コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Get material bitmap from texture evaluator
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="shader"></param>
        /// <param name="rm"></param>
        /// <param name="renderTexture"></param>
        /// <param name="textureType"></param>
        internal static void MaterialBitmapFromEvaluator(ref ShaderBody shader, RenderMaterial rm, RenderTexture renderTexture, RenderMaterial.StandardChildSlots textureType)
            if (renderTexture == null)

            var rId = renderTexture.RenderHashWithoutLocalMapping;

            var rhinotfm = renderTexture.LocalMappingTransform;

            var projectionMode    = renderTexture.GetProjectionMode();
            var envProjectionMode = renderTexture.GetInternalEnvironmentMappingMode();
            var repeat            = renderTexture.GetWrapType() == TextureWrapType.Repeating;

            using (var textureEvaluator = renderTexture.CreateEvaluator(RenderTexture.TextureEvaluatorFlags.DisableLocalMapping))
                SimulatedTexture st = textureEvaluator == null?renderTexture.SimulatedTexture(RenderTexture.TextureGeneration.Disallow) : null;

                using (
                    var actualEvaluator = textureEvaluator ?? RenderTexture.NewBitmapTexture(st).CreateEvaluator(RenderTexture.TextureEvaluatorFlags.DisableLocalMapping))
                    InternalMaterialBitmapFromEvaluator(shader, renderTexture, textureType, rhinotfm, rId, actualEvaluator, projectionMode, envProjectionMode, repeat);
コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        ///   This method reads the values introduced by the user and established class properties with them.
        /// </summary>
        protected override void ReadDataFromUI()
            bool hasTexture;
            var  textureParam = GetChildSlotParameter(REFLECTANCE_TEXTURE_FIELD, REFLECTANCE_TEXTURE_SLOT);

            Fields.TryGetValue(REFLECTANCE_TEXTURE_FIELD, out hasTexture);

            if (hasTexture && textureParam != null)
                //We have texture
                var tx = FindChild(REFLECTANCE_TEXTURE_FIELD);

                if (tx != null)
                    if (tx.Fields.ContainsField("filename"))
                        var fields = tx.Fields.GetField("filename");
                        Reflectance.SecondParameter = fields.ValueAsObject().ToString();
                        var text = tx as RenderTexture;

                        if (text != null)
                            var texSim = new SimulatedTexture();
                            text.SimulateTexture(ref texSim, false);
                            Reflectance.SecondParameter = texSim.Filename;
                    Reflectance.SecondParameter = string.Empty;
                //We have color
                Color4f color;
                Fields.TryGetValue(REFLECTANCE_COLOR_FIELD, out color);
                Reflectance.FirstParameter  = color;
                Reflectance.SecondParameter = string.Empty;
コード例 #3
        public override void SimulateMaterial(ref Rhino.DocObjects.Material simulatedMaterial, bool forDataOnly)
            var boolrc = false;

            boolrc = HandleTexturedValue(Pbr.BaseColor, Base);
            simulatedMaterial.DiffuseColor = Base.Value.AsSystemColor();
            if (Base.Texture != null && Base.On)
                SimulatedTexture simtex = Base.Texture.SimulatedTexture(RenderTexture.TextureGeneration.Allow);

            boolrc = HandleTexturedValue(Pbr.Metallic, Metallic);
            simulatedMaterial.Reflectivity = Metallic.Value;
            if (Metallic.Value > 0.5f)
                simulatedMaterial.DiffuseColor    = System.Drawing.Color.Black;
                simulatedMaterial.ReflectionColor = Base.Value.AsSystemColor();

            boolrc = HandleTexturedValue(Pbr.Roughness, Roughness);
            simulatedMaterial.ReflectionGlossiness = 1.0f - Roughness.Value;

