public CTCGUITest() { //using all testing classes the ctc office (created a new instance of ctc) //create environment instance _env = new SimulationEnvironment.SimulationEnvironment(); //create testing track model _trackMod = new TestingTrackModel(_env); //creating testing track controllers _red = new TestingTrackController(0, _trackMod, _env, true); _green = new TestingTrackController(1, _trackMod, _env, true); //hook to environment _env.PrimaryTrackControllerRed = _red; _env.PrimaryTrackControllerGreen = _green; _env.TrackModel = _trackMod; //creating office instance _ctc = new CTCOffice.CTCOffice(_env, _red, _green); _env.CTCOffice = _ctc; _ctc.StartAutomation += new EventHandler <EventArgs>(_ctc_StartAutomation); _ctc.StopAutomation += new EventHandler <EventArgs>(_ctc_StopAutomation); //making Request Panel Objects (For red and green) _redRequest = new RequestFrame("Red", _red); _greenRequest = new RequestFrame("Green", _green); //creating office gui _ctcGui = new CTCOfficeGUI(_env, _ctc); _ctcGui.ShowSchedule += new EventHandler <EventArgs>(_ctcGui_ShowSchedule); var MyTestingControls = new TestingControls(_trackMod); //creating testing gui _control = new OfficeGUITest( _ctcGui, _redRequest, _greenRequest, MyTestingControls ); _env.StartTick(); Form f = new Form(); f.AutoSize = true; f.Text = "CTC Office Standalone GUI Test"; f.Controls.Add(_control); f.Show(); }
public CTCGUITest() { //using all testing classes the ctc office (created a new instance of ctc) //create environment instance _env = new SimulationEnvironment.SimulationEnvironment(); //create testing track model _trackMod = new TestingTrackModel(_env); //creating testing track controllers _red = new TestingTrackController(0,_trackMod,_env, true); _green = new TestingTrackController(1,_trackMod,_env, true); //hook to environment _env.PrimaryTrackControllerRed = _red; _env.PrimaryTrackControllerGreen = _green; _env.TrackModel = _trackMod; //creating office instance _ctc = new CTCOffice.CTCOffice(_env, _red, _green); _env.CTCOffice = _ctc; _ctc.StartAutomation += new EventHandler<EventArgs>(_ctc_StartAutomation); _ctc.StopAutomation += new EventHandler<EventArgs>(_ctc_StopAutomation); //making Request Panel Objects (For red and green) _redRequest = new RequestFrame("Red", _red); _greenRequest = new RequestFrame("Green", _green); //creating office gui _ctcGui = new CTCOfficeGUI(_env, _ctc); _ctcGui.ShowSchedule += new EventHandler<EventArgs>(_ctcGui_ShowSchedule); var MyTestingControls = new TestingControls(_trackMod); //creating testing gui _control = new OfficeGUITest( _ctcGui, _redRequest, _greenRequest, MyTestingControls ); _env.StartTick(); Form f = new Form(); f.AutoSize = true; f.Text = "CTC Office Standalone GUI Test"; f.Controls.Add(_control); f.Show(); }
private static Form GuiTestFramework(int test) { //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Initializations // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Environment object var environment = new SimulationEnvironment.SimulationEnvironment(); IBlock b0 = new TrackModel.Block(1, StateEnum.Healthy, 0, 0, 0, new[] {0, 0}, 10, DirEnum.East, new[] {""}, 0, 0, 0, "Red",70); IBlock b1 = new TrackModel.Block(2, StateEnum.Healthy, 1, 0, 0, new[] {1, 1}, 10, DirEnum.East, new[] {""}, 0, 0, 0, "Red",70); IBlock b2 = new TrackModel.Block(3, StateEnum.Healthy, 2, 0, 0, new[] {2, 2}, 10, DirEnum.East, new[] {""}, 0, 0, 0, "Red",70); IBlock b3 = new TrackModel.Block(4, StateEnum.BrokenTrackFailure, 3, 0, 0, new[] {3, 3}, 10, DirEnum.East, new[] {""}, 0, 0, 0, "Red",70); var sectionA = new List<IBlock> {b0}; var sectionB = new List<IBlock> {b1, b2}; var sectionC = new List<IBlock> {b3}; // Previous track controller's circuit var prevCircuit = new TrackCircuit(environment, sectionA); // Our track circuit var currCircuit = new TrackCircuit(environment, sectionB); // Next track controller's circuit var nextCircuit = new TrackCircuit(environment, sectionC); var prev = new TrackController.TrackController(environment, prevCircuit); var