コード例 #1
        void ComputeL2Error(double PhysTime)
            Console.WriteLine("Phystime = " + PhysTime);

            if ((this.Control.CircleRadius != null) != (this.Control.CutCellQuadratureType == XQuadFactoryHelper.MomentFittingVariants.ExactCircle))
                throw new ApplicationException("Illegal HMF configuration.");
            if (this.Control.CircleRadius != null)
                ExactCircleLevelSetIntegration.RADIUS = new double[] { this.Control.CircleRadius(PhysTime) };

            int order = Math.Max(this.u.Basis.Degree * 3, 3);
            XQuadSchemeHelper schH = LsTrk.GetXDGSpaceMetrics(this.LsTrk.SpeciesIdS.ToArray(), order).XQuadSchemeHelper;

            var uNum_A = this.u.GetSpeciesShadowField("A");
            var uNum_B = this.u.GetSpeciesShadowField("B");

            double uA_Err = uNum_A.L2Error(this.Control.uA_Ex.Vectorize(PhysTime), order, schH.GetVolumeQuadScheme(this.LsTrk.GetSpeciesId("A")));
            double uB_Err = uNum_B.L2Error(this.Control.uB_Ex.Vectorize(PhysTime), order, schH.GetVolumeQuadScheme(this.LsTrk.GetSpeciesId("B")));

            Func <double[], double, double> uJmp_Ex = ((X, t) => this.Control.uA_Ex(X, t) - this.Control.uB_Ex(X, t));

            SinglePhaseField uNumJump = new SinglePhaseField(uNum_A.Basis, "Jump");
            var CC = LsTrk.Regions.GetCutCellMask();

            uNumJump.Acc(+1.0, uNum_A, CC);
            uNumJump.Acc(-1.0, uNum_B, CC);
            double JmpL2Err = uNumJump.L2Error(uJmp_Ex.Vectorize(PhysTime), order, schH.GetLevelSetquadScheme(0, CC));

            base.QueryHandler.ValueQuery("uA_Err", uA_Err);
            base.QueryHandler.ValueQuery("uB_Err", uB_Err);
            base.QueryHandler.ValueQuery("uJmp_Err", JmpL2Err);

            Console.WriteLine("L2-err at t = {0}, bulk:      {1}", PhysTime, Math.Sqrt(uA_Err.Pow2() + uB_Err.Pow2()));
            Console.WriteLine("L2-err at t = {0}, species A: {1}", PhysTime, uA_Err);
            Console.WriteLine("L2-err at t = {0}, species B: {1}", PhysTime, uB_Err);
            Console.WriteLine("L2-err at t = {0}, Jump:      {1}", PhysTime, JmpL2Err);

            double uA_min, uA_max, uB_min, uB_max;
            int    dummy1, dummy2;

            uNum_A.GetExtremalValues(out uA_min, out uA_max, out dummy1, out dummy2, this.LsTrk.Regions.GetSpeciesMask("A"));
            uNum_B.GetExtremalValues(out uB_min, out uB_max, out dummy1, out dummy2, this.LsTrk.Regions.GetSpeciesMask("B"));

            base.QueryHandler.ValueQuery("uA_Min", uA_min);
            base.QueryHandler.ValueQuery("uA_Max", uA_max);
            base.QueryHandler.ValueQuery("uB_Min", uB_min);
            base.QueryHandler.ValueQuery("uB_Max", uB_max);
コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Determines the total curvature which is twice the mean curvature
        /// Please pay attention to the sign of this expression!
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Output">The total curvature</param>
        /// <param name="optionalSubGrid">
        /// Subgrid which can be defined, for example for carrying out
        /// computations on a narrow band
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="bndMode">
        /// Definition of the behavior at subgrid boundaries
        /// </param>
        public void ComputeTotalCurvatureByFlux(SinglePhaseField Output,
                                                SubGrid optionalSubGrid = null,
                                                SpatialOperator.SubGridBoundaryModes bndMode = SpatialOperator.SubGridBoundaryModes.OpenBoundary)
            if (this.m_Basis.Degree <= 1)
                throw new ArgumentException("For correct computation of these level set quantities, the level set has to be at least of degree 2!");

            Basis basisForNormalVec = new Basis(this.GridDat, this.m_Basis.Degree - 1);
            Basis basisForCurvature = new Basis(this.GridDat, this.m_Basis.Degree - 2);

            Func <Basis, string, SinglePhaseField> fac          = (Basis b, string id) => new SinglePhaseField(b, id);
            VectorField <SinglePhaseField>         normalVector = new VectorField <SinglePhaseField>(this.GridDat.SpatialDimension, basisForNormalVec, fac);

            ComputeNormalByFlux(normalVector, optionalSubGrid, bndMode);
            VectorField <SinglePhaseField> secondDerivatives = new VectorField <SinglePhaseField>(this.GridDat.SpatialDimension, basisForCurvature, fac);

            for (int i = 0; i < normalVector.Dim; i++)
                secondDerivatives[i].DerivativeByFlux(1.0, normalVector[i], i, optionalSubGrid, bndMode);

                Output.Acc(-1.0, secondDerivatives[i], optionalSubGrid.VolumeMask);
コード例 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Difference between <paramref name="f1"/> and <paramref name="f0"/>
        /// in the L2Norm.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="f1"></param>
        /// <param name="f0"></param>
        /// <param name="ResidualKey">
        /// Optional parameter for key of residual.
        /// If null, the name of <paramref name="f1"/> will be used as key.
        /// </param>
        public void ComputeDifference(DGField f1, DGField f0, string ResidualKey = null)
            if (f1.Basis.Degree != f0.Basis.Degree)
                throw new ArgumentException("Fields must have equal degrees!");

            string key = GetDictionaryKey(Residualtype.L2Norm, f1.Identification, ResidualKey);

            SinglePhaseField diff = new SinglePhaseField(f1.Basis);

            diff.Acc(1.0, f1);
            diff.Acc(-1.0, f0);
            double res = diff.L2Norm();

            m_Residuals[key] = res;
コード例 #4
ファイル: BDFScheme.cs プロジェクト: xyuan/BoSSS
        /// <summary>
        /// [Multiphase] Summand for previous time steps in level-set equation.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dt"></param>
        /// <param name="BDFOrder"></param>
        /// <param name="Scalar"></param>
        /// <param name="RhsSummand">Accumulator for the result.</param>
        public void ComputeRhsSummand(double dt, int BDFOrder,
                                      ScalarFieldHistory <SinglePhaseField> Scalar,
                                      SinglePhaseField RhsSummand)
            for (int alpha = 1; alpha <= BDFOrder; alpha++)
                RhsSummand.Acc(beta[BDFOrder - 1][alpha], Scalar[1 - alpha]);

            RhsSummand.Scale(1.0 / (gamma[BDFOrder - 1] * dt));
コード例 #5
ファイル: BDFScheme.cs プロジェクト: xyuan/BoSSS
        /// <summary>
        /// [Incompressible] Summand for previous time steps in momentum equation.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dt"></param>
        /// <param name="BDFOrder"></param>
        /// <param name="Velocity"></param>
        /// <param name="SpatialComponent">Velocity component.</param>
        /// <param name="RhsSummand">Accumulator for the result.</param>
        public void ComputeRhsSummand(double dt, int BDFOrder,
                                      VectorFieldHistory <SinglePhaseField> Velocity, int SpatialComponent,
                                      SinglePhaseField RhsSummand)
            for (int alpha = 1; alpha <= BDFOrder; alpha++)
                RhsSummand.Acc(beta[BDFOrder - 1][alpha], Velocity[1 - alpha][SpatialComponent]);

