public Sizes isUserExisting(string sizes) { DataTable dt = new DataTable("Category"); dt.Clear(); string query = "SELECT * FROM Sizes where ProductSize='" + sizes + "'"; dt = DataAccess.DBAdapter.GetRecordSet(query); Sizes log = null; if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { log = new Sizes(dt.Rows[0]); } return log; }
public string insertSizes(Sizes cats) { string Message = string.Empty; int result = 0; con.Open(); SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("INSERT INTO [Sizes]([ProductSize]) VALUES (@ProductSize)", con); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@ProductSize", cats.ProductSize); result = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); con.Close(); return Message; }
internal void SerializeMetadataTables(BlobBuilder writer) { var sizes = new Sizes(_blobHeapSize, _guidWriter.Count); SerializeHeader(writer, sizes); // tables: SerializeDocumentTable(writer, sizes); SerializeMethodTable(writer, sizes); // heaps: writer.LinkSuffix(_guidWriter); WriteBlobHeap(writer); }
public Popup Create(Sizes size, UIElement content = null) { var container = new ContentControl { HorizontalContentAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Stretch, VerticalContentAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Stretch, Height = Window.Current.Bounds.Height, Width = Window.Current.Bounds.Width, Content = content, }; var popup = new Popup { Child = container, HorizontalOffset = 0, VerticalOffset = 0, }; WindowSizeChangedEventHandler handler = (s, e) => { if (popup.IsOpen) { container.Height = e.Size.Height; container.Width = e.Size.Width; } }; if (size == Sizes.FullScreen) { popup.RegisterPropertyChangedCallback(Popup.IsOpenProperty, (d, e) => { if (popup.IsOpen) { Window.Current.SizeChanged += handler; } else { Window.Current.SizeChanged -= handler; } }); } return popup; }
public Animal(ConsumptionType consumptionType, Sizes size) { ConsumptionType = consumptionType; Size = size; }
public static float Height(Size size) { return(Sizes.BarHeight(size)); }
public Task MemorySmaps() { if (PlatformDetails.RunningOnLinux == false) { using (ServerStore.ContextPool.AllocateOperationContext(out JsonOperationContext context)) using (var process = Process.GetCurrentProcess()) { var sharedClean = MemoryInformation.GetSharedCleanInBytes(process); var rc = Win32MemoryQueryMethods.GetMaps(); var djv = new DynamicJsonValue { ["Totals"] = new DynamicJsonValue { ["WorkingSet"] = process.WorkingSet64, ["SharedClean"] = Sizes.Humane(sharedClean), ["PrivateClean"] = "N/A", ["TotalClean"] = rc.ProcessClean, ["RssHumanly"] = Sizes.Humane(process.WorkingSet64), ["SharedCleanHumanly"] = Sizes.Humane(sharedClean), ["PrivateCleanHumanly"] = "N/A", ["TotalCleanHumanly"] = Sizes.Humane(rc.ProcessClean) }, ["Details"] = rc.Json }; using (var write = new BlittableJsonTextWriter(context, ResponseBodyStream())) { context.Write(write, djv); } return(Task.CompletedTask); } } using (ServerStore.ContextPool.AllocateOperationContext(out JsonOperationContext context)) { var buffers = new[] { ArrayPool <byte> .Shared.Rent(SmapsReader.BufferSize), ArrayPool <byte> .Shared.Rent(SmapsReader.BufferSize) }; try { var result = new SmapsReader(buffers).CalculateMemUsageFromSmaps <SmapsReaderJsonResults>(); var djv = new DynamicJsonValue { ["Totals"] = new DynamicJsonValue { ["WorkingSet"] = result.Rss, ["SharedClean"] = result.SharedClean, ["PrivateClean"] = result.PrivateClean, ["TotalClean"] = result.SharedClean + result.PrivateClean, ["TotalDirty"] = result.TotalDirty, // This includes not only r-ws buffer and voron files, but also dotnet's and heap dirty memory ["RssHumanly"] = Sizes.Humane(result.Rss), ["SharedCleanHumanly"] = Sizes.Humane(result.SharedClean), ["PrivateCleanHumanly"] = Sizes.Humane(result.PrivateClean), ["TotalCleanHumanly"] = Sizes.Humane(result.SharedClean + result.PrivateClean) }, ["Details"] = result.SmapsResults.ReturnResults() }; using (var write = new BlittableJsonTextWriter(context, ResponseBodyStream())) { context.Write(write, djv); } return(Task.CompletedTask); } finally { ArrayPool <byte> .Shared.Return(buffers[0]); ArrayPool <byte> .Shared.Return(buffers[1]); } } }