            boolrc = HandleTexturedValue(Pbr.Opacity, Transmission);
            simulatedMaterial.Transparency = 1.0f - Transmission.Value;
            if (Transmission.Value > 0.5f)
                simulatedMaterial.TransparentColor = Base.Value.AsSystemColor();

            boolrc = HandleTexturedValue(Pbr.OpacityRoughness, TransmissionRoughness);
            simulatedMaterial.RefractionGlossiness = 1.0f - TransmissionRoughness.Value;
            boolrc = HandleTexturedValue(Pbr.OpacityIor, Ior);
            simulatedMaterial.IndexOfRefraction = Ior.Value;

            boolrc = HandleTexturedValue(Pbr.Bump, Bump);
            if (Bump.On && Bump.Texture != null)
                SimulatedTexture simtex = Bump.Texture.SimulatedTexture(RenderTexture.TextureGeneration.Allow);
コード例 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// This method reads the values introduced by the user and established class properties with them.
        /// </summary>
        protected override void ReadDataFromUI()
            if (_distributionCombo != null)
                Distribution = _distributionCombo.SelectedItem;
                string distribution_key;
                Fields.TryGetValue(DISTRIBUTION_FIELD, out distribution_key);

                //Setting the _distributionCombo value
                if (_distributionCombo != null)
                    _distributionCombo.SelectedItem = distribution_key;
                Distribution = distribution_key;

            //Interior Index of Refraction
            if (_intIORCombo != null)
                var myValue = StandardIORTypes.Types.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Value == _intIORCombo.SelectedItem).Key;
                IntIOR.SecondParameter = myValue;
                //If we're reading a RMTL file, take the value from this file
                string intIOR_key;
                Fields.TryGetValue(INTIOR_FIELD, out intIOR_key);

                //Set the combobox value
                string combo_value;
                StandardIORTypes.Types.TryGetValue(intIOR_key, out combo_value);
                if (_extIORCombo != null)
                    _extIORCombo.SelectedItem = combo_value;
                IntIOR.SecondParameter = combo_value;

            //Exterior Index of Refraction
            if (_extIORCombo != null)
                var myValue = StandardIORTypes.Types.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Value == _extIORCombo.SelectedItem).Key;
                ExtIOR.SecondParameter = myValue;
                //If we're reading a RMTL file, take the value from this file
                string extIOR_key;
                Fields.TryGetValue(EXTIOR_FIELD, out extIOR_key);

                //Set the combobox value
                string combo_value;
                StandardIORTypes.Types.TryGetValue(extIOR_key, out combo_value);
                if (_extIORCombo != null)
                    _extIORCombo.SelectedItem = combo_value;
                ExtIOR.SecondParameter = combo_value;

            bool hasTexture;
            var  textureParam = GetChildSlotParameter(ALPHA_TEXTURE_FIELD, ALPHA_TEXTURE_SLOT);

            Fields.TryGetValue(ALPHA_TEXTURE_FIELD, out hasTexture);

            if (hasTexture && textureParam != null)
                //We have texture
                var tx = FindChild(ALPHA_TEXTURE_FIELD);

                if (tx != null)
                    if (tx.Fields.ContainsField("filename"))
                        var fields = tx.Fields.GetField("filename");
                        Alpha.SecondParameter = fields.ValueAsObject().ToString();
                        var text = tx as RenderTexture;

                        if (text != null)
                            var texSim = new SimulatedTexture();
                            text.SimulateTexture(ref texSim, false);
                            Alpha.SecondParameter = texSim.Filename;
                    Alpha.SecondParameter = string.Empty;
                float alpha;
                Fields.TryGetValue(ALPHA_FLOAT_FIELD, out alpha);
                Alpha.FirstParameter = alpha;

            textureParam = GetChildSlotParameter(ALPHAU_TEXTURE_FIELD, ALPHAU_TEXTURE_SLOT);
            Fields.TryGetValue(ALPHAU_TEXTURE_FIELD, out hasTexture);

            if (hasTexture && textureParam != null)
                //We have texture
                var tx = FindChild(ALPHAU_TEXTURE_FIELD);

                if (tx != null)
                    if (tx.Fields.ContainsField("filename"))
                        var fields = tx.Fields.GetField("filename");
                        AlphaU.SecondParameter = fields.ValueAsObject().ToString();
                        var text = tx as RenderTexture;