            RhsSummand.Scale(1.0 / (gamma[BDFOrder - 1] * dt));
コード例 #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds an XDG field.
        /// </summary>
        public static void AddDGField(this TestingIO t, XDGField f)
            var trk = f.Basis.Tracker;

            foreach (string spc in trk.SpeciesNames)
                var fs = f.GetSpeciesShadowField(spc);
                SinglePhaseField fsFatClone = new SinglePhaseField(fs.Basis, fs.Identification);
                CellMask         msk        = trk.Regions.GetSpeciesMask(spc);

                fsFatClone.Acc(1.0, fs, msk);

コード例 #7
ファイル: XBase_Solver.cs プロジェクト: nehzatemamy/BoSSS
        private void Filter(SinglePhaseField FiltrdField, int NoOfSweeps, CellMask CC)
            Basis patchRecoveryBasis = FiltrdField.Basis;

            L2PatchRecovery l2pr = new L2PatchRecovery(patchRecoveryBasis, patchRecoveryBasis, CC, true);

            SinglePhaseField F_org = FiltrdField.CloneAs();

            for (int pass = 0; pass < NoOfSweeps; pass++)
                F_org.Acc(1.0, FiltrdField);
                l2pr.Perform(FiltrdField, F_org);
コード例 #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Create Fields with same basis as DG Level Set
        /// </summary>
        protected override void CreateFields()
            // create fields
            phi0       = new SinglePhaseField(DGLevSet.Basis, "phi0");
            gradPhi0   = new VectorField <SinglePhaseField>(DGLevSet.GridDat.SpatialDimension.ForLoop(d => new SinglePhaseField(DGLevSet.Basis, "dPhiDG_dx[" + d + "]")));
            Curvature  = new SinglePhaseField(new Basis(phi0.GridDat, 0), VariableNames.Curvature);
            DCurvature = new SinglePhaseField(new Basis(phi0.GridDat, 0), "D" + VariableNames.Curvature);
            phi        = new SinglePhaseField(DGLevSet.Basis, "phi");
            phi.Acc(1.0, DGLevSet);
            mu             = new SinglePhaseField(DGLevSet.Basis, "mu");
            phi_Resi       = new SinglePhaseField(DGLevSet.Basis, "phi_Resi");
            mu_Resi        = new SinglePhaseField(DGLevSet.Basis, "mu_Resi");
            curvature_Resi = new SinglePhaseField(Curvature.Basis, "curvature_Resi");

            // residuals:
            var solFields = InstantiateSolutionFields();

            CurrentStateVector = new CoordinateVector(solFields);

            // residuals:
            var resFields = InstantiateResidualFields();

            CurrentResidualVector = new CoordinateVector(resFields);

            //// Dummy Level Set
            //DummyLevSet = new LevelSet(new Basis(this.GridData, 1), "Levset");
            //this.DummyLsTrk = new LevelSetTracker((GridData)(this.GridData), XQuadFactoryHelper.MomentFittingVariants.Saye, 1, new string[] { "A", "B" }, DummyLevSet);

            // Actual Level Set used for correction operations
            CorrectionLevSet     = new LevelSet(phi.Basis, "Levset");
            this.CorrectionLsTrk = new LevelSetTracker((GridData)(this.GridData), XQuadFactoryHelper.MomentFittingVariants.Saye, 2, new string[] { "A", "B" }, CorrectionLevSet);
            CorrectionLevSet.Acc(1.0, phi);

            // set coefficients
コード例 #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Based on the Ideas by
        /// C. Basting and D. Kuzmin,
        /// “A minimization-based finite element formulation for interface-preserving level set reinitialization”,
        /// Computing, vol. 95, no. 1, pp. 13–25, Dec. 2012.
        /// Create Spatial Operators and build the corresponding Matrices
        /// For the Left-Hand Side of the ReInitProblem
        /// RHS is computed on the fly in <see cref="ReInitSingleStep"/>
        /// The Bulk component is constant unless the grid changes, thus it is computed in <see cref="BuildOperators(CellQuadratureScheme)"/>.
        /// The Interface component changes with its motion.
        /// This component is calculated in <see cref="UpdateOperators(CellQuadratureScheme)"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="LSTrck"></param>
        /// <param name="Control">various parameters <paramref name="EllipticReinitControl"/></param>
        /// <param name="HMFOrder">order of tghe interface quadrature</param>
        public EllipticReInit(LevelSetTracker LSTrck, EllipticReInitAlgoControl Control, SinglePhaseField LevelSetForReInit = null)
            this.Control         = Control;
            this.LevelSetTracker = LSTrck;
            if (LevelSetForReInit == null)
                Phi = LevelSetTracker.LevelSets[0] as SinglePhaseField;
                Phi = LevelSetForReInit;
            this.underrelaxation = Control.underrelaxation;

            Residual = new SinglePhaseField(Phi.Basis);
            OldPhi   = new SinglePhaseField(Phi.Basis);
            NewPhi   = new SinglePhaseField(Phi.Basis);
            foreach (SinglePhaseField f in new List <SinglePhaseField> {
                Residual, OldPhi, NewPhi
                f.Acc(1.0, Phi);

            this.D = LevelSetTracker.GridDat.SpatialDimension;

            this.ConvergenceCriterion = Control.ConvergenceCriterion;
            this.MaxIteration         = Control.MaxIt;

            double PenaltyBase = ((double)((Phi.Basis.Degree + 1) * (Phi.Basis.Degree + D))) / ((double)D);

            // Choose Forms according to Upwinding or Central Fluxes
            string[] paramNames;
            int      noOfParamFields;

            IEquationComponent BulkForm;
            RHSForm            myRHSForm;

            LevelSetGradient     = new VectorField <SinglePhaseField>(D, Phi.Basis, "LevelSetGradient", SinglePhaseField.Factory);
            MeanLevelSetGradient = new VectorField <SinglePhaseField>(D, new Basis(Phi.GridDat, 0), "MeanLevelSetGradient", SinglePhaseField.Factory);

            if (Control.Upwinding)
                paramNames      = new string[] { "OldLevelSet", "MeanLevelSetGradient[0]", "MeanLevelSetGradient[1]" };
                noOfParamFields = D;
                LevelSetGradient.Gradient(1.0, Phi);
                //LevelSetGradient.GradientByFlux(1.0, Phi);
                MeanLevelSetGradient.AccLaidBack(1.0, LevelSetGradient);

                parameterFields = ArrayTools.Cat(new SinglePhaseField[] { OldPhi }, MeanLevelSetGradient.ToArray());
                //throw new NotImplementedException("ToDO");
                BulkForm  = new EllipticReInitUpwindForm_Laplace(Control.PenaltyMultiplierFlux * PenaltyBase, LSTrck);
                myRHSForm = new EllipticReInitUpwindForm_RHS(Control.PenaltyMultiplierFlux * PenaltyBase, LSTrck);

                OldDirection = new double[MeanLevelSetGradient.CoordinateVector.ToArray().Length];
                for (int i = 0; i < MeanLevelSetGradient.CoordinateVector.Length; i++)
                    OldDirection[i] = Math.Sign(MeanLevelSetGradient.CoordinateVector[i]);
                NewDirection = OldDirection.CloneAs();
                paramNames      = new string[] { };
                noOfParamFields = 0;
                parameterFields = new SinglePhaseField[] { };
                BulkForm        = new CentralDifferencesLHSForm(Control.PenaltyMultiplierFlux * PenaltyBase, LSTrck.GridDat.Cells.cj);
                myRHSForm       = new CentralDifferencesRHSForm(Control.PenaltyMultiplierFlux * PenaltyBase, LSTrck);