public static (long WorkingSet, long ProcessClean, DynamicJsonArray Json) GetMaps() { long processClean = 0; const uint uintMaxVal = uint.MaxValue; var dja = new DynamicJsonArray(); GetSystemInfo(out var systemInfo); var procMinAddress = systemInfo.minimumApplicationAddress; var procMaxAddress = systemInfo.maximumApplicationAddress; var processHandle = GetCurrentProcess(); var results = new Dictionary <string, (long Size, long Clean, long Dirty)>(); while (procMinAddress.ToInt64() < procMaxAddress.ToInt64()) { MEMORY_BASIC_INFORMATION memoryBasicInformation; VirtualQueryEx(processHandle, (byte *)procMinAddress.ToPointer(), &memoryBasicInformation, new UIntPtr((uint)sizeof(MEMORY_BASIC_INFORMATION))); // if this memory chunk is accessible if (memoryBasicInformation.Protect == (uint)MemoryProtectionConstants.PAGE_READWRITE && memoryBasicInformation.State == (uint)MemoryStateConstants.MEM_COMMIT && memoryBasicInformation.Type == (uint)MemoryTypeConstants.MEM_MAPPED) { var encodedString = GetEncodedFilename(processHandle, ref memoryBasicInformation); if (encodedString != null) { var regionSize = memoryBasicInformation.RegionSize.ToInt64(); for (long size = uintMaxVal; size < regionSize + uintMaxVal; size += uintMaxVal) { var partLength = size > regionSize ? regionSize % uintMaxVal : uintMaxVal; var totalDirty = AddressWillCauseHardPageFault((byte *)memoryBasicInformation.BaseAddress.ToPointer(), (uint)partLength, performCount: true); var totalClean = partLength - totalDirty; if (results.TryGetValue(encodedString, out var values)) { var prevValClean = values.Clean + totalClean; var prevValDirty = values.Dirty + totalDirty; var prevValSize = values.Size + partLength; results[encodedString] = (prevValSize, prevValClean, prevValDirty); } else { results[encodedString] = (partLength, totalClean, totalDirty); } processClean += totalClean; } } } // move to the next memory chunk procMinAddress = new IntPtr(procMinAddress.ToInt64() + memoryBasicInformation.RegionSize.ToInt64()); } foreach (var result in results) { var djv = new DynamicJsonValue { ["File"] = result.Key, ["Size"] = result.Value.Size, ["SizeHumanly"] = Sizes.Humane(result.Value.Size), ["Rss"] = "N/A", ["SharedClean"] = "N/A", ["SharedDirty"] = "N/A", ["PrivateClean"] = "N/A", ["PrivateDirty"] = "N/A", ["TotalClean"] = result.Value.Clean, ["TotalCleanHumanly"] = Sizes.Humane(result.Value.Clean), ["TotalDirty"] = result.Value.Dirty, ["TotalDirtyHumanly"] = Sizes.Humane(result.Value.Dirty) }; dja.Add(djv); } using (var currentProcess = Process.GetCurrentProcess()) { var workingSet = currentProcess.WorkingSet64; return(workingSet, processClean, dja); } }
public StandardSize(string name, Sizes sizes) { this.Name = name; this.Sizes = sizes; }
private void RadioButtonSizeCustomPercent_Checked(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { _sizeOption = Sizes.SizeCustomPercent; PercentDialog percentDialog = new PercentDialog(); percentDialog.ValueSet += (snd, args) => { _customPercent = args; Trace.WriteLine(_customPercent); }; percentDialog.ShowDialog(); }
private void SerializeMethodTable(BlobBuilder writer, Sizes sizes) { foreach (var row in _methodTable) { writer.WriteReference(MetadataTokens.GetHeapOffset(row.Spans), isSmall: (sizes.BlobIndexSize == 2)); } }
