public void UpdateLate() { if (null == _addSkillCommand || _addSkillCommand.Count == 0) { return; } while (_addSkillCommand.Count > 0) { SkillCommand command = _addSkillCommand[0]; _addSkillCommand.RemoveAt(0); if (null != command) { ICharaBattle battleInfo = ZTBattleSceneManager.GetInstance().GetCharaById(command.BattleId) as ICharaBattle; if (null == battleInfo) { return; } if (!_skillParserDic.ContainsKey(command.BattleId)) { _skillParserDic.Add(command.BattleId, new List <SkillActionParser>()); } SkillActionParser skillParser = new SkillActionParser(battleInfo, command); _skillParserDic[battleInfo.BattleId].Add(skillParser); } } }
public void DoColliderAction(ICharaBattle player) { _colliderCount++; if (_colliderInfo.ColliderMax != -1 && _colliderCount >= _colliderInfo.ColliderMax) { Complete(); return; } if (null != _colliderInfo.FightEffectList && _colliderInfo.FightEffectList.Count > 0) { Vector3 dir = new Vector3(_collider.x, 0, _collider.y); dir = (player.MovePos - dir).normalized; for (int i = 0; i < _colliderInfo.FightEffectList.Count; i++) { FightEffectInfo info = _colliderInfo.FightEffectList[i]; if (info.EffectTarget == FIGHT_EF_TARGET.SELF) { FightEffectDefine.ParseEffect(_skillPlayer, info, _skillPlayer.BattleId, dir); } else { SkillCommand command = null; if (info.EffectType == FIGHT_EF_TPYE.ACTION) { uint frame = ZTBattleSceneManager.GetInstance().SceneFrame; command = FightDefine.GetSkillCommand(player.BattleId, frame, info.Param1, dir, player.MovePos); } FightEffectDefine.ParseEffect(player, info, _skillPlayer.BattleId, dir, command); } } } }
internal void Skill(uint entityId, int skillId) { SkillCommand cmd = CommandManager.Instance.CreateCommand("skill") as SkillCommand; cmd.Load(entityId, skillId); cmd.Execute(m_Instance, m_DeltaTime); }
public void ReceiveSkillCommand(SkillCommand inCommand) { activeSkillCommand = inCommand; //deduct mp if (!GameContext.DEBUG_INFINITE_MP) { activeSkillCommand.source.SpendMp(activeSkillCommand.skill.mpCost); } //if it's not a friendly skill always move to face the first target if (!activeSkillCommand.skill.isFriendly && activeSkillCommand.targets.Count > 0) { CharacterData source = activeSkillCommand.source; CharacterData target = activeSkillCommand.targets[0]; float sourceX = source.spawnPosition.x; float targX = target.spawnPosition.x; if (targX > sourceX && source.direction == Direction.LEFT || targX < sourceX && source.direction == Direction.RIGHT) { source.FlipDirection(); } } }
private static void OnSkillUsed(Adventure inAdventure, SkillCommand inCommand) { var targetId = inCommand.targets[0].id; var targetNumber = inCommand.targets[0].orderInTeam; Console.WriteLine($"{} used skill {} on {targetId} [position {targetNumber}]"); }
void Start() { _skillCommand = GameModel.Get <SkillCommand>(); _pay = GameModel.Get <CompoundPaymentService>(); GameModel.HandleGet <PlanetModel>(OnPlanetChange); GameModel.HandleGet <UnitModel>(OnUnitChange); }
private static void AddSub(SkillIDs baseskill, int levels, SkillCommand func) { for (int i = 0; i < levels; i++) { SkillCommands.Add((SkillIDs)((int)baseskill + i), func); } }
public SkillActionParser(ICharaBattle playerBase, SkillCommand command) { SkillPlayer = playerBase; Command = command; _skillActionDic = new Dictionary <uint, List <SkillActionBase> >(); IsComplete = false; ParseSkillAction(); }
//使用技能 public void SkillCommand(SkillCommand command) { if (CanUseSkill() && null != command) { //BattleState = BATTLE_STATE.SKILL; SceneEvent.GetInstance().dispatchEvent(SCENE_EVENT.ADD_SKILL_PARSER, new Notification(command)); } }