curr = new TrackController.TrackController(environment, currCircuit); var next = new TrackController.TrackController(environment, nextCircuit); //Create TrackModel var trackMod = new TrackModel.TrackModel(environment); //Let TrackModel read in the lines before you proceed..shouldnt be done this way, but needed to stop CTC Office from faulting bool res = trackMod.provideInputFile("red.csv"); //Console.WriteLine("Res was "+res); res = trackMod.provideInputFile("green.csv"); //Console.WriteLine("Res was " + res); environment.TrackModel = trackMod; prev.Previous = null; prev.Next = curr; curr.Previous = prev; curr.Next = next; next.Previous = curr; next.Next = null; // Assign the same track controller to both lines var office = new CTCOffice.CTCOffice(environment, prev, prev); environment.CTCOffice = office; environment.PrimaryTrackControllerGreen = prev; environment.PrimaryTrackControllerRed = prev; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // End Initializations // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// var form = new Form(); var control = new UserControl(); switch (test) { case 0: // SystemScheduler var testSystemScheduler = new SystemScheduler.SystemScheduler(environment, office); control = new SystemSchedulerGUI(environment, testSystemScheduler, office); environment.StartTick(); break; case 1: // CTCOffice environment = null; b0 = null; b1 = null; b2 = null; b3 = null; sectionA = null; sectionB = null; sectionC = null; prevCircuit = null; currCircuit = null; nextCircuit = null; prev = null; curr = null; next = null; trackMod = null; office = null; new CTCGUITest(); break; case 2: // TrackModel control = new TrackModelGUI(environment, trackMod); break; case 3: // TrackController ITrainModel t = new Train(0, b0, environment); environment.AllTrains.Add(t); prevCircuit.Trains.Add(0, t); control = new TrackControllerUi(environment, environment.PrimaryTrackControllerRed); break; case 4: // TrainModel var loc = new int[2]; loc[0] = 10; loc[1] = 10; var start = new Block(0, StateEnum.Healthy, 0, 0, -0.02, loc, 100, DirEnum.East, null, 1, 2, 0, "Red",70); environment.AddTrain(new Train(0, start, environment)); environment.AddTrain(new Train(1, start, environment)); var train0 = (Train)environment.AllTrains[0]; train0.ChangeMovement(200); control = new TrainGUI(environment); break; case 5: // TrainController var loc2 = new int[2]; loc2[0] = 10; loc2[1] = 10; var start2 = new Block(0, StateEnum.Healthy, 0, 0, 0, loc2, 100, DirEnum.East, null, 1, 2, 0, "Red",70); var tc = new TrainController.TrainController(environment, new Train(0, start2, environment)); control = new TrainControllerUI(tc, environment); break; } if (environment != null) { environment.StartTick(); } if (form != null) { form.Controls.Add(control); form.AutoSize = true; } else { return null; } return form; }
public bool DoTest(out int pass, out int fail, out List<string> message) { pass = 0; fail = 0; message = new List<string>(); ISimulationEnvironment environment = new SimulationEnvironment.SimulationEnvironment(); SystemScheduler.CTC_Dummy fakeCTC = new SystemScheduler.CTC_Dummy(environment); CTCOffice.TestingTrackModel tm = new CTCOffice.TestingTrackModel(environment); environment.TrackModel = tm; var testSystemScheduler = new SystemScheduler.SystemScheduler(environment, fakeCTC); environment.StartTick(); ///////////////////////////////// //Test 1 //Check that there is no initial dispatch database loaded if (testSystemScheduler.DispatchDatabase == null) { pass++; message.Add("Pass: The DispatchDatabase is initially null"); } else { fail++; message.Add("Fail: The DispatchDatabase is not initially null. Did you hardcode it to load, you n00b?"); } //End test 1 ///////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////// //Test 2 //Attempt to load a database that doesn't exist testSystemScheduler.NewFile("theresnowaythisactuallyexistslol"); if (testSystemScheduler.DispatchDatabase == null) { pass++; message.Add("Pass: The scheduler responded correctly to an attempt to load a missing file."); } else { fail++; message.Add("Fail: I'm not sure how you would get here, but just in case, your scheduler is loading from files that don't exist. Nice."); } //End test 2 ///////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////// //Test 3 //Attempt to load a database that isn't properly formatted testSystemScheduler.NewFile("..