public ActionResult Index() { var model = new ProjectedAutoshipsViewModel(); var helper = new SqlHelper(); var dataset = helper.GetSet(string.Format(@" DECLARE @pa_StartDate AS DATETIME = convert(DATETIME, '{0}'); DECLARE @pa_EndDate AS DATETIME = convert(DATETIME, '{1}'); SELECT ""Month"" = month(aos.ScheduledDate) , ""Day"" = day(aos.ScheduledDate) , ""Year"" = year(aos.ScheduledDate) , Total = sum(ao.SubTotal) FROM AutoOrders ao INNER JOIN AutoOrderSchedules aos ON aos.AutoOrderID = ao.AutoOrderID WHERE ao.AutoOrderStatusID = 0 AND aos.ScheduledDate >= @pa_StartDate AND aos.ScheduledDate < @pa_EndDate GROUP BY month(aos.ScheduledDate) , day(aos.ScheduledDate) , year(aos.ScheduledDate) ORDER BY year(aos.ScheduledDate) ASC , month(aos.ScheduledDate) ASC , day(aos.ScheduledDate) ASC ", new DateTime(DateTime.Now.Year, DateTime.Now.Month, DateTime.Now.Day).ToShortDateString(), new DateTime(DateTime.Now.AddMonths(1).Year, DateTime.Now.AddMonths(1).Month, DateTime.Now.AddMonths(1).Day).ToShortDateString())); // Divide our dataset into separate tables for easy reading var projectedAutoshipsData = dataset.Tables[0]; // Populate our details collection var details = new List <ProjectedAutoshipDetail>(); foreach (DataRow row in projectedAutoshipsData.Rows) { var detail = new ProjectedAutoshipDetail(); detail.Month = Convert.ToInt32(row["Month"]); detail.Day = Convert.ToInt32(row["Day"]); detail.Year = Convert.ToInt32(row["Year"]); detail.Total = Convert.ToDecimal(row["Total"]); details.Add(detail); } model.Details = details; // Start filling out our view model var highesttotaldetail = model.Details.OrderByDescending(c => c.Total).FirstOrDefault(); var lowesttotaldetail = model.Details.OrderBy(c => c.Total).FirstOrDefault(); if (highesttotaldetail != null) { model.HighestTotal = highesttotaldetail.Total; model.HighestTotalDate = highesttotaldetail.Date; } if (lowesttotaldetail != null) { model.LowestTotal = lowesttotaldetail.Total; model.LowestTotalDate = lowesttotaldetail.Date; } if (model.Details.Count() > 0) { model.AverageTotal = model.Details.Average(c => c.Total); } var detailsByWeekDay = (from d in model.Details group d by d.WeekDay into g select new { WeekDay = g.Key, Total = g.Sum(a => a.Total) }); if (detailsByWeekDay.Count() > 0) { model.HighestTotalDayOfWeek = detailsByWeekDay.OrderByDescending(c => c.Total).First().WeekDay; model.LowestTotalDayOfWeek = detailsByWeekDay.OrderBy(c => c.Total).First().WeekDay; } // Charts var dataSource = new SingleSeriesChartXMLDataSource(); // Customize our chart dataSource.yAxisName = "Projected Revenue"; dataSource.ShowValues = false; // Add our sets foreach (DataRow row in projectedAutoshipsData.Rows) { var month = Convert.ToInt32(row["Month"]); var day = Convert.ToInt32(row["Day"]); var year = Convert.ToInt32(row["Year"]); var value = Convert.ToDecimal(row["Total"]); var label = string.Format("{0} {1}/{2}", new DateTime(year, month, day).ToString("dddd").Substring(0, 3), month, day); var set = new ChartDataSetDetail(); set.Label = label; set.Value = value; set.ToolHelp = label; dataSource.Sets.Add(set); } // Add some trend lines to the highest and lowest sets var highestValueSet = dataSource.Sets.OrderByDescending(c => c.Value).FirstOrDefault(); if (highestValueSet != null) { highestValueSet.VerticalTrendLine = new VerticalTrendLine() { Label = "▲", LineColor = "00CC00", LabelVerticalAlignment = "top", LinePosition = 0M, LabelPosition = 0.999M, LineThickness = 2, ShowLabelBorder = false }; } var lowestValueSet = dataSource.Sets.OrderBy(c => c.Value).FirstOrDefault(); if (lowestValueSet != null) { lowestValueSet.VerticalTrendLine = new VerticalTrendLine() { Label = "▼", LineColor = "FF0000", LabelVerticalAlignment = "bottom", LinePosition = 0M, LabelPosition = 0.005M, LineThickness = 2, ShowLabelBorder = false }; } // Add our average trend line if (dataSource.Sets.Count > 0) { var meanValue = dataSource.Sets.Average(c => Convert.ToDecimal(c.Value)); dataSource.HorizontalTrendLines.Add(new HorizontalTrendLine() { StartValue = meanValue, DisplayValue = "Average", ToolText = string.Format("The average daily autoship revenue ({0:C})", meanValue), LineColor = "006699" }); } // Return the formatted XML model.ProjectedAutoshipsChartXml = dataSource.ToString(); if (Request.IsAjaxRequest()) { return(PartialView(model)); } else { return(View(model)); } }
public JsonNetResult GetRevenueByMonth() { var months = 4; // Get the data dynamic data; using (var context = Exigo.Sql()) { data = context.Query(@" -- Revenue by Month SELECT ""Month"" = month(o.OrderDate) , ""Year"" = year(o.OrderDate) , Revenue = sum(o.Total) FROM Orders o WHERE o.OrderDate >= @startdate AND o.OrderDate < @enddate AND o.Country in @countries GROUP BY month(o.OrderDate) , year(o.OrderDate) ORDER BY year(o.OrderDate) , month(o.OrderDate) OPTION(MAXDOP 8) ", new { startdate = DateTime.Now.AddMonths(-months).BeginningOfMonth(), enddate = DateTime.Now.EndOfDay(), countries = CountryCodes.All }).ToList(); } // Create the data source var dataSource = new SingleSeriesChartXMLDataSource(); // Customize our chart dataSource.yAxisName = "Revenue"; dataSource.ShowValues = true; dataSource.NumberPrefix = "$"; dataSource.DecimalPlaces = 2; // Add our categories and datasets foreach (var row in data) { var label = DateTime.Now.BeginningOfMonth().ToString("MMMM yyyy"); var value = Convert.ToDecimal(row.Revenue); dataSource.AddSeries(label, value); } // Return the data return(new JsonNetResult(new { xml = dataSource.ToString() })); }