コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Get the scale factor and the start location of an docoment onto a page.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="PageBounds">Bounds of the page in 1/100 inch.</param>
        /// <param name="MarginBounds">Margins of the page in 1/100 inch.</param>
        /// <param name="graphSize">Size of the document in 1/72 inch.</param>
        /// <param name="zoom">Returns the zoom factor to use for the document.</param>
        /// <param name="startLocationOnPage">Returns the start location onto the page in 1/100 inch.</param>
        /// <param name="usePrintingUnits">If <c>true</c> use printing units (1/100 inch) instead of points.</param>
        public void GetZoomAndStartLocation(RectangleF PageBounds, RectangleF MarginBounds, SizeF graphSize, out float zoom, out PointF startLocationOnPage, bool usePrintingUnits)
            // First the size of the graph
            // if a fixed zoom factor is set, we use that

            if (usePrintingUnits) // recalculate everything in units of points (1/72 inch)
                PageBounds   = PageBounds.Scale(72.0 / 100);
                MarginBounds = MarginBounds.Scale(72.0 / 100);

            zoom = 1;
            if (UseFixedZoomFactor)
                zoom = (float)ZoomFactor;
            else if (FitGraphToPrintIfSmaller || FitGraphToPrintIfLarger)
                float zoomx = MarginBounds.Width / graphSize.Width;
                float zoomy = MarginBounds.Height / graphSize.Height;
                if (zoomx > 1 && zoomy > 1 && FitGraphToPrintIfSmaller)
                    zoom = Math.Min(zoomx, zoomy);
                else if ((zoomx < 1 || zoomy < 1) && FitGraphToPrintIfLarger)
                    zoom = Math.Min(zoomx, zoomy);
            graphSize.Width  *= zoom;
            graphSize.Height *= zoom;

            // First the location where to start from
            startLocationOnPage = PointF.Empty;
            switch (PrintLocation)
            case SingleGraphPrintLocation.PrintableAreaLeftUpper:
                startLocationOnPage = MarginBounds.Location;

            case SingleGraphPrintLocation.PageLeftUpper:
                startLocationOnPage = new PointF(0, 0);

            case SingleGraphPrintLocation.PrintableAreaCenter:
                startLocationOnPage = MarginBounds.Center() - graphSize.Half();

            case SingleGraphPrintLocation.PageCenter:
                startLocationOnPage = PageBounds.Center() - graphSize.Half();

            if (usePrintingUnits)
                startLocationOnPage = startLocationOnPage.Scale(100.0 / 72);