            // SIP for the bulk Phase
            //this.Operator_bulk = new SpatialOperator(1, noOfParamFields, 1, QuadOrderFunc.SumOfMaxDegrees(1, RoundUp: false), variableNames);
            this.Operator_bulk = BulkForm.Operator();

            // Zero at the Interface
            // Calculate Quadrature Order
            Func <int[], int[], int[], int> InterfaceQuadOrder;

            InterfaceQuadOrder = QuadOrderFunc.FixedOrder(Phi.Basis.Degree * 2 + 2);

            // Generate Interface Operator
            this.Operator_interface = (new EllipticReInitInterfaceForm(Control.PenaltyMultiplierInterface * PenaltyBase, LSTrck)).XOperator(new[] { "A" }, InterfaceQuadOrder);

            // Nonlinear Part on the RHS
            // switch for the potential functions
            switch (Control.Potential)
            case ReInitPotential.BastingDoubleWell: {
                myRHSForm.DiffusionRate = ((d, b) => DiffusionRates.DoubleWell(d, b));

            case ReInitPotential.BastingSingleWell: {
                myRHSForm.DiffusionRate = ((d, b) => DiffusionRates.SingleWell(d, b));

            case ReInitPotential.SingleWellNear: {
                myRHSForm.DiffusionRate = ((d, b) => DiffusionRates.SingleWellNear(d, b));

            case ReInitPotential.P4DoubleWell: {
                Console.WriteLine("Warning - This Option for Elliptic ReInit does not work well");
                myRHSForm.DiffusionRate = ((d, b) => DiffusionRates.DoubleWellAlternative(d, b));

            case ReInitPotential.SingleWellOnCutDoubleWellElse: {
                myRHSForm.DiffusionRate = ((d, b) => DiffusionRates.SingleWellOnCutDoubleWellElse(d, b));
            Operator_RHS = myRHSForm.Operator(QuadOrderFunc.SumOfMaxDegrees(2, RoundUp: true));

            // The result of the nonlinear part on the rhs is projected on a single-phase field
            RHSField = new SinglePhaseField(Phi.Basis, "RHS");

            OpMatrix = new MsrMatrix(this.Phi.Mapping, this.Phi.Mapping);
            OpAffine = new double[OpMatrix.RowPartitioning.LocalLength];

            // Matrix and RHS for the Bulk component
            OpMatrix_bulk = new MsrMatrix(this.Phi.Mapping, this.Phi.Mapping);
            OpAffine_bulk = new double[OpMatrix.RowPartitioning.LocalLength];

            // Matrix and RHS for the Interface Penalty
            OpMatrix_interface = new MsrMatrix(this.Phi.Mapping, this.Phi.Mapping);
            OpAffine_interface = new double[OpMatrix.RowPartitioning.LocalLength];

            // Init Parameter Fields
            OldPhi.Acc(1.0, Phi);

            // Compute Matrices
コード例 #10
        /// <summary>
        /// One Iteration of the ReInitialization
        /// Operators must be built first
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ChangeRate">
        /// L2-Norm of the Change-Rate in the level set in this reinit step
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="Restriction">
        /// The subgrid, on which the ReInit is performed
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="IncludingInterface">
        /// !! Not yet functional !!
        /// True, if the subgrid contains the interface, this causes all external edges of the subgrid to be treated as boundaries
        /// False, for the rest of the domain, thus the flux to the adjacent cells wil be evaluated
        /// </param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public void ReInitSingleStep(out double ChangeRate, SubGrid Restriction = null, bool IncludingInterface = true)
            if (!IncludingInterface)
                throw new NotImplementedException("Untested, not yet functional!");

            using (new FuncTrace()) {
                /// Init Residuals
                Residual.Acc(1.0, Phi);
                OldPhi.Acc(1.0, Phi);
                NewPhi.Acc(1.0, Phi);

                CellMask RestrictionMask = Restriction == null ? null : Restriction.VolumeMask;

                //if (Control.Upwinding && UpdateDirection && IterationCounter % 10 == 0) {

                if (false && Control.Upwinding && UpdateDirection)
                    //if (Control.Upwinding && UpdateDirection) {

                UpdateDirection = false;
                // RHS part
                //Operator_RHS.Evaluate(NewPhi.Mapping, RHSField.Mapping);
                Operator_RHS.Evaluate(double.NaN, IncludingInterface ? Restriction : null, IncludingInterface ? SubGridBoundaryModes.BoundaryEdge : SubGridBoundaryModes.InnerEdge, ArrayTools.Cat(new DGField[] { Phi }, parameterFields, new DGField[] { RHSField }));
                // solve
                // =====
                double[] RHS = OpAffine.CloneAs();
                RHS.AccV(1.0, RHSField.CoordinateVector);

                SolverResult Result;
                if (Restriction != null)

                    SubRHS.AccV(1.0, RHS, default(int[]), SubVecIdx);
                    SubSolution.AccV(1.0, NewPhi.CoordinateVector, default(int[]), SubVecIdx);

                    Result = slv.Solve(SubSolution, SubRHS);

                    NewPhi.CoordinateVector.AccV(1.0, SubSolution, SubVecIdx, default(int[]));
                    Result = slv.Solve(NewPhi.CoordinateVector, RHS);
#if Debug
                OpMatrix.SpMV(-1.0, NewPhi.CoordinateVector, 1.0, RHS);
                Console.WriteLine("LinearSolver: {0} Iterations, Converged={1}, Residual = {2} ", Result.NoOfIterations, Result.Converged, RHS.L2Norm());

                // Apply underrelaxation

                Phi.Acc(1 - underrelaxation, OldPhi, RestrictionMask);
                Phi.Acc(underrelaxation, NewPhi, RestrictionMask);
                Residual.Acc(-1.0, Phi, RestrictionMask);
                ChangeRate = Residual.L2Norm(RestrictionMask);

                LevelSetGradient.Gradient(1.0, Phi, RestrictionMask);
                //LevelSetGradient.GradientByFlux(1.0, Phi);
                MeanLevelSetGradient.AccLaidBack(1.0, LevelSetGradient, RestrictionMask);

                if (Control.Upwinding)
                    for (int i = 0; i < MeanLevelSetGradient.CoordinateVector.Length; i++)
                        NewDirection[i] = Math.Sign(MeanLevelSetGradient.CoordinateVector[i]);
                        //NewDirection[i] = MeanLevelSetGradient.CoordinateVector[i];
                        OldDirection[i] -= NewDirection[i];

                    double MaxDiff = OldDirection.L2Norm();
                    //if (MaxDiff > 1E-20 && IterationCounter % 10 == 0 ) {
                    //if (MaxDiff > 1E-20) {
                    //    Console.WriteLine("Direction Values differ by {0}", MaxDiff);
                    if (MaxDiff > 0.2)
                        //UpdateDirection = true;
                        //Console.WriteLine("Direction Values differ by {0} => Updating ReInit-Matrix", MaxDiff);

                    //Console.WriteLine("HACK!!! Updating Upwind Matrix everytime!");
                    //UpdateDirection = true;

                    // Reset Value
                    OldDirection.AccV(1.0, NewDirection);
コード例 #11
        // Local Variables for Iteration