// 追擊某個敵人.直到某些狀況才結束.(未完成) private void Battle(Animal enemy) { skillCommand = DetermineSkill(enemy.position); if (skillCommand == SkillCommand.None) { Wander(); } }
public void Execute(CharacterData inActiveCharacter, Adventure inAdventure, SkillCommand inCommandToPopulate) { //use triggers if they exist instead of regular psuedocode commands if (triggers.Count > 0) { ExecuteTriggers(inActiveCharacter, inAdventure, inCommandToPopulate); return; } }
private static void DoAction(ICharaBattle battleInfo, FightEffectInfo effect, uint userId = 0, Vector3 dir = default(Vector3), object takeParam = null) { SkillCommand skill = takeParam as SkillCommand; if (null != skill && null != battleInfo) { battleInfo.SkillCommand(skill); } }
public override void OnEnter() { base.OnEnter(); obj_skill_command.Value.gameObject.SetActive(true); skillCommand = obj_skill_command.Value.GetComponent <SkillCommand>(); skillCommand.OnCancel.AddListener(HandleCancel); skillCommand.OnSelectedSkillIndex.AddListener(HandleSelectedSkillIndex); }
public SkillCommand PopulateAISkillCommand(SkillCommand inCommand, CharacterTeam opposingTeam) { //right now always choose a random target CharacterData target = opposingTeam.GetRandomLivingMember(); Skill skillToUse = GetDefaultSkill(); inCommand.Reset(skillToUse, this); inCommand.AddTarget(target); return(inCommand); }
// Command를 할수 있는지 없는지만 검사합니다. // 생성자대용으로 사용합니다. public static bool CreateCommand(Unit unit, Cube target, out SkillCommand skillCommand) { if (MapMgr.Instance.IsInRange(unit.skill.skillRange, unit.GetCube, target)) { skillCommand = new SkillCommand(target); return(true); } else { skillCommand = null; return(false); } }
public void Init() { _factory = GameModel.Get <UnitFactory>(); _skillCommand = GameModel.Get <SkillCommand>(); _unitDefenseUpdateCommand = GameModel.Get <UnitDefenseUpdateCommand>(); _unitUseCompoundCommand = GameModel.Get <UnitUseCompoundCommand>(); GameModel.HandleGet <PlanetModel>(OnPlanetChange); GameMessage.Listen <HexClickedMessage>(OnHexClickedMessage); //GameMessage.Listen<ClockTickMessage>( OnClockTick ); GameMessage.Listen <ResistanceUpgradeMessage>(OnResistanceUpgrade); GameMessage.Listen <UnitPropUpgradeMessage>(OnUnitPropUpgradeMessage); GameMessage.Listen <UnitUseCompoundMessage>(OnUnitUseCompoundMessage); GameMessage.Listen <UnitSelectMessage>(OnUnitSelectMessage); GameMessage.Listen <UnitAddMessage>(OnUnitAddMessage); }
public override void OnDestroy() { base.OnDestroy(); GameModel.RemoveHandle <PlanetModel>(OnPlanetChange); GameModel.RemoveHandle <UnitModel>(OnUnitChange); GameMessage.StopListen <SkillDeactivateAllMessage>(OnSkillDeactivate); _tooltipMessage.Action = TooltipAction.HIDE; GameMessage.Send(_tooltipMessage); _life = null; _skillCommand = null; _pay = null; _tooltipMessage = null; _deactivateMessage = null; _unit = null; }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { //메모리풀 세팅 MemoryPoolManager.Instance.SetObject("ThrowMesh", 1); MemoryPoolManager.Instance.SetObject("BashEffect", 1); MemoryPoolManager.Instance.SetObject("BuffEffect", 1, FxCenter); MemoryPoolManager.Instance.SetObject("RecoveryHP", 10, FxCenter); MemoryPoolManager.Instance.SetObject("RecoveryMP", 10, FxCenter); PlayerIO.LoadData(); moveCommand = new MoveCommand(); for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) { SkillCommands[i] = new SkillCommand(i); } }
