public RunConfiguration(SimulationSize simulationSize, StartUtilizationPercent startPercent, LoadChangeAction changeAction, LoadPrediction loadPrediction, Strategies strategy, AuctionTypes pushAuctionType, AuctionTypes pullAuctionType, SchedulingAlgorithm schedulingAlgorithm, TestedHosts testedHosts, ContainersType containersType, bool networkDealy, int trialId) { LoadPrediction = loadPrediction; SimulationSize = simulationSize; StartPercent = startPercent; Strategy = strategy; PushAuctionType = pushAuctionType; PullAuctionType = pullAuctionType; SchedulingAlgorithm = schedulingAlgorithm; ChangeAction = changeAction; TestedHosts = testedHosts; ContainersType = containersType; NetworkDealy = networkDealy; TrialId = trialId; }
public ContainerFactory(ContainersType containertype, SimulationSize simulationSize, LoadPrediction predictionStrategy) { Containertype = containertype; _simulationSize = simulationSize; this.predictionStrategy = predictionStrategy; random = new Random(Guid.NewGuid().GetHashCode()); }
public DockerRegistryMachine(int machineId, NetworkSwitch networkSwitch, SimulationSize simulationSize) : base(machineId, networkSwitch) { _registryTable = new RegistryTable(simulationSize); //StartMachine(); }
public static void UpdateTime(SimulationSize simulationSize, Strategies strategy) { switch (simulationSize) { case SimulationSize.Twenty: Second = strategy != Strategies.Zhao ? 5 : 10; break; case SimulationSize.Fifty: Second = strategy != Strategies.Zhao ? 8 : 20; break; case SimulationSize.Hundred: Second = strategy != Strategies.Zhao ? 15 : 40; break; case SimulationSize.TwoHundred: Second = strategy != Strategies.Zhao ? 20 : 60; break; default: throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(); } AccountTime = 60 * Second; CheckRate = 20 * Second; }
public ForsmanHostHandler(NetworkInterfaceCard communicationModule, ContainerTable containerTable, ILoadManager loadManager, StrategyActionType currentActionType, SimulationSize simulationSize) : base(communicationModule, containerTable, loadManager) { _currentActionType = currentActionType; SimulationSize = simulationSize; MaxUtilization = Global.OtherMaxUtilization; MinUtilization = Global.OtherMinUtilization; }
public RegistryTable(SimulationSize simulationSize) { dictionary = FillContainerRegistry(simulationSize); pullsPerImage = new Dictionary <int, int>(); foreach (var item in dictionary) { pullsPerImage.Add(item.Key, 0); } }
public HostFactory(Load hostLoad, NetworkSwitch networkSwitchObject, LoadPrediction loadPrediction, Strategies currentStrategy, ContainersType containerTypes, SimulationSize simulationSize) : base(networkSwitchObject) { this.hostLoad = hostLoad; _networkSwitchObject = networkSwitchObject; this.loadPrediction = loadPrediction; this.currentStrategy = currentStrategy; this.containerTypes = containerTypes; this.simulationSize = simulationSize; }
public HostMachine(int id, Load maxLoad, NetworkSwitch networkSwitch, LoadPrediction currentLoadPrediction, Strategies strategy, ContainersType containerType, SimulationSize simulationSize) : base(id, networkSwitch) { if (containerType == ContainersType.D) { _containerTable = new DockerContainerTable(id, new ImageManager(this.CommunicationModule)); } else { _containerTable = new ContainerTable(id); } _loadManager = new HostLoadManager(this.MachineId, maxLoad, currentLoadPrediction, this.CommunicationModule, _containerTable); switch (strategy) { case Strategies.WAshraf2017Auction: _handler = new WAshrafHostHandlerModule(CommunicationModule, _containerTable, _loadManager); break; case Strategies.WAshraf2017: _handler = new WAshrafHostHandlerModule(CommunicationModule, _containerTable, _loadManager); break; case Strategies.Zhao: _handler = new ZhaoHostHandler(CommunicationModule, _containerTable, _loadManager, Global.CommonLoadManager); break; case Strategies.ForsmanPush: _handler = new ForsmanHostHandler(CommunicationModule, _containerTable, _loadManager, StrategyActionType.PushAction, simulationSize); break; case Strategies.ForsmanPull: _handler = new ForsmanHostHandler(CommunicationModule, _containerTable, _loadManager, StrategyActionType.PullAction, simulationSize); break; case Strategies.Proposed2018: _handler = new ProposedHostHandlerModule(CommunicationModule, _containerTable, _loadManager); break; default: throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(strategy), strategy, null); } }