        // <summary>
        // Counter for Iteration Steps
        // </summary>

        //double OldResidual = double.MaxValue;
        //int divergencecounter = 0;
        ///// <summary>
        ///// Checks for Reaching Max. Number of Iterations and Divergence of Algorithm
        ///// </summary>
        ///// <param name="Residual">Change Rate of the Algorithm</param>
        ///// <returns>Reaching Max Iterations, Aborts when diverged</returns>
        //public bool CheckAbortCriteria(double Residual, int IterationCounter) {
        //    if (Residual <= ConvergenceCriterion) {
        //        Console.WriteLine("EllipticReInit converged after {0} Iterations ", IterationCounter);
        //        return true;
        //    }
        //    if (Residual >= OldResidual) divergencecounter++;
        //    else divergencecounter = 0;
        //    if (IterationCounter >= MaxIteration) {
        //        Console.WriteLine("Elliptic Reinit Max Iterations Reached");
        //        return true;
        //    };
        //    if (divergencecounter > MaxIteration / 2) {
        //        Console.WriteLine("Elliptic Reinit diverged - Aborting");
        //        throw new ApplicationException();
        //    }

        //    OldResidual = Residual;
        //    IterationCounter++;
        //    return false;

        //bool PreviouslyOnSubgrid = false;

        /// <summary>
        /// Updates the Operator Matrix after level-set motion
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Restriction">
        /// The subgrid, on which the ReInit is performed
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="IncludingInterface">
        /// !! Not yet functional !!
        /// True, if the subgrid contains the interface, this causes all external edges of the subgrid to be treated as boundaries
        /// False, for the rest of the domain, thus the flux to the adjacent cells wil be evaluated
        /// </param>
        public void UpdateOperators(SubGrid Restriction = null, bool IncludingInterface = true)
            if (!IncludingInterface)
                throw new NotImplementedException("Untested, not yet functional!");
            using (new FuncTrace()) {
                //using (var slv = new ilPSP.LinSolvers.MUMPS.MUMPSSolver()) {
                //using (var slv = new ilPSP.LinSolvers.PARDISO.PARDISOSolver()) {
                //using (var slv = new ilPSP.LinSolvers.HYPRE.GMRES()) {

                if (Control.Upwinding)
                    OldPhi.Acc(1.0, Phi);
                    LevelSetGradient.Gradient(1.0, Phi, Restriction?.VolumeMask);
                    //LevelSetGradient.Gradient(1.0, Phi);

                    //LevelSetGradient.GradientByFlux(1.0, Phi);
                    MeanLevelSetGradient.AccLaidBack(1.0, LevelSetGradient, Restriction?.VolumeMask);
                    //MeanLevelSetGradient.AccLaidBack(1.0, LevelSetGradient);

                if (slv != null)

                slv = Control.solverFactory();


                // Build the Quadrature-Scheme for the interface operator
                // Note: The HMF-Quadrature over a surface is formally a volume quadrature, since it uses the volume quadrature nodes.
                //    LevelSetTracker,
                //    Phi.Mapping,
                //    null,
                //    Phi.Mapping,
                //    OpMatrix_interface,
                //    OpAffine_interface,
                //    false,
                //    0,
                //    false,
                //    subGrid:Restriction,
                //    whichSpc: LevelSetTracker.GetSpeciesId("A")
                //    );
                XSpatialOperatorMk2.XEvaluatorLinear mtxBuilder = Operator_interface.GetMatrixBuilder(LevelSetTracker, Phi.Mapping, null, Phi.Mapping);

                MultiphaseCellAgglomerator dummy = LevelSetTracker.GetAgglomerator(LevelSetTracker.SpeciesIdS.ToArray(), Phi.Basis.Degree * 2 + 2, 0.0);
                //mtxBuilder.SpeciesOperatorCoefficients[LevelSetTracker.GetSpeciesId("A")].CellLengthScales = dummy.CellLengthScales[LevelSetTracker.GetSpeciesId("A")];
                mtxBuilder.CellLengthScales.Add(LevelSetTracker.GetSpeciesId("A"), dummy.CellLengthScales[LevelSetTracker.GetSpeciesId("A")]);

                mtxBuilder.time           = 0;
                mtxBuilder.MPITtransceive = false;
                mtxBuilder.ComputeMatrix(OpMatrix_interface, OpAffine_interface);

                // Regenerate OpMatrix for subgrid -> adjacent cells must be trated as boundary
                if (Restriction != null)

                    //    Phi.Mapping,
                    //    parameterFields,
                    //    Phi.Mapping,
                    //    OpMatrix_bulk, OpAffine_bulk,
                    //    OnlyAffine: false, sgrd: Restriction);
                    EdgeQuadratureScheme edgescheme;
                    //if (Control.Upwinding) {
                    //    edgescheme = new EdgeQuadratureScheme(true, IncludingInterface ? Restriction.AllEdgesMask : null);
                    //else {
                    edgescheme = new EdgeQuadratureScheme(true, IncludingInterface ? Restriction.InnerEdgesMask : null);
                                                  Phi.Mapping, OpMatrix_bulk, OpAffine_bulk, false, 0,
                                                  edgeQuadScheme: edgescheme,
                                                  volQuadScheme: new CellQuadratureScheme(true, IncludingInterface ? Restriction.VolumeMask : null)
                    //PreviouslyOnSubgrid = true;
                // recalculate full Matrix
                //else if (PreviouslyOnSubgrid) {

                                                  Phi.Mapping, OpMatrix_bulk, OpAffine_bulk, false, 0
                    //PreviouslyOnSubgrid = false;

                /// Compose the Matrix
                /// This is symmetric due to the symmetry of the SIP and the penalty term
                OpMatrix.Acc(1.0, OpMatrix_bulk);
                OpMatrix.Acc(1.0, OpMatrix_interface);
                OpMatrix.AssumeSymmetric = !Control.Upwinding;
                //OpMatrix.AssumeSymmetric = false;

                /// Compose the RHS of the above operators. (-> Boundary Conditions)
                /// This does NOT include the Nonlinear RHS, which will be added later
                OpAffine.AccV(1.0, OpAffine_bulk);
                OpAffine.AccV(1.0, OpAffine_interface);

#if Debug
                ilPSP.Connectors.Matlab.BatchmodeConnector matlabConnector;
                matlabConnector = new BatchmodeConnector();

                if (Restriction != null)
                    SubVecIdx = Phi.Mapping.GetSubvectorIndices(Restriction, true, new int[] { 0 });
                    int L = SubVecIdx.Length;
                    SubMatrix   = new MsrMatrix(L);
                    SubRHS      = new double[L];
                    SubSolution = new double[L];

                    OpMatrix.AccSubMatrixTo(1.0, SubMatrix, SubVecIdx, default(int[]), SubVecIdx, default(int[]));

#if Debug
                    Console.WriteLine("ConditionNumber of ReInit-Matrix is " + SubMatrix.condest().ToString("E"));
#if Debug
                    Console.WriteLine("ConditionNumber of ReInit-Matrix is " + OpMatrix.condest().ToString("E"));
コード例 #12
ファイル: XBase_Solver.cs プロジェクト: nehzatemamy/BoSSS
        /// <summary>
        /// Computes the new level set field at time <paramref name="Phystime"/> + <paramref name="dt"/>.
        /// This is a 'driver function' which provides a universal interface to the various level set evolution algorithms.
        /// It also acts as a callback to the time stepper (see <see cref="m_BDF_Timestepper"/> resp. <see cref="m_RK_Timestepper"/>),
        /// i.e. it matches the signature of
        /// <see cref="BoSSS.Solution.XdgTimestepping.DelUpdateLevelset"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Phystime"></param>
        /// <param name="dt"></param>
        /// <param name="CurrentState">
        /// The current solution (velocity and pressure), since the complete solution is provided by the time stepper,
        /// only the velocity components(supposed to be at the beginning) are used.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="underrelax">
        /// </param>
        public double DelUpdateLevelSet(DGField[] CurrentState, double Phystime, double dt, double underrelax, bool incremental)
            using (new FuncTrace()) {
                //dt *= underrelax;
                int       D           = base.Grid.SpatialDimension;
                int       iTimestep   = hack_TimestepIndex;
                DGField[] EvoVelocity = CurrentState.GetSubVector(0, D);

