コード例 #1
        public ActionResult Index()
             * Don't Do this in a controller, this is
             * to show you what is possible

            // You can pass in a HttpContext from anywhere
            // in you application
            ISitemapConfigurator configurator = new SitemapConfigurator(HttpContext);

            // Add From a controller and action
            ISitemap sitemap = configurator.Add("Home", "Index")
                .Add("Home", "About")
                // Add From a Route
                .AddFromRoute("Default", new {id = "2"})
                // Create Allows you to create a node
                // and then edit the values
                .CreateFromRoute("Default", new {controller = "home", action = "index"})
                .Set() // <-- Call set to get back to SiteMap
                // Create From a Route allows you to
                // pass in a list of route values for dynamic routes
                .CreateFromRoute("Default", () => new[] {new {id = 1}, new {id = 2}, new {id = 3}}
                                 , sn => sn.WithLastModified(DateTime.Now))
                // Create allows you to pass in a list of parameters
                // and modify each node
                .Create("Home", "Index", () => new[] {new {id = 1}, new {id = 2}, new {id = 3}}
                        , sn => sn.WithLastModified(DateTime.Now))
                // Add a sitemap node the way I want to
                .Add(new SitemapNode {Location = "http://localhost/mycustomnode/"})
                // add node with expression
                .Add<OtherController>(other => other.Test(1, "jeff bridges"))
                // add multiple nodes with expression and enumerable list
                .Add<OtherController>(other => other.Test(It.Is<int>(), It.Is<string>()),
                                      () =>
                                              new {id = 1, dude = "Khalid"}, new {id = 2, dude = "Mark"},
                                              new {id = 3, dude = "Jeff"}
                // Create nodes with expression and list and alter nodes
                .Create<OtherController>(other => other.Test(It.Is<int>(), It.Is<string>()),
                                         () =>
                                                 new {id = 1, dude = "Khalid"}, new {id = 2, dude = "Mark"},
                                                 new {id = 3, dude = "Jeff"}
                                         , sn => sn.WithLastModified(DateTime.Now))
                // save the site map to the directory of the site

            // You can also get the Xml Document
            return Content(sitemap.Xml().ToString(), "text/xml", Encoding.UTF8);
コード例 #2
        public ActionResult Metadata()
            // An example, you'll probably use your favorite
            // IoC container to resolve all the metadata classes
            var metadata = new List<ISitemapMetadata>
                               {new HomeControllerSitemapMetadata(), new OtherControllerSitemapMetadata()};

            ISitemap sitemap = new SitemapConfigurator(HttpContext).FromMetaData(metadata).Export();

            return Content(sitemap.Xml().ToString());
コード例 #3
        public ActionResult Scanner()
            var scanner = new SitemapConfigurator(HttpContext);

            ISitemap sitemap = scanner.FromAssemblyOf<HomeController>().Export();

            return Content(sitemap.Xml().ToString());