                        if (text != null)
                            var texSim = new SimulatedTexture();
                            text.SimulateTexture(ref texSim, false);
                            AlphaU.SecondParameter = texSim.Filename;
                    AlphaU.SecondParameter = string.Empty;
                float alphaU;
                Fields.TryGetValue(ALPHAU_FLOAT_FIELD, out alphaU);
                AlphaU.FirstParameter = alphaU;

            textureParam = GetChildSlotParameter(ALPHAV_TEXTURE_FIELD, ALPHAV_TEXTURE_SLOT);
            Fields.TryGetValue(ALPHAV_TEXTURE_FIELD, out hasTexture);

            if (hasTexture && textureParam != null)
                //We have texture
                var tx = FindChild(ALPHAV_TEXTURE_FIELD);

                if (tx != null)
                    if (tx.Fields.ContainsField("filename"))
                        var fields = tx.Fields.GetField("filename");
                        AlphaV.SecondParameter = fields.ValueAsObject().ToString();
                        var text = tx as RenderTexture;

                        if (text != null)
                            var texSim = new SimulatedTexture();
                            text.SimulateTexture(ref texSim, false);
                            AlphaV.SecondParameter = texSim.Filename;
                    AlphaV.SecondParameter = string.Empty;
                float alphaV;
                Fields.TryGetValue(ALPHAV_FLOAT_FIELD, out alphaV);
                AlphaV.FirstParameter = alphaV;

            //Interior Index of Refraction
            //float extIOR;
            //Fields.TryGetValue(EXTIOR_FIELD, out extIOR);
            //ExtIOR.FirstParameter = extIOR;

            //Exterior Index of Refraction
            //float intIOR;
            //if (Fields.TryGetValue(INTIOR_FIELD, out intIOR))
            //    IntIOR.FirstParameter = intIOR;
            //else IntIOR.FirstParameter = -1;
コード例 #5
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        protected override void ReadDataFromUI()
            //Interior Index of Refraction
            if (_intIORCombo != null)
                var myValue = StandardIORTypes.Types.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Value == _intIORCombo.SelectedItem).Key;
                IntIOR.SecondParameter = myValue;
                //If we're reading a RMTL file, take the value from this file
                string intIOR_key;
                Fields.TryGetValue(INTIOR_FIELD, out intIOR_key);

                //Set the combobox value
                string combo_value;
                StandardIORTypes.Types.TryGetValue(intIOR_key, out combo_value);
                if (_extIORCombo != null)
                    _extIORCombo.SelectedItem = combo_value;
                IntIOR.SecondParameter = combo_value;

            //Exterior Index of Refraction
            if (_extIORCombo != null)
                var myValue = StandardIORTypes.Types.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Value == _extIORCombo.SelectedItem).Key;
                ExtIOR.SecondParameter = myValue;
                //If we're reading a RMTL file, take the value from this file
                string extIOR_key;
                Fields.TryGetValue(EXTIOR_FIELD, out extIOR_key);

                //Set the combobox value
                string combo_value;
                StandardIORTypes.Types.TryGetValue(extIOR_key, out combo_value);
                if (_extIORCombo != null)
                    _extIORCombo.SelectedItem = combo_value;
                ExtIOR.SecondParameter = combo_value;

            //Exterior Index of Refraction
            //float extIOR;
            //Fields.TryGetValue(EXTIOR_FIELD, out extIOR);
            //ExtIOR.FirstParameter = extIOR;

            //Interior Index of Refraction
            //float intIOR;
            //if (Fields.TryGetValue(INTIOR_FIELD, out intIOR)) IntIOR.FirstParameter = intIOR;