                // ========================================================
                // Backup old level-set, in order to compute the residual
                // ========================================================

                SinglePhaseField LsBkUp = new SinglePhaseField(this.LevSet.Basis);
                LsBkUp.Acc(1.0, this.LevSet);
                CellMask oldCC = LsTrk.Regions.GetCutCellMask();

                // ====================================================
                // set evolution velocity, but only on the CUT-cells
                // ====================================================

                #region Calculate density averaged Velocity for each cell

                ConventionalDGField[] meanVelocity = GetMeanVelocityFromXDGField(EvoVelocity);


                // ===================================================================
                // backup interface properties (mass conservation, surface changerate)
                // ===================================================================

                #region backup interface props

                double oldSurfVolume  = 0.0;
                double oldSurfLength  = 0.0;
                double SurfChangerate = 0.0;
                if (this.Control.CheckInterfaceProps)
                    oldSurfVolume  = XNSEUtils.GetSpeciesArea(this.LsTrk, LsTrk.GetSpeciesId("A"));
                    oldSurfLength  = XNSEUtils.GetInterfaceLength(this.LsTrk);
                    SurfChangerate = EnergyUtils.GetSurfaceChangerate(this.LsTrk, meanVelocity, this.m_HMForder);


                // ====================================================
                // perform level-set evolution
                // ====================================================

                #region level-set evolution

                // set up for Strang splitting
                SinglePhaseField DGLevSet_old;
                if (incremental)
                    DGLevSet_old = this.DGLevSet.Current.CloneAs();
                    DGLevSet_old = this.DGLevSet[0].CloneAs();

                // set up for underrelaxation
                SinglePhaseField DGLevSet_oldIter = this.DGLevSet.Current.CloneAs();

                //PlotCurrentState(hack_Phystime, new TimestepNumber(new int[] { hack_TimestepIndex, 0 }), 2);

                // actual evolution
                switch (this.Control.Option_LevelSetEvolution)
                case LevelSetEvolution.None:
                    throw new ArgumentException("illegal call");

                case LevelSetEvolution.FastMarching: {
                        dt, this.LsTrk, DGLevSet_old, this.DGLevSet.Current, this.DGLevSetGradient,
                        meanVelocity, this.ExtensionVelocity.Current.ToArray(),      //new DGField[] { LevSetSrc },
                        this.m_HMForder, iTimestep);

                    //FastMarchReinitSolver = new FastMarchReinit(DGLevSet.Current.Basis);
                    //CellMask Accepted = LsTrk.Regions.GetCutCellMask();
                    //CellMask ActiveField = LsTrk.Regions.GetNearFieldMask(1);
                    //CellMask NegativeField = LsTrk.Regions.GetSpeciesMask("A");
                    //FastMarchReinitSolver.FirstOrderReinit(DGLevSet.Current, Accepted, NegativeField, ActiveField);


                case LevelSetEvolution.Fourier: {
                    Fourier_Timestepper.moveLevelSet(dt, meanVelocity);
                    if (incremental)
                    Fourier_LevSet.ProjectToDGLevelSet(this.DGLevSet.Current, this.LsTrk);

                case LevelSetEvolution.Prescribed: {
                    this.DGLevSet.Current.ProjectField(1.0, this.Control.Phi.Vectorize(Phystime + dt));

                case LevelSetEvolution.ScalarConvection: {
                    var LSM = new LevelSetMover(EvoVelocity,

                    int check1 = this.ExtensionVelocity.PushCount;
                    int check2 = this.DGLevSet.PushCount;

                    this.DGLevSet[1].Acc(1.0, DGLevSet_old);

                    if (check1 != this.ExtensionVelocity.PushCount)
                        throw new ApplicationException();
                    if (check2 != this.DGLevSet.PushCount)
                        throw new ApplicationException();


                case LevelSetEvolution.ExtensionVelocity: {
                    DGLevSetGradient.Gradient(1.0, DGLevSet.Current);


                    // Fast Marching: Specify the Domains first
                    // Perform Fast Marching only on the Far Field
                    if (this.Control.AdaptiveMeshRefinement)
                        int      NoCells = ((GridData)this.GridData).Cells.Count;
                        BitArray Refined = new BitArray(NoCells);
                        for (int j = 0; j < NoCells; j++)
                            if (((GridData)this.GridData).Cells.GetCell(j).RefinementLevel > 0)
                                Refined[j] = true;
                        CellMask Accepted      = new CellMask(this.GridData, Refined);
                        CellMask AcceptedNeigh = Accepted.AllNeighbourCells();

                        Accepted = Accepted.Union(AcceptedNeigh);
                        CellMask ActiveField   = Accepted.Complement();
                        CellMask NegativeField = LsTrk.Regions.GetSpeciesMask("A");
                        FastMarchReinitSolver.FirstOrderReinit(DGLevSet.Current, Accepted, NegativeField, ActiveField);
                        CellMask Accepted      = LsTrk.Regions.GetNearFieldMask(1);
                        CellMask ActiveField   = Accepted.Complement();
                        CellMask NegativeField = LsTrk.Regions.GetSpeciesMask("A");
                        FastMarchReinitSolver.FirstOrderReinit(DGLevSet.Current, Accepted, NegativeField, ActiveField);
                    //SubGrid AcceptedGrid = new SubGrid(Accepted);
                    //ReInitPDE.ReInitialize(Restriction: AcceptedGrid);

                    //CellMask ActiveField = Accepted.Complement();
                    //CellMask NegativeField = LsTrk.Regions.GetSpeciesMask("A");
                    //FastMarchReinitSolver.FirstOrderReinit(DGLevSet.Current, Accepted, NegativeField, ActiveField);



                    throw new ApplicationException();

                // performing underrelaxation
                if (underrelax < 1.0)
                    this.DGLevSet.Current.Acc((1.0 - underrelax), DGLevSet_oldIter);

                //PlotCurrentState(hack_Phystime, new TimestepNumber(new int[] { hack_TimestepIndex, 1 }), 2);


                // ======================
                // postprocessing
                // =======================

                if (this.Control.ReInitPeriod > 0 && hack_TimestepIndex % this.Control.ReInitPeriod == 0)
                    Console.WriteLine("Filtering DG-LevSet");
                    SinglePhaseField FiltLevSet = new SinglePhaseField(DGLevSet.Current.Basis);
                    FiltLevSet.AccLaidBack(1.0, DGLevSet.Current);
                    Filter(FiltLevSet, 2, oldCC);
                    DGLevSet.Current.Acc(1.0, FiltLevSet);

                    Console.WriteLine("FastMarchReInit performing FirstOrderReInit");
                    FastMarchReinitSolver = new FastMarchReinit(DGLevSet.Current.Basis);
                    CellMask Accepted      = LsTrk.Regions.GetCutCellMask();
                    CellMask ActiveField   = LsTrk.Regions.GetNearFieldMask(1);
                    CellMask NegativeField = LsTrk.Regions.GetSpeciesMask("A");
                    FastMarchReinitSolver.FirstOrderReinit(DGLevSet.Current, Accepted, NegativeField, ActiveField);

