コード例 #1
ファイル: WindManager.cs プロジェクト: bscal/ConquestV2
    public void SimulateWind(int iteration, SimulatedLoopHex loopedHex)
        bool contains = m_world.TryGetHexData(loopedHex.hex.Neighbor(loopedHex.obj.wind.direction), out TileObject windDirObj);

        if (!contains)

        if (windDirObj.hexData.height >= m_world.settings.mountainLvl)
            windDirObj.wind.power         = 0;
            windDirObj.wind.waterContent -= .5f;
        else if (loopedHex.obj.hexData.height <= m_world.settings.seaLvl)
            windDirObj.wind.power         = 2;
            windDirObj.wind.waterContent += 1;
            windDirObj.wind.power         = 1;
            windDirObj.wind.waterContent -= .5f;
コード例 #2
ファイル: MapGenerator.cs プロジェクト: bscal/ConquestV2
        void Update()
            if (paused)
            if (m_state == GenState.DONE)
            if (m_state != GenState.ITERATING)
                m_state = GenState.ITERATING;
            m_timer += Time.deltaTime;
            if (m_timer < 0.05f)
            m_timer = 0;
            if (m_iters > m_world.settings.numberOfIterations)
                m_state = GenState.DONE;
                print("Done simulation!");

            // Update to World
            if (m_world.worldTemp.changeType != WorldTempChangeType.ICE_AGE)
                if (Random.value > 1f - m_world.settings.iceAgeChance)
                    m_world.worldTemp.StartIceAge(new TemperatureEvent(-10, 3, 10, 6), 9);

            // Update to plates every 5 iterations.
            if (m_iters != 0 && m_iters % m_world.settings.itersForUpdate == 0)
                for (int i = m_world.plates.Count - 1; i > -1; i--)
                    Plate p = m_world.plates[i];
                    p.direction = (HexDirection)Random.Range(0, HexConstants.MAX_DIR);
                    p.movementSpeed = 100f;
                m_world.worldTemp.tempChange = Random.Range(-.3f, .3f);

            // Hex loop
            Dictionary <Hex, HexData> tempData   = new Dictionary <Hex, HexData>();
            Dictionary <int, float>   tempPlates = new Dictionary <int, float>();

            for (int r = 0; r <= m_height; r++) // height
                int r_offset = Mathf.FloorToInt(r / 2);
                for (int q = -r_offset; q <= m_width - r_offset; q++) // width with offset
                    Hex hex = new Hex(q, r, -q - r);

                    if (!m_world.ContainsHex(hex))

                    m_world.TryGetHexData(hex, out TileObject obj);
                    HexData hData = obj.hexData;

                    Plate hPlate = m_world.GetPlateByID(hData.plateId);
                    if (!tempData.ContainsKey(hex))
                        tempData.Add(hex, new HexData(hData));
                    HexData tempHexData = tempData[hex];

                    tempHexData.temp += m_world.worldTemp.FinalTempChange;

                    Hex  dirHex      = hex.Neighbor((int)hPlate.direction);
                    bool dirInBounds = m_world.TryGetHexData(dirHex, out TileObject dirObj);

                    if (!dirInBounds)
                        if (!tempPlates.ContainsKey(hPlate.id))
                            tempPlates.Add(hPlate.id, hPlate.movementSpeed - -5f);
                            tempPlates[hPlate.id] += -5f;

                    dirHex = dirObj.hex; // Reassign hex incase world wrapping is on and we need to wrap.
                    HexData dirData  = dirObj.hexData;
                    Plate   dirPlate = m_world.GetPlateByID(dirData.plateId);
                    if (!tempData.ContainsKey(dirHex))
                        tempData.Add(dirHex, new HexData(dirData));
                    HexData tempDirData = tempData[dirHex];

                    SimulatedLoopHex loopHex = new SimulatedLoopHex()
                        hex         = hex,
                        obj         = obj,
                        tempData    = tempHexData,
                        plate       = hPlate,
                        dirHex      = dirHex,
                        dirObj      = dirObj,
                        tempDirData = tempDirData

                    m_world.windManager.SimulateWind(m_iters, loopHex);

                    bool platesDiff    = hPlate.id != dirPlate.id;
                    bool platesCollide = Mathf.Abs(hPlate.direction - dirPlate.direction) == 3;

                    bool heightGTE = hData.height >= dirData.height;


                    if (hPlate.movementSpeed > 0 && platesDiff)
                        const float HEIGHT_MOD = 20f;
                        float       spd        = 0f;

                        if (heightGTE)
                            tempHexData.height        += HEIGHT_MOD;
                            tempHexData.formingMoutain = true;
                            tempHexData.moved          = true;
                            spd += (platesCollide) ? -1f : -.25f;
                            //tempHexData.height -= HEIGHT_MOD;
                            tempHexData.formingMoutain = false;
                            tempHexData.moved          = false;
                            spd += (platesCollide) ? -10f : -2.5f;

                        tempHexData.empty = false;

                        if (!tempPlates.ContainsKey(hPlate.id))
                            tempPlates.Add(hPlate.id, hPlate.movementSpeed - spd);
                            tempPlates[hPlate.id] += spd;
                    else if (hPlate.movementSpeed <= 0)
                        tempHexData.empty = false;
                        tempHexData.moved = false;

                    if (tempHexData.moved)
                        float mod = 1f;
                        if (hData.isHotSpot) // Hot spots
                            mod += 20f + m_rand.NextFloat(0f, 10f);
                        if (hData.height < SEA_LVL - 55)
                            mod += 1;
                        if (hData.age < 5) // New created land gains more height
                            mod += 15;
                        if (hData.age < 50) // New created land gains more height
                            mod += 1f;
                        if (hData.height > HILL_LVL && hData.age > 100)
                            mod -= 2f;
                        if (hData.height > HILL_LVL + 55)
                            mod -= 3f;
                        if (dirData.height > HILL_LVL + 55 && hData.height < dirData.height - 25 && !dirData.isCoast && !dirData.isOcean)
                            mod += 3f;
                        if (hData.height < dirData.height - 35 && !dirData.isCoast && !dirData.isOcean)
                            mod += 2f;

                        tempDirData.height = hData.height + mod;

                        tempDirData.empty   = false;
                        tempDirData.plateId = hPlate.id;
                    tempHexData.oldPlateId = hPlate.id;

            foreach (var pair in tempPlates)
                Plate p = m_world.GetPlateByID(pair.Key);
                p.movementSpeed = pair.Value;


            IterationEvent?.Invoke(m_iters, m_world);

            if (step)
                paused = true;
                step   = false;