=> true; // 범위내의 모든 큐브에 Cast가능합니다. private void CastSkillOnCube(Cube cubeClicked) { this.cubeClicked = cubeClicked; TurnMgr_State_ nextState = new TurnMgr_PlayerBegin_(owner, unit); owner.stateMachine.ChangeState( new TurnMgr_WaitSingleEvent_( owner, unit, EventMgr.Instance.onUnitSkillExit, nextState, (param) => ((UnitStateEvent)param)._owner == unit), StateMachine <TurnMgr> .StateTransitionMethod.JustPush); unit.StopBlink(); SkillCommand skillCommand; if (SkillCommand.CreateCommand(unit, cubeClicked, out skillCommand)) { unit.EnqueueCommand(skillCommand); } }
public IEnumerator Skill(SkillCommand skillCommand) { BattleCharacter owner = skillCommand.owner; string skillName = skillCommand.skillData.skillName; int skillMp =; string skillMessage = skillCommand.owner.CharacterName + "は" + skillName + "をつかった"; yield return(StartCoroutine(message.ShowAuto(skillMessage))); if ( <= skillMp) { yield return(StartCoroutine(message.ShowAuto("しかし MPが たりない!"))); yield break; } owner.GainMp(skillMp); yield return(StartCoroutine(effectExecutor.Execution(skillCommand))); yield break; }
// 在家附近巡邏.不會離太遠. private void Patrol(Creater home) { Point2D temp = this.posit.Copy(); Vector2D target = RandomVector(10); for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { temp.MoveFor(target, 1); if (temp.DistanceTo(home.position) > patrolDist) { temp.MoveFor(target, -1); target = VectorConvert.Rotate(target); } else { moveCommamd = Convert(target); return; } } skillCommand = SkillCommand.None; patrolDist = this.posit.DistanceTo(home.position); }
private List <CharacterData[]> pendingCharacterTransformations; //this is NOT for transmuting. this is for when a character "dies" and turns into another public BattleManager(Adventure inAdventure) { adventure = inAdventure; curFile = SaveFile.GetSaveFile(); charactersInBattle = new List <CharacterData>(); turnQueue = new List <CharacterData>(); currentSkillResults = new List <SkillResult>(); currentDeadCharacters = new List <CharacterData>(); pendingCharacterTransformations = new List <CharacterData[]>(); cachedSkillCommand = new SkillCommand(); stepsInATurn = new List <Action>(); stepsInATurn.Add(EnactPendingCharacterTransformations); stepsInATurn.Add(BeginTurn); stepsInATurn.Add(CheckForRegenProc); stepsInATurn.Add(ActivateNextCharacter); stepsInATurn.Add(RequestActiveCharacterInput); stepsInATurn.Add(ResolveActiveSkillCommand); stepsInATurn.Add(CleanupActiveSkillCommand); stepsInATurn.Add(DeactivateActiveCharacter); stepsInATurn.Add(CheckForStatusProc); stepsInATurn.Add(CheckForDeaths); stepsInATurn.Add(EarnLootForDeadEnemies); stepsInATurn.Add(EndTurn); stepsInATurn.Add(CheckForPlayerTeamRevive); stepsInATurn.Add(CheckForBattleEnd); stepsInATurn.Add(Repeat); defaultEnemyScript = SodaScript.GetPremadeScript(SodaScript.SCRIPT_DEFAULT_ENEMY); playerTeamHasRevivedOnceThisTrip = false; }
//-------------------------------------------------- public void Move(Character pUser, CInPacket iPacket) { // TODO: Set person whose client sent this as controller ( they may not be ) //Recv [CP_MobMove] [E3 00] [11 27 00 00] [12 00] 00 1D 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 CC DD FF 00 CC DD FF 00 BA 16 D8 40 09 05 5E 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 09 05 5E 00 00 00 00 00 DC 00 00 00 00 00 05 38 04 00 09 05 5E 00 09 05 5E 00 01 01 01 00 9A 48 03 00 var pMonster = this[iPacket.Decode4()]; // TODO don't block the packet if the sender isnt the controller if (pMonster == null || pMonster.Controller.dwId != pUser.dwId) { return; } var nMobCtrlSN = iPacket.Decode2(); var dwFlag = iPacket.Decode1(); // bSomeRand | 4 * (bRushMove | 2 * (bRiseByToss | 2 * nMobCtrlState)); var bNextAttackPossible = (dwFlag & 0xF) != 0; // BMS var nActionAndDir = iPacket.Decode1(); var dwData = iPacket.Decode4(); // !CMob::DoSkill(v7, (unsigned __int8)dwData, BYTE1(dwData), dwData >> 16) var nMultiTargetSize = iPacket.Decode4(); for (int i = 0; i < nMultiTargetSize; i++) { iPacket.Decode4(); //aMultiTargetForBall[i].x iPacket.Decode4(); //aMultiTargetForBall[i].y } var nRandTimeSize = iPacket.Decode4(); for (int i = 0; i < nRandTimeSize; i++) { iPacket.Decode4(); //m_aRandTimeforAreaAttack[i] } var nMoveFlags = iPacket.Decode1(); iPacket.Decode4(); //CVecCtrlMob::GetHackedCode iPacket.Decode4(); //CVecCtrlMob::MoveContext::FlyContext->ptTargey.x iPacket.Decode4(); //CVecCtrlMob::MoveContext::FlyContext->ptTargey.y iPacket.Decode4(); //dwHackedCodeCRC // TODO change controller logic //if (mob.getController().getUser() != ctrl && ((mobCtrlState & 0xF0) == 0 || mob.isNextAttackPossible() // || !lifePool.changeMobController(ctrl.getCharacterID(), mob, true))) //{ // mob.sendChangeControllerPacket(ctrl, (byte)0); // return; //} var nAction = (byte)(nActionAndDir == 0xFF // -1 ? 0xFF : nActionAndDir >> 1); var skillCommand = new SkillCommand(); // populated by OnMobMove() if (pMonster.OnMobMove(bNextAttackPossible, nAction, dwData, skillCommand)) { pUser.SendPacket(CPacket.CMobPool.MobMoveAck(pMonster.dwId, nMobCtrlSN, bNextAttackPossible, pMonster.Stats.MP, skillCommand)); var oPacket = CPacket.CMobPool.MobMove(pMonster.dwId, bNextAttackPossible, nActionAndDir, dwData); var len = pMonster.Position.UpdateMovePath(oPacket, iPacket); // decode & encode movepath iPacket.Decode1(); // bChasing iPacket.Decode1(); // pTarget != 0 iPacket.Decode1(); // bChasing iPacket.Decode1(); // bChasingHack iPacket.Decode4(); // tChaseDuration if (len > 0) { Field.Broadcast(oPacket, pUser); } } }
public void OnClick(SkillData skillData) { SkillCommand skill = new SkillCommand(skillData); BattleInputController.instance.SelectCommand(skill); }
private void OnAddSkillParser(Notification data) { SkillCommand command = (data.param) as SkillCommand; _addSkillCommand.Add(command); }
public void ExecuteTriggers(CharacterData inActiveCharacter, Adventure inAdventure, SkillCommand inCommandToPopulate) { //store some data up front that will probably be useful activeCharacter = inActiveCharacter; adventure = inAdventure; opposingTeam = inAdventure.GetTeamOppositeOfFaction(activeCharacter.curFaction); ownTeam = inAdventure.GetTeamForFaction(activeCharacter.curFaction); if (potentialTargets == null) { potentialTargets = new List <CharacterData>(); } if (culledTargets == null) { culledTargets = new List <CharacterData>(); } potentialSkill = null; //for a trigger to eval it needs a valid target, and the ability to cast the requested spell bool atLeastOneTriggerEvaluated = false; for (int i = 0; i < triggers.Count; i++) { if (EvalTrigger(triggers[i], inCommandToPopulate)) { atLeastOneTriggerEvaluated = true; break; } } //if we made it this far, fall back to the default trigger that will always fire if (!atLeastOneTriggerEvaluated) { EvalTrigger(defaultTrigger, inCommandToPopulate); } //cleanup potentialTargets.Clear(); culledTargets.Clear(); potentialSkill = null; }