                #region ensure continuity

                // make level set continuous
                CellMask CC    = LsTrk.Regions.GetCutCellMask4LevSet(0);
                CellMask Near1 = LsTrk.Regions.GetNearMask4LevSet(0, 1);
                CellMask PosFF = LsTrk.Regions.GetLevelSetWing(0, +1).VolumeMask;
                ContinuityEnforcer.MakeContinuous(this.DGLevSet.Current, this.LevSet, Near1, PosFF);

                if (this.Control.Option_LevelSetEvolution == LevelSetEvolution.FastMarching)
                    CellMask Nearband = Near1.Union(CC);
                    this.DGLevSet.Current.AccLaidBack(1.0, this.LevSet, Nearband);
                    //ContinuityEnforcer.SetFarField(this.DGLevSet.Current, Near1, PosFF);

                //PlotCurrentState(hack_Phystime, new TimestepNumber(new int[] { hack_TimestepIndex, 2 }), 2);


                for (int d = 0; d < D; d++)
                    this.XDGvelocity.Velocity[d].UpdateBehaviour = BehaveUnder_LevSetMoovement.AutoExtrapolate;

                // ===============
                // tracker update
                // ===============

                this.LsTrk.UpdateTracker(Phystime + dt, incremental: true);

                // update near field (in case of adaptive mesh refinement)
                if (this.Control.AdaptiveMeshRefinement && this.Control.Option_LevelSetEvolution == LevelSetEvolution.FastMarching)
                    Near1 = LsTrk.Regions.GetNearMask4LevSet(0, 1);
                    PosFF = LsTrk.Regions.GetLevelSetWing(0, +1).VolumeMask;
                    ContinuityEnforcer.SetFarField(this.DGLevSet.Current, Near1, PosFF);
                    ContinuityEnforcer.SetFarField(this.LevSet, Near1, PosFF);

                // ==================================================================
                // check interface properties (mass conservation, surface changerate)
                // ==================================================================

                if (this.Control.CheckInterfaceProps)
                    double currentSurfVolume = XNSEUtils.GetSpeciesArea(this.LsTrk, LsTrk.GetSpeciesId("A"));
                    double massChange        = ((currentSurfVolume - oldSurfVolume) / oldSurfVolume) * 100;
                    Console.WriteLine("Change of mass = {0}%", massChange);

                    double currentSurfLength    = XNSEUtils.GetInterfaceLength(this.LsTrk);
                    double actualSurfChangerate = (currentSurfLength - oldSurfLength) / dt;
                    Console.WriteLine("Interface divergence = {0}", SurfChangerate);
                    Console.WriteLine("actual surface changerate = {0}", actualSurfChangerate);

                // ==================
                // compute residual
                // ==================

                var newCC = LsTrk.Regions.GetCutCellMask();
                LsBkUp.Acc(-1.0, this.LevSet);
                double LevSetResidual = LsBkUp.L2Norm(newCC.Union(oldCC));

コード例 #13
ファイル: ZwoLsTestMain.cs プロジェクト: nehzatemamy/BoSSS
        protected override double RunSolverOneStep(int TimestepNo, double phystime, double dt)
            Console.WriteLine("    Timestep # " + TimestepNo + ", phystime = " + phystime);

            //phystime = 1.8;

            // operator-matrix assemblieren
            MsrMatrix OperatorMatrix = new MsrMatrix(u.Mapping, u.Mapping);

            double[] Affine = new double[OperatorMatrix.RowPartitioning.LocalLength];

            // Agglomerator setup
            MultiphaseCellAgglomerator Agg = LsTrk.GetAgglomerator(new SpeciesId[] { LsTrk.GetSpeciesId("B") }, QuadOrder, this.THRESHOLD);

            // plausibility of cell length scales
            if (SER_PAR_COMPARISON)
                TestLengthScales(QuadOrder, TimestepNo);

            Console.WriteLine("Inter-Process agglomeration? " + Agg.GetAgglomerator(LsTrk.GetSpeciesId("B")).AggInfo.InterProcessAgglomeration);
            if (this.THRESHOLD > 0.01)
                TestAgglomeration_Projection(QuadOrder, Agg);

            // operator matrix assembly
            XSpatialOperatorMk2.XEvaluatorLinear mtxBuilder = Op.GetMatrixBuilder(base.LsTrk, u.Mapping, null, u.Mapping);
            mtxBuilder.time = 0.0;
            mtxBuilder.ComputeMatrix(OperatorMatrix, Affine);
            Agg.ManipulateMatrixAndRHS(OperatorMatrix, Affine, u.Mapping, u.Mapping);

            // mass matrix factory
            var Mfact = LsTrk.GetXDGSpaceMetrics(new SpeciesId[] { LsTrk.GetSpeciesId("B") }, QuadOrder, 1).MassMatrixFactory;// new MassMatrixFactory(u.Basis, Agg);

            // Mass matrix/Inverse Mass matrix
            //var MassInv = Mfact.GetMassMatrix(u.Mapping, new double[] { 1.0 }, true, LsTrk.GetSpeciesId("B"));
            var Mass = Mfact.GetMassMatrix(u.Mapping, new double[] { 1.0 }, false, LsTrk.GetSpeciesId("B"));

            Agg.ManipulateMatrixAndRHS(Mass, default(double[]), u.Mapping, u.Mapping);
            var MassInv = Mass.InvertBlocks(OnlyDiagonal: true, Subblocks: true, ignoreEmptyBlocks: true, SymmetricalInversion: false);

            // test that operator depends only on B-species values
            double DepTest = LsTrk.Regions.GetSpeciesSubGrid("B").TestMatrixDependency(OperatorMatrix, u.Mapping, u.Mapping);

            Console.WriteLine("Matrix dependency test: " + DepTest);
            Assert.LessOrEqual(DepTest, 0.0);

            // diagnostic output
            Console.WriteLine("Number of Agglomerations (all species): " + Agg.TotalNumberOfAgglomerations);
            Console.WriteLine("Number of Agglomerations (species 'B'): " + Agg.GetAgglomerator(LsTrk.GetSpeciesId("B")).AggInfo.SourceCells.NoOfItemsLocally.MPISum());

            // operator auswerten:
            double[] x = new double[Affine.Length];
            BLAS.daxpy(x.Length, 1.0, Affine, 1, x, 1);
            OperatorMatrix.SpMVpara(1.0, u.CoordinateVector, 1.0, x);
            MassInv.SpMV(1.0, x, 0.0, du_dx.CoordinateVector);

            // markieren, wo ueberhaupt A und B sind
            Bmarker.AccConstant(1.0, LsTrk.Regions.GetSpeciesSubGrid("B").VolumeMask);
            Amarker.AccConstant(+1.0, LsTrk.Regions.GetSpeciesSubGrid("A").VolumeMask);
            if (usePhi0 && usePhi1)
                Xmarker.AccConstant(+1.0, LsTrk.Regions.GetSpeciesSubGrid("X").VolumeMask);

            // compute error
            ERR.Acc(1.0, du_dx_Exact, LsTrk.Regions.GetSpeciesSubGrid("B").VolumeMask);
            ERR.Acc(-1.0, du_dx, LsTrk.Regions.GetSpeciesSubGrid("B").VolumeMask);
            double L2Err = ERR.L2Norm(LsTrk.Regions.GetSpeciesSubGrid("B").VolumeMask);