public FoodItem(string name, double price, Sizes portion) { Name = name; Price = price; Portion = portion; }
private void AddMattressObject() { if (!(txtOrderId.Text.Length > 0 & txtDateOfOrder.Text.Length > 0)) { throw new Exception("Поля кода или даты заказа не должны быть пусты."); } //if (cmbTables.SelectedItem == null) // throw new Exception("Не выбран стол сборки."); if (listBoxMattressList.SelectedItem == null) { throw new Exception("Не выбран матрас."); } string tableName = null; if (cmbTables.SelectedItem != null) { tableName = cmbTables.SelectedItem.ToString(); } int numbers = 1; if (txtNumbers.Text.Length != 0) { numbers = Convert.ToInt32(txtNumbers.Text); } int lenght, width; if (!(cmbSizes.SelectedItem == null & (txtCustomLenght.Text.Length == 0 & txtCustomWidth.Text.Length == 0))) { if (cmbSizes.SelectedItem != null) { Sizes tempSize = (Sizes)cmbSizes.SelectedItem; lenght = tempSize.lenght; width = tempSize.width; } else { if (txtCustomLenght.Text.Length != 0 & txtCustomWidth.Text.Length != 0) { lenght = Convert.ToInt32(txtCustomLenght.Text); width = Convert.ToInt32(txtCustomWidth.Text); } else { throw new Exception("Не указана длинна или ширина матраса."); } } } else { throw new Exception("Отсутствуют данные о размере."); } if (globalTypesList == null) { globalTypesList = new List <MattressObjectV2>(); } MattressObjectV2 tempMattressObject = new MattressObjectV2(txtOrderId.Text + " : " + txtDateOfOrder.Text, tableName, (Mattresses)listBoxMattressList.SelectedItem, lenght, width, numbers); if (globalTypesList.Contains(tempMattressObject)) { numbers += globalTypesList.Find(mattress => mattress == tempMattressObject).Numbers; globalTypesList.Remove(tempMattressObject); listBoxTypesList.Items.Remove(tempMattressObject); tempMattressObject = new MattressObjectV2(txtOrderId.Text + " : " + txtDateOfOrder.Text, tableName, (Mattresses)listBoxMattressList.SelectedItem, lenght, width, numbers); } globalTypesList.Add(tempMattressObject); listBoxTypesList.Items.Add(tempMattressObject); txtNumbers.Clear(); }
public (long Rss, long SharedClean, long PrivateClean, DynamicJsonArray Json) CalculateMemUsageFromSmaps() { var state = SearchState.None; var dja = new DynamicJsonArray(); using (var currentProcess = Process.GetCurrentProcess()) using (var fileStream = new FileStream($"/proc/{currentProcess.Id}/smaps", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read)) { var read = ReadFromFile(fileStream, _currentBuffer); var offsetForNextBuffer = 0; long tmpRss = 0, tmpSharedClean = 0, tmpPrivateClean = 0; string resultString = null; long valSize = 0, valRss = 0, valPrivateDirty = 0, valSharedDirty = 0, valSharedClean = 0, valPrivateClean = 0; while (true) { if (read == 0) { return(tmpRss, tmpSharedClean, tmpPrivateClean, dja); } var switchBuffer = false; for (var i = offsetForNextBuffer; i < _endOfBuffer[_currentBuffer]; i++) { byte[] term; var offset = 0; if (_smapsBuffer[_currentBuffer][i] == 'r') { term = _rwsBytes; } else if (_smapsBuffer[_currentBuffer][i] == 'R') { term = _rssBytes; } else if (_smapsBuffer[_currentBuffer][i] == 'S') { term = _sizeBytes; // or SharedDirty or SharedCleanBytes (which ARE longer in length from Size) offset = _sharedCleanBytes.Length - term.Length; } else if (_smapsBuffer[_currentBuffer][i] == 'P') { term = _privateCleanBytes; // or PrivateDirty (which is not longer in length from PrivateCleanBytes) } else if (_smapsBuffer[_currentBuffer][i] == 'L') { term = _lockedBytes; } else { continue; } // check if the current buffer too small for the search term and read next buff if so if (switchBuffer == false && i + term.Length + offset > _endOfBuffer[_currentBuffer]) { var nextBuffer = (_currentBuffer + 1) % 2; read = ReadFromFile(fileStream, nextBuffer); switchBuffer = true; } var searchedBuffer = _currentBuffer; var positionToSearch = i; var hasMatch = true; for (var j = 1; j < term.Length; j++) { positionToSearch++; if (positionToSearch == _smapsBuffer[searchedBuffer].Length) { // we assume max search term length doesn't exceed buffer length.. searchedBuffer = (searchedBuffer + 1) % 2; positionToSearch = 0; Debug.Assert(switchBuffer); } // for 'S' and 'P' we might have to search different term: if (_smapsBuffer[searchedBuffer][positionToSearch] != term[j]) { if (term == _privateCleanBytes) // didn't find PrivateCleanBytes - try to find PrivateDiryBytes { term = _privateDirtyBytes; if (_smapsBuffer[searchedBuffer][positionToSearch] == term[j]) { continue; } } if (term == _sizeBytes) // didn't find Size - try to find SharedCleanBytes { term = _sharedCleanBytes; if (_smapsBuffer[searchedBuffer][positionToSearch] == term[j]) { continue; } } if (term == _sharedCleanBytes) // didn't find SharedCleanBytes - try to find SharedDirtyBytes { term = _sharedDirtyBytes; if (_smapsBuffer[searchedBuffer][positionToSearch] == term[j]) { continue; } } hasMatch = false; break; } } if (hasMatch == false) { continue; } // now read value.. search until reached letter 'B' (value ends with "kB") var bytesSearched = 0; var posInTempBuf = 0; var valueSearchPosition = i + term.Length; var foundValue = false; var foundK = false; while (bytesSearched < _tempBufferBytes.Length) // just a bullpark figure, usually ~40 bytes are enough { if (valueSearchPosition == _smapsBuffer[searchedBuffer].Length) { searchedBuffer = (_currentBuffer + 1) % 2; valueSearchPosition = 0; if (switchBuffer == false) { var readFromNextBuffer = ReadFromFile(fileStream, searchedBuffer); if (readFromNextBuffer == 0) { // this should not happen, the file ended without a value break; } switchBuffer = true; } } var currentChar = _smapsBuffer[searchedBuffer][valueSearchPosition]; if (term == _rwsBytes) // value is filename which comes after last white-space and before '\n' { // zero previous entries if (posInTempBuf == 0) { resultString = null; // zero previous entries valSize = 0; valRss = 0; valPrivateDirty = 0; valSharedDirty = 0; valSharedClean = 0; valPrivateClean = 0; } if (currentChar == ' ' || currentChar == '\t') { posInTempBuf = 0; } else if (currentChar == '\n') { break; } else { _tempBufferBytes[posInTempBuf++] = currentChar; } } else { if (currentChar >= '0' && currentChar <= '9') { _tempBufferBytes[posInTempBuf++] = currentChar; } if (currentChar == 'k') { foundK = true; } if (currentChar == 'B') { foundValue = true; break; } } ++valueSearchPosition; ++bytesSearched; } if (term != _rwsBytes) { if (foundValue == false) { ThrowNotContainsValidValue(term, currentProcess.Id); } if (foundK == false) { ThrowNotContainsKbValue(term, currentProcess.Id); } } i += term.Length + bytesSearched; if (i >= _smapsBuffer[_currentBuffer].Length) { offsetForNextBuffer = _smapsBuffer[_currentBuffer].Length - i; } else { offsetForNextBuffer = 0; } long resultLong = 0; if (term != _rwsBytes) { var multiplier = 1; for (var j = posInTempBuf - 1; j >= 0; j--) { resultLong += (_tempBufferBytes[j] - (byte)'0') * multiplier; multiplier *= 10; } resultLong *= 1024; // "kB" } else { resultString = posInTempBuf > 0 ? Encoding.UTF8.GetString(_tempBufferBytes, 0, posInTempBuf) : ""; } if (term == _rwsBytes) { if (state != SearchState.None) { ThrowNotRwsTermAfterLockedTerm(state, term, currentProcess.Id); } state = SearchState.Rws; } else if (term == _sizeBytes) { if (state != SearchState.Rws) { continue; // found