            //Diffuse Refectance
            bool hasTexture;
            var  textureParam = GetChildSlotParameter(REFLECTANCE_TEXTURE_FIELD, REFLECTANCE_TEXTURE_SLOT);

            Fields.TryGetValue(REFLECTANCE_TEXTURE_FIELD, out hasTexture);

            if (hasTexture && textureParam != null)
                //We have texture
                var tx = FindChild(REFLECTANCE_TEXTURE_FIELD);

                if (tx != null)
                    if (tx.Fields.ContainsField("filename"))
                        var fields = tx.Fields.GetField("filename");
                        DiffuseReflectance.SecondParameter = fields.ValueAsObject().ToString();
                        var text = tx as RenderTexture;

                        if (text != null)
                            var texSim = new SimulatedTexture();
                            text.SimulateTexture(ref texSim, false);
                            DiffuseReflectance.SecondParameter = texSim.Filename;
                    DiffuseReflectance.SecondParameter = string.Empty;
                //We have color
                Color4f color;
                Fields.TryGetValue(REFLECTANCE_COLOR_FIELD, out color);
                DiffuseReflectance.FirstParameter  = color;
                DiffuseReflectance.SecondParameter = string.Empty;

            bool nonLinear;

            if (Fields.TryGetValue(NONLINEAR_FIELD, out nonLinear))
                Nonlinear = nonLinear;
コード例 #6
 /// <summary>
 /// Converts a SimulatedTexture to a RenderTexture
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="simTex"></param>
 /// <param name="doc"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static RenderTexture ToRenderTexture(this SimulatedTexture simTex, RhinoDoc doc)
     return(RenderTexture.NewBitmapTexture(simTex, doc));
コード例 #7
        /// <summary>
        /// This method reads the values introduced by the user and established class properties with them.
        /// </summary>
        protected override void ReadDataFromUI()
            bool hasTexture;
            var  textureParam = GetChildSlotParameter(REFLECTANCE_TEXTURE_FIELD, REFLECTANCE_TEXTURE_SLOT);

            Fields.TryGetValue(REFLECTANCE_TEXTURE_FIELD, out hasTexture);

            if (hasTexture && textureParam != null)
                //We have texture
                var tx = FindChild(REFLECTANCE_TEXTURE_FIELD);

                if (tx != null)
                    if (tx.Fields.ContainsField("filename"))
                        var fields = tx.Fields.GetField("filename");
                        Reflectance.SecondParameter = fields.ValueAsObject().ToString();
                        var text = tx as RenderTexture;

                        if (text != null)
                            var texSim = new SimulatedTexture();
                            text.SimulateTexture(ref texSim, false);
                            Reflectance.SecondParameter = texSim.Filename;
                    Reflectance.SecondParameter = string.Empty;
                //We have color
                Color4f color;
                Fields.TryGetValue(REFLECTANCE_COLOR_FIELD, out color);
                Reflectance.FirstParameter  = color;
                Reflectance.SecondParameter = string.Empty;

            textureParam = GetChildSlotParameter(ALPHA_TEXTURE_FIELD, ALPHA_TEXTURE_SLOT);
            Fields.TryGetValue(ALPHA_TEXTURE_FIELD, out hasTexture);

            if (hasTexture && textureParam != null)
                //We have texture
                var tx = FindChild(ALPHA_TEXTURE_FIELD);

                if (tx != null)
                    if (tx.Fields.ContainsField("filename"))
                        var fields = tx.Fields.GetField("filename");
                        Alpha.SecondParameter = fields.ValueAsObject().ToString();
                        var text = tx as RenderTexture;

                        if (text != null)
                            var texSim = new SimulatedTexture();
                            text.SimulateTexture(ref texSim, false);
                            Alpha.SecondParameter = texSim.Filename;
                    Alpha.SecondParameter = string.Empty;
                float alpha;
                Fields.TryGetValue(ALPHA_FLOAT_FIELD, out alpha);
                Alpha.FirstParameter        = alpha;
                Reflectance.SecondParameter = string.Empty;