private bool EvalTrigger(SodaScriptTrigger inTrigger, SkillCommand inCommandToPopulate) { //is this a trigger with a percentage chance? if so start with that since it can save us processing time if (inTrigger.percentageChance < 100) { if (!Utils.PercentageChance(inTrigger.percentageChance)) { return(false); } } potentialTargets.Clear(); culledTargets.Clear(); CharacterData curTarget = null; if ( == SodaScriptTarget.SELF) { potentialTargets.Add(activeCharacter); } else if ( == SodaScriptTarget.ALLY) { for (int i = 0; i < ownTeam.members.Count; i++) { curTarget = ownTeam.members[i]; if (!curTarget.dead && curTarget != activeCharacter) { potentialTargets.Add(curTarget); } } } else if ( == SodaScriptTarget.ENEMY) { for (int i = 0; i < opposingTeam.members.Count; i++) { curTarget = opposingTeam.members[i]; if (!curTarget.dead) { potentialTargets.Add(curTarget); } } } //we might not even have a list of *potential* targets! (this would happen in a case when we try target an ally but we're the only member on the team) if (potentialTargets.Count == 0) { return(false); } //eval the condition on our list if (inTrigger.condition == SodaScriptCondition.ANY) { curTarget = potentialTargets.GetRandomElement(); potentialTargets.Clear(); potentialTargets.Add(curTarget); } else { //default to a normal eval EvalCondition(inTrigger.condition, inTrigger.comparison, inTrigger.compareValue, potentialTargets); } //exit if no potentials found yet if (potentialTargets.Count == 0) { return(false); } //do we have to check a secondary condition? if (inTrigger.hasSecondaryCondition) { EvalCondition(inTrigger.secondaryCondition, inTrigger.secondaryComparison, inTrigger.secondaryCompareValue, potentialTargets); } //did we find a valid target? if not, return false if (potentialTargets.Count == 0) { return(false); } //fix some issues when targetting self and requesting certain skill categories, turn into strongest *self* heal (avoids issues with first aid) if ( == SodaScriptTarget.SELF) { if (inTrigger.skillCategory == SodaScriptSkillCategory.STRONGEST_HEAL) { inTrigger.skillCategory = SodaScriptSkillCategory.STRONGEST_SELF_HEAL; } if (inTrigger.skillCategory == SodaScriptSkillCategory.ANY_BUFF) { inTrigger.skillCategory = SodaScriptSkillCategory.ANY_SELF_BUFF; } } //is the skill also valid? if not, return false if (inTrigger.skillCategory == SodaScriptSkillCategory.DEFAULT) { potentialSkill = activeCharacter.GetDefaultSkill(); } else if (inTrigger.skillCategory == SodaScriptSkillCategory.SPECIFIC) { potentialSkill = Skill.GetSkill(inTrigger.skillId); } else if (inTrigger.skillCategory == SodaScriptSkillCategory.ANY_NON_FRIENDLY_THAT_CONSUMES_MP) { potentialSkill = activeCharacter.GetAnyNonFriendlySkillThatUsesMP(); } else if (inTrigger.skillCategory == SodaScriptSkillCategory.ANY_NON_FRIENDLY_THAT_DOESNT_CONSUME_MP) { potentialSkill = activeCharacter.GetAnyNonFriendlySkillThatDoesntUseMP(); } else if (inTrigger.skillCategory == SodaScriptSkillCategory.ANY) { potentialSkill = activeCharacter.GetRandomUsableSkill(); } else if (inTrigger.skillCategory == SodaScriptSkillCategory.STRONGEST_SELF_HEAL) { potentialSkill = activeCharacter.GetStrongestUsableHealSkill(false, true); } else if (inTrigger.skillCategory == SodaScriptSkillCategory.STRONGEST_HEAL) { potentialSkill = activeCharacter.GetStrongestUsableHealSkill(false, false); } else if (inTrigger.skillCategory == SodaScriptSkillCategory.STRONGEST_GROUP_HEAL) { potentialSkill = activeCharacter.GetStrongestUsableHealSkill(true, false); } else if (inTrigger.skillCategory == SodaScriptSkillCategory.STRONGEST_ATTACK) { potentialSkill = activeCharacter.GetStrongestUsableDamageSkill(false); } else if (inTrigger.skillCategory == SodaScriptSkillCategory.STRONGEST_GROUP_ATTACK) { potentialSkill = activeCharacter.GetStrongestUsableDamageSkill(true); } else if (inTrigger.skillCategory == SodaScriptSkillCategory.STRONGEST_SINGLE_TARGET_ATTACK) { potentialSkill = activeCharacter.GetStrongestUsableDamageSkill(false, true); } else if (inTrigger.skillCategory == SodaScriptSkillCategory.ANY_BUFF) { potentialSkill = activeCharacter.GetAnySkillThatBuffs(); } else if (inTrigger.skillCategory == SodaScriptSkillCategory.ANY_SELF_BUFF) { potentialSkill = activeCharacter.GetAnySkillThatSelfBuffs(); } else if (inTrigger.skillCategory == SodaScriptSkillCategory.ANY_DEBUFF) { potentialSkill = activeCharacter.GetAnySkillThatDebuffs(); } else { throw new Exception("Skill category " + inTrigger.skillCategory + " is not supported"); } if (potentialSkill == null) { return(false); } if (!activeCharacter.CanUseSkill( { return(false); } //make sure we're not using a friendly skill on an enemy (unless it is DEFEND) if ( == SodaScriptTarget.ENEMY && potentialSkill.isFriendly && != SkillId.DEFEND) { return(false); } //make sure we're not using a damage skill on self or ally if (( == SodaScriptTarget.ALLY || == SodaScriptTarget.SELF) && !potentialSkill.isFriendly) { return(false); } //make sure if targeting self, chosen skill is allowed to self target if ( == SodaScriptTarget.SELF && !potentialSkill.allowsSelfTarget) { return(false); } //make sure not stealing from someone who has already been stolen from if (( == SkillId.PILFER || == SkillId.RANSACK) && potentialTargets[0].hasBeenStolenFrom) { return(false); } //don't try to transmute a target after we've already hit the limit of 1 successful transmute per battle (or if not a common enemy) if ( == SkillId.TRANSMUTE) { bool battleIsBossOrMiniboss = (adventure.battleNumBasedOn10 == 5 || adventure.battleNumBasedOn10 == 10); if (adventure.battleManager.CurBattleTransmuteLimitReached() || battleIsBossOrMiniboss) { return(false); } } else if ( == SkillId.FORETELL) { //don't try to foretell if the "force warp" flag is active for the current adventure if (adventure.forceWarpAtNextPaths) { return(false); } } //make sure an arena npc isn't using a banned skill if (activeCharacter.isArenaNpc && !potentialSkill.allowedForArenaNpcs) { return(false); } //make sure this team hasn't tried to heal itself too many times in a row if (potentialSkill.isHealing && ownTeam.HasReachedConsecutiveHealLimit()) { return(false); } //if we found a valid target and skill, populate the commmand and return true inCommandToPopulate.Reset(potentialSkill, activeCharacter); inCommandToPopulate.AddTarget(potentialTargets[0]); return(true); }
public void Action() { switch (moveCommamd) { case MoveCommand.MoveUp: MoveFor(Vector2D.Up); break; case MoveCommand.MoveDown: MoveFor(Vector2D.Down); break; case MoveCommand.MoveLeft: MoveFor(Vector2D.Left); break; case MoveCommand.MoveRight: MoveFor(Vector2D.Right); break; case MoveCommand.TurnUp: TurnTo(Vector2D.Up); break; case MoveCommand.TurnDown: TurnTo(Vector2D.Down); break; case MoveCommand.TurnLeft: TurnTo(Vector2D.Left); break; case MoveCommand.TurnRight: TurnTo(Vector2D.Right); break; } switch (skillCommand) { case SkillCommand.ChangePlain: ChangePlain(); break; case SkillCommand.Attack: Attack(); break; case SkillCommand.Straight: Straight(); break; case SkillCommand.Horizon: Horizon(); break; case SkillCommand.Wall: Build(); break; case SkillCommand.Together: Together(); break; } moveCommamd = MoveCommand.None; skillCommand = SkillCommand.None; }
// AI Simulation에서만 사용할 함수입니다. public static void ForceCreateCommand(Cube target, out SkillCommand skillCommand) { skillCommand = new SkillCommand(target); }
//技能使用 public void ParseSkillCommand(BPSkill bp) { SkillCommand command = FightDefine.GetSkillCommand(bp.BattleId, bp.Frame, bp.SkillId, bp.SkillDir, bp.TargetPos, bp.TargetId); SceneEvent.GetInstance().dispatchEvent(SCENE_EVENT.ADD_COMMAND, new Notification(command)); }