Rss but not after rw-s - irrelevant } state = SearchState.Size; valSize = resultLong; } else if (term == _rssBytes) { if (state != SearchState.Size) { continue; // found Rss but not after rw-s - irrelevant } state = SearchState.Rss; tmpRss += resultLong; valRss = resultLong; } else if (term == _sharedCleanBytes) { if (state != SearchState.Rss) { continue; // found Shared_Clean but not after Rss (which must come after rw-s) - irrelevant } state = SearchState.SharedClean; tmpSharedClean += resultLong; valSharedClean = resultLong; } else if (term == _sharedDirtyBytes) { if (state != SearchState.SharedClean) { continue; } state = SearchState.SharedDirty; valSharedDirty = resultLong; } else if (term == _privateCleanBytes) { if (state != SearchState.SharedDirty) { continue; } state = SearchState.PrivateClean; tmpPrivateClean += resultLong; valPrivateClean = resultLong; } else if (term == _privateDirtyBytes) { if (state != SearchState.PrivateClean) { continue; } state = SearchState.PrivateDirty; valPrivateDirty = resultLong; } else if (term == _lockedBytes) { if (state != SearchState.PrivateDirty) { continue; } state = SearchState.None; if (resultString == null) { ThrowOnNullString(); } if (resultString.EndsWith(".voron") == false && resultString.EndsWith(".buffers") == false) { continue; } var djv = new DynamicJsonValue { ["File"] = resultString, ["Size"] = Sizes.Humane(valSize), ["Rss"] = Sizes.Humane(valRss), ["SharedClean"] = Sizes.Humane(valSharedClean), ["SharedDirty"] = Sizes.Humane(valSharedDirty), ["PrivateClean"] = Sizes.Humane(valPrivateClean), ["PrivateDirty"] = Sizes.Humane(valPrivateDirty), ["TotalClean"] = valSharedClean + valPrivateClean, ["TotalCleanHumanly"] = Sizes.Humane(valSharedClean + valPrivateClean), ["TotalDirty"] = valSharedDirty + valPrivateDirty, ["TotalDirtyHumanly"] = Sizes.Humane(valSharedDirty + valPrivateDirty) }; dja.Add(djv); } else { throw new InvalidOperationException($"Reached unknown unhandled term: '{Encoding.UTF8.GetString(term)}'"); } } _currentBuffer = (_currentBuffer + 1) % 2; if (switchBuffer == false) { read = ReadFromFile(fileStream, _currentBuffer); if (read == 0) { break; } } } return(tmpRss, tmpSharedClean, tmpPrivateClean, dja); } }
public Airport(string name, string countryCode, Sizes size) { this.Name = name; this.CountryCode = countryCode; this.size = size; }
protected override void SetSize(Sizes size) { _mainPage.SetSize(size); }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="Asteroid"/> class. /// This is the class where we can pass in values to create an asteroid. /// </summary> /// <param name="asteroidManager">The asteroid manager.</param> /// <param name="player">The player.</param> /// <param name="newSize">The new size.</param> public Asteroid(GameManager asteroidManager, Player player, Sizes newSize) { this.asteroidManager = asteroidManager; this.player = player; this.Size = newSize; }
public Clothing(Item item, Sizes size) : base(item.Name, item.Price) { Size = size; }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="EnemyShip"/> class. /// </summary> /// <param name="entityManager">The entity manager.</param> /// <param name="position">The ship position.</param> /// <param name="speed">The ship speed.</param> /// <param name="size">The ship size.</param> /// <param name="player">The player.</param> public EnemyShip(EntityManager entityManager, Vector2 position, Vector2 speed, Sizes size, Player player) { this.entityManager = entityManager; random = new Random(); Position = position; this.Size = size; this.speed = speed; this.player = player; }