            //Use fast approximation?
            bool useFastApprox;

            Fields.TryGetValue(USE_FAST_APPROX_FIELD, out useFastApprox);
            UseFastApprox = useFastApprox;
コード例 #8
        /// <summary>
        /// This method reads the values introduced by the user and established class properties with them.
        /// </summary>
        protected override void ReadDataFromUI()
            if (_materialCombo != null)
                var myValue = StandardConductorTypes.Types.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Value == _materialCombo.SelectedItem).Key;
                Material = myValue;
                //If we're reading a RMTL file, take the value from this file
                string material_key;
                Fields.TryGetValue(MATERIAL_FIELD, out material_key);

                //Set the combobox value
                string combo_value;
                StandardConductorTypes.Types.TryGetValue(material_key, out combo_value);
                if (_materialCombo != null)
                    _materialCombo.SelectedItem = combo_value;
                Material = combo_value;

            Color4f colorEta;

            Fields.TryGetValue(ETA_FIELD, out colorEta);
            Eta = colorEta;

            Color4f colorK;

            Fields.TryGetValue(K_FIELD, out colorK);
            Eta = colorK;

            bool hasTexture;
            var  textureParam = GetChildSlotParameter(EXT_ETA_TEXTURE_FIELD, EXT_ETA_TEXTURE_SLOT);

            Fields.TryGetValue(EXT_ETA_TEXTURE_FIELD, out hasTexture);

            if (hasTexture && textureParam != null)
                //We have texture
                var tx = FindChild(EXT_ETA_TEXTURE_FIELD);

                if (tx != null)
                    if (tx.Fields.ContainsField("filename"))
                        var fields = tx.Fields.GetField("filename");
                        ExtEta.SecondParameter = fields.ValueAsObject().ToString();
                        var text = tx as RenderTexture;

                        if (text != null)
                            var texSim = new SimulatedTexture();
                            text.SimulateTexture(ref texSim, false);
                            ExtEta.SecondParameter = texSim.Filename;
                    ExtEta.SecondParameter = string.Empty;
                float extEta;
                Fields.TryGetValue(EXT_ETA_FLOAT_FIELD, out extEta);
                ExtEta.FirstParameter = extEta;
コード例 #9
        /// <summary>
        /// This method reads the values introduced by the user and established class properties with them.
        /// </summary>
        protected override void ReadDataFromUI()
            if (_materialCombo != null)
                var myValue = StandardConductorTypes.Types.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Value == _materialCombo.SelectedItem).Key;
                Material = myValue;
                //If we're reading a RMTL file, take the value from this file
                string material_key;
                Fields.TryGetValue(MATERIAL_FIELD, out material_key);

                //Set the combobox value
                string combo_value;
                StandardConductorTypes.Types.TryGetValue(material_key, out combo_value);
                if (_materialCombo != null)
                    _materialCombo.SelectedItem = combo_value;
                Material = combo_value;

            if (_distributionCombo != null)
                Distribution = _distributionCombo.SelectedItem;
                string distribution_key;
                Fields.TryGetValue(DISTRIBUTION_FIELD, out distribution_key);

                //Setting the _distributionCombo value
                if (_distributionCombo != null)
                    _distributionCombo.SelectedItem = distribution_key;
                Distribution = distribution_key;

            bool hasTexture;
            var  textureParam = GetChildSlotParameter(ALPHA_TEXTURE_FIELD, ALPHA_TEXTURE_SLOT);

            Fields.TryGetValue(ALPHA_TEXTURE_FIELD, out hasTexture);

            if (hasTexture && textureParam != null)
                //We have texture
                var tx = FindChild(ALPHA_TEXTURE_FIELD);

                if (tx != null)
                    if (tx.Fields.ContainsField("filename"))
                        var fields = tx.Fields.GetField("filename");
                        Alpha.SecondParameter = fields.ValueAsObject().ToString();
                        var text = tx as RenderTexture;