\\..\\Resources\\Computer Benchmarks.csv"); if (testSystemScheduler.DispatchDatabase == null) { pass++; message.Add("Pass: The scheduler responded correctly to an attempt to load an improperly formatted file."); } else { fail++; message.Add("Fail: If you see me, it means your error checking isn't robust enough :) It loaded a bad file."); } //End test 3 ///////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////// //Test 4 //Attempt to enable the scheduler without a database loaded - it should fail fakeCTC.StartScheduling(); if (testSystemScheduler.IsEnabled == false) { pass++; message.Add("Pass: The scheduler responded correctly to an attempt to enable automated scheduling before loading a database."); } else { fail++; message.Add("Fail: The scheduler allowed itself to be enabled before the database was loaded. This is like 2 steps away from SkyNet. Fix it!"); } //End test 4 ///////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////// //Test 5 //Attempt to load a correctly formatted database testSystemScheduler.NewFile("..\\..\\Resources\\Correct File.csv"); if (testSystemScheduler.DispatchDatabase.SuccessfulParse == true) { pass++; message.Add("Pass: The scheduler loaded in the values from a database."); } else { fail++; message.Add("Fail: Your scheduler did not load in the data it was supposed to. Find out what went wrong!"); } //End test 5 ///////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////// //Test 6 //Did it load the correct number of dispatches if (testSystemScheduler.DispatchDatabase.DispatchList.Count == 5) { pass++; message.Add("Pass: The scheduler loaded in the correct number of values from a database."); } else { fail++; message.Add("Fail: Your scheduler did not load in the correct amount of data it was supposed to. Check the file to see if it's messed up."); } //End test 6 ///////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////// //Test 7 //Can it delete from the database testSystemScheduler.DispatchDatabase.RemoveDispatch(1); if (testSystemScheduler.DispatchDatabase.DispatchList.Count == 4) { pass++; message.Add("Pass: The scheduler was able to remove a dispatch from its database."); } else { fail++; message.Add("Fail: Your scheduler did not remove a record from the database. Check to make sure the file is okay."); } //End test 7 ///////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////// //Test 8 //Can it add to the database testSystemScheduler.DispatchDatabase.AddDispatch("-1", "3:00 AM", "1", "Red", "0"); testSystemScheduler.DispatchDatabase.AddDispatch("-1", "3:00 AM", "1", "Red", "0"); if (testSystemScheduler.DispatchDatabase.DispatchList.Count == 6) { pass++; message.Add("Pass: The scheduler was able to add 2 dispatch orders to its database."); } else { fail++; message.Add("Fail: Your scheduler did not add records to the database. Find out what went wrong."); } //End test 8 ///////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////// //Test 9 //Can it add to the database without generating a new ID testSystemScheduler.DispatchDatabase.AddDispatch("7", "3:00 AM", "1", "Green", "1"); if (testSystemScheduler.DispatchDatabase.DispatchList.Count == 7) { pass++; message.Add("Pass: The scheduler was able to add a dispatch order without generating and ID to its database."); } else { fail++; message.Add("Fail: Your scheduler did not add records to the database as would occur in an edit. If test 7 works, you can probably guess where this is broken."); } //End test 9 ///////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////// //Test 10 //Attempt to enable the scheduler with a database loaded - it should be ok fakeCTC.StartScheduling(); if (testSystemScheduler.IsEnabled == true) { pass++; message.Add("Pass: The scheduler responded correctly to an attempt to enable automated scheduling."); } else { fail++; message.Add("Fail: The scheduler was not enabled after a call was made for it to do just that. For shame."); } //End test 10 ///////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////// //Test 11 //Attempt to disable the scheduler with a database loaded - it should be ok fakeCTC.StopScheduling(); if (testSystemScheduler.IsEnabled == false) { pass++; message.Add("Pass: The scheduler responded correctly to an attempt to disable automated scheduling."); } else { fail++; message.Add("Fail: The scheduler was not disabled after a call was made for it to do just that. For shame. Again."); } //End test 11 ///////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////// //Test 12 //Check to see if time is running for the scheduler DateTime temporaryTime = testSystemScheduler.SchedulerTime; System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(5000); if (!testSystemScheduler.SchedulerTime.Equals(temporaryTime)) { pass++; message.Add("Pass: The scheduler is incrementing the time correctly. Thank god for that."); } else { fail++; message.Add("Fail: The scheduler is not incrementing time correctly. You are so screwed."); } //End test 12 ///////////////////////////////// return true; }
public bool DoTest(out int pass, out int fail, out List <string> message) { pass = 0; fail = 0; message = new List <string>(); ISimulationEnvironment environment = new SimulationEnvironment.SimulationEnvironment(); SystemScheduler.CTC_Dummy fakeCTC = new SystemScheduler.CTC_Dummy(environment); CTCOffice.TestingTrackModel tm = new CTCOffice.TestingTrackModel(environment); environment.TrackModel = tm; var testSystemScheduler = new SystemScheduler.SystemScheduler(environment, fakeCTC); environment.StartTick(); ///////////////////////////////// //Test 1 //Check that there is no initial dispatch database loaded if (testSystemScheduler.DispatchDatabase == null) { pass++; message.Add("Pass: The DispatchDatabase is initially null"); } else { fail++; message.Add("Fail: The DispatchDatabase is not initially null. Did you hardcode it to load, you n00b?"); } //End test 1 ///////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////// //Test 2 //Attempt to load a database that doesn't exist testSystemScheduler.NewFile("theresnowaythisactuallyexistslol"); if (testSystemScheduler.DispatchDatabase == null) { pass++; message.Add("Pass: The scheduler responded correctly to an attempt to load a missing file."); } else { fail++; message.Add("Fail: I'm not sure how you would get here, but just in case, your scheduler is loading from files that don't exist. Nice."); } //End test 2 ///////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////// //Test 3 //Attempt to load a database that isn't properly formatted testSystemScheduler.NewFile("..\\..\\Resources\\Computer Benchmarks.csv"); if (testSystemScheduler.DispatchDatabase == null) { pass++; message.Add("Pass: The scheduler responded correctly to an attempt to load an improperly formatted file."); } else { fail++; message.Add("Fail: If you see me, it means your error checking isn't robust enough :) It loaded a bad file."); } //End test 3 ///////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////// //Test 4 //Attempt to enable the scheduler without a database loaded - it should fail fakeCTC.StartScheduling(); if (testSystemScheduler.IsEnabled == false) { pass++; message.Add("Pass: The scheduler responded correctly to an attempt to enable automated scheduling before loading a database."); } else { fail++; message.Add("Fail: The scheduler allowed itself to be enabled before the database was loaded. This is like 2 steps away from SkyNet. Fix it!"); } //End test 4 ///////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////// //Test 5 //Attempt to load a correctly formatted database testSystemScheduler.NewFile("..\\..