private void SerializeDocumentTable(BlobBuilder writer, Sizes sizes) { foreach (var row in _documentTable) { writer.WriteReference(MetadataTokens.GetHeapOffset(row.Name), isSmall: (sizes.BlobIndexSize == 2)); writer.WriteReference(MetadataTokens.GetHeapOffset(row.HashAlgorithm), isSmall: (sizes.GuidIndexSize == 2)); writer.WriteReference(MetadataTokens.GetHeapOffset(row.Hash), isSmall: (sizes.BlobIndexSize == 2)); } }
public void EditObj() { string orderForCreating; if (!(cmbOrders.SelectedItem == null & (txtOrderId.Text.Length == 0 & txtDateOfOrder.Text.Length == 0))) { if (cmbOrders.SelectedItem != null) { orderForCreating = (string)cmbOrders.SelectedItem; } else { if (txtOrderId.Text.Length != 0 & txtDateOfOrder.Text.Length != 0) { orderForCreating = txtOrderId.Text + " : " + txtDateOfOrder.Text; } else { throw new Exception("Поля кода или даты заказа не должны быть пусты."); } } } else { orderForCreating = mtrObj.OrderInfo; } string tableNameForCreating; if (cmbTables.SelectedItem != null) { tableNameForCreating = cmbTables.SelectedItem.ToString(); } else { tableNameForCreating = mtrObj.TableName; } int lenghtForCreating, widthForCreating; if (!(cmbSizes.SelectedItem == null & (txtCustomLenght.Text.Length == 0 & txtCustomWidth.Text.Length == 0))) { if (cmbSizes.SelectedItem != null) { Sizes tempSize = (Sizes)cmbSizes.SelectedItem; lenghtForCreating = tempSize.lenght; widthForCreating = tempSize.width; } else { if (txtCustomLenght.Text.Length != 0 & txtCustomWidth.Text.Length != 0) { lenghtForCreating = Convert.ToInt32(txtCustomLenght.Text); widthForCreating = Convert.ToInt32(txtCustomWidth.Text); } else { throw new Exception("Не указана длинна или ширина матраса."); } } } else { lenghtForCreating = mtrObj.GetLenght(); widthForCreating = mtrObj.GetWidth(); } int numbersForCreating; if (txtNumbers.Text.Length != 0) { numbersForCreating = Convert.ToInt32(txtNumbers.Text); } else { numbersForCreating = mtrObj.Numbers; } mainWindow.RemoveGlobalTypesListObject(mtrObj); mainWindow.AddObjectInGlobalTypesList(new MattressObjectV2(orderForCreating, tableNameForCreating, mtrObj.Mattresses, lenghtForCreating, widthForCreating, numbersForCreating)); }
public void SetSize(Sizes size) { Map.Sizes.SelectByIndex((int)size); }
private void cmbpbx_tyre_size_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { lbl_diameter.Text = "Circumference = " + Sizes.bicycle(cmbpbx_tyre_size.Text) + "mm"; PopulateData(false); }
static public void GenerateMap(ref AreaMap current_map, ref List <string> currMapTexNames, MapSets map_set, Sizes map_size, ref List <int> dcRoomList) { areaMapType = new AreaMapType(); LoadMapSet(map_set, ref areaMapType); MapGenHelper.MakeMap(ref current_map, ref areaMapType, ref currMapTexNames, map_size); MapGenHelper.GetMapData(ref dcRoomList); }
public Pricing(Companies company, Sizes size, decimal price) { Company = company; Size = size; Price = price; }
public override string ToString() { return($"Allocated {Sizes.Humane(Allocated)}, Used {Sizes.Humane(_used)}"); }
/// <summary> /// Determines whether or not the given length of bytes is valid for a mystery gift. /// </summary> /// <param name="len">Length, in bytes, of the data of which to determine validity.</param> /// <returns>A boolean indicating whether or not the given length is valid for a mystery gift.</returns> public static bool IsMysteryGift(long len) => Sizes.Contains((int)len);
public Animal(Diets diet, Sizes size) { Diet = diet; Size = size; }
public void GetAspectRatioTest(Rectangle input, AspectRatio output) { Assert.AreEqual(output, Sizes.GetAspectRatio(input)); }