/// <summary> /// The Images count is 15 * the simulation size /// The images is almost equals the number of containers /// </summary> /// <param name="simulationSize"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static Dictionary <int, Image> FillContainerRegistry(SimulationSize simulationSize) { Random random = new Random(Guid.NewGuid().GetHashCode()); var dic = new Dictionary <int, Image>(); int size = (int)simulationSize; for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { int imageSize = (int)random.NextGaussian(50, 20); dic.Add(i, new Image(i, $"Base {i}", imageSize)); } for (int i = 0; i < 2 * size; i++) { var id = i + size; var bimg = random.Next(0, size); int imageSize = (int)random.NextGaussian(50, 20); dic.Add(id, new Image(id, $"Level {id}", imageSize, bimg)); } for (int i = 0; i < 3 * size; i++) { var id = i + 3 * size; var bimg = random.Next(size, 3 * size); int imageSize = (int)random.NextGaussian(50, 20); dic.Add(id, new Image(id, $"Final {id}", imageSize, bimg)); } for (int i = 0; i < 4 * size; i++) { var id = i + 6 * size; var bimg = random.Next(3 * size, 6 * size); int imageSize = (int)random.NextGaussian(50, 20); dic.Add(id, new Image(id, $"Final {id}", imageSize, bimg)); } //for (int i = 0; i < 5 * size; i++) //{ // var id = i + 10 * size; // var bimg = random.Next(6*size, 10 * size); // int imageSize = (int)random.NextGaussian(50, 20); // dic.Add(id, new Image(id, $"Final {id}", imageSize, bimg)); //} return(dic); }
public static List <Load> GenerateLoadList(StartUtilizationPercent utilizationPercent, SimulationSize currentSimulationSize) { List <Load> loads = new List <Load>(); int max = (int)utilizationPercent; Random random = new Random(Guid.NewGuid().GetHashCode()); max = max + random.Next(-20, 20); //max *= (int) currentSimulationSize; int c = 0; double total = 0; while (total < max) { var l = GetRandomLoad(); loads.Add(l); total += l.CpuLoad; c++; } //conList.RemoveAt(conList.Count-1); var cpu = loads.Select(x => x.CpuLoad).Sum(); var mem = loads.Select(x => x.MemorySize).Sum(); return(loads); }
public MeasureValueHolder ReadDataFromDisk(string mainFile) { var config = mainFile.Split('\\'); SimulationSize simulationSize = (SimulationSize)Convert.ToInt32(config[3]); StartUtilizationPercent perecent = (StartUtilizationPercent)Enum.Parse(typeof(StartUtilizationPercent), config[4].Split('_')[0]); LoadChangeAction changeAction = (LoadChangeAction)Enum.Parse(typeof(LoadChangeAction), config[4].Split('_')[1]); LoadPrediction loadPrediction = (LoadPrediction)Enum.Parse(typeof(LoadPrediction), config[5]); SchedulingAlgorithm schedulingAlgorithm = (SchedulingAlgorithm)Enum.Parse(typeof(SchedulingAlgorithm), config[6]); Strategies strategy = (Strategies)Enum.Parse(typeof(Strategies), config[7].Split('_')[0]); ContainersType containerType = (ContainersType)Enum.Parse(typeof(ContainersType), config[7].Split('_')[1]); AuctionTypes pushAuctionType = (AuctionTypes)Enum.Parse(typeof(AuctionTypes), config[8].Split('_')[0]); AuctionTypes pullAuctionType = (AuctionTypes)Enum.Parse(typeof(AuctionTypes), config[8].Split('_')[1]); TestedHosts testedHosts = (TestedHosts)Enum.Parse(typeof(TestedHosts), config[9]); bool delay = bool.Parse(config[10]); int TrialId = int.Parse(config[11]); var conf = new RunConfiguration(simulationSize, perecent, changeAction, loadPrediction, strategy, pushAuctionType, pullAuctionType, schedulingAlgorithm, testedHosts, containerType, delay, TrialId); MeasureValueHolder holder = new