\\Resources\\Correct File.csv"); if (testSystemScheduler.DispatchDatabase.SuccessfulParse == true) { pass++; message.Add("Pass: The scheduler loaded in the values from a database."); } else { fail++; message.Add("Fail: Your scheduler did not load in the data it was supposed to. Find out what went wrong!"); } //End test 5 ///////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////// //Test 6 //Did it load the correct number of dispatches if (testSystemScheduler.DispatchDatabase.DispatchList.Count == 5) { pass++; message.Add("Pass: The scheduler loaded in the correct number of values from a database."); } else { fail++; message.Add("Fail: Your scheduler did not load in the correct amount of data it was supposed to. Check the file to see if it's messed up."); } //End test 6 ///////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////// //Test 7 //Can it delete from the database testSystemScheduler.DispatchDatabase.RemoveDispatch(1); if (testSystemScheduler.DispatchDatabase.DispatchList.Count == 4) { pass++; message.Add("Pass: The scheduler was able to remove a dispatch from its database."); } else { fail++; message.Add("Fail: Your scheduler did not remove a record from the database. Check to make sure the file is okay."); } //End test 7 ///////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////// //Test 8 //Can it add to the database testSystemScheduler.DispatchDatabase.AddDispatch("-1", "3:00 AM", "1", "Red", "0"); testSystemScheduler.DispatchDatabase.AddDispatch("-1", "3:00 AM", "1", "Red", "0"); if (testSystemScheduler.DispatchDatabase.DispatchList.Count == 6) { pass++; message.Add("Pass: The scheduler was able to add 2 dispatch orders to its database."); } else { fail++; message.Add("Fail: Your scheduler did not add records to the database. Find out what went wrong."); } //End test 8 ///////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////// //Test 9 //Can it add to the database without generating a new ID testSystemScheduler.DispatchDatabase.AddDispatch("7", "3:00 AM", "1", "Green", "1"); if (testSystemScheduler.DispatchDatabase.DispatchList.Count == 7) { pass++; message.Add("Pass: The scheduler was able to add a dispatch order without generating and ID to its database."); } else { fail++; message.Add("Fail: Your scheduler did not add records to the database as would occur in an edit. If test 7 works, you can probably guess where this is broken."); } //End test 9 ///////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////// //Test 10 //Attempt to enable the scheduler with a database loaded - it should be ok fakeCTC.StartScheduling(); if (testSystemScheduler.IsEnabled == true) { pass++; message.Add("Pass: The scheduler responded correctly to an attempt to enable automated scheduling."); } else { fail++; message.Add("Fail: The scheduler was not enabled after a call was made for it to do just that. For shame."); } //End test 10 ///////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////// //Test 11 //Attempt to disable the scheduler with a database loaded - it should be ok fakeCTC.StopScheduling(); if (testSystemScheduler.IsEnabled == false) { pass++; message.Add("Pass: The scheduler responded correctly to an attempt to disable automated scheduling."); } else { fail++; message.Add("Fail: The scheduler was not disabled after a call was made for it to do just that. For shame. Again."); } //End test 11 ///////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////// //Test 12 //Check to see if time is running for the scheduler DateTime temporaryTime = testSystemScheduler.SchedulerTime; System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(5000); if (!testSystemScheduler.SchedulerTime.Equals(temporaryTime)) { pass++; message.Add("Pass: The scheduler is incrementing the time correctly. Thank god for that."); } else { fail++; message.Add("Fail: The scheduler is not incrementing time correctly. You are so screwed."); } //End test 12 ///////////////////////////////// return(true); }
