コード例 #1
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        scm     = GetComponent <SimulatorCommandsManager>();
        robot   = scm.robot;
        uIDD    = GetComponent <UniqueIdDistributor>();
        vision  = robot.GetComponent <VisionManager>();
        smell   = robot.GetComponent <SmellManager>();
        hearing = robot.GetComponent <HearingManager>();
        taste   = robot.GetComponent <TasteManager>();
        touch   = robot.GetComponent <TouchManager>();

        locationsOnScene      = new List <GameObject>(GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag(Constants.TAG_KNOWLOCATIONS));
        objectsInFildOfVision = new List <GameObject>();
        soundsInHearing       = new List <GameObject>();
        knowObjInHearing      = new List <GameObject>();
        touchInTouch          = new List <GameObject>();
        knowObjInTouch        = new List <GameObject>();

        odorInSmell    = new List <GameObject>();
        knowObjInSmell = new List <GameObject>();
        objectsInTaste = new List <GameObject>();
        count          = 0;
        SparqlEndPoint instanceSparql = SparqlEndPoint.getInstance();       // gets the instance for the  singleton object

        instanceSparql.init(host, port);
        visionQueue    = new Queue <GameObject>();
        hearKnowQueue  = new Queue <GameObject>();
        hearUnkQueue   = new Queue <GameObject>();
        touchUnkQueue  = new Queue <GameObject>();
        touchKnowQueue = new Queue <GameObject>();
        smellUnkQueue  = new Queue <GameObject>();
        atDateTime     = DateTime.Now;
        Debug.Log("RHS>>> " + this.name + " is ready to receive request of Senses.");
コード例 #2
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        scm = simulatorManager.GetComponent <SimulatorCommandsManager>();
        dropdownSelected = false;
        listObjects      = new List <GameObject>();
        listSwitchs      = new List <GameObject>();
        //listDoors = new List<GameObject>();

        scm = simulatorManager.GetComponent <SimulatorCommandsManager>();
コード例 #3
    void Start()
        locationsOnScene = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag(Constants.TAG_LOCATION);
        scm    = GetComponent <SimulatorCommandsManager>();
        vision = scm.robot.GetComponent <VisionManager>();

        height      = cam.pixelHeight;
        width       = cam.pixelWidth;
        gameObjects = new HashSet <GameObject>();
        text        = component.GetComponent <Text>();
        text.text   = "";

        foreach (GameObject item in locationsOnScene)
            //dropObjects.options.Add(new Dropdown.OptionData() { text = item.name });
コード例 #4
 *  static readonly IDictionary<int, Type> typeLookup = new Dictionary<int, Type>
 *  {
 *      {1, typeof(CommandWithId)}, {2, typeof(CommandWithAngle)}, {3, typeof(CommandWithoutPar)},
 *      { 4, typeof(CommandWithPosition)}, {5, typeof(CommandWithString)}, {6, typeof(Response)}
 *  };*/

    private void Start()
        scm             = transform.GetComponent <SimulatorCommandsManager>();
        uid             = transform.GetComponent <UniqueIdDistributor>();
        disconnectList  = new List <ServerClient>();
        runningCommands = new List <Command>();
            server = new TcpListener(IPAddress.Any, port);

            serverStarted = true;
            Debug.Log("System>>> Server has been started on port " + port.ToString());
        catch (Exception e)
            Debug.Log("System>>> Socket Error:" + e.Message);
コード例 #5
    void Start()
        scm        = simulatorManager.GetComponent <SimulatorCommandsManager>();
        sm         = simulatorManager.GetComponent <SensesManager>();
        vision     = scm.robot.GetComponent <VisionManager>();
        smell      = scm.robot.GetComponent <SmellManager>();
        hearing    = scm.robot.GetComponent <HearingManager>();
        taste      = scm.robot.GetComponent <TasteManager>();
        touch      = scm.robot.GetComponent <TouchManager>();
        robotHProp = scm.robot.GetComponent <HearingProperties>();

        uid = scm.GetComponent <UniqueIdDistributor>();

        height           = robotCamera.pixelHeight;
        width            = robotCamera.pixelWidth;
        textVision       = visionComponent.GetComponent <Text>();
        textSmell        = smellComponent.GetComponent <Text>();
        textHearing      = hearingComponent.GetComponent <Text>();
        textTaste        = tasteComponent.GetComponent <Text>();
        textTouch        = touchComponent.GetComponent <Text>();
        textSpeech       = speechComponent.GetComponent <Text>();
        commandTextField = statusPanel.Find("CommandText").GetComponent <Text>();
        statusTextField  = statusPanel.Find("StatusText").GetComponent <Text>();
        textTaste.text   = "";
        textVision.text  = "";
        textSmell.text   = "";
        textHearing.text = "";
        textTouch.text   = "";
        textSpeech.text  = "";

        if (timePanel != null)
            playButton  = timePanel.Find("PlayButton").GetComponent <UnityEngine.UI.Button>();
            pauseButton = timePanel.Find("PauseButton").GetComponent <UnityEngine.UI.Button>();
            stopButton  = timePanel.Find("StopButton").GetComponent <UnityEngine.UI.Button>();
            //stopButton.interactable = false;
        Debug.Log("RHS>>> " + this.name + " is ready.");