public static void SetFileLength(SafeFileHandle fileHandle, long length) { if (SetFilePointerEx(fileHandle, length, IntPtr.Zero, Win32NativeFileMoveMethod.Begin) == false) { var exception = new Win32Exception(Marshal.GetLastWin32Error()); var filePath = GetFilePath(); throw new IOException($"Could not move the pointer of file {filePath}", exception); } if (SetEndOfFile(fileHandle) == false) { var lastError = Marshal.GetLastWin32Error(); var filePath = GetFilePath(); if (lastError == (int)Win32NativeFileErrors.ERROR_DISK_FULL) { var driveInfo = DiskSpaceChecker.GetDiskSpaceInfo(filePath); throw new DiskFullException(filePath, length, driveInfo?.TotalFreeSpace.GetValue(SizeUnit.Bytes)); } var exception = new Win32Exception(lastError); if (lastError == (int)Win32NativeFileErrors.ERROR_NOT_READY || lastError == (int)Win32NativeFileErrors.ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND) { throw new IOException($"Could not set the size of file {filePath} because it is inaccessible.", exception); } throw new IOException($"Could not set the size of file {filePath} to {Sizes.Humane(length)}", exception); } string GetFilePath() { try { return(DiskSpaceChecker.GetWindowsRealPathByHandle(fileHandle.DangerousGetHandle())); } catch { return(null); } } }
public TextDrawingObject() { Size = Sizes.Medium; }
public void Initialize() { _selectedSize = Sizes.First(); _sizeLimit = _selectedSize.MaxValue; }
public BingMainPage SetSize(Sizes size) { this.Map.Sizes.SelectByIndex((int)size); return(this); }
/// <summary> /// Create asteroid explosion after an asteroid has been killed /// </summary> /// <param name="size"></param> /// <param name="position"></param> /// <param name="content"></param> /// <param name="graphicsDevice"></param> /// <returns></returns> private Explosion CreateExplosion(Sizes size, Vector2 position, ContentManager content, GraphicsDevice graphicsDevice) { Func<Sizes, String> fun = (explosionSize) => { switch (explosionSize) { case Sizes.Small: return "asteroidSmall"; case Sizes.Medium: return "asteroidMedium"; case Sizes.Large: return "asteroidLarge"; default: return "asteroidLarge"; } }; var texture = fun(size) + "_Animated_Trans1"; var explosion = new Explosion(entityManager, texture); explosion.Initialize(content, graphicsDevice); explosion.Position = new Vector2(position.X, position.Y); return explosion; }
public static Binary From(long value, Sizes size = Binary.Sizes.Undefined) { return(new Binary(value, size)); }
public Picture getPicture(int id, Sizes size) { var pic = _db.Pictures.SingleOrDefault(p => p.Id == id); if(pic == null) { return null; } else { CloudBlockBlob blockBlob = _container.GetBlockBlobReference(Enum.GetName(typeof(Sizes), size) + "/" + pic.Url); return new Picture { id = pic.Id, description = pic.Description, url = blockBlob.Uri.AbsoluteUri }; } }
// Set names, sizes and radius on AWAKE private void SetSize(GameObject a, Sizes s) { switch(s){ case Sizes.big: a.transform.localScale = bigSize; = "BigAsteroid"; = bigSFX; = false; break; case Sizes.medium: a.transform.localScale = medSize; = "MediumAsteroid"; = medSFX; = false; break; case Sizes.small: a.transform.localScale = smallSize; = "SmallAsteroid"; = smallSFX; = false; break; } }
private void SerializeHeader(BlobBuilder writer, Sizes sizes) { // signature: writer.WriteByte((byte)'D'); writer.WriteByte((byte)'A'); writer.WriteByte((byte)'M'); writer.WriteByte((byte)'D'); // version: 0.2 writer.WriteByte(0); writer.WriteByte(2); // table sizes: writer.WriteInt32(_documentTable.Count); writer.WriteInt32(_methodTable.Count); // blob heap sizes: writer.WriteInt32(sizes.GuidHeapSize); writer.WriteInt32(sizes.BlobHeapSize); }
private void RadioButtonSizeCustomSize_Checked(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { _sizeOption = Sizes.SizeCustomPixels; CustomSizeDialog sizeDialog = new CustomSizeDialog(); sizeDialog.ValuesSet += (snd, args) => { _customSize = args; Trace.WriteLine(_customSize); }; sizeDialog.ShowDialog(); }