                        if (text != null)
                            var texSim = new SimulatedTexture();
                            text.SimulateTexture(ref texSim, false);
                            Alpha.SecondParameter = texSim.Filename;
                    Alpha.SecondParameter = string.Empty;
                float alpha;
                Fields.TryGetValue(ALPHA_FLOAT_FIELD, out alpha);
                Alpha.FirstParameter = alpha;

            textureParam = GetChildSlotParameter(ALPHAU_TEXTURE_FIELD, ALPHAU_TEXTURE_SLOT);
            Fields.TryGetValue(ALPHAU_TEXTURE_FIELD, out hasTexture);

            if (hasTexture && textureParam != null)
                //We have texture
                var tx = FindChild(ALPHAU_TEXTURE_FIELD);

                if (tx != null)
                    if (tx.Fields.ContainsField("filename"))
                        var fields = tx.Fields.GetField("filename");
                        AlphaU.SecondParameter = fields.ValueAsObject().ToString();
                        var text = tx as RenderTexture;

                        if (text != null)
                            var texSim = new SimulatedTexture();
                            text.SimulateTexture(ref texSim, false);
                            AlphaU.SecondParameter = texSim.Filename;
                    AlphaU.SecondParameter = string.Empty;
                float alphaU;
                Fields.TryGetValue(ALPHAU_FLOAT_FIELD, out alphaU);
                AlphaU.FirstParameter = alphaU;

            textureParam = GetChildSlotParameter(ALPHAV_TEXTURE_FIELD, ALPHAV_TEXTURE_SLOT);
            Fields.TryGetValue(ALPHAV_TEXTURE_FIELD, out hasTexture);

            if (hasTexture && textureParam != null)
                //We have texture
                var tx = FindChild(ALPHAV_TEXTURE_FIELD);

                if (tx != null)
                    if (tx.Fields.ContainsField("filename"))
                        var fields = tx.Fields.GetField("filename");
                        AlphaV.SecondParameter = fields.ValueAsObject().ToString();
                        var text = tx as RenderTexture;

                        if (text != null)
                            var texSim = new SimulatedTexture();
                            text.SimulateTexture(ref texSim, false);
                            AlphaV.SecondParameter = texSim.Filename;
                    AlphaV.SecondParameter = string.Empty;
                float alphaV;
                Fields.TryGetValue(ALPHAV_FLOAT_FIELD, out alphaV);
                AlphaV.FirstParameter = alphaV;

            Color4f eta;

            Fields.TryGetValue(ETA_FIELD, out eta);
            Eta = eta;

            Color4f k;

            Fields.TryGetValue(K_FIELD, out k);
            K = k;

            textureParam = GetChildSlotParameter(EXT_ETA_TEXTURE_FIELD, EXT_ETA_TEXTURE_SLOT);
            Fields.TryGetValue(EXT_ETA_TEXTURE_FIELD, out hasTexture);

            if (hasTexture && textureParam != null)
                //We have texture
                var tx = FindChild(EXT_ETA_TEXTURE_FIELD);

                if (tx != null)
                    if (tx.Fields.ContainsField("filename"))
                        var fields = tx.Fields.GetField("filename");
                        ExtEta.SecondParameter = fields.ValueAsObject().ToString();
                        var text = tx as RenderTexture;

                        if (text != null)
                            var texSim = new SimulatedTexture();
                            text.SimulateTexture(ref texSim, false);
                            ExtEta.SecondParameter = texSim.Filename;
                    ExtEta.SecondParameter = string.Empty;
                float extEta;
                Fields.TryGetValue(EXT_ETA_FLOAT_FIELD, out extEta);
                ExtEta.FirstParameter = extEta;