コード例 #1
        public async Task <DrupalPerson> Generate(SitePerson sitePerson)
            // Get external source info for this person
            var sources = await this.dbContext.PeopleSources.Where(s => s.PersonId == sitePerson.PersonId).AsNoTracking().ToArrayAsync();

            return(Generate(sitePerson, sources));
コード例 #2
        public async Task <ActionResult> Post(int personId, SitePerson sitePerson)
            var dbSitePerson = await this.dbContext.SitePeople.Where(sp => sp.PersonId == personId && sp.SiteId == SiteId).SingleOrDefaultAsync();

            if (dbSitePerson == null)
                dbSitePerson        = sitePerson; // TODO: copy properties
                dbSitePerson.Person = null;       // don't overwrite person info

                // existing site person, just update props
                dbSitePerson.FirstName   = sitePerson.FirstName.NullIfEmpty();
                dbSitePerson.LastName    = sitePerson.LastName.NullIfEmpty();
                dbSitePerson.Title       = sitePerson.Title.NullIfEmpty();
                dbSitePerson.Bio         = sitePerson.Bio.NullIfEmpty();
                dbSitePerson.Emails      = sitePerson.Emails.NullIfEmpty();
                dbSitePerson.Phones      = sitePerson.Phones.NullIfEmpty();
                dbSitePerson.Departments = sitePerson.Departments.NullIfEmpty();
                dbSitePerson.Websites    = sitePerson.Websites.NullIfEmpty();
                dbSitePerson.Tags        = sitePerson.Tags.NullIfEmpty();
                dbSitePerson.PageUid     = sitePerson.PageUid;
                dbSitePerson.ShouldSync  = sitePerson.ShouldSync;

            dbSitePerson.PersonId   = personId;
            dbSitePerson.SiteId     = SiteId;
            dbSitePerson.LastUpdate = DateTime.UtcNow;

            await this.dbContext.SaveChangesAsync();

            return(CreatedAtAction(nameof(Get), new { sitePersonId = dbSitePerson.Id }, dbSitePerson));
コード例 #3
        public async Task <ActionResult> CreateSitePeople(int id)
            var validSite = await this.dbContext.Sites.AnyAsync(s => s.Id == id);

            if (!validSite)

            // go find everyone who doesn't already have a matching site person, and make them one
            var peopleWithoutSitePeopleIds = await this.dbContext.People.Where(p => !p.SitePeople.Any(sp => sp.SiteId == id)).Select(p => p.Id).ToListAsync();

            foreach (var personId in peopleWithoutSitePeopleIds)
                var sitePerson = new SitePerson {
                    PersonId = personId, SiteId = id, ShouldSync = false


            await this.dbContext.SaveChangesAsync();

コード例 #4
        private string[] GetTags(SitePerson sitePerson, PersonSource[] sources)
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(sitePerson.Tags))
                // site person entry overrides all

コード例 #5
        private string[] GetPhones(SitePerson sitePerson, PersonSource[] sources)
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(sitePerson.Phones))
                // site person entry overrides all
            else if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(sitePerson.Person.Phone))
                return(new[] { sitePerson.Person.Phone });

            // TODO: pull from sources
            return(new string[0]);
コード例 #6
        public async Task <ActionResult> CreatePerson()
            var site = new Site {
                Name = "Playground", Url = "https://playground.sf.ucdavis.edu"
            var person = new Person {
                FirstName = "Test", LastName = "Person", IamId = "123456789"
            var sitePerson = new SitePerson {
                Person = person, Site = site, Name = "Test R. Person"


            await this.dbContext.SaveChangesAsync();

コード例 #7
        public DrupalPerson Generate(SitePerson sitePerson, PersonSource[] sources)
            var departmentValues = sitePerson.Departments ?? sitePerson.Person.Departments;

            var bio = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(sitePerson.Bio) ? GetBiography(sources) : sitePerson.Bio;

            var person = new DrupalPerson
                FirstName   = sitePerson.FirstName ?? sitePerson.Person.FirstName,
                LastName    = sitePerson.LastName ?? sitePerson.Person.LastName,
                Title       = sitePerson.Title ?? sitePerson.Person.Title,
                Emails      = GetEmails(sitePerson, sources),
                Phones      = GetPhones(sitePerson, sources),
                Departments = departmentValues?.Split("|").ToArray(), // TODO: should it be null or empty array if we don't have any?
                Tags        = GetTags(sitePerson, sources),
                Websites    = GetWebsites(sitePerson, sources),
                Bio         = bio