            Console.WriteLine("L2 Error: " + L2Err);

            XERR.GetSpeciesShadowField("B").Acc(1.0, ERR, LsTrk.Regions.GetSpeciesSubGrid("B").VolumeMask);
            double xL2Err = XERR.L2Norm();

            Console.WriteLine("L2 Error (in XDG space): " + xL2Err);

            // check error
            double ErrorThreshold = 1.0e-1;

            if (this.MomentFittingVariant == XQuadFactoryHelper.MomentFittingVariants.OneStepGaussAndStokes)
                ErrorThreshold = 1.0e-6; // HMF is designed for such integrands and should perform close to machine accuracy; on general integrands, the precision is different.
            bool IsPassed = ((L2Err <= ErrorThreshold || this.THRESHOLD <= ErrorThreshold) && xL2Err <= ErrorThreshold);

            if (IsPassed)
                Console.WriteLine("Test PASSED");
                Console.WriteLine("Test FAILED: check errors.");
                //PlotCurrentState(phystime, TimestepNo, 3);

            if (TimestepNo > 1)
                if (this.THRESHOLD > ErrorThreshold)
                    // without agglomeration, the error in very tiny cut-cells may be large over the whole cell
                    // However, the error in the XDG-space should be small under all circumstances
                    Assert.LessOrEqual(L2Err, ErrorThreshold, "DG L2 error of computing du_dx");
                Assert.LessOrEqual(xL2Err, ErrorThreshold, "XDG L2 error of computing du_dx");

            // return/Ende
            base.NoOfTimesteps = 17;
            //base.NoOfTimesteps = 2;
            dt = 0.3;
コード例 #14
ファイル: Surface.cs プロジェクト: xyuan/BoSSS
        /// <summary>
        ///  In this method, the vector normal to the surface as well as certain derivatives
        /// of it that we intend to use are set up
        /// </summary>

        protected void NormalVec(double deltax)
            wx = new SinglePhaseField(m_gradBasis, "wx");
            wy = new SinglePhaseField(m_gradBasis, "wy");

            if (m_Context.Grid.SpatialDimension == 2)
                m_Gradw = new VectorField <SinglePhaseField>(wx, wy);
            else if (m_Context.Grid.SpatialDimension == 3)
                wz      = new SinglePhaseField(m_gradBasis, "wz");
                m_Gradw = new VectorField <SinglePhaseField>(wx, wy, wz);
                throw new NotSupportedException("only spatial dimension 2 and 3 are supported.");
            SinglePhaseField absval = new SinglePhaseField(m_gradBasis);

            m_Gradw[0].Derivative(1.0, m_Field, 0);
            m_Gradw[1].Derivative(1.0, m_Field, 1);

            if (m_Context.Grid.SpatialDimension == 3)
                m_Gradw[2].Derivative(1.0, m_Field, 2);

             * Normalization of the gradient vector
             * Might be better implemented using a
             * Function

            absval.ProjectAbs(1.0, m_Gradw);
            m_Gradw[0].ProjectQuotient(1.0, m_Gradw[0], absval, null, false);
            m_Gradw[1].ProjectQuotient(1.0, m_Gradw[1], absval, null, false);

            if (m_Context.Grid.SpatialDimension == 3)
                m_Gradw[2].ProjectQuotient(1.0, m_Gradw[2], absval, null, false);
            SinglePhaseField n1x = new SinglePhaseField(m_derivsBasis, "n1x");
            SinglePhaseField n2x = new SinglePhaseField(m_derivsBasis, "n2x");
            SinglePhaseField n1y = new SinglePhaseField(m_derivsBasis, "n1y");
            SinglePhaseField n2y = new SinglePhaseField(m_derivsBasis, "n2y");

            if (m_Context.Grid.SpatialDimension == 3)
                SinglePhaseField n3x = new SinglePhaseField(m_derivsBasis, "n3x");
                SinglePhaseField n3y = new SinglePhaseField(m_derivsBasis, "n3y");
                SinglePhaseField n1z = new SinglePhaseField(m_derivsBasis, "n1z");
                SinglePhaseField n2z = new SinglePhaseField(m_derivsBasis, "n2z");
                SinglePhaseField n3z = new SinglePhaseField(m_derivsBasis, "n3z");

                m_normderivs = new VectorField <SinglePhaseField>(n1x, n2x, n3x, n1y, n2y, n3y, n1z, n2z, n3z);

                /* Partial derivatives of the normal vector.
                 * These quantities are used in the product rule applied to the surface projection
                 * and to compute the mean curvature

                m_normderivs[0].Derivative(1.0, m_Gradw[0], 0);
                m_normderivs[1].Derivative(1.0, m_Gradw[1], 0);
                m_normderivs[2].Derivative(1.0, m_Gradw[2], 0);
                m_normderivs[3].Derivative(1.0, m_Gradw[0], 1);
                m_normderivs[4].Derivative(1.0, m_Gradw[1], 1);
                m_normderivs[5].Derivative(1.0, m_Gradw[2], 1);
                m_normderivs[6].Derivative(1.0, m_Gradw[0], 2);
                m_normderivs[7].Derivative(1.0, m_Gradw[1], 2);
                m_normderivs[8].Derivative(1.0, m_Gradw[2], 2);
                m_normderivs = new VectorField <SinglePhaseField>(n1x, n2x, n1y, n2y);

                /* Partial derivatives of the normal vector.
                 * These quantities are used in the product rule applied to the surface projection
                 * and to compute the mean curvature

                m_normderivs[0].Derivative(1.0, m_Gradw[0], 0);
                m_normderivs[1].Derivative(1.0, m_Gradw[1], 0);
                m_normderivs[2].Derivative(1.0, m_Gradw[0], 1);
                m_normderivs[3].Derivative(1.0, m_Gradw[1], 1);

             * Divergence of the surface normal vector yields the total curvature
             * which is twice the mean curvature
             * ATTENTION: here with inverse sign!!!!!
            m_Curvature = new SinglePhaseField(m_derivsBasis);
            m_Curvature.Acc(1.0, m_normderivs[0]);
            m_Curvature.Acc(1.0, m_normderivs[4]);
            if (m_Context.Grid.SpatialDimension == 3)
                m_Curvature.Acc(1.0, m_normderivs[8]);

            m_sign = new SinglePhaseField(m_Basis, "sign");
            SinglePhaseField quot = new SinglePhaseField(m_Basis, "quot");
            SinglePhaseField sqrt = new SinglePhaseField(m_Basis, "sqrt");

            sqrt.ProjectProduct(1.0, m_Field, m_Field);

            quot.ProjectPow(1.0, sqrt, deltax * deltax);
            m_sign.ProjectQuotient(1.0, m_Field, quot);
コード例 #15
ファイル: ScalarExtUpdate.cs プロジェクト: xj361685640/BoSSS
 public void Advect(double dt)
     VelocityExtender.ConstructExtension(nearfield: nearfield);
     LevelSet.Acc(-dt, Extension);
コード例 #16
        protected override double RunSolverOneStep(int TimestepNo, double phystime, double dt)
            Console.WriteLine("    Timestep # " + TimestepNo + ", phystime = " + phystime);

            //phystime = 1.8;

            // operator-matrix assemblieren
            MsrMatrix OperatorMatrix = new MsrMatrix(u.Mapping, u.Mapping);

            double[] Affine = new double[OperatorMatrix.RowPartitioning.LocalLength];
            MultiphaseCellAgglomerator Agg;
            MassMatrixFactory          Mfact;