public static Binary From(int value, Sizes size = Binary.Sizes.Undefined) { return(Binary.From(System.Convert.ToString((uint)(Math.Abs(value))), size)); }
public void Apply(IUnitOfWork db, IQuantityManager quantityManager, ILogService log, ICacheService cache, ISystemActionService actionService, DateTime when, long?by) { log.Info("AddSealedBoxWizardViewModel.Apply, StyleId=" + StyleId); if (IncomeType == (int)BoxIncomePackType.PPK) { var box = new SealedBoxViewModel(); box.StyleId = StyleId; box.BoxBarcode = BoxBarcode; box.BoxQuantity = BoxQuantity; box.Price = Price ?? 0; box.Owned = Owned; box.PolyBags = false; box.Printed = Printed; box.CreateDate = CreateDate.HasValue ? DateHelper.ConvertUtcToApp(CreateDate.Value.ToUniversalTime()) : when; box.StyleItems = new StyleItemCollection() { Items = Sizes.Select(s => new StyleItemViewModel() { Id = s.Id, Breakdown = s.Breakdown, }).ToList() }; box.Apply(db, quantityManager, when, by); } if (IncomeType == (int)BoxIncomePackType.PolyBagged) { foreach (var size in Sizes.Where(si => si.Quantity > 0)) { var box = new SealedBoxViewModel(); box.StyleId = StyleId; box.BoxBarcode = BoxBarcode; box.BoxQuantity = size.Quantity ?? 0; box.Price = Price ?? 0; box.Owned = Owned; box.PolyBags = true; box.Printed = Printed; box.CreateDate = CreateDate.HasValue ? DateHelper.ConvertUtcToApp(CreateDate.Value.ToUniversalTime()) : when; box.StyleItems = new StyleItemCollection() { Items = new List <StyleItemViewModel>() { new StyleItemViewModel() { Id = size.Id, Breakdown = UnitsPerBox } } }; box.Apply(db, quantityManager, when, by); } } if (IncomeType == (int)BoxIncomePackType.Other) { var box = new OpenBoxViewModel(); box.StyleId = StyleId; box.BoxBarcode = BoxBarcode; box.BoxQuantity = 1; box.Price = Price ?? 0; box.Owned = Owned; box.PolyBags = false; box.Printed = Printed; box.CreateDate = CreateDate.HasValue ? DateHelper.ConvertUtcToApp(CreateDate.Value.ToUniversalTime()) : when; box.StyleItems = new StyleItemCollection() { Items = Sizes.Select(s => new StyleItemViewModel() { Id = s.Id, Quantity = s.Quantity, }).ToList() }; box.Apply(db, quantityManager, when, by); } foreach (var size in Sizes) { var styleItem = db.StyleItems.Get(size.Id); if (size.UseBoxQuantity && styleItem.Quantity.HasValue) { log.Info("Switch to box quantity, styleItemId=" + size.Id); var oldQuantity = styleItem.Quantity; styleItem.Quantity = null; styleItem.QuantitySetBy = null; styleItem.QuantitySetDate = null; styleItem.RestockDate = null; db.Commit(); quantityManager.LogStyleItemQuantity(db, styleItem.Id, null, oldQuantity, QuantityChangeSourceType.UseBoxQuantity, null, null, BoxBarcode, when, by); } } cache.RequestStyleIdUpdates(db, new List <long>() { StyleId }, UpdateCacheMode.IncludeChild, by); SystemActionHelper.RequestQuantityDistribution(db, actionService, StyleId, by); }
public Popup Show(Sizes size, UIElement content = null) { var popup = Create(size, content); popup.IsOpen = true; return popup; }
private static Binary AdjustSize(long value, Sizes size) { return(new Binary(value & Mask(size), size)); }
private static long Mask(Sizes size) { //return (Math.Pow(2, size)) - 1; return((long)Math.Round(Math.Pow(2.0, (double)size) - 1.0)); }
public Binary() { Size = Sizes.Word; }
private static string GetQualifier(Sizes size) { switch (size) { case Sizes.Kilo: return "Kb"; case Sizes.Mega: return "Mb"; case Sizes.Giga: return "Gb"; case Sizes.Byte: return "b"; } return ""; }
private void RadioButtonSize75_Checked(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { _sizeOption = Sizes.Size75; }