MeasureValueHolder(conf); using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(mainFile)) { reader.ReadLine(); while (!reader.EndOfStream) { var line = reader.ReadLine().Split(','); int i = Convert.ToInt32(line[0]); double entropy = Convert.ToDouble(line[1]); double predictedEntropy = Convert.ToDouble(line[2]); double avgRealVolume = Convert.ToDouble(line[3]); double avgPredictedVolume = Convert.ToDouble(line[4]); double idealHostCount = Convert.ToDouble(line[5]); double noHosts = Convert.ToDouble(line[6]); double underHosts = Convert.ToDouble(line[7]); double overHosts = Convert.ToDouble(line[8]); double normalHosts = Convert.ToDouble(line[9]); double evacuatingHosts = Convert.ToDouble(line[10]); double migrations = Convert.ToDouble(line[11]); double pushRequests = Convert.ToDouble(line[12]); double pushLoadAvailabilityRequest = Convert.ToDouble(line[13]); double pullRequests = Convert.ToDouble(line[14]); double pullLoadAvailabilityRequest = Convert.ToDouble(line[15]); double totalMessages = Convert.ToDouble(line[16]); double slaViolationsCount = Convert.ToDouble(line[17]); double slaViolationsPercent = Convert.ToDouble(line[18]); double minNeeded = Convert.ToDouble(line[19]); double maxNeeded = Convert.ToDouble(line[20]); double power = Convert.ToDouble(line[21]); double stdDev = Convert.ToDouble(line[22]); double imagePulls = Convert.ToDouble(line[23]); double communicatedSize = Convert.ToDouble(line[24]); MeasuresValues m = new MeasuresValues(pushRequests, pullRequests, idealHostCount, noHosts, migrations, totalMessages, entropy, predictedEntropy, pushLoadAvailabilityRequest, pullLoadAvailabilityRequest, avgRealVolume, avgPredictedVolume, minNeeded, maxNeeded, underHosts, overHosts, normalHosts, evacuatingHosts, slaViolationsCount, slaViolationsPercent, power, stdDev, imagePulls, communicatedSize); holder.MeasuredValuesList.Add(m); } } var nfile = mainFile.Replace("All", "ConMig"); using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(new FileStream(nfile, FileMode.Open))) { reader.ReadLine(); while (!reader.EndOfStream) { var line = reader.ReadLine().Split(','); int conId = Convert.ToInt32(line[0]); double count = Convert.ToDouble(line[1]); double time = Convert.ToDouble(line[2]); holder.ContainerMeasureValuesList.Add(conId, new ContainerMeasureValue(conId, count, time)); } } nfile = mainFile.Replace("All", "Hosts"); using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(new FileStream(nfile, FileMode.Open))) { List <HostLoadInfo> list = new List <HostLoadInfo>(); int current = 0; reader.ReadLine(); while (!reader.EndOfStream) { //iteration,Id,cpu,mem,io,concount,cpuutil,memutil,ioutil, var line = reader.ReadLine().Split(','); int it = Convert.ToInt32(line[0]); int hostId = Convert.ToInt32(line[1]); double cpu = Convert.ToDouble(line[2]); double mem = Convert.ToDouble(line[3]); double io = Convert.ToDouble(line[4]); int concount = Convert.ToInt32(line[5]); double cpuutil = Convert.ToDouble(line[6]); double memutil = Convert.ToDouble(line[7]); double ioutil = Convert.ToDouble(line[8]); double dataSizeOut = Convert.ToDouble(line[9]); double dataSizeIn = Convert.ToDouble(line[10]); var linfo = new HostLoadInfo(hostId, new Load(cpu, mem, io), concount, cpuutil, memutil, ioutil, dataSizeOut, dataSizeIn); if (it == current) { list.Add(linfo); } else { holder.HostMeasureValuesList.Add(new HostMeasureValues(list)); list.Clear(); list.Add(linfo); current++; } } } if (containerType == ContainersType.D) { nfile = mainFile.Replace("All", "PullsPerImage"); using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(new FileStream(nfile, FileMode.Open))) { reader.ReadLine(); while (!reader.EndOfStream) { var line = reader.ReadLine().Split(','); int ImageId = Convert.ToInt32(line[0]); int Pulls = Convert.ToInt32(line[1]); holder.PullsPerImage.Add(ImageId, Pulls); } } } return(holder); }
public RegistryFactory(NetworkSwitch networkSwitch, SimulationSize simulationSize) : base(networkSwitch) { SimulationSize = simulationSize; }