コード例 #8
        private DrupalWebsite[] GetWebsites(SitePerson sitePerson, PersonSource[] sources)
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(sitePerson.Websites))
                // site person entry overrides all
                var websites = sitePerson.Websites.Split('|');

                var websiteList = new List <DrupalWebsite>();

                for (int i = 0; i < websites.Length; i += 2)
                    websiteList.Add(new DrupalWebsite {
                        Uri = websites[i], Title = websites[i + 1]


            // TODO: once we have websites from a person source, check and return here

            return(new DrupalWebsite[0]);
コード例 #9
        // TODO: handle multiple sites?
        public async Task <string> PublishPerson(SitePerson sitePerson)
            // TODO: get from site settings or query dynamically from site settings?
            var personTypes = new Dictionary <string, string> {
                { "faculty", "8338d79c-1105-4845-ae56-1919c8738249" },
                { "emeriti", "14f01b6f-09af-422a-9b57-739a4b306d17" },
                { "leadership", "eca6b30c-6c72-442b-af9a-dce57a0c8358" }

            // TODO: determine which site values to use for each property
            var drupalPerson = await this.biographyGenerationService.Generate(sitePerson);

            // Step 1: Sync tag taxonomy
            var tags = drupalPerson.Tags;

            var tagNodes = new List <object>();

            await foreach (var tagId in this.SyncTags(tags))
                    type = "taxonomy_term--sf_tags",
                    id   = tagId

            // now we have our tag relationship
            var field_sf_tags = new
                data = tagNodes

            // pull in person type
            var field_sf_person_type = new
                data = new
                    type = "taxonomy_term--sf_person_type",
                    id   = personTypes[sitePerson.Person.Classification]

            // relationships are different if the person is newly created or existing
            dynamic relationships;

            if (sitePerson.PageUid.HasValue)
                // existing users get to keep their images
                relationships = new
                // set to default image for people without an existing page
                relationships = new
                    field_sf_primary_image = new {
                        data = new
                            type = "file--file",
                            id   = "b1327c77-a018-4ede-b322-0bfd9f4ee79e", // TODO: get from site settings
                            meta = new {
                                title = "Profile Image"

            // Step 2: Compile and generate user page info
            var personData = new
                data = new
                    type       = "node--sf_person",
                    id         = sitePerson.PageUid,
                    attributes = new
                        title = drupalPerson.Title,
                        field_sf_first_name     = drupalPerson.FirstName,
                        field_sf_last_name      = drupalPerson.LastName,
                        field_sf_position_title = drupalPerson.Title,
                        field_sf_emails         = drupalPerson.Emails,
                        field_sf_phone_numbers  = drupalPerson.Phones,
                        field_sf_unit           = drupalPerson.Departments,
                        field_sf_websites       = drupalPerson.Websites.Select(w => new
                            uri   = w.Uri,
                            title = w.Title
                        body = new
                            value   = drupalPerson.Bio,
                            format  = "basic_html",
                            summary = "" // TODO: do we need summary?

            var serialized = JsonSerializer.Serialize(personData);

            // Console.WriteLine(serialized);

            // Step 3: form POST/PATCH depending on prior existance of user page
            var resourceUrl = $"{this.config.ApiBase}/node/sf_person";
            var method      = HttpMethod.Post;

            if (sitePerson.PageUid.HasValue)
                resourceUrl = resourceUrl + "/" + sitePerson.PageUid.Value;
                method      = System.Net.Http.HttpMethod.Patch;

            var request = new HttpRequestMessage(method, resourceUrl);

            request.Content = new StringContent(serialized, Encoding.UTF8, "application/vnd.api+json");

            var response = await this.httpClient.SendAsync(request);

            var content = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();

            // Console.WriteLine(content);

            // TODO: make models and deserialze properly
            dynamic json = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(content);

            var id = json.data.id;

            if (sitePerson.PageUid.HasValue == false)
                // if this is a new site entity, save the page uid for future updates
                sitePerson.PageUid = id;

            sitePerson.LastSync = DateTime.UtcNow;

            await this.dbContext.SaveChangesAsync();