private static Form GuiTestFramework(int test) { //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Initializations // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Environment object var environment = new SimulationEnvironment.SimulationEnvironment(); IBlock b0 = new TrackModel.Block(1, StateEnum.Healthy, 0, 0, 0, new[] { 0, 0 }, 10, DirEnum.East, new[] { "" }, 0, 0, 0, "Red", 70); IBlock b1 = new TrackModel.Block(2, StateEnum.Healthy, 1, 0, 0, new[] { 1, 1 }, 10, DirEnum.East, new[] { "" }, 0, 0, 0, "Red", 70); IBlock b2 = new TrackModel.Block(3, StateEnum.Healthy, 2, 0, 0, new[] { 2, 2 }, 10, DirEnum.East, new[] { "" }, 0, 0, 0, "Red", 70); IBlock b3 = new TrackModel.Block(4, StateEnum.BrokenTrackFailure, 3, 0, 0, new[] { 3, 3 }, 10, DirEnum.East, new[] { "" }, 0, 0, 0, "Red", 70); var sectionA = new List <IBlock> { b0 }; var sectionB = new List <IBlock> { b1, b2 }; var sectionC = new List <IBlock> { b3 }; // Previous track controller's circuit var prevCircuit = new TrackCircuit(environment, sectionA); // Our track circuit var currCircuit = new TrackCircuit(environment, sectionB); // Next track controller's circuit var nextCircuit = new TrackCircuit(environment, sectionC); var prev = new TrackController.TrackController(environment, prevCircuit); var curr = new TrackController.TrackController(environment, currCircuit); var next = new TrackController.TrackController(environment, nextCircuit); //Create TrackModel var trackMod = new TrackModel.TrackModel(environment); //Let TrackModel read in the lines before you proceed..shouldnt be done this way, but needed to stop CTC Office from faulting bool res = trackMod.provideInputFile("red.csv"); //Console.WriteLine("Res was "+res); res = trackMod.provideInputFile("green.csv"); //Console.WriteLine("Res was " + res); environment.TrackModel = trackMod; prev.Previous = null; prev.Next = curr; curr.Previous = prev; curr.Next = next; next.Previous = curr; next.Next = null; // Assign the same track controller to both lines var office = new CTCOffice.CTCOffice(environment, prev, prev); environment.CTCOffice = office; environment.PrimaryTrackControllerGreen = prev; environment.PrimaryTrackControllerRed = prev; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // End Initializations // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// var form = new Form(); var control = new UserControl(); switch (test) { case 0: // SystemScheduler var testSystemScheduler = new SystemScheduler.SystemScheduler(environment, office); control = new SystemSchedulerGUI(environment, testSystemScheduler, office); environment.StartTick(); break; case 1: // CTCOffice environment = null; b0 = null; b1 = null; b2 = null; b3 = null; sectionA = null; sectionB = null; sectionC = null; prevCircuit = null; currCircuit = null; nextCircuit = null; prev = null; curr = null; next = null; trackMod = null; office = null; new CTCGUITest(); break; case 2: // TrackModel control = new TrackModelGUI(environment, trackMod); break; case 3: // TrackController ITrainModel t = new Train(0, b0, environment); environment.AllTrains.Add(t); prevCircuit.Trains.Add(0, t); control = new TrackControllerUi(environment, environment.PrimaryTrackControllerRed); break; case 4: // TrainModel var loc = new int[2]; loc[0] = 10; loc[1] = 10; var start = new Block(0, StateEnum.Healthy, 0, 0, -0.02, loc, 100, DirEnum.East, null, 1, 2, 0, "Red", 70); environment.AddTrain(new Train(0, start, environment)); environment.AddTrain(new Train(1, start, environment)); var train0 = (Train)environment.AllTrains[0]; train0.ChangeMovement(200); control = new TrainGUI(environment); break; case 5: // TrainController var loc2 = new int[2]; loc2[0] = 10; loc2[1] = 10; var start2 = new Block(0, StateEnum.Healthy, 0, 0, 0, loc2, 100, DirEnum.East, null, 1, 2, 0, "Red", 70); var tc = new TrainController.TrainController(environment, new Train(0, start2, environment)); control = new TrainControllerUI(tc, environment); break; } if (environment != null) { environment.StartTick(); } if (form != null) { form.Controls.Add(control); form.AutoSize = true; } else { return(null); } return(form); }