public virtual PersistenceStageResult Persist(SinkStageArtifact sa, Dictionary <string, object> extraMeta = null) { if (sa != null && sa.ByteStream != null && sa.ByteStream.CanRead && sa.ByteStream.CanSeek) { Id = Guid.NewGuid(); Timestamp = DateTime.UnixEpoch; ArtifactName = FinalArtifactName(_genConfig, sa); return(new PersistenceStageResult()); } return(null); }
// Returned format: // [userPrefixIfSet-][specificationChars][recordCount]-[first4configGuid]-[timestamp]-[first4artifactGuid].[outputTypeExtenstion] // |----------- static for all artifacts in a pipeline -----------| |-------------- dynamic per-artifact -----------------| private string FinalArtifactName(GeneratorConfig gCfg, SinkStageArtifact prevArt) { return // [userPrefixIfSet-] (((string.IsNullOrEmpty(gCfg.UserPrefix) ? "" : $"{gCfg.UserPrefix}-") + // [specificationChars][recordCount] $"{gCfg.Specification.ToString().ToUpper().Substring(0, 3)}{gCfg.Count}" + // -[first4configGuid] $"-{gCfg.Id.ToString("N").Substring(0, 4)}" + // -[timestamp]- $"-{Timestamp:MMddyyTHHmmZ}-" + // [first4artifactGuid] $"{prevArt.Id.ToString("N").Substring(0, 4)}").ToUpper() + // .[outputTypeExtenstion] $".{prevArt.Type}"); }
public override PersistenceStageResult Persist(SinkStageArtifact artifact, Dictionary <string, object> extraMeta = null) { if (base.Persist(artifact, extraMeta) != null) { var fullArtifactPath = Path.GetFullPath(Path.Combine(_config.PersistDirectory, ArtifactName)); using (var fileStream = new FileStream(fullArtifactPath, FileMode.OpenOrCreate)) { artifact.ByteStream.CopyTo(fileStream); Status = PersistenceStatus.Success; Console.WriteLine($"{this}: {artifact.Id} saved to {fullArtifactPath}"); return(new PersistenceStageResult() { Id = Id, PipelineId = _genConfig.Id, Timestamp = Timestamp, Success = true, Meta = new Dictionary <string, object>() { { "id", artifact.Id.ToString() }, { "specification", _genConfig.Specification.ToString().ToLower() }, { "recordCount", _genConfig.Count.ToString() }, { "sizeBytes", new FileInfo(fullArtifactPath).Length }, { "path", fullArtifactPath } } }); } } Status = PersistenceStatus.Errored; return(new PersistenceStageResult() { Id = Id, Timestamp = Timestamp, PipelineId = _genConfig.Id, Success = false, Meta = null }); }
public override PersistenceStageResult Persist(SinkStageArtifact artifact, Dictionary <string, object> extraMeta = null) { if (base.Persist(artifact, extraMeta) != null) { // replace the current artifact with a zipped version for upload if (_config.Storage.Blob.Compress) { var tempZipName = Path.GetTempFileName(); using (var zipFileWriter = new FileStream(tempZipName, FileMode.OpenOrCreate)) using (var zipArchive = new ZipArchive(zipFileWriter, ZipArchiveMode.Create)) { Status = PersistenceStatus.Compressing; var artifactEntry = zipArchive.CreateEntry(ArtifactName, CompressionLevel.Optimal); using (var zipArtStream = artifactEntry.Open()) { artifact.ByteStream.CopyTo(zipArtStream); } } ArtifactName += ".zip"; // don't modify the original artifact object, as persisters further down // the change need it to remain as-emitted from the sink stage artifact = new SinkStageArtifact(this) { Id = artifact.Id, Name = tempZipName, ByteStream = new FileStream(tempZipName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read) }; } var fSize = new FileInfo(artifact.Name).Length; // this matches the format (B64-encoded MD5) that Azure Blobs natively checksum with var md5Base64 = Convert.ToBase64String( new MD5CryptoServiceProvider().ComputeHash(artifact.ByteStream)); artifact.ByteStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); var uploadSw = new Stopwatch(); var blobUrl = $"https://{_act}{_cnt}/{ArtifactName}"; if (_config.DevSettings != null && _config.DevSettings.DisableUpload) { Console.WriteLine("DevSettings.DisableUpload=True, skipping upload."); } else { CloudBlockBlob blob = _blobContainer.GetBlockBlobReference(ArtifactName); Console.WriteLine($"{this} uploading:\n\tPipelineId: {_genConfig.Id}" + $"\n\tSize: {fSize}\n\tBlob: {blobUrl}"); Status = PersistenceStatus.Uploading; uploadSw.Start(); blob.UploadFromStream(artifact.ByteStream); blob.Metadata["specification"] = _genConfig.Specification.ToString(); blob.Metadata["recordcount"] = _genConfig.Count.ToString(); blob.Metadata["sizebytes"] = fSize.ToString(); blob.Metadata["pipelineid"] = _genConfig.Id.ToString(); blob.Metadata["artifactid"] = artifact.Id.ToString(); blob.Metadata["contentmd5"] = md5Base64; blob.Metadata["timestamp"] = Timestamp.ToString("O"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_genConfig.UserPrefix)) { blob.Metadata["userprefix"] = _genConfig.UserPrefix; } if (extraMeta != null) { if (extraMeta.ContainsKey("pipelineInitiator") && extraMeta["pipelineInitiator"] != null) { blob.Metadata["remote"] = ((PipelineRequestTracker)extraMeta["pipelineInitiator"]).RemoteAddr; } if (extraMeta.ContainsKey("tranformStageElapsed")) { blob.Metadata["elapsed"] = extraMeta["tranformStageElapsed"].ToString(); } } if (_genConfig.Filters.Count > 0) { blob.Metadata["defectlist"] = string.Join(',', _genConfig.Filters); } blob.SetMetadata(); uploadSw.Stop(); Console.WriteLine($"{this}: {artifact.Id} uploaded in {uploadSw.Elapsed}"); Status = PersistenceStatus.CleaningUp; } // cleanup the extra zip temp file, if extant if (_config.Storage.Blob.Compress) { artifact.Cleanup(); } Status = PersistenceStatus.Success; return(new PersistenceStageResult() { Id = Id, PipelineId = _genConfig.Id, Timestamp = Timestamp, Success = true, Meta = new Dictionary <string, object>() { { "container", _cnt }, { "blob", new Dictionary <string, object>() { { "id", artifact.Id.ToString() }, { "specification", _genConfig.Specification.ToString().ToLower() }, { "recordCount", _genConfig.Count.ToString() }, { "sizeBytes", fSize }, { "contentMD5", md5Base64 }, { "uploadDuration", uploadSw.Elapsed }, { "url", blobUrl } } } } }); } Status = PersistenceStatus.Errored; return(new PersistenceStageResult() { Id = Id, Timestamp = Timestamp, PipelineId = _genConfig.Id, Success = false, Meta = null }); }