            // Agglomerator setup
            int quadOrder = Op.QuadOrderFunction(new int[] { u.Basis.Degree }, new int[0], new int[] { u.Basis.Degree });

            //Agg = new MultiphaseCellAgglomerator(new CutCellMetrics(MomentFittingVariant, quadOrder, LsTrk, ), this.THRESHOLD, false);
            Agg = LsTrk.GetAgglomerator(new SpeciesId[] { LsTrk.GetSpeciesId("B") }, quadOrder, this.THRESHOLD);

            Console.WriteLine("Inter-Process agglomeration? " + Agg.GetAgglomerator(LsTrk.GetSpeciesId("B")).AggInfo.InterProcessAgglomeration);
            if (this.THRESHOLD > 0.01)
                TestAgglomeration_Projection(quadOrder, Agg);

            // operator matrix assembly
                               u.Mapping, null, u.Mapping,
                               OperatorMatrix, Affine, false, 0.0, true,
            Agg.ManipulateMatrixAndRHS(OperatorMatrix, Affine, u.Mapping, u.Mapping);

            // mass matrix factory
            Mfact = LsTrk.GetXDGSpaceMetrics(new SpeciesId[] { LsTrk.GetSpeciesId("B") }, quadOrder, 1).MassMatrixFactory;// new MassMatrixFactory(u.Basis, Agg);

            // Mass matrix/Inverse Mass matrix
            //var MassInv = Mfact.GetMassMatrix(u.Mapping, new double[] { 1.0 }, true, LsTrk.GetSpeciesId("B"));
            var Mass = Mfact.GetMassMatrix(u.Mapping, new double[] { 1.0 }, false, LsTrk.GetSpeciesId("B"));

            Agg.ManipulateMatrixAndRHS(Mass, default(double[]), u.Mapping, u.Mapping);
            var MassInv = Mass.InvertBlocks(OnlyDiagonal: true, Subblocks: true, ignoreEmptyBlocks: true, SymmetricalInversion: false);

            // test that operator depends only on B-species values
            double DepTest = LsTrk.Regions.GetSpeciesSubGrid("B").TestMatrixDependency(OperatorMatrix, u.Mapping, u.Mapping);

            Console.WriteLine("Matrix dependency test: " + DepTest);
            Assert.LessOrEqual(DepTest, 0.0);

            // diagnostic output
            Console.WriteLine("Number of Agglomerations (all species): " + Agg.TotalNumberOfAgglomerations);
            Console.WriteLine("Number of Agglomerations (species 'B'): " + Agg.GetAgglomerator(LsTrk.GetSpeciesId("B")).AggInfo.SourceCells.NoOfItemsLocally.MPISum());

            // operator auswerten:
            double[] x = new double[Affine.Length];
            BLAS.daxpy(x.Length, 1.0, Affine, 1, x, 1);
            OperatorMatrix.SpMVpara(1.0, u.CoordinateVector, 1.0, x);
            MassInv.SpMV(1.0, x, 0.0, du_dx.CoordinateVector);

            // markieren, wo ueberhaupt A und B sind
            Bmarker.AccConstant(1.0, LsTrk.Regions.GetSpeciesSubGrid("B").VolumeMask);
            Amarker.AccConstant(+1.0, LsTrk.Regions.GetSpeciesSubGrid("A").VolumeMask);
            Xmarker.AccConstant(+1.0, LsTrk.Regions.GetSpeciesSubGrid("X").VolumeMask);

            // compute error
            ERR.Acc(1.0, du_dx_Exact, LsTrk.Regions.GetSpeciesSubGrid("B").VolumeMask);
            ERR.Acc(-1.0, du_dx, LsTrk.Regions.GetSpeciesSubGrid("B").VolumeMask);
            double L2Err = ERR.L2Norm(LsTrk.Regions.GetSpeciesSubGrid("B").VolumeMask);

            Console.WriteLine("L2 Error: " + L2Err);

            XERR.GetSpeciesShadowField("B").Acc(1.0, ERR, LsTrk.Regions.GetSpeciesSubGrid("B").VolumeMask);
            double xL2Err = XERR.L2Norm();

            Console.WriteLine("L2 Error (in XDG space): " + xL2Err);

            // check error
            if (this.THRESHOLD > 0.01)
                // without agglomeration, the error in very tiny cut-cells may be large over the whole cell
                // However, the error in the XDG-space should be small under all circumstances
                Assert.LessOrEqual(L2Err, 1.0e-6);
            Assert.LessOrEqual(xL2Err, 1.0e-6);

            bool IsPassed = ((L2Err <= 1.0e-6 || this.THRESHOLD <= 0.01) && xL2Err <= 1.0e-7);

            if (IsPassed)
                Console.WriteLine("Test PASSED");
                Console.WriteLine("Test FAILED: check errors.");

            // return/Ende
            base.NoOfTimesteps = 17;
            //base.NoOfTimesteps = 2;
            dt = 0.3;
コード例 #17
        /// <summary>
        /// Update scalar field variables after solving scalar equation.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="SolverConf"></param>
        /// <param name="ModeRelaxScalar"></param>
        /// <param name="relax_scalar"></param>
        /// <param name="Scalar"></param>
        /// <param name="ScalarRes"></param>
        /// <param name="ScalarMean"></param>
        /// <param name="Rho"></param>
        /// <param name="Eta"></param>
        /// <param name="RhoMatrix"></param>
        /// <param name="EoS"></param>
        /// <param name="ThermodynamicPressure">Null for multiphase flows.</param>
        public static void UpdateScalarFieldVariables(SIMPLEControl SolverConf, RelaxationTypes ModeRelaxScalar, double relax_scalar,
                                                      ScalarFieldHistory <SinglePhaseField> Scalar, SinglePhaseField ScalarRes, SinglePhaseField ScalarMean,
                                                      SinglePhaseField Rho, SinglePhaseField Eta, QuadratureMatrix RhoMatrix, MaterialLaw EoS,
                                                      SinglePhaseField ThermodynamicPressure, bool UpdateRhoVisc = true)
            using (new FuncTrace()) {
                // Explicit Under-Relaxation of scalar variable
                // ============================================

                if (ModeRelaxScalar == RelaxationTypes.Explicit)
                    // phi = alpha * phi_new + (1-alpha) * phi_old
                    Scalar.Current.Acc((1.0 - relax_scalar), ScalarRes);

                // Scalar residual
                // ===============

                ScalarRes.Acc(1.0, Scalar.Current);

                // ScalarMean
                // ==========

                ScalarMean.AccLaidBack(1.0, Scalar.Current);

                // Thermodynamic pressure - only for Low-Mach number flows
                // =======================================================

                switch (SolverConf.PhysicsMode)
                case PhysicsMode.LowMach:
                    LowMachSIMPLEControl lowMachConf = SolverConf as LowMachSIMPLEControl;
                    if (lowMachConf.ThermodynamicPressureMode == ThermodynamicPressureMode.MassDetermined)
                        ThermodynamicPressure.AccConstant(((MaterialLawLowMach)EoS).GetMassDeterminedThermodynamicPressure(lowMachConf.InitialMass.Value, Scalar.Current));

                case PhysicsMode.Multiphase:

                    throw new ApplicationException();

                if (UpdateRhoVisc)
                    // Density
                    // =======

                    Rho.ProjectFunction(1.0, EoS.GetDensity, null, Scalar.Current);

                    // Viscosity
                    // =========

                    Eta.ProjectFunction(1.0, EoS.GetViscosity, null, Scalar.Current);