

            ItemMenu = TryndaMenu.AddSubMenu("Items");
            ItemMenu.AddGroupLabel("Item Settings");
            ItemMenu.Add("bilge", new CheckBox("Komboda Bilgewater Palasi kullan"));
            ItemMenu.Add("youmuu", new CheckBox("Komboda Youmuu kullan"));
            ItemMenu.Add("tia", new CheckBox("Komboda Tiamat kullan"));
            ItemMenu.Add("hydra", new CheckBox("Komboda Hydra kullan"));
            ItemMenu.Add("botrk", new CheckBox("Komboda Mahvolmus kullan"));
            ItemMenu.Add("bork", new Slider("% HP azsa mahvolmus kullan <=", 75, 0, 100));
            ItemMenu.Add("tialc", new CheckBox("Kullan Tiamat Koridor/Orman"));
            ItemMenu.Add("hydralc", new CheckBox("Kullan Hydra Koridor/Orman"));
            ItemMenu.Add("potion", new CheckBox("Oto iksir kullan"));
            ItemMenu.Add("potionhp", new Slider("Canim az ise oto iksir %HP <=", 50, 0, 100));

            DrawingsMenu = TryndaMenu.AddSubMenu("Drawings");
            DrawingsMenu.AddGroupLabel("Drawing Settings");
            DrawingsMenu.Add("DrawW", new CheckBox("Goster W"));
            DrawingsMenu.Add("DrawE", new CheckBox("Goster E"));

            SkinChangerMenu = TryndaMenu.AddSubMenu("Skin Changer");
            SkinChangerMenu.Add("EnableSkin", new CheckBox("Skin Secici Aktif", false));
            SkinChangerMenu.Add("SkinID", new Slider("Skin ID", 1, 0, 8));

            Orbwalker.OnPostAttack += Orbwalker_OnPostAttack;

            Drawing.OnDraw += Drawing_OnDraw;

            Game.OnTick += Game_OnTick;