コード例 #1
        public void WithZone()
            Instant       instant = Instant.FromUtc(2012, 2, 4, 12, 35);
            ZonedDateTime zoned   = new ZonedDateTime(instant, SampleZone);

            Assert.AreEqual(new LocalDateTime(2012, 2, 4, 16, 35, 0), zoned.LocalDateTime);

            // Will be UTC-8 for our instant.
            DateTimeZone  newZone   = new SingleTransitionDateTimeZone(Instant.FromUtc(2000, 1, 1, 0, 0), -7, -8);
            ZonedDateTime converted = zoned.WithZone(newZone);

            Assert.AreEqual(new LocalDateTime(2012, 2, 4, 4, 35, 0), converted.LocalDateTime);
            Assert.AreEqual(converted.ToInstant(), instant);
コード例 #2
        public void GetZoneIntervals_GapAroundAndInTailZoneTransition()
            // Tail zone is -10 / +5, with the transition occurring just after
            // the transition *to* the tail zone from the precalculated zone.
            // A local instant of one hour after the transition from the precalculated zone (which is -5)
            // will therefore be in the gap. No zone interval matches, so the result is
            // an empty pair.
            var tailZone = new SingleTransitionDateTimeZone(ThirdInterval.End + Duration.FromHours(1), -10, +5);
            var gapZone  = new PrecalculatedDateTimeZone("Test",
                                                         new[] { FirstInterval, SecondInterval, ThirdInterval }, tailZone);
            var pair = gapZone.GetZoneIntervalPair(ThirdInterval.LocalEnd + Duration.FromHours(1));

コード例 #3
        public void InZoneStrictly_InvalidInterval()
            // Arrange
            var instant  = Fixture.Create <Instant>();
            var timeZone = new SingleTransitionDateTimeZone(instant, 5, 4);
            var start    = instant - Duration.FromMinutes(15);
            var end      = instant + Duration.FromMinutes(15);
            var interval = new Interval(start, end);

            // Act
            Action act = () => interval.InZoneStrictly(timeZone);

            // Assert
            act.Should().ThrowExactly <InvalidLocalDateTimeInterval>();
コード例 #4
        public void GetZoneIntervals_AmbiguousButTooEarlyInTailZoneTransition()
            // Tail zone is +10 / +8, with the transition occurring just after
            // the transition *to* the tail zone from the precalculated zone.
            // A local instant of one hour before after the transition from the precalculated zone (which is -5)
            // will therefore be ambiguous, but the resulting instants from the ambiguity occur
            // before our transition into the tail zone, so are ignored.
            var tailZone = new SingleTransitionDateTimeZone(ThirdInterval.End + Duration.FromHours(1), 10, 8);
            var gapZone  = new PrecalculatedDateTimeZone("Test",
                                                         new[] { FirstInterval, SecondInterval, ThirdInterval }, tailZone);
            var pair = gapZone.GetZoneIntervalPair(ThirdInterval.LocalEnd - Duration.FromHours(1));

            Assert.AreEqual(ThirdInterval, pair.EarlyInterval);
コード例 #5
        public void MapLocal_GapAroundAndInTailZoneTransition()
            // Tail zone is -10 / +5, with the transition occurring just after
            // the transition *to* the tail zone from the precalculated zone.
            // A local time of one hour after the transition from the precalculated zone (which is -5)
            // will therefore be in the gap.
            var tailZone = new SingleTransitionDateTimeZone(ThirdInterval.End + Duration.FromHours(1), -10, +5);
            var gapZone  = new PrecalculatedDateTimeZone("Test",
                                                         new[] { FirstInterval, SecondInterval, ThirdInterval }, tailZone);
            var mapping = gapZone.MapLocal(ThirdInterval.IsoLocalEnd.PlusHours(1));

            Assert.AreEqual(ThirdInterval, mapping.EarlyInterval);
            Assert.AreEqual(new ZoneInterval("Single-Early", ThirdInterval.End, tailZone.Transition, Offset.FromHours(-10), Offset.Zero),
            Assert.AreEqual(0, mapping.Count);